Car Jam: Escape Traffic Puzzle Reviews

Car Jam: Escape Traffic Puzzle Reviews

Published by on 2024-08-19

About: Buckle up for an exhilarating journey with Car Jam! Put your puzzle-solving
skills to the test as you navigate through a sea of cars, ensuring every
passenger finds their perfect car. Your job is to get a variety of colorful
cars and their passengers to the end.

About Car Jam

But it’s not as easy as it looks - these cars are all jammed into a tiny parking lot, and you’ll need to use your wits to figure out how to get them out and onto the road.

The colorful graphics and catchy sound effects will keep you engaged, and the quick levels mean you can play for just a few minutes or for hours on end.

Put your puzzle-solving skills to the test as you navigate through a sea of cars, ensuring every passenger finds their perfect car.

Your job is to get a variety of colorful cars and their passengers to the end.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 134 combined software reviews.

183 Car Jam Reviews

4.9 out of 5


Fun game, endless ads

Endless ads! Need an option to skip them. Maybe reward points?


Add! Ads! Ads

Too many ads. No way to bypass them.


car sticks behind powerups

I can’t get my cars since they are under the power up buttons. How are we supposed to complete level. I love this game but it’s not made for iPads or iPhones. Plz fix


No ads, no win

Yup, the person who said this game can’t be won unless you watch an ad to get an extra parking space was absolutely right. There is a three-second tutorial, and the first level is impossible to win without watching an ad for extra space. I downloaded the game because I figured I could play several levels before getting to the harder levels, but nope! The very first level can’t be won without an extra space. I can’t believe a developer would be so stupid. Deleting.

I should have known, when there was an overall fantastic rating, but all written reviews were three stars and lower…guess all the developer’s friends and family placed 5 star reviews…it sure wasn’t actual game users!


Fix the option at the bottom lower them please

Just started playing the option on the bottom are in the way so when I try to get a bus it keeps trying to play an ad for one of the option


I don’t know

It’s hard to play the game when there are things covering the cars. I can’t see the direction of the car or even the color because your stuff hides them. I cannot enlarge or move so I can see. What’s the point?


Would be better…

If it wasn’t for the UI blocking elements of the cars, the stupid power buttons is covering a portion of the cars.


Bug can’t play

Can’t access cars because they are blocked by power up buttons. Makes it impossible to complete third level.



So when I first got this game I was so excited to play,but just at level 2 it’s unsolvable with or without ads. I’ve had this game for a couple weeks now and I still can’t pass level 2.PLEASE FIX THIS😭


Needs fixing

You cannot play this on an iPad. The buttons on the screen block access to what’s behind them. I might love this game if it gets fixed.


Way too many ads

Do this? Watch an ad, do that, another ad…developers need to stop being so greedy!



Love the puzzle aspect and bring able to play more complex levels straight away, however, every single one is unsolvable without using ads to comeplete.


Fun but

Fun challenging game but forced to either watch a ton ads or pay money I’ll pass



Impossible to pass the levels



Can’t get to my cars any more



This game lets you get close to finishing, then sends out people in a way that forces you to watch ads to win the level. EVERY SINGLE TIME



I highkey hate the ads


Ads ads ads and more ads

Don’t waste your time. Fun game but you cannot pass a single stage without watching any ads!!!


1 problem

I really like this game. There is one problem though, when I go to play the game it isn’t in English so I can’t read what it is saying .


Too many ads

I wanted to love this game because I kept playing the ads for it in other games but it feels impossible to win even when I watch all the ads to get the extra spots. I couldn’t even find an option to pay for no more ads. Not sure how they expect anyone to keep CarJam more than a day in its current state.


Game is impossible

The game is physically impossible without watching ads and it gets annoying because by giving us only 4 spots to park cars you would either have to be a genuine genius that’s willing to waste their time playing this game to actually win the game



Can not see the full lot

You ad connected bonus links are covering a large the vehicles which makes it impossible to click on certain vehicles and impossible to see the whole lot. This is a cute and fun game that is ruined by this as it makes it difficult to play.


Don’t waste your time

Designed so that you have to watch several ads on every level to move forward.



The game was fine at first but now some of the cars are not accessible. When it did an update if made the game unplayable. I can no longer even see all the cars. If they fix it I would play but until then the game is junk


Cars are blocked by buttons

There are level where I can’t tap on car because the button to use a tool is blocking it.


