Sword of Convallaria Reviews

Sword of Convallaria Reviews

Published by on 2024-07-31

🏷️ About: Sword of Convallaria revitalizes the beloved Japanese turn-based & pixel art genre! Immerse yourself in a world of strategic victories, breathtaking visuals, and epic soundtracks, all tied together by a captivating storyline. Your story, your move! STRATEGIC TURN-BASED COMBAT Sword of Convallaria brings to mobile the most authentic grid-based tactical battles! Deploy unique allies against diverse enemy types and use every ba.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

👿🤬😠 Negative experience

😎👌🔥 Positive experience

🙄💅🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 933 combined software reviews.

Read 58 Customer Service Reviews 👿🤬😡😠💢😤

4.7 out of 5

Solid Gameplay, but


The aggressive monetization schemes dampen the experience. Not only is there a separate weapon banner(Call me old school, but I prefer earning weapons and upgrades through gameplay), you need to pull multiple of the same character to get fragments to fully rank up your units, similar to War of the Visions, which is one of the biggest reasons I stopped playing that game(I know you can earn fragments in game, but as someone who played war of the visions for years, by the time you actually earn enough to fully rank up a character, they were more than likely powercrept) also, the energy system. I get this is a common thing in Gacha games, but this feels extreme. I’m running out of energy absurdly fast compared to similar games. I really enjoy the art, the localization was better than I anticipated, but greed is apparent. I hope they find a better balance between shareholder and player expectations, because as it stands now, this game seems like one that won’t be around very long.

Bricked (otherwise 4-5)


Don’t give players an easy means to reroll in a gacha game and then brick their IP if they roll multiple times using the User Center -Delete Account feature as designed (a single instance at a time not even multiple instances). The music and art are great… and would like to experience the game but now can’t. I tend to reroll in gacha but do support financially once I’ve locked in, reroll isn’t just a FTP thing, just a means to start, that the company supported but with a glaring issue. A known issue that should have been addressed/fixed by now. Please fix so players don’t get the Cause or Failure - Operation is Abnormal error if deleting. Please make this a priority and once addressed, I will happily try the game again and adjust rating to represent the games many wins. Unfortunately, I am just unable to play with the current known errors.

well made but very boring


the quality of the game is decent, however it's a skeleton of a game. you have the basics and it stays at the most basic and minimum level. there is almost no difference that separates Legendary units to regular units except 1 skill which pretty much has the same special effects. the battle is 99% auto attack based. I have never fall alseep that many times playing a game and every time i open this game I falls asleep after a few minutes of playing because it's that boring.

aside from being very boring the units u can use in fights are so random too. you can have a team set up in 1 battle and suddenly it changes in the next. all I see a simple frame with a lot of paying options. just a gacha game that's not even fully developed with nothing unique or outstanding.



All those years sitting in SwordofConvallaria store just waiting for release and THIS is the final product? Just another predatory p2w pile of junk with 2% legendary droprates where only around 1/4 of them are even any good and takes an insane amount of effort to grind summons in the first place? For all the faith we had for this game to drop you give us 20 measly summons after a tutorial that takes so long that you would have more fun watching paint dry than seeing the tutorial again while rerolling. This is supposed to be a game, not a chore. What a joke



This is like every other mobile game. It’s beautiful and looks like a good old RPG but it isn’t. Its free but they hope you get into the game and pay for “wishes” to summon more warriors, and there are 50 events going on where you can pay to get more treasures/materials. The game pushes you along and gives you no freedom to explore or interact with characters. You literally just jump from one fight to the next with some dialogue in between. Your character doesn’t even fight in most of the battles so you’re just maneuvering characters around that you have no attachment to cause you’re always summoning new ones. I stayed with this game as long as I could hoping eventually I’d get set free and be able to go around completing tasks, but what they let you do is very very limited. So it’s just battle battle dialogue battle battle dialogue. I’m not even going to get into the two different worlds and how you have different characters/mercenaries for each world. It’s confusing and boring.

Not what was advertised.


