Undecember Reviews

Undecember Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-14

About: ■ UNCHANGED – Unchanged Values Immersive storyline and growth through
hunting and farming Capturing both the fun and the excitement, while pursuing
the unchanged values of a RPG ■ UNEXPECTED – Perfected RPG Venture through
countless maps with diverse themes And experience the unexpected thrills from
combat ■ UNLIMITED – Limitless Skills Surpass the limit by creating
thousands of skill combinations from varieties .

About Undecember

※ Purchasing paid contents will incur additional charges.

ⓒ LINE Games Corporation & Needs Games Inc.

All Rights Reserved.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 753 combined software reviews.

740 Undecember Reviews

3.8 out of 5


Fun but….

First off hats off the the devs this was my first Argp an I absolutely love everything about it. A few packages in shop you can buy that gives you a small boost ahead but far from p2w. I’ve spent prob 80$ it happily satisfied with all I bought but today I think it’s time to uninstall the game. The auction house using rubies(real money currency) is very umm how can I say not what players want. There should be an option to sell for gold as well not just rubies. 2nd and main reason I’ve decided to let the game go is it just get too difficult beyond act 6+ for melee chars or medium range chars. Regular mobs have auras that you cannot build any resist against and depletes your hp in less than 10 seconds and have movement speed buffs where you can’t run from them. Boss fights are suppose to be difficult but they kinda took it too far on here with some being as almost all the bosses 1 shot you if you get hit no matter what type build you go unless it’s full tank, an even then you down if a few hits. I’ve noticed in discords this is one of the main reasons players are quitting I hope the devs see this and think about their designs and make some adjustment to the enemies as it is a great game but some of the difficulties just make it not worth even playing anymore.


Great Game!

I found Path of Exile a while back but gave it up because it was WAY too gory. I was bummed because the gameplay was so fun. Then I stumbled on this gem and have been loving it! I first tried it on mobile. It worked pretty well (with an Xbox controller) but then I tried the Steam version. I was bummed that there wasn't a Mac OS version, but I had an older PC and installed it there. It feels a lot like Path of Exile and it had a Teen rating instead of Mature. Don't worry, there is still a lot of killing and blood, just not rivers of blood and disemboweled naked women like PoE has. I know there are a lot of negative reviews because of pay-to-win/play. I was worried about that but after playing it I saw that it was a lot like PoE in that you play for free but pay to expand storage. I don't like how much they charge to expand storage, but I feel like this game is completely playable so far without spending a penny. I'm still getting into it, but I like it so far and am excited to see where they take this game. I, for one, will be playing a lot more of it.



So technically you can pay to win in this game, I have found packs that would allow you to advance faster. However as a free to play player passed act 10 I can say this no loot upgrades or actual skills are locked behind a pay wall. You can compete in this game free to play, I’ve seen many top 5 players completely free 2 play which is awesome!! path of exile is similar to this game cause it’s a ARPG and like POE no power is locked grind a paywall like Diablo immortal for example. I will be buying stuff in this game like storage and maybe a cosmetic or two but it’s because as free to play I never once struggled in any content nor was lagging behind due to the gem mechanics and such Diablo has. People who rated this game low are the same people who whine about any game that requires brain power. Range mage or mele I’ve seen all above 20m dps on builds and sure it can be considered the Meta, but you really have the choice to build how you want to make yourself powerful to suit your play style. All in all try the game make your own decision.


Mobile log in not working properly?

When I open the game on my phone, I see the load screen (currently a pumpkin scene for Halloween/Fall). There is a button allowing you to change your server and when I push it, it opens a window with the three server options side by side. I can click on these (they make a clicking sound), select my server, and click “ok”….but nothing happens and I’m left staring at the pumpkins.
What I’ve discovered is that I have to spam-click the server buttons over and over, opening and closing the selection window for about 2 minutes (an eternity, lol!) before I’m able to get the screen to transition to character selection (saved game selection).

This is extraordinarily annoying and can’t be working as intended.

Would you please fix this?

Once in the game, it works fine and the game is quite enjoyable otherwise.



Update 2: I don't know what happened, but now all the voiceovers are in Japanese instead of English! Please fix! (End update 2)
Update: ok I think there's a problem with using potions - other than using the auto drink feature, I see no way of consuming them! It's completely impractical to swap out potions from the four auto use slots, so we're basically stuck just using whatever we put in those four slots! But between all the different levels of health and mana potions as well as all the elixirs, there are way more than four types to use! This needs to be fixed! (End update) Pretty much a Path of Exile clone, which is a good thing since PoE is awesome. Very high production values. Only thing I currently see that could be improved is having more classes - currently only has the basic three archetypes, melee, ranged, and mage. Still, really well done!


