GIO: AI Headshot Generator Pro Reviews

GIO: AI Headshot Generator Pro Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-29

About: Always feeling like you are one pro photo away from a great CV or dating app
profile? GIO, the AI app for studio-quality portraits, will hit you with your
best shot. Turn any casual or imperfect photo into a pro headshot in mere
taps—and enjoy a variety of styles to choose from for doing so! Easily alter
lighting, background, and hairstyles in ways that will feel organic and finessed.

About GIO

Turn any casual or imperfect photo into a pro headshot in mere taps—and enjoy a variety of styles to choose from for doing so! Easily alter lighting, background, and hairstyles in ways that will feel organic and finessed.

Get a perfect shot in a totally new style with the power of our AI: submit one photo that needs an upgrade and receive an impressive new one, generated by our img2img technologies.

Flip through our Discover page: the wide-ranging and carefully curated showcase of tasteful ways in which we can alter your photos.

Always feeling like you are one pro photo away from a great CV or dating app profile? GIO, the AI app for studio-quality portraits, will hit you with your best shot.

Never be an average Joe with GIO’s reliable AI tech, that will always deliver impressive pro-grade close-ups.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 10,846 combined software reviews.

1775 GIO Reviews

4.2 out of 5



GIO is laughably bad. It gave me hair….


Waste of time

This is one of the worst ones, don’t bother


Erases natural Black hairstyles

My "professional" image transformed my crown of beautiful kinky curls into bone straight hair. This was especially disappointing given on-going litigation around Black women and workplace hair discrimination.

This is why AI requires engineers with racial and ethnic diversity. There is a startling lack of cultural literacy in GIO.

Do better.


Needs work

You will need a pretty good photo to get the system to make something decent otherwise it’ll just be a bad photoshop job


This app doesn’t work

The advertisement made it look like this will transform your image into a professional one. While it does, but the final product looks goofy. You can tell the image is photoshopped onto someone else’s face. The concept is cool but execution is very poor.


The worse app

First of all it won't tell you how much coins each picture cost also after two pictures, GIO stopped working.
Waste of money


App is 🔥

Love these photo to AI transformations. Thank you


Wrong person

Why it changed my hair amd my ears 🤦🏼‍♂️it is not me.



GIO is dumb. It doesn’t actually generate headshots



Looks like a paint-edited picture from the 2000’s. Jesus Christ 😂


Not what I expected…

I liked the idea of using GIO, however it adds hair to all my pictures and I’m a bald guy so this definitely does not work for me…


The worst AI app in my opinion

I paid for a single plan to start playing with it and the results were catastrophic, not professional and even hilarious. Don’t waste your time


Do not waste your money

Bad photoshop quality and doesn’t even adjust the ai body to your head size or vis versa



Kept getting horrible haircuts and just didn’t work def wasted cash


Don’t buy it

look like a very bad photoshop, just stay away from GIO


Bait and switch photos this is a scam don’t waste your money

Not worth a penny


Not free

GIO is not free, even to trial it or see how an example works. I’m not paying $40 a year or $6 a week to see whether something works or not. It came up as an Instagram ad. Feels like a scam and so do all the fake reviews.


Great Concept but Disappointing Execution: A Face-Swapping Flop

So, I thought GIO was about to blow my mind with its awesome concept. I mean, I was practically doing a happy dance with all the excitement. But hold up, the first warning signal was that they were acting like the trial feature was on vacation or something. No trials allowed! And guess what? I decided to dive in anyway and buy some tokens. Well, brace yourselves, folks, because the face-swapping wizardry turned out to be more like a face-swapping whoopsie-daisy. My face ended up in some sort of digital carnival, and the "photoshopping" looked like it was done by a five-year-old with a finger painting app. *Slow clap* Well played, app, well played.



They completely alter your hair style, color, and length and change your body type and size. These pics are obviously not me. I didnt go from a DD to no boobs overnight. Then after charging you a yearly subscription, they still want to charge you again in coins. Very strange and not communicated in advance. I would not purchase GIO again. Find one that doesn’t turn your body and hair into a Freakshow and then charge you for it twice. They also take a bunch of info to track you that you wont like.


Amazing quality

Unbelievable realistic results. Already did few photos for my CV and LinkedIn profile. Recommend GIO!


Asks for $$$ right away???

What would the damage be if after installing GIO , the user would be allowed a couple samples, with watermarks if developer worries about user “stealing” final product?
This is just not good business, to ask user for money upfront, without giving and opportunity to even test GIO . Will delete asap!



Don’t let the ads fool you. GIO is awful! It made my head look like it was cut and pasted onto a small body, put mismatched hair color on my head and did not put any type of effect or filter on face to make it blend with rest of picture. I tried 5 different styles and I laughed out loud at all of them. It was ridiculous.


Too early for launch or just bad

The output reminds me of my fake ID… my head cut and pasted onto a background.. yikes. Can’t tell if the training data is limited/pre-mature or just poor quality. Also no freemium/free trial. You will pay a few bucks and expectations will not be met.


Great results when it works..