The ads before release made me believe that the main character, a.k.a. You would be customizable and playable throughout the story, the only customization you get is “male or female” and you lose the ability to control your character after the 8th battle. The ads now for it are pretentious when the story is your stereotypical “I want to change the world for the better” with a cat that really feels like they don’t want you there making snide comments until they actually need you. It’s a gacha game that feels like it didn’t have much thought put into it. Hopefully it improves in the future as the graphics send me back to the old days when I played FFT on the PS1, and I hate to see anything flounder that brings back those memories.

Great Game But One Big Problem


I think the ability to actively play the main protagonist of the story should stay consistent. I really liked playing him when I first used him in the tutorial, teaching me to use the heal ability and how to attack, then took him away and I havent gotten to play him since. I’d really like to play my main character on the grid. This was the main reason I continued to play but now I can’t play him as a character. I hope you add this one feature because it is extremely crucial in my decision to play.
Final Fantasy Tactics allowed you to play Ramza through the entire storyline and that’s my standard for all grid strategy games. I don’t want to develop that initial attachment then never be able to play them again. All while he is still active in scenes and partakes in conversations



Great game so far story and combat wise, however it’s massively held back by greed with the lame “energy” system that most gatcha games implement, in hopes to force you to spend real money to continue playing or wait for the energy to refill. Such a bummer as I was extremely excited for this game.

Good on the initial look, bad in reality


I was really hopeful when this game came out. Played since release. Initially, the game appeared on the surface to be good. However, for those who have played any amount of time, you’ll quickly realize it’s sole purpose is to drain you of money, and as much and as quickly as possible. This by far is one of the greediest games I have ever played. It is so disappointing, because the game itself has so much great potential. Unfortunately, the corporate greed syndrome is the driving force here. Pity system, lol, more like give me all of your money for “No soup for you!” (Seinfeld fans will get that). There are a ton of aspects to this game that could make it really great, it’s just not in the cards with how the company has designed it to drain your bank account with no return on investment. Just be aware that if you enjoy playing this game, in the very near future it will cost you to progress and you may find the cost takes all your enjoyment away.

Early greed is a bad sign


The game is fine bordering on good, but early signs are concerning. It takes 16 hours to regenerate energy fully. Full energy will let you run -8- stages. So two hours to play a ~5 minute stage, or, you guessed it, burn currency. I understand the game makes a profit, but gating the ability to PLAY the game that hard on day 1 is a bad decision. I’d pick this one up, but definitely keep it as a f2p occasional drop in, not a main game.

Sword of paywalls


I’m giving the game 2 stars because visuals and mechanics…that’s about all it has going for it.

The story line is intelligible. The new content comes on quick but for me at least it always shows unavailable. But the big issue (like always) is the stupid paywall. I get companies need to turn a profit, but this is just trying to milk your account. Once you get past level 20, your gonna start to lag in progress unless you spend. And I mean spend. Want to get 10 summons to hope to get one good character. Just under $32. Right now they have an event where you earn rewards at certain intervals and can pay for premium rewards. $16 and you don’t even get a character just there alternate outfit and other useless materials you’ll get I. Spades by playing certain games…umm what?! If you’re a whale have fun if you don’t have a rich daddy (or mommy; no judgement) find something else to play. Prob buy a SRPG outright for the cost of one purchase.

All that effort to make an enjoyable game to ruin it with greed. Be surprising to see this game in SwordofConvallaria Store for much longer.

Decent for a freebie


I was really looking forward to this one. It is heavily inspired by FFT, which is exactly what I’ve been hoping for. However, the events are terrible. The first event required perfection to even TIE with the NPC competitors. One mistake and you lost. Terrible. Now they have the second event but if you’re not in some sort of ‘guild’ the. You cannot really participate beyond an “atta-boy.”

The in-app purchases are too much. This game uses your typical “pay-to-play” strategy, as you’d expect, but it feels way too imbalanced.

As an example, you get a total of about 240 “energy.” Most quests cost between 20 and 40 energy. You may get about 2000 gems to level up a character, per run. It’ll cost about 20k gems to get 1 level up. Maybe 1 level if you burn all of your energy. But hey, if you pay…

So I give this 3 stars.
-Fun game-play inspired by FFT.
-Story sequences are too long to allow for a quick pickup and play (like during a work break).
-In-app purchases seem inflated.
-Slow progression without paying.
-the different quest modes do not benefit each other. Rewards gained in Spiral Destinies does not affect normal gameplay. So what’s the point?
-PvP is simple and can be fun. Though the defender AI is simple. Just hang back and wait for them to come to you.

