Find a Grave Reviews

Find a Grave Reviews

Published by on 2024-11-07

🏷️ About: The Find a Grave app is a great way to use and add to the world’s largest free online collection of burial information. Quickly search more than 180 million graves in half a million cemeteries around the world.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 776 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

• Allows families to connect, by linking, even if they are in different places and provides a causal user benefit if they just want to know who came before them.

• Allows people to personalize the memorials, add photos, and to- with a small fee- purchase a memorial without ads and unlimited photographs.

• Provides great grave info searches, including matches by name, date, location, as well as whatever grave info is available, including locations, obituaries, etc.

• Runs nicely across different devices.

• Reads user feedback and works hard to accommodate suggestions.

Read 28 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

3.8 out of 5

I find this extremely strange. People who don’t even know someone is creating memorials within 24 hours of their deaths. Instead of focusing on memorializing a person like they will copy entire news articles about how the person died. Loved ones already know this information they shouldn’t have to have it posted on an a memorial.
When you send a message to the person that created the memorial and let them know they have incorrect information since they didn’t wait for the actual information be released the become defense and let you know your advice and opinion isn’t wanted or needed.

Cannot add memorial for those who have been cremated

I’ve been a member of Find a Grave for several years now. Find a Grave has helped me find information needed for my tree. But I’ve also discovered a lot of incorrect information.
What I find aggravating about FindaGrave is I cannot creat a memorial for my loved ones who was cremated. An members of Find a Grave who already created memorials have added burial locations that is incorrect because you must add burial locations.
Find a Grave needs to make it where those can add info without having to add a cemetery. Some people scatter their ashes. Disappointed in app.

Cemetery names & locations

In Louisville, Ky their are two large separate cemeteries that are adjacent to each other. A large wall separates them. Each has a separate property address. On my IPhone photos taken in them the location comes up the same for both cemeteries. Our IPhone 8’s have the latest Apple updates and Find A Grave updates. This week a photo taken at a different cemetery about 5 miles from the other two was misidentified. With today’s technology I find these happenings unacceptable. Go ahead Apple and Find A Grave and blame the satellites and GPS system.

Search Function is Awful.

I don’t know what happened. But the search function is so very sensitive and picky that it is hard to search for someone unless you know more details. Search results are either way too general to the point it yields too many results or way to specific to the point it yields no results. I can rarely search by first initial and last name. Sometimes I search by last name only and get no results but if I add a first name I’ll get the results. Sometimes I’ll enter the first initial not knowing the exact spelling of a name but it won’t provide the person I’m looking for with that initial (it will find tons of other people though) - but it will find it if I typed the entire first name. How can something be so specific but also be so general? It has really made using FindaGrave hard.

Find A Grave websites. Old versus New

When Find A Grave first started out, people could in and add a lot of information about there families, including family members, and stories about these people.
But for some reason, a few years ago, they switched to a different account, and now all this information people had previously entered is no longer available as they did not transfer over.
This information was vital, as it contained information other people were looking for.
Why did this happen?

Love this site

Find a Grave is a great to in our ancestry. If used correctly. Since it’s all volunteers, you depend on the accuracy of hat they put on the site. The biggest downfall with this is people only caring about their numbers. They get information from funeral homes and create memorials immediately. This leaves people who want to manage close friends and or family members outside the guidelines unable to be the manager. Many of these “numbers” people copy and paste obituary, which includes names of living relatives. They also use the pictures provided to the funeral homes. To me find a grave is exactly that- finding the grave. Not create a memorial. Just wish there was a cap or something to keep these people from grabbing all memorials. Or at least not make them immediately upon publishing.

A find it to be good, but...

FindaGrave fills my needs and I find it very useful.

However it DESPERATELY needs an option for default settings. For instance in MY case most of my searches are for Broome County in New York in the United States. I have to select each of those for each search.

How about giving us the option to make a default selection for each time we fire up a search? Of course we could re-select something different when THAT need arises. Me, I would default to United States and New York. Or perhaps tweak FindaGrave to where the next time you launch it that it pre-selects the same country etc that you selected the previous time?
I am really TIRED of having to start from scratch each time. I am dropping my rating from 3 to 2.

Why require iOS 12 on iPhone only?

This previously working app stopped working due to a recent change at FamilySearch (I presume). It says an update is required. When I try to update, it requires ios12. Why? I am running iOS 11.4 on both my phone and iPad. The iPad version continues to work and does not require an update or an OS upgrade.