In the trial it wants you to buy coins, but doesn’t say how many coins you need for said ‘studio quality photos’. Kind of a downer there.. Once purchased I was in la-la land having fun with its parameters.. It takes about 12-24 hours to recognize the actual purchase tho so be prepared to wait.. 2-3 days in.. app has errored out every time and will not generate.. it wants more coins.. You mean to tell me the 39.99 spent isnt unlimited? WTH.. I’d actually
like a refund.. although when it does work, it’s good quality images..


Apps crashes

Great editing tool although the head is generally bigger than the body, giving an impressionnof « bubble head ». Also it crashes a lot.


Worked once, never again

One photo worked, tried a million times after but nothing worked. “Something went wrong” message every time. Wasted money that I can never get back. Don’t do it. 💯 scam!


Must pay before trying

You cannot sample the actual use of the product. And going by the other reviews, I cannot put money into this at this time.


Horrible!! don’t waste your time and money

It basically just copies and pastes your face to a formatted neck, body and background. No adjustment to brightness and border at all. Looks ridiculous and fake like a joke. There’s a reason it doesn’t offer a free trial.


Pay for a fake app that doesn’t work

GIO is a scam. They wont allow you to try it, so you have to pay for it and after you pay….it doesn’t work.

I deleted GIO


No hair, sorry for you

To all bald people your there, sorry. GIO won’t work because it will add you unwanted hair that looks very goofy.


Results are not realistic enough!!!

The results were not realistic enough to be used as a “portrait” on my website. It’s worth trying only if it was a free app for generating some fun ai pics. Regret subscribing.


Gimmick, is this a scam!?

The pictures it generated were a joke. It completely changed my face and that of others’ faces I uploaded and sometimes even distorted them. The backgrounds look über fake. The photos it generated were not usable at all. I see now why they don’t offer a free trial. Really glad I only paid for the weekly and was able to cancel. Do. Not. Download. This. App.



Awkward pictures. It’s like you need to go and do a professional photo in real life then upload to this AI to MAYBE get a decent different picture? Every photo was horrible gave me weird hair styles I don’t have. The potential pictures shown in GIO must have been done by a graphic designer. Not this software.


Don’t get this…

Not unless you just want to laugh at how bad the pictures look. I’m there is no way you could use this for a real, professional l, job profile


Terrible Photos And Quality!

I just downloaded GIO from Instagram because it showed perfect photoshopped ai photos. I only did the $5.99 a week and the photo quality is terrible, fake looking, and pathetic!😒


Stopped working

I was waiting on a picture to generate and it never quit saying “ final touches” and now GIO isn’t working it’s still stuck on that image load


Really cool until it stopped working

I was able to create and download a handful of images but now GIO is saying that there is an error and I should try again later. I tried everything, it’s just not working anymore.


Trash and traumatic

GIO is trashed I downloaded off of insta gram I know WARNING SIGN . And no trial you have to buy so I did because I did not want to do a business profile photoshoot, well I’m going to have to cause GIO literally the WORST !! Don’t waste your time , money , or the trauma you will face after thing attempts to photoshop you.


Don’t get suckered

With the abundance of AI on the market, this is probably the lowest grade-cheapest app ever. After I downloaded GIO and worked on one picture, the quality was so cartoonish that I nearly puked. I tried another picture, and it was worse.
Don’t do it.


Does not worth the subscription

The pictures are amateurish looking with big gaps between the background and the subject which makes the pictures unusable even for LinkedIn…


Cannot utilize the app until purchase is made

So you’re all excited to try this new a.I like most of us. You download GIO and then you see all the new transition filters but you can’t even try it out because the want your money right away. GIO is a no go you don’t even have any sample filters to see if it’s worth the money.


Horrible and false advertising

GIO is not at all what they make it look like. The images are horrible. I purchased GIO and after realizing that bad quality tried to get a refund for the year long subscription. They would not issue a refund. Be carful before purchasing this. Waste of money.


Glad I only purchased 20 shots!

Wow, absolutely awful. I tried this to help make my husband’s head shot look a little better, but it keeps adding a weird hairpiece to his head with no way to remove it, and it looks totally fake and weird. Really clunky and bizarre looking results. Save your money! Wish I could get a refund!


Nothing to use if you dont pay

GIO store says “in app purchases” but there is literally nothing to try, no free template. Waste of time. Why am I gonna pay for a thing that i cant even see how that works. If you expecting people just believe your fake template images, well good luck with that.


The Results are terrible it looks like an awful cut and paste word image. Terrible!

The Results are terrible it looks like an awful cut and paste image. Terrible! I could have done better in Canva or Photoshop. Complete waste of money. I was trying to not have to break out my photo equipment or hire a photographer for one headshot.


Cheap looking and unrealistic results

The demo is not legit. Your photos will not look realistic. It changes your hair style and facial dimensions and you can see the outlines - looks cheap and unrealistic. They should give you a free trial and it would be obvious after this first attempt. Terrible app robbing people of their money. I want a refund!


Fingers horrible ! App not working !

Arms and fingers Always distorted !
App no longer working and I bought one year
Not worth! Want my refund



This is nothing but cutting out your face and putting it on a different body. Like really bad photoshop. I would compare this to you cutting a picture of your face off of an actual photo and then taping your face to a different person in another photo. This is so unrealistic and fake looking. Absolute waste of $30 (I bought the year subscription because it saved a lot of money) I wouldn’t event spend the $6 to try it out.