Fun but

This game is fun but there’s a problem with the placement of the buses and the extras


Rapidly becomes impossible to complete each level without watching multiple ads

Just another ad farm hidden behind the illusion of a puzzle game. Skip this one.



Most recent update makes game unplayable. The buttons across the bottom cover the moving row of busses.


UI is bad

The bottom ad buttons cover up the cars you need to play and win the puzzles


🙄 omg (pls read before downloading)

Ughhh I downloaded CarJam and I was like “ eee I love this game”
a few minutes later I was like “oh “ 😭😭😭 YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE ADS TO WIN ughhhhh I love this game and hate it (btw I’m only reviewing this 5 star bc I want people to see this) I really hope that they fix the ads


Perfect way to watch ads to win

Granted you can win if you are able to exactly plot out your moves. Just the game gives you 4 slots. Easy when you have 4 colors. Now let’s throw like 5 more colors. Any mistake and you go back to start. Or you can watch an ad to either one get a slot(yep up to 4 more), watch an ad to change the color of the people, or watch an ad for both! Better yet when you watch an ad to change the people. No longer is it a puzzle game. Since they are kind of half hazard thrown in. Like you would need a vehicle for a single red guy. That’s a slot filled and the colors are all out of wack. Remember easy when you have 4 colors. Stupid when you have more colors then the rainbow!


Unbeatable without watching ads

I thought that this was a dope concept so I downloaded it. Beat the first 2 levels without much problem. Third level introduced a car tunnel that has a number of random colored cars inside. Makes it impossible to beat a board when all the other cars are cleared but you have 8 cars in the tunnel and only 7 spaces, and the color you need is the 8th car.

I also have been put into situations two times where
There is a color car needed but that color car is not available, like not on the screen at all. This forces you to have to watch ads to win. Game is an ad scam!!! DON’T GET THIS GAME!!!


More problems than fun

CarJam has so many bugs, where should I start? Playing board layout bug: - the in-game booster menu is so high on the screen it is covering the game board, making the game unplayable. You can’t see the cars & buses near the bottom on the parking lot, you can’t select them to use them without activating the booster purchase popup. Level bug: level two is ridiculously long, and impossible to finish. You are forced to watch ads to open extra spots to finish a level. How do you expect to keep people interested for more than fifteen minutes with a game that you can’t level up?


Help buttons at the bottom cover cars

I play this game as a way to relax. It was fine until.a few days ago when all the sudden the bottom help buttons at the started covering the cars. Now you can’t see those cars and when you try to get those cars into the top line it is prompting to watch ads for the help. Very frustrating!


Ads are required

The concept of this game is fun, but you quickly find out by the second or third level that it is impossible to beat the levels without using power-ups, and those power-ups require you to watch ads. So even though the game doesn’t have those annoying pop-up ads every 30 seconds, you’re still required to watch several unskippable ads to beat each level


Tons of fake reviews

Don’t believe the other reviews, they’re fake.

This game is really a gimmick to get you to watch ads. All of the levels are not beatable, and you have to watch ads to get additional space for the different color cars.

For example, a level will have 7-8 different color cars, but only 4 available spots. You need to watch an ad to unlock the extra spots. Each level requires watching 5-6 extremely long ads. I hate these types of games


Ads Ruin this Game!!

I can grow to love this game but its rigged to make you watch ads to advance to the next level. Developers have ruined a game that has the potential to be both addictive and fun. I will give the developers time to improve this game. If it stays the same, I will delete it. I am spending more time watching ads than I do playing the game. Gave it 2 stars because of the ads but with less ads it’s a 5 star game.


Bad changes

Really enjoyed this game until this newest version where the buses are hidden behind the specialty tiles, now it’s a pain to keep canceling the specialty tiles and you have to guess what’s underneath. The skill is gone now it’s just guessing


Could be a good game

I just down loaded and started to play but after 2 rounds I have deleted it. I was playing on an mini iPad and the sort and other buttons covered the area you need to play in. This made it so you could not move or select certain vehicles or even see them under these buttons. Very disappointed.



Game is addictive. Down side is the boxes at the bottom cover the cars so you can’t use them and then you are stuck. I was able to get off the levels without watching ads. I’m not sure why the other person was having a problem. I turn my data off so ads don’t pop up.



Don’t be bamboozled by the good rating, this game is completely broken and unplayable. The busses are hidden by the buttons so it is impossible to win. You also are forced to watch ads to open spots because it is impossible to play otherwise. I’ve been playing for almost 2 days and haven’t gotten past the level after the tutorial.