3 out of 5 stars. Needs some balancing to make the in-app purchases and time spent worthwhile.

Nostalgic but niche and p2w


I love the 2 games in 1. And how they are connected, two versions of the same world where things played out differently. The problem is, It feels like two different games and I get confused between the two. I often find myself looking for characters, skills, abilities or items that I have in one world and not the other. Maybe I will get used to it but I’m the type of gamer who needs to finish their current game before starting another so it’s driving me nuts 😂

The game is 100% pay to win but luckily I am not a fan of most of the characters who are plagued with generic anime tropes. So I don’t care to pull for most characters. The game is filled with gacha tropes as well. Continually urging the player to pull on banners or by energy to keep playing. Try not to fall for the traps, take your time and it’s a very enjoyable game.

The framework of a good game hobbled by needless dark patterns.


There is a good game buried somewhere under all of the typical mobile game dark pattern filth, it just takes some digging to get there. It feels like a classic Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced game at its core, though with the job system replaced by your typical mobile gacha character pull system. There’s a story attached to it with some interesting time loops, although I found myself skipping most of it. The music and graphics are beautiful and on par with said FFTA. Unfortunately for all the good this game has, the developers came over and dumped a bucket of ice cold mobile game design all over it. You’ll find all the classics here: Energy System, 100 kinds of currencies, Gacha, Daily Quests, FOMO Events, Lotteries, and all fine-tuned to bombard you with a never-ending dose of dopamine. It’s the type of game I’ve wanted for years, except it’s lousy with mobile game monetization.

Honest Review


I play Langrisser and other grid based battle games. Firstly, I will say that I adore the art style, the story is great, and I love the mode that uses keys rather than stamina for when you just want to play the game. The maps are detailed but combat on it is dull when battles dont use most of the terrain. Combat is basic, which is nice at times, but it would be nice to see skills that interact with each other or with the terrain. The pixel art is amazing and I hope they add a “color” system some day so we may have our units look like our own squad. A lot of stamina is needed to play the main game and keep up with it but its not something to really complain about with the Spiral mode needing none of it, so its great to have that split focus when you get bored of grinding. This game has a little bit of everything and I hope to see more from it as it continues on.

Things that can improve the game


I had to leave and I think you guys did a good job so far but many of the features can be improve.

1. Players shouldnt be penalized for trying, especially in some of these harder puzzles. We already lost time trying and to cost additional 1 energy per try is discouraging

2. Expand energy to 360 and have daily login energy rewards just be mailed to everyone - I know you have two types of sweep but still, the 240 energy fills up fast and sometimes we are busy and by the time we got back we lose energy + daily at times which is discouraging. normal sweep requirement can be a little more friendly to new players by reducing 1 required chars aside from maybe events

3. more social features like trying friends or guild members defense or guild battles. Without social features I dont feel motivated to spend.

4. AI needs improvement. Auto and enemy ai feels dumb, they basically walk and cast skills randomly, sometimes blocking

5. balance of chars, especially tier skills. maybe have an extra slot so we feel like leveling chars because some of them reaches their skill potential at rk 3-5 which is discouraging.

I like that you have a great time killer in spiral mode. maybe you guys can make a new game with better graphics with that being the main mode.

Not what it seems like….


From the crazy hype this game had and the high quality sneak peaks this game looked SICK but…..eh, it’s kinda a strange game that rlly doesn’t deserve 2M downloads. Don’t get me wrong it has AMAZING graphics and combat but compared to the downsides it’s not worth it just for looks or combat. The cast of characters are rlly strange, the story is rlly strange and confusing with two versions of it, and the style is interesting but not rlly for me. Overall the story cast is really stupid and another one of those “u wake up with no memories and fail to beat a boss, now u go back in time over and over again till u get it right 🙄” SUPER ANNOYING. Also none of girls look any good or are hot at all. Like I’m super happy it’s not azur lane but make them eye catching. This game is for a certain type of people so I would give it a try. That’s all and thx for ur time!