App not work working after purchase

I purchased GIO yesterday for one week to see if I would like the results and so far it’s good but today when trying to use it it keeps on saying something went wrong please try again


This app is horrible

GIO has several issues that make it difficult to use. It does not enhance the pictures and instead, adds the same clothing to the user. Additionally, it alters the user's appearance so much that they don't even look like the same person anymore. For instance, it changes brown hair to gray and gives a completely different image if you have black hair. Given the current state of GIO , it needs a lot of improvement, and it's not worth paying for. Spending a lot of seconds using GIO to get one good picture isn't worth it. Fix the problems ⚠️


It’s a cut/paste job

Look, AI art is all the rave. And we can all see why. But GIO isn’t what you think it is. The ads are deceptively incomplete about what this actually does. On the back end they’re identifying your head and face and pasting it on another body with a background. So what you’ll end up with is a few thousand “Ai generated headshots” that look identical. Please skip GIO so that other actually useful apps will be visible.


Not worth it

GIO is a joke. First you pay the weekly or yearly fee and then you have to pay for each time you generate an image? Should be more clear on that. Also, I wear a hijab and you put hair on me?!! And made my head bigger than ny body😂🙄So much for being realistic🙄 Can’t use this service because it is not inclusive. How disappointing. I want my $8 back.


Literally doesn’t work

Paid my $8 for subscription and coins just to try one photo. And every time I try, with different photos of me and different styles, it says the image cannot be generated. And now I’ve used all my coins trying to get one to work with no headshots to show for it.


Okay but kind of scammy

When you sign up it says $6.99 a week but they charged me $20. It also says unlimited generation but it stopped and told me I had to buy more credits to generate more pictures. If I had known that I wouldn’t have gone crazy playing with my pictures. I would have been more selective.


Worst AI photo editor I’ve tried to date

I wish I could share images of how poorly a job GIO does. I wouldn’t be mad at it even if it just photoshopped my head into another body, but it messes up my hair EVERY TIME. why would anyone want it to completely change their hair color/texture/length or just slap a crappy partial hairdo over the top of your perfectly nice hair? Clearly the example photos are fake. Thankfully I only purchased 20 images for $1.99 and wasn’t out any more than that. Don’t waste your time or money.


Do not buy this app!

This is comical how bad it works! I wasted my money please do not do the same. GIO does not work. All photos look like they cut my head off and pasted it on a body. that does not match . It looked awful and fake. App will only will let you do a few photos per month also and in all my photos I I look like I have a big head on a small body. It is so funny looking. Wish I could post a photo here to make you laugh.
Don’t get GIO!



I think they need a clothing / hair preference options. In half the photos it added long hair to my short hair which is odd and makes them unusable.

Also, I purchased yesterday and it worked ok aside from what I previously mentioned. Todays pictures show a 900 second build in them….?


This is awful, false advertising

Don’t buy this! Don’t waste your money. This is so cheesy and inaccurate of what they advertise. It doesn’t keep your hair color the same. My hair is a different color at the bottom in every single picture. They Advertised it being crisp and clean it’s not. I look like a bobble head on a body with 2 different shades of hair. I look like a bobble headed skunk. This is a terrible app with false information.


Truly a scam

This is the worst app i have ever paid any amount of money for in my life. It was only $2 but it caused me to want to write a review. I have never once written a review. Not a single person in the world should purchase a subscription from GIO and leave satisfied. The fact that this has anything more than 1 review more than 1 star is baffling to me. I will now rethink any purchase i make based off any add.


Not for people of color(black men)

I wanted to give GIO a shot to see if it could give a few variations of a professional corporate photo I recently had taken. Unfortunately, GIO has no ability to generate African American hair. 😯 Each time it created a portrait it would give me some white hair style on my head. Obviously NOT going to be of any use to me beyond comedy. If you are a black man STAY AWAY from GIO. (Fail)


Very limited images

Unless I'm doing something wrong… There's a very limited amount of images. I thought I was going to be able to generate hundreds of different images and there really isn't much to choose from. When I go to one of the pages and click on something and insert a photo it just gives me the same 20 options.


Trouble with curly hair

There are two problems I have with GIO.

1: I have curly hair. Every time I generate a new photo, it turns my hair straight which ruins the purpose of using that photo as a profile pic on LinkedIn or Dating sites. It’s fun to mess with on a personal level.

2: The shoulders and body type in the generated photos are way smaller than the original photo making the head look much larger giving it the bobble head effect. I’m not saying that I’m swole or have have big muscles by any means, but the generated photos make me from having a medium/normal build to a skinny build with a huge head. This might be a problem if you are muscular or have a bigger build.


What a waste of money!

The creators of GIO have made it disgustingly binary. I am not exactly what you would consider “feminine” (whatever that means), but wow do the creators of this generator believe I need to be. At first I thought it was a fluke, but nope, EVERY single pic generated puts me in a dress and gives me LONG hair, pulled half up (this must be what the creators deem “beautiful”.). Please note that NEVER would I wear a dress (my family wouldn’t even put me in a dress at my funeral), not to mention my hair is very short with 1/2 my head shaved. It’s truly maddening what they attempt to push upon you, FOR A FEE!! Pictures you will NEVER use!! So upsetting that it’s 2023 and we’re still here. Society pushing gender roles and stereotypes; despite a huge chunk of the population that do not adhere to these ridiculous societal “norms”. Do better! Also, I want my money back.



