Room Sort Reviews

Room Sort Reviews

Published by on 2024-07-05

About: Sort the dismembered floor plan parts to complete the layout of your house! This
innovative game combines architecture and puzzles to test your spatial awareness
and creativity! HOW TO PLAY ・Put the parts together well so they don't stray
from the house. ・Let's combine the doors so that they overlap well.

About Room Sort

・Put the parts together well so they don't stray from the house.

・Let's combine the doors so that they overlap well.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 57 combined software reviews.

203 Room Sort Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Smart puzzles

I love these! Hope more of this kind will come out !!!!!!!



The game is basically one-to-one ad to gameplay. If you like watching ads constantly than this is the game for you. Otherwise the levels are way too short to justify ads between every level


Good game but..

I would like this game better if watching the adds doubles your money but over all it’s a good game to pass time with .


New player

So far enjoyable cute concept



This is unplayable. Ads pop up immediately after opening and as soon as you close the ads a new one pops up within a few seconds.


Room Sort

I’ve been known to fix houses on many gaming apps, but this new app does NOT have any pictures. You just have to follow each shape of a potential house.
I know this game will get more difficult later on.
Kenneth Huang. 7/11/24.


The game has way to many ads

I played for 3 minutes and boom an ad


Won’t start

Doesn’t even open into game


Great game😍

I was just swiping on my phone when I saw this add about this game where you have to build a house by placing


Great thing to play!

Play this game immediately! I swear it! It’s completely free! And it’s fun!🤩🥳



This game is AWESOME my fingers hurt so bad I can’t stop playing


Way too easy

Cute idea; but, not very challenging. Which makes it pretty boring.



So far WAY too easy, hope it gets more challenging



Deleted after about 6 rounds. TOO MANY ADS!!


Cute idea, aggressive ads

Fitting shapes is actually more fun when they’re labeled as floor plans! You wouldn’t want to live in some of these houses, though. However, starting at level 3, there are long ads often. This early, the levels are short and easy: I’m not sitting through a 45-second ad to play a 25-second level.


It’s a good game and it shows some promise

This is a good game and it does show some promise but I will say that it does need some serious updates from the developers because it has a tendency to stall a lot. I have to close the game, restart my tablet and then restart the game. I really hope that the developers fix this.


So simple yet so addicting!!!

Just give it a try! Should be good for all ages!


Ads and gameplay

WAYY to many ads!! Ive has this game for about 2 says and am already in level 100, but by level 70 I noticed it was putting the same houses with the same rooms over and over again



I won the prize after reaching 100% after doing so many levels and then watched an ad to get x3 but after reopening RoomSort the prize was gone… all 100 plus coins were gone and I was left with the original amount I had before even doing the last level which was like 30 coins… Seeming it’s already hard to get allot since each level is under 30 coins losing even 100 coins is a big deal. Please revise this bug.



This game is amazing! I have recommended it to family and friends and i’m hooked on it myself. The only reason that it is 4 stars is because every 2-3 levels there’s an ad and that’s kind of annoying. I know that it gives you money but still i think that’s too many. But overall one of the best games i have played would recommend!


I love this game

This game has literally no ads and it’s great💙😃. It’s also very fun to play. I really do recommend playing this. I would say more but I don’t know what else I’d say.


Fun but Full of Ads

Don’t listen to the reviews that say this game has minimal ads. The first time I got an ad was on the 3rd level and then ads continued after every single level. The game is fun but almost unplayable due to ad frequency.


Love it

I’ve barely started but I’m already in so much love


Too short

Unless I just can’t find the second floor, I’ve finished the game at level 327 or so. I bought all the rooms & furniture & now it seems I have no where to go.


Needs Ad-Free Option

Fun but way too many ads and no option to pay for ad-free


Levels repeat

It’s fun until level 65 or so where the levels start to repeat


This is a very interesting game

5 stars


Way too limited.

I absolutely loved the game. So why only two stars? Two reasons - first, there are way too many ads. But the amount of ads would have taken off, at the most, one star. I did get kind of used to them. What took off the other stars was that once you finish building that one house you’re finished. That’s it. And that took me only about one week. I had assumed that when I did everything, I would get a new lot and different furniture to build another one. Also, the puzzle segment of fitting rooms into the blueprint , is just the same layouts over and over again. You just end of memorizing the layout so the challenge is over. This could have been my top relaxing game to play in a long time if they had just put more effort into it (they must be getting plenty of money with all the ads to do that) instead of a game I guess I’ll just delete now since there’s nothing left to do.


Overall a nice game

This game is exactly what it sounds like in the pictures. The levels are easy, and fun to complete. The daily levels are harder, which I enjoy. I wish the games got harder over time as the levels I am completing - around level 100 - are the same as level 5. Another issue with this game is that the levels repeat themselves. To buy new rooms and furniture you do the levels and get ~20 coins (when land costs 400 coins and rooms cost 100 coins), but because the levels repeat themselves it gets boring really fast. However, I like the design of the furniture options and room options. I just wish there were more unique levels.


