Voice Recorder & Audio Editor Reviews

Voice Recorder Audio Editor Reviews

Published by on 2024-01-05

🏷️ About: The Voice Recorder app is a free app for iPhone and iPad that allows users to record audio and video with no restrictions on the length or number of recordings. The app also offers in-app purchases for transcribing recordings into text, adding text notes to individual recordings, and recording incoming and outgoing phone calls. The app supports multiple audio formats, passcode protection, cloud support, and advanced features such as loop recordings, trim recordings, change playback speed, and skip backwards/forwards 15 seconds. Users can share recordings via email, messages, social media, and transfer recordings to their desktop computer via USB cable or WiFi Sync.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🤬 Negative experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 415,811 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- The app is affordable at only $3.

- It has a pleasing interface.

- The transcription capability is flawless and can even detect and correct misspoken words.

- It records well and has good transcription accuracy.

Read 22 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5

I would give this app zero stars if it was an option


Twice now I have attempted to use it for two very important phone calls, and it has completely failed. The first time I checked multiple times throughout the call to confirm it was recording, and it was the entire time. After the call, I saved it only to discover that although it recorded the entire time there was no actual data, just a blank recording. After some digging I have come to the conclusion that I could only record for an hour. Why is that not clear anywhere on VoiceRecorderAudioEditor , and furthermore, why would VoiceRecorderAudioEditor not just stop recording at an hour if that is the case?? I gave it a second shot as I knew this call would be shorter, and just to be safe I would break up the recording into smaller segments. This time data is there, but it is practically unusable. The recorder only caught pieces of our convo, and the phone was literally right in front of me. Luckily, I also recorded on my laptop which was several feet away, and that recording is perfect. No issues at all with capturing both of your voices.



I’m really upset about VoiceRecorderAudioEditor. I had been using it for a while and it was ok on volume and clarity and especially privacy but the time I most recently needed it the most, I recorded a meeting that was about 103 minutes long. It was the best clarity i had ever heard I was thrilled and sent it off to who it neeeded to go to. They replied thst it is labeled as nearly 18MB yet the file is only 18-19 minutes long. I was crushed when I went back to my app and mine had changed also. I just listened to it last night how did this happen? I’ve spent days now trying to figure it out can anyone help?! I even have a screen shot showing 103 minutes recorded prior to sending it/sharing it to a Dropbox using VoiceRecorderAudioEditor “box”. If anyone can help PLEASE do bc this is devastating I need that remaining audio badly. Also, if you don’t have enough storage (which it appears I did) would it notify you or just cut the video down to what you have enough space for? Was it sleep timer? IVE TRIED SO MANY THINGS HELP PLEASE :(

Terrible for transcribing.


I’m very disappointed. I paid $4.99 and did a short test run of VoiceRecorderAudioEditor before I used it during my lecture. While I expected many errors, it is essential to have at least 50% accuracy and I didn’t even get that. The description of the transcription portion of VoiceRecorderAudioEditor does not go into detail enough on what conditions are sufficient to get a nice transcription. While the test transcription I preformed was good for the first sentence and then completely wrong and a great deal of it missing, not even an attempt to transcribe. All in all, out of the entire 60 seconds of talking, it only got the first sentence. I would be happy to get rid of this review, but I need a refund. The only reason I paid $4.99 was for the option to transcribe and it was not sufficiently describe in the apps store leading me to believe I could get 30 minutes of a half decent transcription of my recording, leaving me with an incomplete as well as a completely inaccurate product. May I please have contact information for a refund?

Great for free, transcription purchase is worthless


The free features of VoiceRecorderAudioEditor are great. I used it to record interviews I was completing for my dissertation. Since I had to transcribe them, I figured I’d try the $2.99 in app purchase for the transcription part. There were some technical discussions, and I was well aware that the transcription wouldn’t help with those, but I figured the more casual conversation parts would benefit from the service. What I got was completely unusable. I take that back, I did get a future band name, “Melancholic Parmesan.” So I’ve got that going for me. But it was absolutely unusable. 35 pages of transcriptions, and I was hoping this might help me with sections of it, but it was of zero use. The other functions of the recorder are great. But if I pay $2.99 for a service, I was hoping to get something out of it. I literally got nothing. In the end, sound quality is great. Easy to use. Easy to cut snippets or cut a long project into shorter versions. Just don’t waste your money if you are wanting to get transcription help.