I gave this 3 stars only because of the quality of pictures. But the hair issue is absolutely ridiculous. It took almost $30, an automatic years subscription to realize I had flushed money down the toilet. I thought oh, this is interesting maybe I can finally update my LinkedIn profile and office photo. Nope. Instead I came out looking like sideshow bob with. Perm, a perm. Fun fact, my head I shaved. Hair or the lack there of is part of someone’s identity. And a perm on a man, where there shouldn’t be is an embarrassment. I may have been too optimistic and should have seriously tempered my expectations. Especially being a black man. What a waste. Save your money.


Stop messing with my hair!

So looking at the advertised pictures, it appeared that GIO would work for “everyone”. But after trying GIO and reading the other reviews, it seems that everyone has the same issue. GIO most definitely will Europeanize your hair. I am a natural haired black woman so my hairstyles are natural hairstyles, but GIO keeps straightening my hair or gives me blond hair. No bueno! Please fix it.


Disappointing Experience with Headshot Enhancement App

I’m extremely dissatisfied with this headshot enhancement app. It promised to enhance my photos, but all it did was make me look downright bizarre. Instead of subtle enhancements, it inexplicably plastered the exact hairstyles of the models onto my face, creating an absurd result.

Had I been given the chance to try GIO in a trial period, I would have never made the unfortunate decision to purchase it. I’m now left with a collection of unusable, comical images that serve no purpose.

Considering the complete lack of functionality and the $30 price tag, I am seeking a refund for GIO. It’s frustrating to invest in a product that fails to deliver on its promises. This experience has left me thoroughly disappointed.


Request Refund

I bought this application and it does not work. I’ve been trying to upload a picture for the last 30 minutes and it shows me an error every time. Tried different photos and nothing has worked so far. I have even turned off my phone multiple times and no luck. I’m requesting a refund.


No good rendering

Although it serves its main purpose of doing a nice portrait of yourself, I didn’t listen to the reviews and went to throw my good earned 7 Dlls and change for a not even a trial just a use and cancel ASAP.

They mess up with the hair so much that it will be transforming your picture into something it’s not with your hair, I honestly do not recommend for you to waste your time nor money! I know they will respond they are working on it, probably they won’t even fix it just get your money and walk away with it.


Not for men with gray hair

For some reason the developer of GIO seems to think that men with gray hair would rather not have gray hair, so they have taken it upon themselves to turn your hair black. I don't get it. I'm an extremely successful well educated professional who happens to be older with gray hair, and I'm extremely happy with my gray hair. I don't want some my some twenty-something year old person telling me that my gray hair is not desirable and they've decided to color it in. That's why I could not give this higher rating.


Good idea

The idea they had is really good and it’s doing a very good job. The reason I gave it 3 stars is for the lack of customization in GIO . I think they should have more backgrounds and to allow consumers to choose the background, preferred colors for the clothing and hairstyles. If they will implement these features I will definitely change the rating!


Not for anyone. A rip off

This editor will not be realistic. Have long hair? DON’EVEN TRY THIS. It will edit your hair to be short no matter what. There is no trial, probably for a reason. Because they can’t handle anything not for a person who a) isn’t white, and b) doesn’t have long hair. So they force you to buy BEFORE you try. It is unrealistic and a HUGE let down. Don’t buy this if you aren’t white AND have short hair. This makes your pic look stupid if not. I regret spending money….so don’t do it.


Does not work for Black hair

I paid $7 to get a professional headshot and off (not surprised) it didn’t work for my hair. It does a great job editing my face onto the portrait but when it comes to my hair, it would either put me in a weave or a hijab 😂. Also, there’s different options for the same category (for instance, three or four different versions of white studio even thought it would produce the same outcome) which is confusing.


Leave my hair alone

I really just wanted this to put different clothes on me but it kept changing my hair! I have wavy/curly hair and it kept trying to make it more sleek and put it into a style it has never been in. Also, in pictures where someone else was in the background, it gave them demon eyes.


Better Ethnic Hair Options Needed

I download GIO to see what type of photos it would produce with my selfies. I am African American and have very thick and curly hair. Unfortunately, in all of the photos GIO generated I have straight hair! It’s hard to believe that in 2023 there are photo editing apps that cannot or will not include a variety of hair options for people of color. It’s especially strange considering that one of the marketing photos for GIO features a black man with curly hair and GIO accurately duplicates his hair type in the AI generated photos. This should be fixed ASAP!


Straight hair only!

*1st - NOT for people with non-straight hair. It added straight hair to my curly/kinky style making it look like an 80s perm gone wrong with straight hair shooting out from the curls!
If you have straight hair (I tried with a pic with my hair straight) you may have a better result, however it shortened the length for some reason. **2nd issue - NECK TIES every corporate and suit picture included a Neck Tie. WHY??? Was this tested before being released? What happened???

I appreciate the developers response to other comments and that a fix is coming but what about the people that already paid. Do we just loose our money? I don’t want to pay again (thank God I only paid for a week) in hopes that it’s fixed. This should have started with a free trial!

