- Use photos, fonts, lines, shapes to create graphics, UIs, logos, social media, vector art, photo collages, mood boards, geofilters, and more
- Design with precision and save/share editable projects
- Import/export vectors and add fonts/graphics to photos/PDFs
- Markup, annotate, and share ideas quickly
- Arrange multiple photo layers and edit text, typography, and fonts
- Edit photos by adjusting contrast, exposure, and more, and blur photos
- Draw lines and edit stroke/fill, and transform shapes by stretching, scaling, and rotating
- Add rounded corners, group layers, and add/subtract layers
- Save reusable components and collaborate on projects
- Import editable .create files to other devices and backup projects to iCloud
- Reorder layers, use hex/RGB colors, and save colors
- Create custom color gradients and make duotone photos
- Add transparent backgrounds (PNG) and export vectors (SVG, PDF)
- Make Snapchat Geofilters and set canvas size/grid spacing
- Zoom canvas and snap to grid/object
- Install fonts and support Apple Pencil
- Comprehensive help and videos available
- Optional subscription to CREATE PRO for $1.99/month, which includes additional features and tools.