Very frustrated


This application does a excellent job of recording but I have to remember to stop and restart recording if I want to capture the 30 minute transcript of a virtual engagement. Instead I would like to see more options with the recorder. One, offer longer segment of recording and transcribing with VoiceRecorderAudioEditor . Such as 30, 45, and 1 hour segments. In addition, offer a visual clue that session is within 10 and/or 5 minutes so we can determine if we need to end session early and/ or establish a new recording track. Two, provide the option of selecting which sections of recording we want transcribed. Rationale: Sometime the first 30 minutes is not the most important when reviewing the session again especially when we are still trying to understand the virtual meeting concepts. Three, if there is a memory or some other unknown restriction, please tell before we start recording a session only to find out after the event has ended that VoiceRecorderAudioEditor did not record any of the virtual engagement. Fourth, show actual recording time/number of captured words since false starts from background noise, etc. We can eliminate those sessions easily. Very frustrating.

Update made everything worse


When I saw there was an update for VoiceRecorderAudioEditor, I knew nothing would really change. This is a great app for recording your voice or music and I kinda liked it the way it was. I downloaded the update not expecting much except for the format or design, and when I went into VoiceRecorderAudioEditor and looked in one of my folders it said, “Folder Empty.” I was scared then because I thought all my files got deleted. I backed out of it and went back in. There was one of files there OUT OF TEN, so I had to click in and out TEN TIMES for all my files to be there. I have to do that every time I go into VoiceRecorderAudioEditor . IT IS SO ANNOYING. It was so much better before! The update just made everything worse. And when I’m somewhere else, connected to a hotspot or small network, I can’t get any of my files! No matter how much I click in and out, I can’t get one file! Now you need an update to fix THAT. Which is probably make some other thing not work!!!!!

Great & Fairly Priced and Missing NEEDED functionality


I love VoiceRecorderAudioEditor! I use it mostly for classes, and it’s been wonderful to record lectures that I can then convert to text, then integrate with my notes. The one downfall is I’ve found that when a class has a break, or some times it seems random, but the recording breaks itself into 2 files. I would really love it if you’d add the ability to join selected recordings. Furthermore, for those times when I forget to pause, or there’s a portion in the midst of the recording that is not wanted, I wish I could trim out a mid-section and then join the parts on the outside together...it would help to save space, and time ...especially when transcribing. Thanks! I hope this helps the developers as well as the community as a whole!

Could be better


I use this for recording and transcribing interviews. And while it’s definitely nice and easy to use, I have a few concerns. For one thing, the transcription function is almost unusable. I’m particularly annoyed at this since I payed three bucks for it, only to learn that it basically doesn’t function. Then there’s a weird stutter effect when you play back a recording at half speed (which is necessary for transcribing things since the transcribing function has such poor voice recognition), and this can make it hard to understand what’s being said. The other option is to constantly pause and resume as you write things down, but each time you pause, it seems to skip over about a half-second of recording, making accurate transcription even more of a pain.

All in all I’d recommend, but only if you’re not nitpicky and only if there’s no better ones on the market.

I love this app so much, BUT


I have been using VoiceRecorderAudioEditor to help me write songs that I come up with in the shower because I forget them immediately afterwards, this is a great app and I love it so much, BUT you cannot use a slash word in the title of a recording that you are saving, and this is fine BUT it doesn’t say anything about that, it doesn’t say you can’t have a slash mark in the title, It doesn’t tell you to rename it, no it just doesn’t save the recording. The only way I found out that this is the reason why some of my recordings weren’t saving, that’s because I did an experiment and said random lines and titled them different things and the ones with ( / )(slash marks)marks did not save. There needs to be a feature where if someone put a slash mark it will say this will not save,or don’t put a slash mark because it will not save, I recorded an entire session with my friend and I am so upset right now that that didn’t save, please fix this before other people make the same mistakes I did, and record something so precious and valuable and then having it not save!!