Good tactics and art, bad everything else


The tactical gameplay and art are good. Battles are fun. The story even starts out decent. But once you pass the intro and unlock/open up the rest of the game, like every other Asian rpg, it gets SO confusing and convoluted. I don't understand how the Fools errand story/characters relate to the Spiral of Destinies story/characters. You play with different versions of the characters, and the stories seem to go in different directions. Why are there different versions of the same units between the two modes?? And what are the "Bonds" for? And also like every other Asian rpg, there's SO much dialog, much of which is just fluff and doesn't contribute anything meaningful. I also don't like the so commonly used mechanic of leveling your units with resources - just makes the game feel cheap and money grabbing. And speaking of money, there are SO many different currencies/resources! Way too hard to keep track of all that. I suppose since they're constantly given out as rewards for playing, events, logging in, etc etc, it's not that important. Like everything else, it just makes the game overly complicated.

Battle System Oversight(?)


This game, in my opinion, decent. However, one thing I cannot stand is the weakness/strength system. Each character has a class which are categorized in five colors. There is red, blue, green, yellow, and purple. Similar to other games of the genre the green is weak to red, red is weak to blue, and blue is weak to green. However, in most games yellow and purple deal more damage to each other. In this game, however, this is not the case the yellow is strong against the purple dealing extra damage but this is all one sided making characters with the purple class essentially useless. (I forgot the names of the classes so I referred to them as the color they’re represented by) I hope it changes in an update as it makes characters with the purple class have a huge disadvantage as they aren’t strong against anything so far.

Potentially legendary game ruined by greed


This game has the potential to be the Genshin of tactical pixel gaming or simply the new FFT. Unfortunately, the lack of freedom due to stamina being required even for story content and ridiculous double banners (like Genshin’s weapon banners but for their featured characters) ruins it for me. Stamina should only be for mat/gear farming and double banners are a scam that I will never invest in. I play a ton of gacha and this is certainly on the greedier side, but at least it’s not P2W.

The other reviews can tell you the good. FFT is one of my favorite games of all time. M I even bought the full WoTL version for mobile. Being newer, this does many things better in terms of story and design. The voice acting is also great although I wish English were an option. The music isn’t quite up to par but the modern combat and animations make up for it.

They did a great job with design and story, but again, I’d like more freedom to play and like to know exactly what I’m getting when I consider spending money. It’s sad that they put all of this time into such an award-worthy game that will always stay under the radar due to a few poor decisions. I have a fairly large budget for Genshin and a few other gacha games but it won’t be going here.

New and enjoying so far


I can’t really see if I like it just yet I’m very new to the game and the prices are really expensive from what it seems. Hopefully they’ll ease up on the price tags of things. It just seems like maybe my math wrong but it seems like it’s a dollar for 10 summons and that seems a little steep, but the storyline seems interesting. I don’t like the tarot card thing. I’m not into that. It’s a big turn off. If anything it was the biggest turn off. I almost didn’t install the game because of it. …. So.. just found out that this game had a banner going so short I missed it and the game just came out and it was the exact hero I wanted so essentially the next 6 months to a year I would have played this game just went to a possible uninstall .. I’ve been waiting for a final fantasy tactics style game for so long it’s insane and then the one that drops I miss out on the very character they had a banner for because they decided not to run the banner for longer then a week… unless your willing to reroll illegally this game has just made me want to say some thing sour so I’ll say this… if your looking for a tactics game and don’t care who your playing it’s a great game.. if your a whale and want the best of the best then good luck



***Played since launch. I would strongly advise against purchasing summon packs. You will get baited at first with generous results and then start getting nothing with every 10 pull later on. They’re overpriced to begin with and the pity system is well…pitiful. Not going to waste a penny more going forward. A shame because I would’ve spent a lot more if they weren’t your typical greedy overseas game developer.***

This is up there with Langrisser and Arknights in terms of quality, although I must say there’ve been a few crashes which never happens in the aforementioned. Unit position rotation and class changes would make it better but not a dealbreaker. Also, pricing of currency is pretty outrageous. Storyline is not innovative or dramatic like FF Tactics or Octopath but it’s well written. The NRG replenishment system is horrible as you only have a couple refills to purchase with gems and the cost for each map uses a large percentage of it. You also can’t purchase much with real money. Overall, I like it a lot. They definitely need to make more of these types of games. Highly recommend for any tactics junkies out there.

