Pokellector: Card Collector Reviews

Pokellector Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-17

🏷️ About: Pokellector is a mobile app designed for Pokemon TCG card collectors and players. It allows users to manage their card collection, search for cards from various sets, and scan cards using the Pokemon Card Scanner feature. The app also provides detailed information about each card, including prices and history from around the web. Users can manage their collection with the Poke card manager and check all sets and cards in one place using the My Collection feature. The app covers English and Japanese sets, including Sword and Shield, Sun & Moon, Black & White, and many others.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 2,390 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

Keeps an accurate collection of your cards, customizable options for calculating percent complete for the collections, has a “for trade” tab, helps me stay up to date on cards and pricing, has a “top movers” section that shows cards that have either gone up/down by a significant price tag.

Read 27 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.6 out of 5
Crashes A Lot With The Update

I use Pokellector to keep track of my collection but ever since they updated it’s been awful! Pokellector is so slow. Takes me several minutes just to mark that I got a card. If I scroll too fast it shoots me to the very end or the beginning of the deck. Crashes a lot too. It froze and I tried to get out of Pokellector but it was stuck. Had to turn my phone off. Also I HATE the SELECT ALL button. It’s at the most inconvenient place every. One wrong slip of the finger it will mark that you got all the cards in the deck. No reason for that button because nobody will get all cards at once. Or ask for a confirmation!! Because now I have to go through this deck and mark my collection again with this slow app. >:(

Super Annoying

This weird thing happens where you can only look at a certain amount of cards and then they just all go blank (stuck loading). If you exit Pokellector and reopen it, the cards are loaded just fine- and then they disappear again after five minutes. Using Pokellector is a lot of being interrupted and double clicking the home button to close Pokellector . I’m a pretty laid back dude; i’ve been using Pokellector for awhile, trying to ignore its faults, but after awhile it’s too much. If there are other options, don’t download Pokellector.

Ads completely ruin the otherwise decent experience

I was really excited to start using an app to track my fledgling TCG collection and this looked promising and seemed to have a nice UI.

I removed Pokellector after 10 minutes. The ads rendered Pokellector completely inoperable, and the pricing on the premium “subscription” is wildly overpriced for someone more casual like me ($60/yr at time of writing).

It’s a shame because I enjoyed the first few minutes I got adding cards to my collection before the ads took over the entire screen for over 90 seconds.

Good app, but needs major improvements

I love the website that Pokellector is from, it's a fast and easy way to keep track of collections, including misprints and various versions of cards. That is one feature Pokellector is seriously lacking: it doesn't have the feature of displaying alternate versions of cards. For example, the online section for the Base Set shows the standard, first ed, shadowless, and U.K. Versions of the cards. Most sets show both the regular and reverse holo versions. Pokellector doesn't. I can't even view the cards I've put in online into my collection from these categories. If this gets fixed, it'll be mostly perfect. Other than this issue, it's very convenient.

Be Ready for A Lot of Frustration, Barely Does it's Job

Pros: Keeps an accurate collection of your cards, and won't reset your collection by accident.
Cons: Ads are dont work, sometimes they cant be exited, so the whole app has to be closed in order to restart. Good luck if you forgot where you were scrolling through. Many pictures of cards won't work, Pokellector would have to be closed. Both of these mean Pokellector hs to be restarted multiple times, very difficult to get logged work done.
2 stars review for all the problems, but it gets the job done, barely. This is the best pokemkn tcg collector app for now, so we have to deal with it until a better one, or Pokellector improves.

Not for the serious collector

I’ve used Pokellector for several years, and it is great! However, for the serious collector, it lacks certain depth. Not ALL sets are listed in the database. For example, as of the date of this writing (Sept 2018) I cannot track my Japanese collection from early sets such as Base, Jungle, Fossil, Rocket, etc. I also cannot track the type of print I have of each card such as: Holo, Reverse, 1st Edition, Shadowless, etc. They also don’t have a list of original vending machine series which I am collecting. Some stock photos still aren’t cataloged even though Pokellector is years old! As I said, NOT yet an app for the serious collector.

Recent issue

So I dont know why but all of a sudden it’s saying it’s having connection issues. Which is highly unlikely.. I have noticed a few other issues lately. When refreshing database it keeps attempting and acting like it finished. This happens repeatedly. I hit the search bar and refresh. Type three letters and refreshes. Im not sure if Pokellector itself or if it’s messing up while trying to load ads or what. But has become an issue just recently. I thought I’d bring this to someone’s attention before it got worse. Not that I don’t mind looking my cards up on the website or a competitors and plugging my collection in. But Pokellector itself if very handy and makes it easier to keep track of cards. The only other advice I’d recommend is having more information on the individual cards .Also If I have one card and it’s a variant (reverse holo) in my collection it acts as if I don’t have the card at all unless I go to variant. Another thing that would be helpful is having images of the variants (holo, reverse holo and so on).