Handy and old school


I really like VoiceRecorderAudioEditor. The pros are that you can record segments and if you label them using numbers they will play back in sequential order. Automatically going to the next recording. My only complaints are once you label to 10 it places that as the first recording rather than the 10th. My solution was to use 1.0, 1.1, etc all the way to 1.9 then 2.0 (Ex: 1.0 Introduction). Same with the labeling of the folders. My second issue is that while you can pause a recording, you can't rewind that same recording and record over something if you are reading text to yourself. For example, I am reading chapters of a course I am studying so I can listen back as a refresher. If I mess up and it's enough to bother me I have to delete that recording and start all over or just continue reading. Rather than just rewinding and recording over the portion I screwed up. Solution to that is use the pause button often and do some skim reading before doing so aloud for longer recordings. Otherwise I find this to be a cool app that is user friendly.

Great basic recorder, so-so voice transcription


I bought this recorder because it had the transcription feature — this probably going to be true if most transcription software: it’s not great. For my work I do a fair amount of transcription and even with the clearest, most distinctly enunciating interviewees, the results are often laughable (for instance, “life is serious” becomes “life is Siri is”... Seriously?! The algorithm is very flawed: how often does one actually mention Siri in a sentence?). The software not only had a very limited vocabulary, and even while it self-adjusts as the speaker goes on, it often chooses the more absurd option.

Bottom line: I can’t recommend the transcription feature (and I would be willing to pay a reasonable price for a well functioning, usable transcription software). However, if you record, say, lectures or anything you just want to play back this is great. You also have the ability to trim the recording, take notes, and play it at different speeds.

Love the old school tape recorder look!

Always Crashes


I used VoiceRecorderAudioEditor to compile original musical ideas, for critical listening of compositional work and production in progress and to occasionally record portions of my drum practices. I successfully made over 2000 recordings. At a certain point in time VoiceRecorderAudioEditor started simple “crashing” while reviewing my work. The inability to consistently review my work required me to begin using another recording app for the purpose. I did successfully upload Voice Recorder to my iTunes and I can listen to ideas there but they are in alphabetical order. I would much prefer listening to them on VoiceRecorderAudioEditor , as they are in chronological which is beneficial when reviewing musical ideas consisting of multiple recordings. Every time I decide to approach VoiceRecorderAudioEditor for review purposes, it consistently crashes.

no-nonsense simplicity


It’s pretty awesome - I love the interface - kinda takes me back to my childhood when phones had real bells in them and buttons actually moved .... I know it’s a screen rendition and it works a million times better than the old 80’s version - all in all it’s just super easy and if I can use it you can too - oh and this may sound s little silly to some however on occasion in the past I’ve had a difficult time finding files and renaming them - with VoiceRecorderAudioEditor they’re right where they should be - accessible in VoiceRecorderAudioEditor and the controls are so strait forward I decided to take a incy wincy bit of the time these guys saved me and here is an app review 👍🏾🙏🏾🚀🦄🎧. Nice work app developer friends - you deserve ice cream - or some delicious desert - cheers.

Great Recorder. Stop looking, just download this one!


I rarely write reviews, but this recorder absolutely deserves one. Many of the recorder apps only have basic recording, and the voice recorder that comes with the iPhone is not impressive.

This recorder is amazing. Very simple and easy to use, you get unlimited recordings and length of recordings, you can change the name of your recordings, save them to various applications in the cloud (Dropbox, Drive, etc) and for a 4.99 one time upgrade charge, will get you the ability to transcribe your recordings! The transcriptions are pretty accurate with maybe only a word or two being off.

You also have the functionality of being able to listen to your recording audio on the same screen as the transcription so you can make edits right then and there, it will save to the recorder app, and you can share it (email, phone, etc).

If you are a writer or creative and you need to record your ideas on the go and then want to have them is transcribed for your ease of use later download VoiceRecorderAudioEditor. Anyone who needs anything recorded and transcribed, download VoiceRecorderAudioEditor, get the upgrade. You won’t regret it!

Surprisingly Accurate Transcription!


