
UC浏览器-小说短视频抢先看 Software

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UC浏览器 小说短视频抢先看 Overview

What is UC浏览器 小说短视频抢先看?

UC Browser is a third-party mobile browser that has been focusing on browsing for 18 years and has become a mainstream browser globally. It offers comprehensive and accurate headline news, real-time search hotlists, and a variety of entertainment options such as exciting videos, rich novels, funny jokes, and high-speed cloud storage. The app has a wide range of features that make it a user-friendly and enjoyable experience.


- Headline news: selected headline news and real-time recommendations, divided into various categories such as video, technology, digital, entertainment, sports, games, animation, and finance, with a variety of content and real-time user reviews.

- Search hotlists: divided into 24-hour hotlists and video hotlists, providing comprehensive and real-time information and allowing users to view comments and discussions.

- Massive videos: various popular short videos and small videos are updated in real-time, including food, exploration, music, film and television, and classic nostalgic videos. Users can also record their surroundings and share happy moments with friends.

- High-quality novels: a large number of high-quality novels, including popular recommendations, male and female exclusive areas, hot popularity lists, and completed hotlists. Users can quickly enter the novel mode and enjoy immersive reading and free novel reading pleasure.

- Funny jokes: users can post, evaluate, and submit content, or quietly brush jokes. Users can also create expression shows at the bottom of the app.

- High-speed cloud storage: online broadcast of high-definition original videos, backup of photos and videos at any time, and direct download from UC cloud storage webpage without client resources, with unlimited download speed.

- Intelligent search: users can search for information, beautiful pictures, life tips, and health knowledge across the entire network.

- Automatic renewal rules for novel super members/reading members: users can subscribe to the service through iTunes account, and the system will automatically renew and replace the corresponding fees according to the subscription type 24 hours before the subscription service expires. Users can also close the continuous monthly service at least 24 hours in advance in the "account settings."

- Automatic renewal rules for cloud storage members: users can subscribe to the service through iTunes account, and the system will automatically renew and replace the corresponding fees according to the subscription type 24 hours before the subscription service expires. Users can also close the continuous monthly service at least 24 hours in advance in the "account settings."

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

UC专注浏览器18年,成为全球主流第三方手机浏览器。有全面、精准的头条资讯,以及实时搜索热榜,可随时了解身边事。更有精彩视频、丰富小说、搞笑段子、超速网盘,多种娱乐,放松不止一刻。 丰富功能包罗万象,让你爱不释手 【头条资讯】 精选头条资讯,热点资讯实时推荐,细分视频、科技、数码、娱乐、体育、游戏、动漫、财经,类型丰富内容齐全,还可实时查收用户热评。 【搜索热榜】 搜索热榜细分24小时榜、视频榜,全面实时了解新鲜事,还可查看评论,看大家讨论新鲜事情。 【海量视频】 底部tab直接进入视频频道,各类热门短视频、小视频实时更新,美食、探店、音乐、影视、经典怀旧视频,看个不停,还能记录身边事,跟网友分享快乐时刻。 【精品小说】 超多精品小说看不停,热门推荐、男生专区、女生专区、火热人气榜、完结热榜,快速进入小说模式,沉浸式阅读,尽享免费小说阅读乐趣。 【搞笑段子】 鉴贴、鉴评、投内容,还是悄悄蹲点刷段子,你说了算。底部还能制作表情秀,快来看谁的脑洞更大。 【超速网盘】 高清原画视频在线播报,照片视频随时备份,在yun.cn访问UC网盘网页版,无需客户端资源直接下,下载不限速。 【智能搜索】 资讯,精美图片,生活小窍门,健康小知识,全网一搜即得。 【来自用户的心声】 从功能智能手机就一直在使用的浏览器,非常的好用,也一路见证了它的成长。虽然功能越来越强大,但使用过程中还是很轻量的——呼吸在我耳边 老爸老妈天天为了看电视吵架,索性自己就把这款软件让他们看,没想到他们却喜欢上了在这里看视频,哈哈挺好——wetiiresfj1245 非常好用,专注使用10年,忠实用户——万能甜 用了UC浏览器之后就一直一直不想再换别的浏览器了,小说也很稳固,没事的时候看看漫画也是不错的选择——蓝果子酱 下载了所有的浏览器使用,最后卸载了一个又一个,只留下了UC。快捷,方便,用着爽快,就是好,真心点个赞!——原妥妥 用起来特别流畅,看小说视频都可以,非常好——浵浵的麻麻 第一次心甘情愿的写评论,真的很好用,网速很快,尤其看小说视频超级棒!万年忠实粉丝!——叶向红 很好用的一款浏览器,无论是喜欢看资讯,看电影,看小说,都能让人满意——周家小哥哥" ============================== 小说超级会员/畅读会员自动续费规则 1.用户协议 https://broccoli.uc.cn/apps/novel_pay/routes/YH_xieyi?uc_param_str=dsdnfrpfbivesscpgimibtbmnijblauputogpintnwktprchmt&uc_biz_str=S%3Acustom%7CC%3Atitlebar_hover_2 2.隐私条款 https://broccoli.uc.cn/apps/clouddrive/routes/_tQafZOR9?uc_param_str=dsdnfrpfbivesscpgimibtbmnijblauputogpintnwktprchmt&uc_biz_str=S%3Acustom%7CC%3Atitlebar_fix%7CN%3Atrue%7CK%3Atrue 3.小说超级会员连续订阅服务有以下产品: 订阅周期: a,19元/ 1个月 b,58元/ 3个月 c,218元/ 12个月 4.小说畅读会员连续订阅服务有以下产品: 订阅周期: a,3.99元/ 1个月 b,12元/ 3个月 c,48元/ 12个月 5.订阅小说超级会员/畅读会员服务会通过iTunes账户直接支付; 6.在订阅服务到期前24小时,系统将按订购类型进行自动续订和替换相应费用; 7.如需关闭连续包月服务,请至少提前24小时在“帐户设置”中进行操作。 ============================== 网盘会员自动续费规则 1.用户协议 https://broccoli.uc.cn/apps/clouddrive/routes/jLgL4ZN5J? 2.隐私条款 https://broccoli.uc.cn/apps/clouddrive/routes/_tQafZOR9? 3.网盘超级会员连续订阅服务有以下产品: 订阅周期: a、25元/1个月; b、68元/3个月; c、238元/12个月; 4.订阅网盘超级会员服务会通过iTunes账户直接支付。 5.在订阅服务到期前24小时,系统将按订购类型进行自动续订和替换相应费用。 6.如需关闭连续包月服务,请至少提前24小时在“帐户设置”中进行操作。

Top Reviews

By fugdun


This is a great APP ,I can't live without it

By Coolqwe



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