Architecture and jigsaw

Okay, there’s only one thing I hate… Why didn’t the ad for this game pop up sooner?! This is so fun! Basically architecture and jigsaw had a baby. The funnest baby you’ll ever play, that is! You have to make sure every room fits into the house. After each level you’ll earn coins to spend on a house that you get to build! There are even daily challenges! Just a warning, you will get very addicted to this game once you download it. 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Amazing game

Fun fun fun!! Also I think you should try to put people in it or do little mini games for holidays or events and you get like pumpkins for halloween or beach balls for summer and have special furniture that cost the beach balls or pumpkins and nothing costs money from your own bank account so everyone gets to experience the fun new furniture


Fun but redundant

Over all I like the game. It is fun and a nice distraction for my hands so I don’t just stuff my face while I watch Tv. However, I noticed at about level 80-90 the rooms that you sort start being the same over and over. So it becomes more of a memory game than a puzzle. The redundancy is a little frustrating when it’s coupled with the thousands of ads that play. Again like I said, I like the game, but the same rooms to be sorted and the ads are a bit rough. I love designing the house as well.


Was fun but not anymore since I completed it

I really enjoyed it at first. Thought there was going to be more challenging levels but I was wrong. The levels keep repeating themselves. Plus once you complete your house there’s nothing else to do but wait to play the calendar every day. It would be fun if you could build a neighborhood. Or have more levels like the ones in the daily challenges. I hope you change something otherwise I’ll delete the game. Enjoyed it at first even though there was A LOT of ads in between each level.


Good game!

Normally, when you download a game from an ad you see on social media, the actual game is nothing like the advertised product- and there's usually tons of ads. This game is exactly what the ad looks like with a bit of extra stuff. In addition, there's minimal ads. One of the better mobile games!


Not to many ads

I have been playing this game for 2 months and I get a ad every 10 plays in the game and there not a lot of time I play 90/80 of the game and 20/10 of the ads great game


Lots of ads and can’t change placement

The game itself is very fun but after every level there is an ad, it gets extremely annoying. And in some of the rooms that you get to decorate a window is added on and I wish you could change on which wall it went to make it make more sense. But the same goes for everything else, I wish I could rearrange stuff.


Fun but repetitive

RoomSort is fun but repetitive and after I got all the land and all the rooms it’s a dead end. There is no new houses or a second floor. There is only 1 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 garden space. In less than a week there is nothing but daily layout to do. I kept hoping I that a new challenge would pop up. I guess I’ll keep looking for a better app.


Amazing game, just too many ads

Love the game and how it combines interior design with jigsaw puzzles. One thing is that there’s an ad after every level I play, it’s a bit too much. Less ads and I would’ve given it 5 stars. But anyways, the game is amazing❤️❤️


Can’t pay for no ads

I love this game but I wish there was the option to pay in order to not see ads. That would make me a lot happier. Please make this an option.


What happens now?

I have finished decorating all of the rooms, and I have expanded the property. What happens now? Are there going to be additional rooms/properties to unlock? It seems pointless to keep playing with no tasks to complete


Love this game.

I love this game… the only thing that I wish was different was if it wasn’t so hard to come up with the coins to purchase the buildings and decorations for the home.


Overall good game but could use some more things

I really love this game and enjoy playing it but there are a few things I wish the game had. Number one, I wish there was more to do in terms of the actual house, I completed the house not too long ago and now don’t know what to do. I wish there was a second story because of the staircase in the Grand Room. Number two, I wish you could choose which wall to put the windows on because I had to put all the rooms with windows to the left side so they are actually looking out and not to another room which left no room for the Study Rook that had the big window I wanted to place, I ended up doing the sound proofing instead. Finally, Number three, I wish you could change the orientation of the rooms to fill in some more space on the lot or add more rooms for the same reason as well. Ultimately, this is a great game to play it’s fun and also kind of relaxing for me and I think with these add-ons it would be even better!


Best game EVER

Absolutely LOVE this!! The only downside is I’ve finished the game, as it is now lol 😅 From one of the furniture features tho it looks like the main house may get a second story?? 👀 that would be so fun!!