I gave 2 stars because even though it’s unusable for me the concept is great and this would blow other apps away if it worked!


Not quite there yet

Like with all AI generating apps, this has an in app payment plan to utilize their service. I bought a plan for $6.99 a week to give it a try. After 15 minutes, and trying almost all of their pre-set images, I cancelled my subscription. The hair is really bad, the hands aren’t good, the aspect ration is off… it’s just not quite there yet. But I gave them 2 stars because I like their pre-set images, if only I didn’t look so wonky. I like what they’re moving toward… I suppose my 7 bucks is a contribution to help them get closer to nailing it.


More like a game, not as good for professional looking pictures

You can tell the pictures are modified by AI. It's kind of fun, but I wouldn’t use or post any of the generated pictures as they look fake. I was expecting something that look more natural and better. There are a few options, also.
I’m glad I only paid for 20 individual pictures instead of subscription. I didn’t like that you have to pay without any way to try out if you are going to like it. I don’t mind paying but it has to be good enough.


Honestly shocked

But not in a good way. How can you release a product that cannot recognize African American hair types? It doesn’t even seem to be trying. Every image I create gives some limp combover or some slick pompadour. I gather that there was a risk analysis at launch as to how many users this would effect. I’m sure that guesstimate was low but still present. I’m not mad at the gamble. I am mad and feel misled and defrauded out of $29 if you knowingly launched a product with this bias flaw, and still used male African American models to promote your flawed product. I really expected better.


Kind of deceptive

It asks you to choose a photo into generate, but when you do, it doesn’t give you the results only takes you to where you have to buy a subscription. I don’t know if GIO is good or not because I can’t check it out first if y’all want more people to download your app, then I would suggest not tricking people give them a opportunity to actually try it personally, I would never subscribe to an app. It doesn’t let me try it somehow first


Need better female professional shot templates

Several reviewers have already pointed out the issue with curly hairstyles, so I won’t repeat that experience, although it was quite disappointing. my bigger issue is that all of the corporate and professional head shots were with male suit styles so they came out looking quite masculine. It’s not a look that compliments, my professional brand, so I can’t use any of those shots from my profile.

I’m going to search some other apps to see if there are templates available with more professional feminine attire.. I won’t ask for my money back because it’s buyer beware but your low ratings definitely have to do with your pricing structure not allowing folks to try GIO . I agree with a previous reviewer that perhaps you should have a trial pricing option that allows for five or 10 images


Don’t waste your time or money

Pricing - It’s dumb that you have to pay a fee to get into GIO but then have to pay more money to generate even one image. You should have launched the weekly fee at 7.99 and given people 20 generation credits. Because that is the minimum cost that someone will pay to generate anything, so it feels kind of bait and switch on the pricing.

Photos - I wish I could attach photos as part of the review. None of the generated photos looked much like me and it isn’t a newly generated photo using yours as inspiration. Your generated photo is going to be the same exact pose and everything but with a hand that resembles a small pumpkin and what is likely a templated stock photo with you head pasted in. GIO was a total waste.


I’d like my money back

GIO is literally trash! There is no free trial & no option to sample pictures before you pay to use it. I had it installed for less than an hour after I paid for it, before I realized that no matter what face or angle i use on ANY of these templates…they just don’t look right. Like I said, it was installed for less than hour & I couldn’t find one picture even enough to keep & I’m not about to waste my time spending more time to see if it will. There aren’t even many templates to begin with & I’m sure I went thru at least half of them in that hour. How can I get my money back please?!


Fun to play with, results are usually terrible

I have tried to use some of these templates with at least six different selfies that I took, 95% of the time it just looks like somebody cut my face out and awkwardly pasted it on a body that doesn’t match.

The skin tone never matches, the image sharpness never matches, and I have neon orange hair, so it does the weirdest things to the top of my head.

If you’re looking for realistic results, this isn’t it. You may have a few good ones come out if you’re a really average-looking blonde or brunette with a basic hairstyle.


Hilarious, but weird. Needs some tweaking.

I think there is some sort of planning needed to ensure the original shot aligns with the AI options. The first image isn’t even my face (“Old Money” option, LOL); the next few my face skin tone didn’t match with the AI-generated torsos; the white bikini has my head doing a 180 from my body like an owl; and the rest make me look like a bobble-head (big head, tiny body); and the doctor version melded the stethoscope onto my hair. It’s pretty funny, but I definitely wouldn’t post any on SM or as head shots…


Could’ve been better

I thought of give GIO a try for my LinkedIn headshot. Tried with couple of pictures, mostly portraits from iPhone. The. App not recognizing the actual hair curves and simply crop it same as the stock image representation. There is no option to search for a particular style and one need to browse all the images. Also, there is no way to zoom and see the picture after creating it and need to download every time. Could’ve been better


Waste of Money!

Under no circumstances will GIO work for people that wish to look NATURAL.

I tried multiple times to create a college portfolio shot for my son. Every time it took away his beautiful Afro and gave him the most hideous white hair ever! No options or ability to retain current hair style. The skin tones are off too!

GIO is also very glitchy. Each time I choose HD, a screen populates for me to choose a plan. I’m already paying! The photos are also always close-up’s and nothing like the “samples” depicted. Going to search for a better option.