And by the way, it is way too early to abandon iOS 11 support. Most apps will maybe not support new features until you upgrade, but it is rare to not offer a few versions with downward compatibility. Shame on your developers for letting this happen.

Being Hard to Claim a Family Member

I have tried many times to suggest a management transfer of my family members to me and nothing has happened. This is frustrating and I wish there was a separate way to suggest a transfer, not just using suggest other corrections, because some people have so many memorials added that they don’t go through every edit suggestion.

But I appreciate that there is a site to search for gravestones of your family and it has been a great resource

Good app but needs request dates

I love using FindaGrave and taking pics to help out those that want to see a relative’s grave. However FindaGrave does not show the date that a request was made, which is a better indicator whether the grave is really there or not than the report a problem function which not everyone uses. Also what would be great is a bookmark tab under each cemetery to refine those that you will attempt to look for into a single easy to reference window for that particular location.


I think this app is fantastic. FindaGrave has allowed me to contribute thousands of photos to existing memorials. I absolutely love the update allowing the memorials be sorted in a number of ways. Using FindaGrave is great for quickly adding a memorial, on the spot, when exploring locations. The memorial is included instantly, ensuring the remembrance of loved ones for the people who cannot travel to the cemetery.

Invaluable Historical Resource

You could never replace the precious info that's been stored in this Database since it's inception. FindaGrave has revolutionized Ancestry, Genealogy, Human & Personal Family studies as well as American History overall. Especially knowledge passed on from generation to generation that will never be found in any publication. Future generations will thank you for this irreplaceable knowledge that will educate and enhance people's lives in unimaginable ways.

Fantastic tool!

I have been a family archivist, and genealogist for 20, and now a local Historic Commissioner. I’ve used this app’s website as a favorite tool forever. Now to have the chance to be on foot geotagging stones, adding memorials, and photos on FindaGrave from absolutely anywhere is AMAZING!!!!

What an incredible opportunity you give us to share knowledge far and wide with such ease!

Russel T Crichton

Tom was a gentile Giant. I‘ve never met a Kinder more affiable person. We. We’re classmates in the Basic German Course at Defense Language Institute, Presidio of Monterey, California in 71‘-72‘ and the Basic Interrogation Course, U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School, Fort Huachuca,Arizona, March -June 72‘. We served together at Border Resident Iffice Cham, as observers of Communist Czechoslovakia June 72 - January 74. U last saw Tom in January 1974 when I was on my way to my next assignment at Ft Huachuca, AZ. I was saddened to learn of Tom‘s passing. He left us to soon. May his memory be a blessing.

Great Genealogy App

I have been using Find A Grave for several years and love how helpful it has been in gathering information on my ancestors. Headstones are the source of a wealth of information, including names (and maiden names). Dates of birth, death, marriage. You might find names of children or see other headstones nearby that are relatives.

I have become a volunteer photographer and recently my husband and I added 1,300 memorials to small Mexican/Yaqui Indian cemetery.

You can help too. Just log in and take a look.

Transcribing photos

Great updates to the last few versions, it has made using the mobile version much friendlier to use.

It may already be in the workings since it was added to one of the latest mobile updates, but being able to navigate and skip photos when transcribing on the desktop version is a much needed addition.

I, I’m sure along with many other contributors mainly use the desktop version to submit most entries because of ease of use. This addition, along with a contributor’s ability to forego the 7 days for others to transcribe photos would be a much needed and great addition to the desktop version to streamline new memorials.

Also the ability to report duplicate memorials and combine them was a much needed and excellent addition to recent changes. Keep up the great work find a grave team.

Awesome App

I have just got started looking into my family history thanks to my uncle he has helped me with FindaGrave if the memorial page is uploaded and updated correctly you will be able to see pictures and also find the grave where your love one has been layed to rest the map on here will not only take you to the cemetery where you family member is buried but on some memorials maps it will take you straight to there grave so that you don’t have to search the whole grave yard to find your loved one.

Great grave info app, and developers responsive!

A huge thank you to Find-a-Grave app developers for recently adding iPad Landscape support, greatly appreciated! They do read user feedback and work hard to accommodate our suggestions.

The Find-a-Grave app provides great grave info searches, including matches by name, date, location, as well as whatever grave info is available, including locations, obituaries, etc. Very helpful to find someone based on partial info and to narrow the search.

With the latest updates, very well done and helpful app, and runs nicely across different devices.

