Pet World - My Animal Shelter Reviews

Pet World - My Animal Shelter Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-19

About: Welcome to the 3D world of the Animal Rescue Sunflower! Whether they're cute
hamsters or guinea pigs, sweet bunnies, playful cats or cuddly dogs: they all
want to be cared for with love and adopted by the right owners. Take on lovable
horses and a cute young foal, as well as lots of different farmyard animals such
as cheeky goats, sheep and pigs at the Sunflower Animal Shelter! Care for
fascinating reptiles like snakes and tor.

About Pet World

Welcome to the 3D world of the Animal Rescue Sunflower! Whether they're cute hamsters or guinea pigs, sweet bunnies, playful cats or cuddly dogs: they all want to be cared for with love and adopted by the right owners.

In "PetWorld 3D: My Animal Rescue" you have the opportunity to take care of lots of animals such as hamsters, guinea pigs and bunnies.

Navigate through the shelter by swiping with your finger, decorate it with beautiful accessories, or play with dogs and cats in the large outdoor enclosure! When you visit the animals you can also of course see them at close range and can observe how the hamsters clean themselves or how the bunnies hop around.

As soon as the head of the animal rescue, a grumpy professor, puts you in charge of the animal adoption process, it's your job to find the most suitable new animal owner.

After an initial examination to determine current health conditions and to establish any necessary treatment, life in the animal rescue can begin.

In addition, you can purchase in-apps, which include dogs, cats, foals, sheep, goats, pigs, turtles, birds, squirrels and reptiles thereby opening new playing options.

PetWorld 3D: My Animal Rescue" is not only a lot of fun and addictive, it's also visually pleasing.

And of course new surprises are waiting for you, based on how well you care for the animals and how often animals are successfully adopted.

When you pay attention to the animal's needs and the owner's preferences, nothing can stand in the way of their happiness.

Of course the animals are in the best possible hands with you, but they do eventually need a real home.

Take care of your little friend with food and water and make sure that they always have fresh litter.

If you have questions or problems related to the app or in-app purchases, please contact [email protected] per email.

To ensure that the app runs optimally on older devices, please close all apps running in the background.

Many of your rescues didn't always have it easy in their lives, but luckily they at least found their way to you.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 2,987 combined software reviews.

20 Pet World Reviews

3.9 out of 5



I love this game and the dog game, but I have found a cheat that needs to be fixed. When you play there pops up a gift of five coins then you watch a ad right? Well you dismiss all of the people trying to adopt the animals then you can end the day. Well I found out you can do that and the five coins can still go to you. So you can easily cheat at the game and get coins to buy animals. So I think that needs to be fixed so the game can be more fun instead of cheating so I think all you need to do is make it so if they finish actually then they can get the five coins. But besides that this is a wonderful game and I like it very much. Thank you! (Edit) hello! This game has not been edited sadly ☹️ but I have found how badly I think you need to edit how much the animals cost. I mean having to pay for fish that cost 375 dollars!!! That is not cheap. I think you need to improve that and maybe add more animals, like more dog breeds. And maybe a zoo like section so maybe alligators, giraffes. Maybe that sounds a little crazy, but I would LOVE to see these edits! Thank you! Thank you for fixing this! Sadly this STILL has not been updated i can not take screenshots but you must improve this to help make the game better. Maybe you can hit daily coin reward and put 10 coins or something to make up for it 😊 I love this game and hope you fix the cheat! Thank you very much so.


Amazing game, but a few suggestions

I’ve played this game for a long time and I love the fact that you have a lot of animals and they look really nice compared to other animal games. I do wish that there were more types of animals with different colors, especially for dogs, cats, foals and horses. The cats have more colors than the dogs and horses/foals, but every time I look at those animals, I think about different colors they could have, like brown cats or black or white horses. And as I mentioned before, the animal variety is amazing, but there are a lot of animals missing like rats, ferrets, sugar gliders and other small animals like that. Also, there’s only iguanas and two types of snakes for reptiles, and I think there could be a few snakes and possibly chameleons added for reptiles. Amphibians would be interesting too, with frogs and salamanders. I’ve had no issues with glitches and although money is hard to get, I find that it’s fun to save up for the different animals. I hope some of these can be added and I hope it’s not asking for too much, but now that I’ve gotten all the animals, all I have left to do is get the decorations and wait for new updates and even if none of those can be added, I’ll still continue to play this amazing game and wait to see what updates will eventually be added. Sorry if this a lot to read and thank you if you read the whole thing.



