I’ve seen my fair share of games like this, to be honest, I’m a little biased about these types of games, so my opinion may not mean much. It’s a nice game, and managing your resources doesn’t matter one you get into the game, though it’s still good. Once you get to the point of over 5 days of upgrading 1 thing, that’s when it gets irritating. I do know gems exist, but I’m a special snowflake and need to be wealthy ;)
Many people do say this is pay to win. While many types of these games are, I don’t understand how people think this game is. I’ve went the entire game spending no money [that I recall, if not it would be on gems] and time is all you need. Since I’m saving my gems, time would be more of a problem to me, but it’s still a nice challenge to work through.
Something about the friendship hearts is irritating me. A lot of people would friend you, won’t send a heart, and once you send one they unfriend you. This has led for people to be more cautious and less people actually using this function to the point that a lot of people wait before sending a heart making the other party distrustful. I believe that both parties should send a heart, and when that happens they both get the heart, so that way people don’t “scam” people out of a heart.
That’s all I have to say, so if my opinion helps you get more of a realization of a game, well that makes me happy.