Amazing volunteers connecting family

This application is really the best. It is a community of volunteers, working together to memorialize grave markers for everyone!
It allows families to connect, by linking, even if they are in different places and provides a causal user benefit if they just want to know who came before them. It allows people to personalize the memorials, add photos, and to- with a small fee- purchase a memorial without ads and unlimited photographs.
No other cite is as valuable a resource for helping people who are working on family history.
Thank you so much for those who have made it and for those who work so hard to make it wonderful.

Serial Memorial makers

I don’t like these people using my tree to make my family’s memorials. As another
Commenter said it’s creepy & some of these people are very rude & unhelpful. If you know the info is incorrect you want it changed. So is documented & some may be because you knew the person & know it’s factual.
Knowing you’re owned by ancestry why can’t you make sure that Memorial makers are family members. The woman who got nasty with me is not a family member. She created wrong info for my great great grandmother off of a cousins tree in New Zealand. That guy is by marriage & he will not even change the info on his tree. I have proof of our family & these two are wrong. At least make it easier for us to get our family away from the people.

Sadly worthless

I was searching for the grave of my sister, who died in infancy years before I was born, in a foreign country. I put in the details I had - no results. Then I entered the details of my paternal grandmother’s gravesite (of which I know the location) - no results. Paternal grandfather? No results. Father? No results. Mother? No results. All of these are in the public record and can be found via Google. How do we stand a remote chance of finding a grave so much further afield if the ones that are easy to find don’t even show up here? So disappointed.

Why is my ap no longer opening?

I have created memorials that I have had for years. I have an updated IOS for my iPhone 6splus
I finally deleted and reinstalled and signed in. All memorials are showing up in random cemeteries. Some missing and I needed to search for them in Find My Grave and re-save to the correct cemetery.
Something definitely wrong! Have been using ap for many years and never had a problem before.

Not very user friendly

I’m about to sign out of it just because using it without signing in is easier. Plus it is locking me out of getting online on a browser, where I can actually do more what I would love FindaGrave to do. I need the forums just full options when adding a memorial would be amazing. Oh and the ability to use my password without resetting or logging out of FindaGrave on the web browser which is super annoying. I’m not so interested in 50 new ways to search unless it’s by surname or given name spelling.

Needs improvement, otherwise good

FindaGrave has gone through updates since my last review, but text put in a memorial in the desktop version of the site (bio/grave condition) still doesn’t appear correctly on mobile (breaks between paragraphs don’t show up, etc). We still need the option to look at and add flowers from within FindaGrave . Other than that, it is a good app


Please consider allowing families 90 days to post the first memorial regarding their loved one. Many times others jump on it, day 1, and memorials are incorrect or families are just not ready yet to see it in writing, the finality of it all. It is a part of the grieving process. Thanks for listening. Nancy Foulk. xo

Memorial for Curien Conro

This is my great grandfather and he did not have a Memorial or a grave site. I got in touch with St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church where he was a member. I was referred to Deacon James Ward, who checked their records, and found where Curien Conro was buried. James took pictures right away with the explanation that Curien was buried inbetween two graves, but had no head stone. That is why no one was able to locate Curien’s grave and some day I hope to give him a head stone.
Janet Sweet Lux


Some may think it morbid, but I find cemeteries peaceful, picturesque, and inspiring. Rolling hills of soft grassy knolls dotted with historical reminders of those who came before. Some of these markers display recognizable names of people who have achieved greatness and who are remembered. And some with names of the every day wives, husbands, and children who have lived and gone. Their existence left for us by the etched cement above their graves.

Such a great site!

I’m so glad i discovered Find-A-Grave. I’ve found friends I lost contact with years ago who have passed away. I would have never know had it not been for this site. I was searching for a few friends to try and reconnect — and was led to this site. I’d still be searching had I not found them here.

Is Find a Grave Safe? 🙏

Yes. Find a Grave is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 776 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Find a Grave Is 31.3/100.

Safety Analysis

54.2% of users say app is Safe 👍

25.7% of users say app is Risky 🚨

20.2% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

Is Find a Grave Legit? 💯

Yes. Find a Grave is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 776 Find a Grave User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Find a Grave Is 31.5/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

Find a Grave collected the following data from you:

  • Data Linked to You:
    • Location
    • Contact Info
    • User Content
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
    • Diagnostics

How was your experience with Find a Grave? Post a Review


The Find a Grave app is a great way to use and add to the world’s largest free online collection of burial information.

Easily add information for multiple graves by photographing and then uploading them for future transcription.

Find and visit a loved one’s final resting place anywhere, anytime.

Quickly search more than 180 million graves in half a million cemeteries around the world.

Add a new memorial or a photo and GPS location to an existing memorial.

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