I think this game is great and a bit educational for children but I have some ideas that would make more sense for the game. So first of all I think it’s annoying how you have to save up for new animals at the shelter and I don’t even know how to earn coins to buy the other animals I feel like the worker at the front desk at the shelter should pay you those coins from working with the animals and treating them. And I think that almost everyone who plays this already has bought the animals with real money and some kids can’t even do that so I feel like it would be more friendly if you do that. The things that I like is there is no disturbing things from the animals, there is a paw that you can follow when you don’t know what to do, people adopt the animals, and etc. the second thing I think you guys should add is that the front desk worker does more stuff like walk around and help you. The next thing is there should be another worker that drives a truck so he can drop off animals at the shelter and bring animals to the homes of the people that adopted the animal. And maybe you could even drive the truck I feel like that would be a good feature.

I hope you like my ideas it’s fine if you don’t add them.
And I also think this would make players more active.
Have a wonderful terrific week!!


A few touchups needed.

This game was really fun overall but I only started off with rabbits guinea pigs and hamsters but on my sister‘s iPad she had every animal already and it takes forever to get every animal in fact I don’t have every animal it’s pretty much impossible but it was really fun there wasn’t as much add as I expected but if you wanted The Director of the game like there’s always a helper in the game that explains things so if you want them to help you something you have to pay them was not real money but the game money but that’s not what they you have to watch an ad but it’s much better because there are not many ads like at all and in my opinion I think you should get it it does need a few touchups because I got three rabbits that had the same name and that’s really close and it was a little bit annoying that I got the same animals over and over with the same name and I would like to rename the animals I would like one were you can really customize your animals but you get task and you get game money I wish you could buy the animals instead of you have to log in seven days to get a new animal and with school in the way it’s nearly impossible so I think you should get this it just needs a few touchups but otherwise it is awesome you should totally get PetWorld.


Um, best. Game. Of. All. Time.

ok, so, first of all, this is a great game. I love the animals and the graphics and I always wanted a goat and now I have goats!! Second of all, I wish you unlocked animals as you level up, since I ended up buying most of them with real money. Third of all, I wish there was more variety in the animals!! There’s only one type of cat, goat, hamster, and other animals. Fourth of all, it Honestly gets boring after a while. I mean, all you do is clean the animal’s cage and feed it. Then someone adopts it and you start all over. I think there should be a multiplayer option where you can adopt other ppl’s animals to add to a ‘home’ feature. Last of all, in species, (ill use birds as an example) there are different species of bird but for species it just says, “bird” not cockatoo, not macaw, just bird. Whelp, thanks for reading. Now for a quick spam story.

There once was a cat name Walrus and he liked eating bread so one day his owner hid all the bread and Walrus ran away to the bread store. His owner looked all over for him and found him the bakery covered in red. “It’s blood!” The owner exclaimed but no it was just jam Walrus raided the bread store of all bread and jam and had butter on his toe beans oh, Walrus you naughty boi.


Great game, just 1 flaw...

I absoloutly LOVE THIS GAME! I have 1 problem, though. I had to delete and re-download PetWorld because it would open and I couldn't move. After I re-downloaded the game, it worked but I lost the animals I bought. Thankfully, I only bought them with in-game coins. There were NO "Restore Purchases" buttons. So I would like to request a "Restore Purchases" button. If possible I would like to see that button by the next game update. My second request is that you would add in mice, rats, or ferrets. The animal variety is out-standing, but you had hamsters and guinea-pigs, but no other tiny animals to complete the collection. My third and final request is MORE DOG BREEDS. I did not buy the dog expansion, but I have read other reviews. I also think it would be cool to have at least 2 other dog breeds besides the lab. No pressure on the last 2 requests. But I would like to be able to bring back my other animals. Thank you SOOOOO much for creating this game! I hope my requests are not too much for you guys. Please write back!


