So it’s cool and all, I can beat teams on the hardest difficulty, beat the campaign, all that, it’s cool, whatever. My problem is the challenges, scoring triple the opponents points.. it seems like first two quarters, you can hit almost anything, easily juke or just run around the guy guarding you, I usually go up to like a 45-6 lead at halftime.. but apparently, all teams have the warriors 3rd quarter drive, and block anything I throw up (even when I knock them down right before shooting), always connects on their shoves, and will get every steal they go for, whereas I magically can’t steal anymore, and can’t block, because after halftime, all they do is dunk the ball... so 45-6 lead at half turns into a 55-20 lead at end of 3rd, which makes triple score harder.. then of course, magically, 4th quarter, same thing.. steals blocks shoves for them, nothing for me, ends up being like 65-35.. not even double..