Almost perfect

I love Pokellector. It has pictures of practically all the cards except ones that just came out and it doesn’t lag or crash. This is great because it tries to match up cards with their retail price online although it doesn’t always find the correct one or variant (holo vs non holo, promo vs regular). There are two things holding it away from five stars. If they could put an average value on each card so that when you log it you can see you collections value that would be amazing. The other thing is adding variants such as first edition vs non first edition and holo vs non holo. With those two added Pokellector would literally be perfect.

Good... but can be improved.

It's a great app for if you do collect cards. I've been collecting since my childhood so it's nice for this to show what I have without going through my binders. However, there are too many adds that pop up every thirty seconds. A feature that I would like, nay, LOVE to see is instead of going through the various sets to find a card, if you could take a picture of the card and it be automatically added to your collection. I think this would make it easier and faster.

Too small buttons

Dont get me wrong Pokellector is awesome but what really grinds my gears is how minisculy small the ✅checkmark buttons are.
I swear every other time i mean to press the button it doesnt register and clicks on the entire card (which brings me to the card summary that I never use) instead.
It really bogs down the speed aspect of logging my collection and just turns it into a very tedious strenuous chore.
I cannot last more than 5 mins on Pokellector because of this/:

Helpful app, could be even better with a small feature add

I am new to Pokémon card collecting and am enjoying using Pokellector to catalog my growing collection. One feature that I wish it had is the ability to view all my owned cards on one screen, without having to click in and out of the various expansions. I would love to be able to see all the grass Pokémon (or water, or dark, etc) I own, all in one place. Otherwise, it is awesome!

Money Saver!

this app has been a huge money saver to me, as it enables me to not buy duplicates whenever I'm at card shops. It also helps me know when a shop is scalping the price of a card due to its price comparison feature.
Suggestions: It would be nice to be able to list how many of each card you have and make notes of if they're first edition and/or shadowless. It also would be nice to have additional prices from sources such as tcgplayer.

Great way to track your collection!

I've used Pokellector for a while now and I've really enjoyed using it. I'm able to get info like value, when and where the card was released to really get to know my collection. It helps me quickly see what I still need for my collection while I'm out at the card shop or browsing the web for a purchase. I like that we can now track variants! I would like to be able to add multiple counts on the cards in my collection though. Great app guys! Thank you 😁👍

Easy to Use and Helpful

Love using Pokellector, both online and on my iPhone. Sometimes I lose a few cards that I previously checked, but probably a user error more than anything.

My biggest suggestion would to add iPad support, and utilizing landscape mode while using a keyboard. I tend to use my iPhone to have up TCG Player, iPad for this app, and my binders/bulk out as I sort and search. Would be nice to have in landscape.

I have noticed lags in the TCG pricing on cards (updated 1 month ago) or longer, so if there is a way to update those more accurately/weekly, it’d help the people/users. Thanks for Pokellector !

One stop shop

I’ve been using Pokellector for years now and it does a great job of keeping all my collections organized. Pokémon is always coming out with new sets and Pokellector helps me stay up to date on cards and pricing.

One suggestion I have is to potentially have a “top movers” section that shows cards that have either gone up/down by a significant price tag. Doesn’t have to be anything super crazy, but if a card sells for a ridiculous price on eBay one month - then sells for dirt cheap the next month - then I’d be interested in seeing the price fluctuations.

Great app for anybody that enjoys collecting Pokémon cards!

Awesome app always fails to open

Pokellector is amazing, when it works. It usually freezes on load up for me and the only eat to get it to work is to reinstall Pokellector . Really stupid and seems like it can easily be fixed. Also the adds are really annoying. I would purchase an add free version. Please make that an option and please fix your app and I'll come back with 5 stars.

It works and does what is promised.

I read reviews of others complaining about adds. Guess what!? It's a free app. The creator(s) have to make money somehow. I'll admit that it's strange how the adds initiate themselves but they don't even make you wait 15-30seconds. Just exit the add by hitting that "x" in the top left or right corner. If you need to look up info for longer periods of time then use a web browser and search it yourself rather than relying on an app someone created and has adds so they can make a living or some compensation for their work.

Simply put Pokellector is free. If you don't want to pay money for an app then stop complaining. That said the dev should offer an option for an address version for a price. But I know most wouldn't pay for it given how the bad reviewers expect to be catered to for absolutely nothing.