Great game some problems

I absolutely love this game. I have almost bought everything in it. But there are some things that need to be fixed. First is the cost. The animals cost way to much money. I’ve been playing day and night. Then I finally have enough coins to buy an animal. Then I loose all of money and the animal isn’t even that great!! There could be a lot more colors and breeds. There could also be more movements that the animals do. There just boring and the same after awhile. I also wonder what happends after you buy everything? It must take awhile. But when your done is just gets boring. And you have to delete it and get it back to start over are make a new game. And will get tired of doing the same things over and over again. There is one tiny little problem. Can you add more varieties of music to the jukebox as well. Other then that this game is awesome. You can take care of pets and get them happily to new homes. They have real health issues for the animals. And the best part is you don’t have to spend real money for the game. I would like if are reward was higher like ten. But that is all I have to say!! Please read this review and fix my problems! Thank you for this amazing game!!!


Awesome Game!

So I wrote a review I think about yesterday night saying I got an in-game purchase, and I didn’t get the pet. Well I have it now! The game is absolutely amazing and I definitely recommend it if you are bored. Besides the fact that you get 1 coin when you sell a pet, it’s amazing-! Even though you get 1 coin, for me it actually doesn’t take that long to get coins. Just don’t think about it and keep taking care of pets and selling them-! You can get coins easily..! I started playing the game about a year ago, then stopped playing for a while. Before I stopped for a while, I had the squirrel, fox, sheep, goat, the guinea pig, hamster, rabbit, horse, and turtle. Then I came back and I saved up in about 2 days and got the birds, reptiles, reindeer, fish, and hedgehog, right now I have 79 coins, and I got them in like about 45min-1hour. It’s my favorite game right now and you should try it if you didn’t get it yet and you are just looking at reviews to see if it’s good - I mean that might not be the case but keep in mind - there is one word to explain PetWorld.

‘Bamasome.’ (Mixture of amazing, best, and awesome.)


Great app! Highly recommend! ❤️

this app 3D is the best app for animal lovers! There are some pro's and cons! This game has great graphics for a mobile game! The game is (MY OPINION) the best Tivola app out there! There are tons of animals to pick from and you can even customize what ones are in the shelter! PetWorld also gives kids a chance to take care of animals that maybe they cannot have in real life. this app 3D is a game that you can play for as long as you like, I mention this because in some games they only let you play with the pets once a day or for hours at a time. Here you can pick when your on PetWorld ! I also love that the prices for the expansion packs only get up to like $3 each or less, but you also can pay with game coins if you save enough! My only complaint is that there is not that many coat colors for the animals, such as horses that only have 3 color options. Also you'll find that your animals will have the same names, you can change them though! Still a great app and I highly recommend! ❤️💜🤍😍🥰!


Almost There!

Hi! I really hope you read this, but I’m not going to push it. I love this game and I just have a few things that I would really like to see. First Idea: Maybe add more coat colors to the Horses, that would be great! Right now there is just a plain dun ( and cherry/ light bay ) and, not gonna lie, I love the duns, but they are very plain, especially when all you get is the dun. Okay, moving on! Second Idea: Being able to have a bigger variety of aquatic animals, such as different kinds of fish, dolphins, small sharks, etc. I would also love to have like a breeding program set up, so the animals that you keep for like more than 2 days you can breed, and going along with that, I would like to see gender tags so if you can breed you can see the gender. Next Idea: Big Cats! I would love love love love to see some big cats such as tigers, lynxes, maybe lions, cougars, leopards, cheetahs ( maybe ), etc. Okay, I think this is a long enough review and I hope you read it!! Please take these ideas into consideration. Have a nice day!



Not like it use to be...