Amazing, and then it is not.


The game started so amazingly well. You can play the game with the weakest units and clear a lot of the game. There is not much to do after you complete the game though. If you are someone that wants to collect heroes, be prepared to spend a lot of money. A lot! The upcoming content to be realized will require high merges and only the legendaries will work to get you the most rewards. It is unfortunate because what you can do in the game is run, but once you have completed it, everything going forward seems to require spending to keep getting the rewards. There are a lot of content creators talking about this. Those that are already playing know this by just checking their friends’ list. The number are dropping quickly, which is sad, because this game has so much potential.



I don't know what I was expecting when I signed up months ago for the pre-release, but whatever I thought it was ... ain't it.

Upon release, I didn't encounter any bugs that I can remember, I had 3 legendary people from pulls, but the amount of time it takes to be able to battle again is ridiculous. I understand they're going for 120 hours of gameplay, but it feels like 80 of those hours are pure dialogue. I absolutely CANNOT STAND cutscenes and skip over them as much as possible. Some of them, like naming the cat, you can't even skip over. Who cares what the cat's name is??

Overall, it felt like this game fell short.

Fix first


I’m unsure on what to actually give my review on. App has a big crashing problem and when it does allow me to successfully be on the game. It had a down assets problem. I’ve tried 3 different phones and different households. Can’t get it to work!

Game is fun


FFT was definitely one of my favorite strategy rpgs. This game brings a lot of memories of it. Although in comparison it is a little different. It has type weaknesses and environment where you can use to your advantage. It feels fresh. I also love the spiral destinies game mode. That feels like an actual game. Where you have no stamina besides needing to rest your characters. Now that’s a game mode that doesn’t need changing. Some of the characters are pretty well thought out and are useful. Surprisingly Rising Falcon , who is a rare, is really powerful. There are some things that can get a little bit annoying. I really wished the stamina system wasn’t so taxing. Having 240 stamina and everything costs 30 endurance? That’s only 8 stages. Some other grind stages require 40 endurance. How are we supposed to progress if we have to balance so much on story and other progression missions? I really hope they nerf the endurance cost or maybe have a better reward system for endurance. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.

Real Strategy Game


I love that the non-legendary characters can be useful since the roles and abilities are so unique, plus it’s easier to max out SR’s. Abilities and builds are also customizable in a simple yet meaningful way, so you can really carve out your own play style. Each character feels unique and well designed.

At the end of the day, its structured like every other gacha game. There are typical weapons and character banners, which require duplicates to max upgrade.

My main gripe is that the game has too much random content and micro-transactions. It starts to feel overwhelming, but the UI is clean enough where you don’t have to look at everything all the time. Overall, it’s a refreshingly exciting strategy game that forces you to build up an array of characters.

Great game but some problems


I’ve been anticipated this game for so long.
The graphic and the UI are amazing. I enjoyed the gameplay so far but it’s a slow start, you basically have nothing to do when your stamina runs out plus there’s a limited resource to refill your stamina.
I hope you guys implement more contents beside the main story and make it more exploreable.



I really enjoy it so far, it’s cute tbh. Love the art style my only complaint has to be the story. Oh my goodness it’s so long and so much talking. It’s kinda annoying I understand there is a storyline etc but there is wayyyyy to much talking.

Not the best guy for reviews


I think it has potential but here’s where I get annoyed you have events spread out everywhere like a open world game would with free activities so when you do that and add tiny but meaningful buttons towards claiming said event rewards I miss out especially when you make the events require conditions to participate so I’m thinking when I can’t find the reward claim screen because it’s tiny and not as big as other buttons on that screen that oh I’m just not able to participate because I haven’t played that far yet. When you have events in about 7 to 9 menus each calling for your attention in someway or another it’s easy to tune out a tiny button or 2 that matters. My solution you put every single event log in or otherwise in the same location and make all push able buttons same size or at the least in the same window not 2 separate reward menus on the same screen. Yes I was estimating the menu with events but I was making a point about how spread out it is I bet most people don’t know there is more than 2 to 3 event menus it took me days to discover some of the others and unlocking pvp defense matches showed me another I didn’t know about today.