Limited pics

I downloaded and paid for the full app. But after taking about maybe 10 photos it only allows me that much for every 24 hours that’s very stupid. I paid for the full app. I should be allowed to have unlimited pictures. I got a message saying I reached the limited number of photos for a day wait 24 hours to use again. Then GIO should be a free trial to start unless you pay for it. You are not able to access it.


Purchased a Week and restricted to generate photos

GIO is impressive, generating headshots quickly. However, my concern is that, despite purchasing a week's access to explore various styles, I'm restricted to generating only a specific amount of photos per day. Despite waiting for the next day, according to the error message, I'm still encountering the same error and unable to use GIO as intended for a week. The lack of response from the developer is disappointing, prompting a two-star rating. I hope this error is resolved so I can finish up my week.


Expected better

So I wanted to polish a headshot for my badge at work and tried this. I almost got the yearly membership because it was fairly priced I thought, but went with weekly to see. I tried several options and for the most part they were all underwhelming. I think of the 10 or so I tried, I really only liked one and none of them I could use on my badge.


Daily Image Limit with Subscription!

GIO is ok for creating business type images, but it often takes several tries to get it right and that counts against your daily limit which is VERY small (30 including regenerating to fix a hair, hand or body issue). I read about the hair issue with POC but as a caucasian it cuts my long hair unevenly rendering the image unusable.
Furthermore, it never gets hands right (there are often missing fingers, thumbs are too long or hands come out twisted in the wrong direction). Often there is a large goiter-like growth buldging from my normal sized neck. Sometimes, my shoulders look broken.

All this to say, if you regenerate hoping to fix the issue, bear in mind the ridiculous image limit — on a paid subscription. I will not renew this poorly designed, greedy app.


Head is not proportional do the body and it changes your hair

I bought it because there were no option to try out for 1 day at least.
Negative points
1. It has limited editions to do on photos per day. And nowhere before I buy it had this information.
2. Many times ai turns into bad result and still count as a credit.
3. App changes your hair, so many times does not look like you. Change color, change hairstyle, length, even put some hair on bald people (that look older it’s terrible).
4. App does not equalize the proportion of your head and the body they put you on. It’s super weird.
5. I could use 2 of 30 pictures GIO made. Terrible terrible terrible
6. Tried to cancel and get the money back, no success, just lost 30$ for an app that is not even close to be a professional ai app.
I strongly do not recommend GIO, and if you have a chance try others before you buy, the good ones offer this option because they know they’re good. What a pity my research was later than expected and money was bad spent.


Limited amount of pictures done daily???

So I was excited and purchased GIO for a year however my excitement ended real quick after I got a message saying: “you have reached daily amount of generations” I was like you gotta be kidding me
I’m just getting started playing with photos and after paying $30 they’re telling me that they are limiting the amount of photos I can generate daily.
I’m very disappointed and wanted to share it so if you decide to purchase know that you won’t be able to use it. This is a predatory practice to do that.
it’s like paying for electricity, and all of a sudden your lights go out because you have limit.. seriously?


Decent app but has some down sides

I bought the annual subscription as I was super thrilled at the potential of this applications. It’s been a solid three weeks since I first bought it. The upside: it really makes some sharp looking pictures that you can use for a social media profile! The down sides: I’m bald, and for some reason it keeps on trying to add hair which makes me retake the same picture 3-4 times before I get one that is acceptable. Additionally I wish it had a little more selection of clothes themed that weren’t as dressy. I don’t always want to be wearing a suit after all. Last, due to the number of retakes I have to do because of it adding hair the daily limit comes up pretty quick. I don’t really like how I bought a annual subscription but can’t use it but a certain number of times per day. Overall I’m keeping it but GIO programming does need a little more work.


Limits use after purchasing & weird hands

This is incredibly expensive at over $6 per week. Even after purchasing this subscription, I was limited in how many times I could generate an image. Honestly, then why am I paying for the *pro* subscription if I can only do a few per day? Also, like most AI the hands that are generated are frighteningly weird. Bendy, way too many fingers, no fingernails, nubs. Obviously the solution would be to keep hands out of the photo, but even in photos where my hands were not viable- it generated a hand on its own. The hair can also be weird.


Not for Black men

I decided to give GIO a shot to see if it could give me a a decent LinkedIn headshot before I take a professional one. It does a pretty good job of editing you into a shot. There is a fair amount of templates to try too. It's about as good as I could've done on my own with Photoshop but it only takes about 20 seconds per photo and there's absolutely no effort on your end. Just pick a photo to wedge yourself into and the AI does all the work.

