Overall, I like this game. It's not as smooth or balanced as Clash, but it's quite a bit better imo than many clash wannabe's (I've played them all, boom beach, plunder pirates, samurai, etc). I like the base designer, but it needs a storage system where all buildings are removed, then placed back one by one (except walls).
Some of the sounds are a bit embarrassing if others are near bye . I'd like to see that fixed (when one of the female troops is attacked, the sound is a bit... Private sounding.).
If I had one complaint, and I do, it's a big one. The constant pop ups are overbearing and ridiculous. The fact I cannot turn off in game advertising means I will not give this company any money (I have given hundreds to clash.).
Again, I do like this game, but imo clash is a 9.5 while this is a 6. Better than the rest, but still not in clashes league. I'd likely give this game a 4th star if they fixed the popup problem. It feels like an old pc operating system that just constantly has popups. Not good. But the gameplay is fine, just needs a little balancing and polish.