Ads to win

In order to progress levels, it quickly becomes mandatory to watch advertisements in order to use some of the ‘cheats’. I would enjoy this game much more if each level was winnable without forcing me to watch multiple advertisements


Too small of cars

I tried to have fun but it really frustrating when you try to click a car but the other one goes. Maybe I have big fingers but the cars are too small for me to enjoy. The puzzle felt infuriating because I know the solution but I failed because of a another car going


I want to like it more

This game is essentially unplayable on iPad. The three buttons on the bottom of the screen cover the lower 20% or so of the car options. I also think that players would be better served if they were not absolutely forced to watch three ads per game to succeed at even the low levels. Ads between levels are one thing; we expect that for an otherwise free game. Forced ads as the only avenue to success is entirely unfair. Maybe let the player earn the unlocks via some achievement or accrued token.
I like the idea of this game, and I’d be happy to continue playing when these two huge, maddening obstacles get resolved.


If you don't watch ads, you don't win

I generally don't write AppStore reviews, but I have started to get back into playing mobile games and I was really happy when I saw and ad for this game and the pictures seemed to display that the in-game gameplay would be the same as it's advertised gameplay. I got to level eight, and then uninstalled the game. At first, I thought that maybe it was just hard enough that I couldn't figure it out. But, no, I now realize that it is simply designed that a win cannot be achieved for the majority of levels without watching ads to unlock extra things.


Don’t waste your time!

Seemed like a fun game and all, but there is way too many negatives
1) the boosts at the bottom cover cars and make it nearly impossible to play
2) you physically can not complete a level after the like first two without watching at least two or more ads for boosts and stuff
3) it says you click on cars you didn’t click on there for filling the already few spaces you have with a car you do not need at all making you lose and have to watch a ad to continue


Unbeatable without watching ads

I originally thought that I was just not selecting the cars in the right order and that’s why I was always left needing 1 more space. I kept trying to do it without having to get additional help (aka watch an ad to get a extra parking spot) but no matter what order I chose I was stuck once I got to the end unable to get to the car I needed. I then realized it may be a tactic to force people to watch ads. Found several more reviews with the exact same conclusion. Its ridiculous.


Buttons not fixed

Buttons are covering the vehicles I updated this game with the most recent update and restarted my device and the 3 buttons still are covering the vehicles. I have screenshots before and after this last update. The ads are helping me to get the content in the game as I can’t pay to play. But the buttons are still preventing me to access the cars needed. I have screenshots and videos of the problems. The only time I can see under the buttons is when I have totally used up the 3 times on the button. Please fix!


30s to spare

This game is really nice because there are no adds and it’s actually very challenging. Once you get to the third level you will have to watch one video in order to get the fifth space in order to win, but I truly didn’t mind having to watch only one add because usually these types of games make you watch three to four adds and you don’t even get anything out of it, at least with this game you choose when you want to watch the video and you get an extra parking space. Overall really good and challenging, just make sure you have 30 secs to spare while playing each round.


Not designed correctly

Only 5 star because this thing is almost unplayable. Have to watch a lot of ads to even come close to finishing. Spawn cars don’t make sense, not enough color cars to take the people, very steep learning curve, almost impossible to understand. Some revive ads are in Chinese



I want to like this game but you have to watch way too many adds to try and beat it you first level is easy and the next level after that it triples or quadruples the amount you need to do to win I would never recommend this headache of a game to anyone if I had the option I wouldn’t even give it one star and anytime it would put up I think saying I need to watch an add it come up in a different language that someone like me that only speaks English can’t read


Buttons need to be moved

The help buttons really need to be moved. They are covering the vehicles and impeding game play.


Please trust the reviews!

To the readers: I only gave this 5 stars so it would be at the top. I would actually give it half of a star if I could. I saw all of the things about there’s too many ads and you can’t finish a level without watching an ad. Despite seeing several reviews that said this, I still got CarJam , and spoiler alert, it was the same. If you want to give it a try, go ahead, but I’m for warning you, you will delete it after about 5 levels and/or 15ish ads. Best of luck!

To the developers: please fix the amount of ads! After each ad for another car slot, this would also rearrange the line. I don’t know if that’s intentional, but if it is, it shouldn’t be. I think this because I’m already watching an ad for the car I need, and then I get the car, but I don’t need it anymore. Please fix this and when you have, please respond to me so I will download CarJam again.