Have a love hate relationship with this game

I absolutely love this game for the most part. Graphics are absolutely stunning! I love that you can have two sets of skill load outs and can build your character to use any class you want. I don’t want to pile on the negative train so if you’re curious you can read all the typical negative reviews. A lot of them are valid including how expensive it can get to play in the late game. But i still love this game more than diablo and torchlight. The one thing that keeps me from fully investing time and money into this game is that it’s online only. I like to know if I invest a lot of time and money into my character that i can come back to that character and play even if the company decides to shut down the servers in favor of a new game.

So my one thing i want is that the developers update this game to be playable offline so i can feel I’m investing time and money in a persistent character. Thank you and take care

Will change to five stars if and when offline play is allowed


Amazing game - real player

Yes you can spend money on quality of life items . They are one time purchases besides the auto loot . Very minor price for that . You are not forced into spending hundreds even thousands like most games . The grind and item drops are plentiful. Reminds me a lot of Diablo . There are no forced quests which annoys me personally . You do have to clear zones to get to end game but you can fly through it . Also it really helps you understand the rune combos and links before your doing dungeons anyways . At no point do I feel like I need to spend hundreds a week or even month to keep up with others . It’s also just a fun loot grinder . It has not gotten the attention it deserves in the USA market .


Bad name but great arpg

Great game, possibility the most underrated and best arpg for any platform, definitely for mobile. You are free to experiment with every skill type without limits. True QOL win in a game.

Huge skill trees and items to make playing a character with endless possibilities.

Those claiming p2w, I havent seen it. Can get all items in game, dont need to use the auction house. For those of us who enjoying grinding in these games p2w wont affect us. I did spend to a little to support the game since I have been playing it alot. Over a week in Id say thats worth spending on the cost as if I bought new game.

Game isnt without its flaws. The loading screen is confusing because you cant see what it says, causing people to misclick and get errors.

Controller support definitely needed for mobile….my poor thumbs, they cramp!!!

Maintenance times have been during peek playtimes, and usually last longer than they say.

Chats seem kinda dead. Seen a lot of people but no guild recruiting or much of any convos. Maybe everyone is grinding??

The game name is bleh, should consider changing it for more attention.


Stop with the 1 stars

The game is not P2W, yes it has those elements, however, everything that can be purchased from the cash shop can be acquired while progressing, cosmetics are not. Storyline is solid, gameplay is amazing, skill system is very customizable, graphics are beautiful, I mainly play on PC, with cross progression for when I’m on long car rides. Please ignore the 1 star reviewer whining about the P2W aspect, I will repeat, the game is NOT P2W. I’ve been F2P and am on Act 7, my damage potential is incredible and the fact that I’ve increased my dodge rating to almost 90% means I hardly ever get hit, not only that, but you can summon minions/Turrets no matter your “class” super useful AoE skills, the game is fantastic….


Not Bad

Great game. Doesn’t feel super easy and it has a great skill system I like that I don’t feel stuck using 1 class I switch to bow skills and was able to progress further then switch back to mage because enemy weaker to fire that’s pretty dope. I also like when I see other people character everyone seem to have a unique own build and way of playing. P2w it more like pay for convince because there’s nothing in the shop that give you a boost in ultimate power like 5 star gems that give you 200%more damage and a passive nuke attack after every 5 hits so I suggest people to give this gem a chance


Best ARPG out there (Better than PoE and D4)

I have well over 1000 hours and multiple level 100 characters. I also have played thousands of hours of D2, D3, PoE, and Last Epoch. I can tell you without a doubt this game has it all. If you like a game that you can grind every day and feel rewarded for grinding this is the game for you. The only thing you have to buy in this game is storage stuff for convenience. Everything else can be achieved through grinding. Yes you can pay as a shortcut but you can still do everything by grinding. It has all the best elements from Diablo and PoE and more! 10/10 game



I want to like this game, I want to play this game, but the convoluted rune progression is mind numbing. The abilities and how they link is really ingenious, however you are severely gated by the ‘randomness’ of the rune enchanting. I don’t understand why games need to be this difficult in their progression streams. It really takes the joy out of playing the game. Just make the game complete from the jump, and people might actually pay for the game straight out. Monetize bag space or cosmetics if you want, but changing the direction of a link rune, crossing your fingers that rng isn’t going to ruin your current build as you chase a desired outcome is ridiculous. I spent no money, but if there was more freedom given to the players with the runes I may have paid for the base game and maybe even seasons. Instead FTP, PTW.


Favorite Diablo Clone

I actually like this game a lot more than either Diablo or PoE, but that’s mostly because of personal preferences. For one thing I like the free form way you can develop characters in this game versus the character class systems of those other games. The rune matrix in this app is effectively a build-your-own-skill tree mini game and I really enjoy tinkering around with it. The other reason I prefer this game is that I have zero interest in multiplayer or PVP, and it’s really easy to ignore those elements in this game making it a better single player experience like a throwback to the glory days of Titan Quest.