So far so good


Feels like your typical gacha game. I’m only an hour in, but the voice acting and the game play is solid. I’d compare this to early square-enix games. We’ll see how it goes as the game progresses, but I have high expectations for this.

If I could rate it 10/10 I would but still full stars for me


It’s got the roulette of pulling characters but in a good way u get more ssr/gold and rare/silvers but it doesn’t feel like it you have so many ways to customize the characters abilities that u can have a full blown damage dealing or you can’t touch me vibe. I would like to see if you could build many different squads in a sense. But I like how you have it now I have to say the devs have added everything into an rts/rpg game that you could ask for. Now I know it won’t be to everyone liking but I would recommend giving this game a shot. I hope the devs keep the game the way it is cause it’s a chef kiss already

Pretty fun even if it’s looking P2W


It’s a gacha game with the familiar gambling-like mechanics of pulling for characters. But there is a lot of work and care in the way the art, voice acting, and decent depth of battle field turn-based mechanics play out. You can still enjoy the game for what it is without getting sucked into the gacha p2w rabbit hole, but I think the more rare characters will be more powerful and will make scenarios easier. Despite these drawbacks it plays like a switch rpg game, so my advice would be to try it out and give it at least a few days/a week before you even consider whipping out your credit card.

Triangle Strategy meets Bad End Theater


I just want to say, I got this game on a whim when it first released and had NO ratings, and I’m so glad I did. This game reminds me so much of everything I love about games like fire emblem three houses, and triangle strategy, and you can see the inspiration and loving homage to the genre in this game, but with its own unique twists. The several stories in one and the choices that matter and everything about it just make this game so much fun- and its generous too! I’ve never felt like I have to make purchases to progress, and I’m still gladly free-to-play. I cannot wait to see how the story begins to unfold, and whether or not I’m correct in my initial suspicions! Please, if you’re a fellow lover of fantasy, turn-based strategy games, give this one a try.

pls make summoning a little easier


okay, here’s my honest review:

the game itself is amazing. it feels like an actual game you’d pay for, but you’re not! there’s different gameplays, so it’s hard to get bored. there’s about an equal amount of female and male characters and the best part is, the male characters are actually good too! the game is also clear and easy to understand with tutorials as you face something new.

my main complaint is that it’s pretty difficult to get gems or summoning currency (i forgot what it’s called), especially when there’s so many pull banners going on. this is also the first gatcha game i’ve played where you don’t get at least one free summon a day! it wouldn’t hurt anyone for us to have just ONE free summon daily, so pleaseeee consider it.

Unique and Addicting


This game has me coming back every day to make new progress and discover something new. There are so many different things to do, which involve immersing yourself into the story and characters, but also provide a way to collect necessary materials for further progression into the main storyline. The game play itself has me hooked, and not to mention the different ways your able to customize your characters ability depending on how you want to play. I truly wish there were more games out there like this one, thank you dev’s!

Great Game! Has a lot of potential!


I started playing the day this game came out, and I have been having a blast! People have been complaining about the gacha, but don’t let that discourage you from playing! The gacha system is super friendly and allows you to get the characters pretty easy! I got a legendary first pull and I have gotten other legendaries! Not to mention that saving up is super easy to with the rewards they give you! There’s no pressure to spend money on the game unless you want to do that. I also love the combat, characters, and the storylines! I’ve never played a game where there were multiple endings until this game came out! I wish that we had the ability to replay certain chapters instead of starting over for convenience sake! That’s really my only complaint. I can’t wait to see where the game goes in the future!

I love this game


I love this game and I’m certain you will too. Let me tell you my experience first; I’ve grind so many different RPGs because I’m an avid gamer. I’ve played games from Call of Duty and PUBG to story games like Genshin Impact and Elden Ring. None of the games I’ve played can truly flesh out the characters like this game does. I often skipped cutscenes, but the immersive gameplay and storytelling made me listen attentively. This game had amazing mechanics, it is fun for a turn based game. The gameplay may feel repetitive at times, especially the Spiral of Destinies— having to redo each story line. Unlike most turn based games however, the game creates bonds within characters which really brings me to tears. Out of all the games I’ve played, on almost every console imaginable— this one stands out. The character design is adorable and retro! Overall, the gameplay, the gacha, the combat, it really sells it for me. I love this game and I promise once you dive into this one, you’ll love it too.