I had tried Dragon Dictation in the past and found it too difficult to use, I talk fast and am bad at enunciating, so I figured I just wasn’t cut out for dictating my writing. A recent arm injury has forced me to try it again. I researched other options besides Dragon because of the price and the learning curve. VoiceRecorderAudioEditor had a lot of great recommendations and reviews so I figured $3 was worth seeing if it worked. It really does! All the commands for quotes, punctuation, and new line breaks all work with this and best of all it understands my horrible speaking skills. I also like that there is a recording of what I’ve said so in case the transcription confuses what I said I don’t have to try to remember what word or sentence I was trying to say (unlike Dragon that doesn’t save your audio, at least the version I tried anyway). This is way better than Dragon Dictation and far cheaper! Plus, I can record anywhere and I don’t have to be tethered to my computer. This is a must for writers wanting a cheap and easy way to dictate their work.

Beyond Expectations


I assumed with a free app, there would be restrictions and functions that require in-app purchases or an upgrade. That has not been true with VoiceRecorderAudioEditor. All the features I have used are been great. It is easy to organize files. I really like the ability to listen to all files in a folder without needing to choose which is next or press play. Life is busy and this has been a great study tool. Yes, there are ads but those ads do not interrupt recording or playing. I do think VoiceRecorderAudioEditor has two flaws. First, it can easily drain battery life. Second, when recording I cannot exit VoiceRecorderAudioEditor or pause then pick up where I left off. Even with the minor flaws, VoiceRecorderAudioEditor is still worthy of five stars.



VoiceRecorderAudioEditor’s features are great! I love that the user interface looks like an actual voice recorder from our more analog, less digital age. The quality of the audio is clear enough for the style of recording and transcriptions that I need to get done. I like the way that the transcriptions are done by VoiceRecorderAudioEditor . You can see your text being generated by VoiceRecorderAudioEditor as it goes through the audio file. You won’t hear your audio as it transcribes. There is also a notes tab, which I find very useful if I need to remind myself what I recorded in the first place in as few words as possible, or if I need to make sure I make adjustments and corrections to my text. The ability to upload to the cloud is also a super feature. A number of the most common cloud services are covered by VoiceRecorderAudioEditor. Overall, VoiceRecorderAudioEditor is well worth the price and space on my phone.

Best app ever!!


So I am a singer songwriter VoiceRecorderAudioEditor is so amazing, anytime I want to record a song that I'm just thinking about my head while cleaning my room I can do it so quickly with just a couple tabs I can just record it and name it and save it to my iCloud and it's amazing I really do think VoiceRecorderAudioEditor deserves five stars maybe even more, because VoiceRecorderAudioEditor has help me in so many different situations and I am so grateful for it I definitely recommend getting VoiceRecorderAudioEditor I love that you can put a password on it I think that's really smart if you don't want anyone getting into anything that you think or want to keep private I think that's really smart and I really love that feature I don't really have any problems with VoiceRecorderAudioEditor I recommend if you ever need to record anything anything at all this is that app. so yes you should get it I love VoiceRecorderAudioEditor so much:)

No Response from TapMedia - Numerous Requests


VoiceRecorderAudioEditor records well, very well indeed. Transcription works well. It’s connection to Wi-Fi for automatic upload the recorded documents does not work. I have made numerous request to TapMedia about it’s application for which I paid my money on this Wi-Fi issue. I complemented TapMedia on his application. However, TapMedia has decided to ignore this paying customer’s request about it’s faulty WiFi functionality, for which I paid my money. I do not take it lightly when people steal my money for selling their stuff that they know does not work. And I especially do not take it lightly when people do not have the integrity to respond to their faulty software that they knowingly sold to a customer. I will never ever ever do business with TapMedia again and I will not recommend a company lacking integrity, even if it’s primary functionality works extraordinarily well. What a shame for TapMedia.