Sadly a lot has changed In this game that I wish didn’t, I played this game a few years ago, and there use to be so much more that you can have without spending so much money.. I’m stuck with bunny, hamster, and genuine pig the whole time and it is quite boring, yes there is a way to buy more animals but not only is it hard to get. But as well I remember when I use to be able to get more animals without having to buy them. And there is so much more that changed. I loved having to go into the room full of the different ingredients and items that the animals needed to change what I had in my inventory, as well as re filling my water bucket. That changed too now it’s like “your stuck on the animal no where else to go” as soon as I saw this game in PetWorld Store again I downloaded it back remembering how fun it was and if I really liked it I would have spent the money to get the bundle, but of course so much has changed that I don’t believe it to be worth it in any way at all. I’d rate it five stars a few years ago, but compared to then and now I was sad to see how much has changed and less is there.


Great game! But one or more problems..

Hi! I LOVE this game! I’ve been playing this game for a few days now, and I’ve already gotten a few different animals. So I have a few problems. So my main problem is: after I bought two animals and gave away all my hamsters, I haven’t been able to get any more. I’m not sure why, but I haven’t been able to. Maybe you could fix this bug..? I’m not sure if it’s just me or not, and I think the only way to get them again is starting a new game and I would not want to do that. Okay, new problem is the animals. The animals are great, not gonna lie! But I think you should make different species. Like for example, dogs. You could make different species and not just have like four different colors of them. Same with goats. Goats only have TWO COLORS!! Like come on, they need some more! Or else it gets kinda boring with only two. So this was a short review. Hope you can fix this! Love this game! Minus the bugs and stuff, this game is the best.


I like it but......

The game is awesome except that parents are wanting to get
bunnies hamsters and ginnypigs for there kids which is how they end up animal shelters in the in the first place! I have done lots of research on rabbits hamsters and ginnypigs and I have a bunny of my own. And let me say that bunnies are a lot of work and are NOT FOR KIDS same with hamsters not to mention that the cages are not suitable for any of the small animals. Hamsters need at least 6 inches of bedding so they can make a burro. So if you can please do some research on the small animals and Chang that I will love this game thinks.

I forgot to mention why rabbits get into animal shelters if they are given to kid you see a parent might think that a rabbits are easy to care for or don’t live long or that they live outside. all of those things are wrong! When they find out that they are harder to care for they usually dump them not in the Street thanking that I can live on their own. They can’t you see pet rabbits are domesticated and depend on human for food water and shelter. not to mention all of the predators that will come and eat them! So please don’t get them without researching first thinks


Great Game! A few suggestions, though.

Hello! I got this game when I was really little and reinstalled it later because I remembered enjoying it. It’s a really good game and helps children better understand responsibility (I care for rescued kittens and the work is worth it). I do have some suggestions, though.

- I like how you can now purchase animals via play coins, but when I buy an animal and then reload the game (I have an iPad, so whenever I double press the home button and swipe up on PetWorld ) I lose my newly purchased animals, but I don’t get back the coins that I spent for them.

- Is there a way that you could add more illnesses for the animals? The hamsters only have four or five illnesses and it gets repetitive. Also, maybe you could include a backstory on the animals, a brief vetting and grooming scene (I know you have an app for that, but it would be cool), or maybe even people surrendering animals that they can’t take care of. Maybe there could be more information on the animal (gender, more diverse ages, option to spay/neuter).

- Could you make an easier way to put the animals back after letting them out? Also, I think it would be cool to include more story (natural disasters, upgrade shelter and choose where decor goes). Maybe more diverse clients, too. I’ve had the same lady come back asking for Thumper within 30 minutes and I’m like, “What did you do with the last Thumper I gave you?”

Overall, it’s a great and entertaining app!


Coins. I love the game! Tho.

Hello, I am loving the game so far! I’m on day 60. I have a nice amount of coins. I have sheep, reindeer, goats, squirrels, foxes, and the starter pets. I’m saving up for more animals but it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard to get coins. This is a huge problem. Sure u can watch vids to get coins but every time it’s only 5. Also, I have a suggestion. Maybe for a mini game you can make a trivia adventure to like, I don’t know, rescue an animal? And increase the price for certain animals. Like, who buys a reindeer for 1 coin. I presume that a coin is worth a range of 1-25 cents. That’s just weird. Also, add more animals and or lower the prices of some animals. On top of all this, could u make like a thing where u can ask the scientist guy if u can like, get some help in the shelter or something. Also, I’ve looked for other animal shelter games, and I found none. So I love this game and I’m so happy it’s a thing, but it can, it really can be better.