New Update is Perfect

I used Pokellector a while back, but eventually left it because it didn’t have options for reverse holos, which was really important to me as a collector. But, they added that feature and now Pokellector is literally perfect for me. It also has customizable options for calculating percent complete for the collections (you can include rh cards if you want and choose whether to include secret rares). Pokellector is so great for collectors, and it’s been a huge help to me for easily seeing which cards I still need. The only thing that could possibly improve Pokellector would be if there was a way to add a “for trade” tab, that has all the same lists but allows me to keep track of what I have for trade when I’m away from my collection. That’s super minor, and Pokellector is now perfect for tracking my collection.

The five star is negatives

Pokellector works is what some of these say. Trust me Pokellector is not worth downloading even though it is free. It is a waste of space and useless Pokellector doesn't even start up. It says it is loading then downloading database. Spoiler alert it is not it says it could not be downloaded and if you retry it still nothing works. Don't waste your time and make the mistake I did.

Pokémon addiction Assistant

Pokellector is amazing! Originally used the website but saw there was a mobile version which makes it so easy to check the cards I have. Makes it way too easy to look at other sets and the estimated prices with links to buy certain cards makes it so easy to do spontaneous purchases. Thank you consistently staying up to date.

The ads kill it

Not a bad app. But a few things make it more or less unusable. This is more of a checklist than a collection app, as it only lets you store one of each card as obtained, and no more. You can’t really track a collection this way.

Also the ads are random and non stop. If the collection aspect was improved to track multiple cards, and an option was made to remove ads, this could be a good app.

Works, some features need added

I have been using this to log in my cards, but the biggest feature missing is the holos of each card or any other alternative cards. Trying to collect a master set with both reg and Holo cards, not no tracking on here makes me go back to my binders to find if I have it or not. Would love to see in a update, at least a extra check mark next to the existing check mark would be nice.

Love the app., but having some issues!!

For little over a month now I have been trying to use Pokellector. and it keeps saying extracting database I let it set for 15min. one night and it still didn't work. I deleted Pokellector and reinstalled it, still nothing!! I enjoy using this because I like the lay out but I also haven't gotten an update for a while now on it. So hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Good app

I really like Pokellector , I can finally keep track of my collection without spending days making a spreadsheet for it.

My only issue is the banner ads at the bottom of the screen. They make it almost impossible to access the last card in list view, I wish the upgrade removed those as well. It’s a small issue so Pokellector still gets 4 stars

Overall solid

I'm glad to have a mobile version of the website I originally used to catalog my cards. Only improvement I immediately see is that I'd like to pay to remove ads. Other people have said the ads have made Pokellector difficult to use, and while I have not experienced that myself, I would like to give you guys my money, please take it.

Works great and Ads really aren’t bad

I would have given Pokellector a 5 star for sure but the only problem with it is there is no option to add the reverse holos in the sets

Also the ads are not as bad as some would complain, they are well spaced out (in my opinion), I mean if you want Pokellector to stay free they are a necessary

Simple and very helpful

Thank you so much for creating Pokellector! I just recently rediscovered my love for collecting Pokémon cards. I found my collection from when I was a kid at my mom’s house, and began to organize them. I didn’t keep all of the checklist from the sets, so I began scouring the internet for printable checklists. Pokellector makes it so much easier. Thank you again!!

Is Pokellector Safe? 🙏

No. Pokellector: Card Collector does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,390 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Pokellector Is 16.8/100.

Safety Analysis

79.2% of users say app is Safe 👍

14.7% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

6.1% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Pokellector Legit? 💯

No. Pokellector: Card Collector does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,390 Pokellector: Card Collector User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Pokellector Is 31.9/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

Pokellector collected the following data from you:

  • Data Used to Track You:
    • Usage Data
  • Data Not Linked to You:
    • Purchases
    • Contact Info
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
    • Diagnostics

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Pokellector Plus (Quarterly) $14.99
Pokellector Plus $4.99
Pokellector Plus (Yearly) $49.99
Pokellector Pro (Quarterly) $19.99

How was your experience with Pokellector: Card Collector? Post a Review


- Search Poke Cards: Look up cards from various sets such as Sword and Shield, and many others.

- English and Japanese sets: Search through all sets and check which cards you own, and which of them you miss.

- PTCGO card info: Check prices and history from around the web at a glance. Get detailed information about each card!

- Pokemon TCG Online card manager: Manage your TCG collection with our Poke card manager.

- Pokemon card scanner: Quickly scan and email PTCGO QR Codes.

- My collection: With this feature, you are able to check all sets and cards in one place. Manage your PTCGO cards easily.

- Recurring subscriptions: The app allows users to purchase quarterly or yearly subscriptions, which automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.

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