Unexpected Mobile PoE

I love ARPGs and was highly disappointed in Diablo Immortal’s p2w fiasco. I wanted to play it, but knowing the cost to max out stats etc just didn’t jive well with me. So mobile ARPG was just not going to be a thing other than Eternium. Then this gem showed up. It looks and plays like PoE/Lost Ark/Grim Dawn etc. It feels AAA. And the graphics are stunning. Voice acting is trash, so bad it’s might be kinda good TBH. All of this for fairly small package of around 6GB. P2w mechanics are there in the game. They are slightly less severe as DI, as previously mentioned. They don’t ruin the fun of grinding (so far). Hope this game does well and look forward to farming!


Spoke too soon

Ok i think I probably should have played the game a little further before writing a review before. This game is actually pay to progress, immortal on the other hand is pay to win. With immortal you can still progress in the game as a f2p player, so many ways to level up and earn items. This game if you don pay you won’t get passed act 4 and sadly if you have a no payment policy, your run ends there.
It’s really sad i thought this game would be sort of a break from diablo, but this is actually way worse.
Update: Your game force stops randomly while fighting the boss from act 4. I’ve been stuck here since. I’m gonna take away 3 stars because over the last couple of days, just disappointment.


crashes and grubby play style

looks fun from the outside, and then hours in it's all p2p disguised. seasonal goal, rigged so you fall short, party play useless not an option, trading is for p2p items in black market only, your specialty event items expire without exp dates on them. Game was fun til i realized it's impossible to get to a fair level without giving them hundreds a month, dueling is gonna be p2p, skills runes p2p, i can't upgrade to gold even tho i have the box cus the game won't give me a blue. They really put in the extra work to cut you off from f2p sneakily on all corridors, including inventory space and unique item drop rate. in 30 levels i haven't gotten another unique item drop, clearly level based and rigged. uninstalling cus they didn't fix the crashing every 10 mins.


Solid game

After not being able to play on launch day (Wednesday), I tried again on Thursday and was finally able to get in. The game is great to play. A solid substitute, dare I say replacement to ANY ARPG. Will be excited to see what future updates have. No annoying “buy this pack” popups. Game doesn’t appear to be p2w currently, but they do have packs you can purchase. This thing does use a good amount of power though so you’ll want to watch your battery consumption.


Great game

So far the game is great. Sure there is cash shop but how else they going to make money for time they spent on this game. The game doesn’t require to buy items to progress like Diablo immortal. Play the game for more than an hour and you will see the difference. I wish the buttons were a little bigger or able to expand it. Otherwise the game is great and doesn’t lag unless u got a crap old phone than you shouldn’t play this.



I usually don’t do reviews but I had to for this one. It’s not rated very high in Undecember Store but it’s way better then most games I’ve played and I’ve played a lot! It’s a mix between Diablo and path of exile especially in the skill customization. The game runs great on max settings and I have an iPhone 12 Pro Max. I would absolutely recommend this game to anyone who loves Diablo but hates how much of a cash grab immoral is definitely play this one!


very fun until you reach chapter 2

the difficulty between the enemies on the map vs the end boss of that map is a very big jump. you can reach the recommended level of the map and have fun melting enemies with your technique during your scouring of that map, but the moment you enter the boss specified arena to face off with that area boss; one shots. i’m a veteran to souls-borne games so i understand frustration and gratifying victories but this feels different and has me not playing it anymore. probably one of the best games i’ve played on my ipad and it’s ruined by the idea of having to use resurrection scrolls because u got one shot.

one more thing, how dope would it be if there was a pvp sector with its own specific rules and specific nerfs ? it’s possible, elden ring did it. think about it


Mobs are fine, bosses feel like Dark Souls

I love this game. I’ve been playing a long time on and off, more off than on due to the absolutely ridiculous amount of time spent grinding for materials to upgrade gear just to barely move up a bit and then meet a new challenge that requires another new round of ridiculous grinding to achieve yet another small step and on and on. I also feel like there’s way too many options for skills/zodiac/stat builds(that you have to constantly modify to resist whatever you’re up against next) and gear choices that should have better odds of being an upgrade to your current gear instead of wasting hundreds and thousands of inventory spaces on trash you have to dump off for gold and materials that you’ll inevitably sell or waste to make room for more materials. See a pattern?
4/5 because it’s a fun game but there’s way too many moving parts.

Is Undecember Safe?

Yes. Undecember is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 753 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Undecember Is 67.4/100.

Is Undecember Legit?

Yes. Undecember is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 753 Undecember User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Undecember Is 100/100..

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