This game is completely awful. The controls are finicky at best, you die way too easily, and unlike the real this app games, when you die, you don't lose coins and wait a few seconds before getting back up again, you go back to the start of the level, and without a jump button, it makes it incredibly difficult to get past obstacles especially when timed or you have an oncoming threat you're trying to get away from, as your frantic taps can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways, and simply trying to move around can trigger the dodge mechanic, which can easily send you toppling off the building. The enemies hurt you way too easily, especially if you're dealing with more than two, and hearts drop way too little. The only characters worth anything are those who can fly or regenerate health, as they can get over obstacles easily or get through the level easier if you can find a quiet corner to heal so you don't restart at the beginning. This game is not worth it. Go buy the real game on the PlayStation or Xbox, mobile games are supposed to be simple time-wasters with a little bit of challenge, this game will simply make you frustrated and angry. I managed to get through the first four main areas, all the way to Stark tower, and I didn't have one bit of fun.