The reason I give it three stars is because, no surprises here, it doesn't work with Black people's hair. There's no option to ignore certain areas of your headshot. No matter what you do, it's going to "dress up" your hair and that means you're getting a perm! It does figure out what colors will look most "natural," and goes on from there. For example, I sometimes forget I have natural highlights in my hair. GIO clearly picked up on this. I was given a White men's hairstyle that did actually "look right" on my head... impressive, but no! Social norms dictate this still may be a useful tool for Black women, but Black men should definitely save their money. I paid seven dollars so you won't have to. DO NOT buy GIO if you are a Black man. It's a complete waste of your time and energy. (unless you already have a perm 😂😂)



GIO has been significantly improved and I have to give it to the dev. The quality is amazing and you get multiple options to change outfits etc. this is a must have for professionals


Not for black women with natural hair

Someone mentioned this so I won’t elaborate too much but I wanted to add to this to hopefully increase the urgency to implement a solution.
GIO is simply genius and I really wanted to use it. I uninstalled it within hours when I noticed it had no natural hair option even though promoted that way which is very misleading. But also I love my hair red. It is apart of my branding but GIO keeps giving me perm hair and no red color.
When these features are added I definitely will be back. Keep working on it.
Not all black women or men wear perm. We love our natural hair.


Promising, but needs some work

The this app app shows promise but falls short in several areas. Notably, it lacks sufficient options catering to women, which suggests a gender bias in its design.

The limited template choices, such as studio shoots and an "old money" style, seem to overly alter the user's face to the point of being unrecognizable. This could be a significant concern for users seeking to maintain their natural appearance while using GIO 's features.

Overall, while GIO has potential, these shortcomings need to be addressed to provide a more balanced and user-friendly experience.


This app is not for black professionals

If you toggle under the linked in section you will notice that the corporate, business and office templates all contain headshots of white men and white or Asian women. The templates labeled street feature black men and women. There are two others grey suit and marble. My point is that when I tried to complete my professional head shot under the linked in section it gave my face with white or straight hair. My hair is in locs. I looked a mess.

GIO basically puts your head on someone else’s body. At least they could keep my same hair. This is a racially biased app and should not be purchased. As a fellow Techy there are many ways to perform market analysis to gathered data on the various professional looks with varying ethnicities. I refuse to believe that you can’t go on LinkedIn and find black professionals with natural hairstyles. You shouldn’t even be able to associate the brand LinkedIn with this madness.
I’m requesting my money back and will be blogging about this on every platform, especially LinkedIn


Looks fake, especially hair

I decided to try a week of this service because I needed a professional headshot for corporate purposes and I didn’t wanna go chase down a photographer and do one in what apparently is the right way. Every photo I generated with GIO my hair looked nothing like my real hair. My hair would come out on their productions as slicked back and black. I have gray hair that is not slick straight back. The pictures did not blend well either. It basically looked my face pasted crudely onto one of the models bodies. it did not look the least bit realistic. Canceled the same day I bought my week of use. Probably won’t use it the remaining six days. It’s not a quality app that produces good results.


Be careful!!

UPDATE: My concern is that there is malware in the metadata behind the images. It was too coincidental how quickly my FB profile was hacked after posting the photo. Soon afterwards, I had fraudulent charges showing up from FB in my business accounts.
Most Facebook users don’t have credit cards on file connected to business accounts and Meta advertising like we did. Everything was gone, deleted and permanently lost within just a couple hours of posting one of these photos. A highly suspicious coincidence! So, consumer beware.

ORIGINAL: My 12 yr old personal FB acct was hacked and permanently deleted within hours of changing my profile pic to one of these photos. It was a VERY sus coincidence. The hackers got my biz acct credit cards and charged a lot of money too. Luckily the bank put a swift end to it. But I originally clicked on GIO from FB so be careful. As for the tech, it was fun, not perfect by any means. A few pics were decent. Another thing is even when you pay the absurdly high $6.99/week, they only allow a certain amount of generated pics per 24 hrs.


Inconsistent Photo-Editing App Experience

I downloaded GIO with optimism for enhancing my photos, but unfortunately, it fell short of expectations. GIO claimed to improve images but resulted in an unpredictable experience by inaccurately altering my ethnicity.

Regrettably, GIO portrayed me as a person from a different ethnic background in various pictures – sometimes as Caucasian and other times as African American. This not only caused confusion but also raises concerns about GIO 's cultural sensitivity.

Furthermore, GIO did not deliver on its promised features, leaving me dissatisfied with the overall editing process. I encourage the developers to address these concerns promptly, considering the importance of cultural accuracy in image editing applications. Until these issues are resolved, I hesitate to recommend GIO for reliable photo edits. I will be canceling my year subscription.


Inaccurate African American hair texture

I like GIO and the variety of clothes changes however it doesn’t just change my clothes it changes my hair mainly to a non textured hair.
I didn’t realize there was a limit to how many changes I could have daily…I used my attempts trying to get GIO to recognize the natural texture of my hair. I decided to switch to photos with my hair straight and that when GIO didn’t try to “adjust” or improve” my hair.
I did the 1 week trial in hopes of paying for the year but I’m disappointed in the lack of option to limit my natural hair being adjusted. Sigh🙃


Disappointed. Wasted my money

The application worked well when utilizing images of my Caucasian friends. However, as a mixed/multiracial woman with blonde hair, I encountered challenges with the AI generator. It often portrayed my curly hair as a combination of straight and curly or transformed it into a dark brown afro, diverging from its actual blonde curly state. Furthermore, my golden-toned skin was consistently altered to a dark bronze, inaccurately representing my complexion. Not to mention, the body looked nothing like mine in any photo. Although facial features remained recognizable, these inconsistencies in portraying hair color and complexion indicate a need for refinement to ensure accurate representation for diverse users. I can’t use any of the ai generated images for my intended use. I really wish I never subscribed to this, I wasted my money.


