I normally don't write reviews on StudySnacks store, well, this is my first review, actually. I felt like it was about time I wrote one, and I've decided to do one for StudySnacks.
I'll try and make this as short as possible so as not to bore you, but I make no promises. I am a blind user, and as a student, I can't just sit around and read words over and over again. I'll never memorize the definitions that way. I'm sure others can, but I'm not one of them. I'm a college student who is currently taking a course in medical billing and coding. As of now, one of my classes is pharmacology, and already there are so many terms to memorize. I came across your app on AppleVis, and thought I should give this a try, since the description sounded wonderful. I love turning the learning of vocabulary into a puzzle! I get satisfaction from getting the word correct, and I don't even mind that I have to input the words and the definitions manually. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making StudySnacks as accessible as possible, and ensuring that when there's a new releae, accessibility isn't broken! You are an amazing developer; keep up the good work!!!