Insane Value - 30 hours in, no money spent


This came has a lot of moving parts. It’s not just grind and level up. There are star ranks, ability ranks, exp, equipment enhancement, tactics points, endurance/energy counters, tactics leveling, your bond level…I thought for sure there would be a catch, like a bottleneck of something like energy that I’d have to pay money for to work around.

I once played this game for 10 hours straight and never ran out of resources. There aren’t any ads either. None. I haven’t spent any money yet but there are places where you CAN but you don’t really need to.

All those moving parts I mentioned? While there are a lot of things to potentially keep track of, the game guides you and helps you out so you’re never really overwhelmed.

Amazing art work, interesting story, battles that range from super easy to soul-crushing. But if you ever get to a “soul-crushing” battle, you’ll be offered a way out for an in-game non-monetary price.

I’m a bit worried this game will only be this excellent for a limited time. I can’t figure out how it makes money. It was obviously expensive to make.



So Final Fantasy Tactics is one of my favorite games ever, and I never thought any of the games that tried to fit the genre it created quite filled the bill. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but this game actually exceeds it. The animation, the story, the gameplay and inherent tactical planning are amazing. What makes it exceptional are the addition game modes and challenges available. If I had to find a complaint, I’d say I miss the ability to change each character’s class like you could in FF Tactics, and the crazy classes you could create with that system. That being said, this game has an incredibly diverse group of characters to choose from for the battles, and I enjoy it thoroughly. I’m SO happy that someone finally got this right and created a game that is new and modern, but keeps true to the roots of the tactics genre created by FF Tactics. Seriously couldn’t be happier with this game. It’s like the devs read my mind and created it just for me!

Help me


Every thing is going good I was just wondering where I use the keys of destiny because I went through everything and I couldn’t figure it out. And when you go to your inventory their should be an option to use it in the inventory. But if you could help me out that would be great.

Love it✨


I love the gameplay and how it’s not too complex to pull off combos and the numerous terrain uses we have at disposal. Moreover the story is rather interesting and I’m also a sucker for turn based games. I just wish I knew what to use the wish coupons on 😂

The game is the bomb


Ok first the graphics are stunning. two the combat simple cool animations. love the story only minor complaint but kinda wished there was english dubbed version of the game but besides thst extremely god tier game. This game did not like what so ever.

Amazing Fire Emblem Style Game


I’ve only just started playing but so far it’s far exceeded my expectations. Very cute art style and overall just a very appealing game to look at, but the story is really what’s shined for me so far. Usually with these type of mobile games the story is just dialogue boxes I have to get through but I’ve been genuinely invested! The high quality Japanese voice acting helps in that department as well. The character designs are very cute and so far none of the in game purchases feel predatory. They give you plenty of currency so you don’t have to buy anything if you don’t want to, but the prices don’t seem unreasonable if you get impatient and want to spend real money. Overall amazing game so far and if you like the gameplay and feel from Fire emblem I think you’ll have a great time.



I've been waiting for the release for about 3 months (I haven't entered the game yet) I hope that it will meet all expectations because the project is interesting and quite daring.

I haven’t felt this level of enjoyment with a tactics game since FFT


Absolutely love the game so far, the story had caught my attention which is rare for a gacha game, the effort they put into the character development and world building is deeply appreciated when most other gacha games shoehorn their characters into the story or a side story in a weak effort to convince you to pull for them. The characters feel fleshed out in combat as well, the characters feel unique, the skill tree is well thought out (though I wish the ability to reset skills existed, thankfully I looked at guides but I know not everyone does) and there’s plenty of synergy amongst them so there’s plenty of customization in team building. The only complaint I have is how bad the AI is when you auto play but that’s a minor complaint since they made most of the material grinding very easy. I see myself playing this game for a very long time.