Terrible AI app-DON’T BUY

Pls don’t buy GIO if you are a person of color. If I could give lower than 1 star-I would!!! GIO wasn’t created for people of color and especially if you have natural hair. All of the headshots created from my any of my pics transforms the hair into weave/ looking hairstyles and looked like a white person. Both me and my daughters have natural hair and it’s a shame as to what our headshots look like. I even tried selecting the man who looked like he had natural hair and the pic looked the same(blond straight weave looking hair with a male looking neck).

Requesting a refund because GIO isn’t useable for me or anyone who isn’t white.
Such a shame! I’m a career coach and was looking for an app that I could refer to my clients for a head shots for LinkedIn. This isn’t the one!



GIO gives you a daily limit of photos you can generate despite paying for the subscription. Many of the headshot style photos just put a different shirt on the image and will “cut” hair unevenly or make unnecessary edits that make the photo appear to be obviously and badly altered. I tired using group photos and it would remove certain people from the photo or, for example, turn feminine women in dresses into men wearing pants even though that didn’t fit the aesthetic of the filter I selected. It’s kinda fun to play around with the filters to see what you get but it’s not a good tool to use for good quality photos.



I request a refund here the wrote me they said that I have to request it in GIO which I did and they told me that I have to do it here So think they just doing this so they can keep the money I’m dedicated to get my money cause GIO is trash I have the conversation I’ll report it to apple I need my money now

GIO is no good don’t go for it I download it pay $40 for unlimited use they only allowed me to make only 12 pictures a day I think they don’t know what unlimited mean.
I tried to get my refund apple told me they are the one who supposed to give it to me and when I contact them they say it’s apple I screenshot all the conversations from apple and them I sent it to them both and now it’s been 4 months I still haven’t received no money back
Don’t fall for it they trash straight garbage it’s okay for me to loose my money but I’ll do everything in my power to prevent this from happening to someone else.


This is my opinion as a woman

I am not sure what age range this is geared toward however, if it is Genz, there is a high-level of larger bodies in our society, so I don’t see why that would matter. They need to hire models like myself that have curves and different kinds of larger body frames. Every time I use AI I it doesn’t get smarter because it’s not a human no matter how great you program something doesn’t have the mind of a human. It turns me into a male with a bowtie and a suit tie instead of bringing me out my beauty and feminine features in a flattering modest way, and it doesn’t make any sense because I literally used professional headshots with off the shoulder photos and it still didn’t recognize my larger body frame. In America the reality is everywhere I go I see people of Rodger your body types and the reality or norm is not of a smaller frame so this just concept doesn’t make any sense to me.


Great app with one Issue

The quality and ease of app is great! The only complaint I have, after purchasing GIO, I’m not quite sure why I would be limited on the amount of headshots I can create. Is there an issue within the software that allows only a certain amount a day? A little confused as to why I would pay for something with limited access..?


Same blue shirts and suits no matter what

I was initially excited to try GIO for a LinkedIn profile pic. At first, I was super excited until I realized I had paid $30 to get the same blue office shirt or blue suit over and over. I’m a woman and don’t want a blue suit with an ugly necklace. There are no options to change the suit color. Even when I select a black suit, it’s always blue. The only good clothing option has been the black or pastel top, but there’s no discernible variation. I don’t expect a refund because how else can they pay the developers to improve the product? Can they give us hope that new clothing styles are coming? I'd be focused on improving ratings and not trying to upcharge when new clothing selections become available. I’d like to see a black office shirt, a white office shirt, a modern black suit, and a grey suit. Those are just a few that should be updated ASAP to give users a better experience. I feel the same as many other users in that you waste so many credits trying to see a change in the clothing options or correct the hair. I think GIO has potential, but it won't be good until it provides more clothing options, especially for a corporate headshot, which is why I believe many users seek out his spp.


Same old story

The possibilities are very cool! They definitely need to develop more for all different ethnicities. The issues I found were that the photos are not crisp as promised, and then there is a daily photo limit. Not all AI generated photos look right so you have to be able to test it out quite a few times and no where anywhere on GIO or in GIO Store did it talk about a daily limit. No surprise there as the developer is Prequel and their other AI app promised the same things that were not accurate and a subscription that does not unlock everything it promises. I also picked the monthly option instead of the yearly because I wanted to try it out, but now when I look at the subscription it says weekly. Total scam, Prequel as a developer needs to be watched closer because this is certainly not the first time they have lied to a lot of people about cost and what is offered.

Fabiola Hurel   4 months ago

It is a terrible app. It does not do not do the job, and has very few poses. When you try accessing more poses, it charges additional $$. It’s just not worth it. I only got a weekly subscription and it took me less than an hour to get disappointed. Do not buy.

Is GIO Safe?

Yes. GIO: AI Headshot Generator Pro is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 10,846 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for GIO Is 29.3/100.

Is GIO Legit?

Yes. GIO: AI Headshot Generator Pro is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 10,846 GIO: AI Headshot Generator Pro User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for GIO Is 34.6/100..

Is GIO: AI Headshot Generator Pro not working?

GIO: AI Headshot Generator Pro works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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