I think it would be cool too if there was a way to unlock rotating rooms in the main house, maybe after finishing the room or after unlocking everything?? 🤔 Mainly bc I hate having some of the windows on an interior wall lol and am NOT satisfied with any of the layouts that make the windows work haha. Just some suggestions/ideas tho!! 💖💖


It’s fun but needs some changes

I love this game, however I have gotten to the point where my levels are repeats of past levels. I don’t mind the ads at all (surprisingly), but it’d be amazing if there could be newer and more challenging levels. I’d also like to be able to do past daily puzzles and maybe do a daily sign in for the coins 🤷🏼‍♀️. I’d also like to be able to move items around (or have the option to remove them) in the house because no matter what layout I do, I always have issues with ways into and out of the rooms (the window walls seem to always be on the left side??) and it would also be cool if I’m able to move the walkway to the entrance. I will keep playing this game until I hyper fixate on something else, but these suggestions would definitely improve the gameplay


Pros & Cons

- Moderately challenging initially
- Collecting coins in order to purchase land & furniture flows at a reasonable rate
- You can change both your layout of the rooms and the furniture you select at any time
(Tap and hold down on the furnishing you want to change and wait for the arrow for furniture, Click the paintbrush in Task window to rearrange rooms)
- The daily challenges are even more challenging and fun, so far I haven’t noticed any repeating

- The puzzles repeat, therefore removing the challenge and grows boring
- Once you’ve purchased all the land & furnishings for the lot there’s nothing else to do (though it looks like perhaps they’ll add more lots to build on later?)
- FAR too many adds, and not the short kind that you can exit after a few seconds
- The furnishing options are limited, and the layout doesn’t make sense (windows only show up on one side of the wall, therefore limiting where you can put some rooms if you want it to make sense)

Overall I enjoyed the game, but I’m at level 330 and have built all there is to build so there’s nothing else to do but the Daily Challenge. I’ll wait to see if they add more, but until they do I won’t be playing.


Love but too many ads

I absolutely love this game. It has become my nightly calm down game right before bed. My only complaint is there is an ad every single time you finish a level. The problem with these ads, it mutes whatever I am listening to. So I have the nightly routine of playing a game, and listening to a podcast to get sleepy. However, I have to keep going out of RoomSort and pressing play on the podcast that it keeps pausing every time there is an ad.

I would HAPPILY pay for a version with no ads but it seems like that isn’t an option. Please add a feature that I could pay to be away with ads!


Great game but needs work

Levels are recycled and ads play after every “level,” which can take less than a minute, since you already know them after a while. Rewards are so little, so you end up playing the same thing repeatedly. A three minute ad (that’s a pain to click out of), to less then two of actual gameplay, is frustrating- had to delete.



Hate RoomSort i think its like dumbledoor from harry pooter not a slay app do not recommend if you did you goo boo hoo me mad have two moods angy and sad i am the ultimate rich rizzler of scibidy famum taxx of ohio gyatt me not happy 🤬 me sad two💀buh bye 😘✌️💀🤫🧏‍♂️ gyatt i was in Ohio before I met you ooooo im so skibidi third mood. ✨pRePPy ShREK✨⚡️⚡️⚡️🕴️🕴️🕴️english or spanish not the preppy shreck app i was looking for. u can not be a softie u can not be aesthetic u can not evn be preppy u are ✨eMo✨. U are not very demure u are not cutsey u are not very coquette you made the alpha angy Rawr you are not my kitten anymore


Amazing just a few things

I love this game but I wish there was like a second level to the house or different houses you can do. I also realize that I was like repeating certain levels throughout the game.
Another thing I have notices that we kind of l do the levels to buy the other pieces of land, even though we didn’t do anything on it.


Pretty good but…

The levels just repeat and you end up doing the same layouts over and over after a certain point. Aside from that, they use a nice variety of options for the room decor but the rooms don’t fit together very well because none of them have specific doorways or anything. It’s still really fun just a few areas i believe they could improve


Ads Need updated

Love the game. However the ads are a bit ridiculous. The ads are a minute long after EVERY level. Levels take only a minute or two to complete so it’s constant ads. There is no option to purchase ad free play. They give the option to watch more ads for triple the coins, this option does not work. Everytime I try it says they couldn’t load the ads. RoomSort also ONLY WORKS WITH INTERNET. If you try to play on airplane mode because of the excessive ads RoomSort will load and loads levels but won’t let you play. The gameplay is nice but levels are not long enough to warrant an ad in between each one.


Deleted same day, garbage.

I deleted this game because it won’t let you play without a connection solely for the purpose of watching ads. Like come on. It was fun for a minute but an ad every other minute ruins the experience and when i tried to put my phone in airplane mode to have just a few minutes of play without a freaking ad - it asked for my understanding instead of just allowing it. Sometimes before i go to bed I like to play mindless games but ads don’t allow me to relax while playing so i like to go into airplane mode just so i can actually play uninterrupted. But not with this game. Deleted the same day.


You CAN change window placement etc

I came here to see if anyone wrote a review about how to stop seeing ads every 20 seconds, but noticed a lot of people talking about the annoying window placement in each room. It’s pretty easy to move them, or any item. Just tap the item, each tap rotates it 90 degrees. Then touch it and drag it to anywhere you want it within that room.

Is Room Sort Safe?

No. Room Sort does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 57 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Room Sort Is 18.9/100.

Is Room Sort Legit?

No. Room Sort does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 57 Room Sort User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Room Sort Is 33.6/100..

Is Room Sort not working?

Room Sort works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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