Really good game


I just got it when it came out and dude this game is sick has nice graphics nice fighting styles and so much more I’m not gonna spoil the rest of the game features download it yourself From, IRunDrops a YouTuber

This company is gold Jerry, gold


haven’t played it yet. just downloaded it. but the DL process went smooth so so far five stars. whatever this company touches is gold. flash party and T3 rules. so fun those games

It’s adorable so far


I honestly love the game, it had a weird bug where I couldn’t tap any squares but I quit and came back and it works soo… and the story kinda hits

About the language


Why we don’t have a option to change the language for the game???

So far…


A very well crafted story so far, like a mix of modern Chrono Trigger and FF Tactics. Drops seem well balanced, at least for now. Overall not a bad game, and if you’re into tactical RPG gachas, it’s a must have.

This game is so fun 🥰


By read the review, this game is quite fun I never played Final Fantasy games but this one I don’t have words for it all but fun! 🥰

Fantastic Game!!


For a mobile game, it’s fresh and fun to play! Definitely how I’m gonna be spending my time for a while!

Really fun


I’ve been playing for about a few hours and the turn based action is really well thought one downside I would love too have more options instead of always fighting like exploring like the older final fantasy games but other than that it’s a great game

One of the Best made games on this App


So far I have to say this game, is great. I don’t know another game that has GOOD animation in both 2D AND 3D☠️. Usually mobile games don’t have that quality or care about them, not the case here. Secondly I’ve been playing for a couple hours like like 5-6, while I’m sure there’s in app purchases. The game doesn’t bother you about spending money you can have fun and play completely for free without the usual pestering for money like you get on other games. Man this is gold.

Awesome tactics rpg for free


When i tell you it’s actually free, the game is actually free. No secrets, what you see is what you and what you get a is a tactics rpg akin to tactics ogre or ff:war of the lions. It’s a fairly dark story, which has surprised me time and time again since i started. Kudos to the devs, you guys made a incredible game, no major or minor problems so far. The quality has a nintendo polish. So much so that i haven’t come across any bugs or breaks in gameplay. Thank you i look forward to continuing this game in the future.

Well Polished Out the Gate


I’m very impressed with how well done the game mechanics are right away. Advancements aren’t locked behind pay walls, and it’s fun just to play even with just the base characters. I’m enjoying the art, the music and the story so far. This is densely packed with a fully filled out story and characters that I think rival modern rpg’s. If you’re like me and always casually wanting to play sprite based strategy games like FFT:WoTL or tactics advanced then I think this game is worth jumping into.

Solid game play but!


The game play is solid but I think they forgot to add the feature that lets you rotate the direction your character is facing after their turn ends. Kind of hard to set up a formation when the character don’t face the way you want them to after moving.

Is Sword of Convallaria Safe? 🤗🙏

Yes. Sword of Convallaria is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 933 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Sword of Convallaria Is 41.4/100.

Is Sword of Convallaria Legit? 💯

Yes. Sword of Convallaria is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 933 Sword of Convallaria User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Sword of Convallaria Is 56.4/100..

Is Sword of Convallaria not working? 🚨

Sword of Convallaria works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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Global music producer Hitoshi Sakimoto - best known for scoring FF Tactics, FFXII, and Tactics Ogre - lends his musical genius to Sword of Convallaria with his finest musical pieces to date.

Sword of Convallaria revitalizes the beloved Japanese turn-based & pixel art genre! Immerse yourself in a world of strategic victories, breathtaking visuals, and epic soundtracks, all tied together by a captivating storyline.

The popular pixel-style graphics incorporates modern 3D renderings such as real-time shading, full-screen bloom, dynamic depth of field, HDR, etc., thereby contributing to premium HD picture quality and lighting effects.

As tensions rise and riots break out, it’s up to you as a mercenary leader to navigate complex situations whilst finding ways to save the fate of Iria.

Journey through space and time to Iria, a mineral-rich country whose magical resources have drawn unwanted attention from dangerous external factions.

Enjoy performances from over 40 anime and game voice-acting legends like Inoue Kazuhiko, Yuki Aoi, and Eguchi Takuya who bring each character to life.

The fate of Iria rests on your choices! Your decisions shape how your town evolves and influence the unfolding story.

His flawless scores perfectly complement the game's atmosphere and plot twists.