I believe this is but the third review I have been motivated to write in all my years of iPhone ownership. And allow me to be clear that I have never used VoiceRecorderAudioEditor to record music. It is as sound as any recording app I've tried (some at the expense of more than a few $$) for dictation and conversation, but VoiceRecorderAudioEditor is free and, particularly for us old duffers who recall our first box-like Panasonic cassette recorder, has a pleasing interface. VoiceRecorderAudioEditor positively shines, however, in its transcription capability. It seems flawless, and is uncanny in its ability to punctuate, whether stated by the speaker or not. In addition, it must have some syntax programming as well; it has, on more than one occasion, detected that I have misspoken, and erased that brief slip of the tongue on my part, then picked up where I began correcting myself. It is keyboard-enabled as well, in case one decides to revise the transcription. For $4.99, I would call VoiceRecorderAudioEditor phenomenal.

One of the BEST I have EVER used. No matter the price. Seriously!

VoiceRecorderAudioEditor has never failed me. Recordings are crisp and clear. Ability to save it on the cloud and other platforms. Extremely pleased with the quality. I run VoiceRecorderAudioEditor on an IOS. Soon I will utilize the transcription feature. Later I will update my review. Delighted I found this recorder. BTW, I had my cell phone approx 10-12 feet away from where I was speaking. I can minimize the window and use other features of my phone while recording and it will not stop the recording. The mic on VoiceRecorderAudioEditor is superb. High quality clarity as if was only a foot away. VoiceRecorderAudioEditor is better than my store stock recorder program that arrived with the cell phone initially. I deleted that app. Hands down terrific. I use it practically every day. Oct 14, 2018 Update: continues to perform well. I recorded a meeting and saved time for notes. Other than a few words here and there due to presenters voice quality, so far so good. What is terrific is that VoiceRecorderAudioEditor works well with all IOS updates. THAT’s an appreciable asset to owning VoiceRecorderAudioEditor. Too many apps do not function well or they lose their “star” features with newer IOS updates. Keep it up!

Fast and easy

Remember the old days of handheld digital recorders? You had to check the battery, you had to look at the quality of the recording, you had to check what format the output was? And finally, you had to remember to have it all the times you might need it. Who doesn’t have their phone with them at all times? The output is MP3, the quality is good enough for almost any voice related application and yet small enough to create files that can be easily shared no matter how long your meeting lasts. And the only battery you have to keep track of, is the one you have to keep track of every single hour of every single day. And finally the cassette tape aesthetic is cute and amusing. And so of the mixtape generation redux.

Is Voice Recorder Audio Editor Safe? 🙏

Yes. Voice Recorder & Audio Editor is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 415,811 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Voice Recorder Audio Editor Is 61.2/100.

Is Voice Recorder Audio Editor Legit? 💯

Yes. Voice Recorder & Audio Editor is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 415,811 Voice Recorder & Audio Editor User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Voice Recorder Audio Editor Is 85.8/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

Voice Recorder Audio Editor collected the following data from you:

  • Data Used to Track You:
    • Location
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
  • Data Not Linked to You:
    • Location
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
TapMedia PRO - 1 Month $1.99
Call Recorder (1 month) $4.99
Voice Recorder PRO $4.99

How was your experience with Voice Recorder & Audio Editor? Post a Review


- Unlimited recordings with no restrictions on length or number of recordings

- In-app purchase for transcribing recordings into text using speech-to-text technology

- 3D Touch for quickly starting and stopping recording from the home screen

- In-app purchase for adding text notes to individual recordings

- Cloud support for uploading recordings to iCloud Drive, Dropbox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive, Box, and more

- Share recordings via email, messages, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat

- Transfer recordings to desktop computer via USB cable or WiFi Sync

- Advanced features such as multiple audio formats, passcode protection, loop recordings, trim recordings, change playback speed, and skip backwards/forwards 15 seconds

- In-app purchase for recording incoming and outgoing phone calls (requires carrier support for 3-way conference calling)

- No limit on number of recordings and no per minute fee

- Call Recorder feature requires a monthly subscription

- TapMedia Pro subscription provides access to other apps in the TapMedia PRO bundle

- Privacy Policy and Terms of Use available on the app's website

- Payments charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase

- Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off

- Prices subject to change without notification

- Unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription

- Users can cancel a subscription during its free period via the subscription setting through their iTunes Account.

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