The fact that all these cards are available for free and can be reviewed with no distractions makes GREVocabularyFlashcards five-stars, but GREVocabularyFlashcards has some issues that keeps me from giving it that rating. Developers, please add a button that allows me to review every card, one after the other, in a deck in a randomized order. At the very list, add a feature where you can see a list every word in a deck. I get so frustrated by the current card randomization algorithm. Once a deck is learned and I go back to review it, sometimes I’ll miss a few. But when I revisit a deck, I want to review ALL of the cards in the deck. Something happens where if I won’t see every card. I’ll get to a point in the revisit where I’ll just keep getting the same cards, and when I come back at a different time or day, then I’ll start seeing some new cards. I’d really like to be able to just go straight through the cards, and if I miss one, maybe shuffle that back in to the rest of the remaining stack until it is “learned,”