To everyone: this was a fun app, but it needs a bit of fixing before I would use it again. I hope this helps!


Ok game

The developer did fix the problem. The game is so much more enjoyable now. I appreciate that they took care of the issue.
This game should be fun to play but there is a big problem with the buttons covering up some of the vehicles. You have to use one of the help buttons to get to the covered vehicles. If they would fix this problem I would change my rating to 5 stars


Buttons cover cars!!!!

The buttons for power ups cover cars, which makes the game utterly impossible. It is absolutely frustrating to have a game that sounds fun in reality but cannot be played properly because I cannot see all the cars that I can select. If I could give no stars I would. This absolutely makes me want to delete this game. The playable ad made me want this game as it does take a sort of skill to play, but actually playing it in CarJam is terrible. I noticed a lot of other users have had this issue and hopefully the game can be fixed for others. I’ll be deleting this game soon though because it is not what I wanted to play and because I will not hold my breath for these changes to happen.


One star to balance out the five star reviews to point out the scam

I would give this a three star but I'm giving it a one star because several people have given it a five star for the exact same reason I am here for. You cannot possibly win a single level without watching ads. It is impossible. You plan for the right vehicles to be in the right places and when you get near the end of the level, the vehicles that you need are blocked so you need more parking spaces. it's a cheap game that could be fun if they allowed other benefits from watching ads. Unfortunately in order to even play the game with a chance of winning, you have to watch ads.


Deceptive game

Most games have an ad between levels which is fine, however, this game forces you to watch ads during gameplay. The levels are so incredibly hard and impossible to complete without watching ads to get extra parking spots. Be prepared to need to watch 4-6 ads per level if you want to pass it. And they are not short ads either!

Cars are hidden behind the buttons and are impossible to see or select, which makes the game unplayable. I had to delete the game

This part was fixed, however, now that I got to actually play the game I see how deceptive it is.



I’ve been playing for an hour and am only on level 3 i only beat level 2 by watching an ad and i realize that you can’t beat any level without watching an ad at first i thought i wasn’t using the right tactics but as i get close to the end of a round it’s impossible to beat it without watching an ad


Too many ads

This is such a fun game. I find myself playing it all hours of the day but it is sooooo incredibly frustrating the amount of ads there are. And the ads are so ridiculous. The games are all about women who are degraded, abused, and need saving. I hate it. You cannot go to another level without an ad. You cannot lose without an ad. You can’t win without an ad! The ads are OVERKILL. I honestly am going to delete this. As much as I like it. It’s soo many ads and I don’t like what the ads are. It’s depressing and utterly stupid to see a mom abused and mistreated, game or not. And I see it every 10 seconds! Stupid ads. Super fun game.


Fun game bad adds

I really enjoy the game. It’s really challenging. But two things. The buttons at the bottom are covering some of the cars and it makes it really challenging to complete some levels because you can’t get to the cars. And the adds that are being shown are porno adds. If kids play this game this is terrible for them to see. They are showing add for apps I wouldn’t even consider buying. It makes me not want to even play this.


Place the cancel button away from the parking spaces

My only problem with the game so far is the inconvenient placing of the command to surrender right in front of the free parking spaces. Literally the only times I have lost were because I was reaching for the parking spaces for more parking and that stupid icon got in the way. That is a damning disgrace, how dare you assume I ever want to surrender? Get that option out of my way, it’s ruining my good times. Otherwise, a solid game, would recommend, but still, GET RID OF THE GIVE UP OPTION!!!!


Feels like untested AI levels

Starting from level 2 where the “difficulty goes up” it becomes impossible to beat a level without watching adds for the boost rewards. On some levels I had to restart multiple times and even then still resorted to watching adds for extra car slots etc.
I wonder if these levels were randomly created by some program or AI and were never tested because after trying to beat a few without adds they genuinely feel impossible to beat without boosts.

Is Car Jam Safe?

Yes. Car Jam: Escape Traffic Puzzle is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 134 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Car Jam Is 39.0/100.

Is Car Jam Legit?

Yes. Car Jam: Escape Traffic Puzzle is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 134 Car Jam: Escape Traffic Puzzle User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Car Jam Is 55.6/100..

Is Car Jam: Escape Traffic Puzzle not working?

Car Jam: Escape Traffic Puzzle works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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