Good, then 😡😭

I got this game because it looked fun. And it was! For a little while anyway. I have quite a few problems in the game and they drive me CRAZY:
1. It’s hard to earn coins. It’s hard to earn enough for the sheep (75 coins)! You only get 1 coin per adoption. You should change that. Maybe you get 1 coin for hamsters, 2 for guinea pigs, 3 for rabbits, something like that. But PLEASE make it easier to earn coins (without buying them).
2. Something weird happened. I was giving the guinea pigs love, and then the heart thing was in the yellow, and it stopped moving. I petted it more, but it didn’t move. And that meant I couldn’t have people adopt them, because they didn’t have enough “care and attention”. Then the same thing happened with the hamsters, and then the rabbits! It was REALLY annoying.
3. I was doing good in the game, I had 200 coins, I had hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, and sheep. I liked it. But them one time I opened the game, and guess what! ALL OF MY PROGRESS WAS GONE!!! It took me back to the tutorial where the guys like “hi you must be new” and I was so MAD!! I deleted the game right after that.
If you could fix those, I would totally give this 5 stars!


Absolutely love this game, but I have at least one problem

This game is great to hyperfocus on, and even better if animals are one of your special interests! I’ve most certainly played this game for hours!

The only problem I have with it is the absurd lack of variety of the animals.

All the dogs look the exact same, even the colors are very limited, there are only 2 reptiles you can possibly get (green iguana and what looks to be a blunt-head tree snake, which seems to be quite an elusive “pet” snake, seriously, I’ve never heard of anyone keeping one of those, might’ve been a better choice to go with a snake that people actually recognize as a pet, like a corn snake or ball python), all the cats look the same as well with limited color pallets, I don’t have every animal yet, but I’m sure they’re all absurdly limited all the same.

There is more than one dog/cat breed, there is more than 2 kinds of reptiles and there are different kinds of lizards and snakes (and many different morphs of the animals as well) alongside fish and birds, and just about every other animal in this game.

I’m not saying you have to put every breed/species/morph in the game, but please I beg of you, mix it up some! It gets a little tiring seeing the exact same animal(s) over time.

Other than that, I really do enjoy this game! Sorry if I might sound a little harsh, but every game has it’s faults, and the lack of variety of the animals just so happens to be one of them for this game.


Fantastic with some suggestions

Hi Tivolia I love this game it’s great I love the concept and I’ve been playing for so long I could play this for 4 hours straight and it would still be enjoyable!😊 one thing I wish it was easier to get coins or animals because I just paid for it anyways. A few suggestions (from now on these are just suggestions the top part was my real review) I wish there was more animals chinchillas gerbils etc. I wish instead of people sending you a message of what they want I would prefer that the people come into the shelter physically and talk to you through txt. And my last thing is that maybe there can be a mode that you switch to that allows you to adopt the animals yourself and like make a person or random generated that might be to hard to ask sorry I’ve just always wanted a game like that were you can adopt pets. Thanks so much for listening hope you didn’t fall asleep because it was so long 😴 and that’s all


Love this game, but a few suggestions

I have had this game since I was 6, and have been enjoying it ever since. My highest complaint is that there is a glitch where you can’t move around the game or interact with animals. This has happened to me a few months ago and now it just came back. Please fix this! It really gets frustrating because then you are not able to play the game and have to wait until it works again,which takes a few weeks. I also suggest that you maybe add some more animals? I know that there is a lot of animal options already but the only sea animal are fish and turtles. Can’t there be a little more sea creatures? For example octupus,sharks,etc. These animals are wild but still I think it would make PetWorld a lot more interesting. I have also noticed that sometimes the requests for animals repeat over and over again. Anyway,that is all my suggestions. Please fix the glitches! Thanks.


Amazing but a few suggestions

I love pet world and how you can take care, adopt and even play with them! It’s a great game for smaller kids who just got a tablet or phone. But I want to make a few suggestions. 1: you start out with 3 kinds of animals, rabbits, hamsters, and genie pigs. but the cost to buy them is super expensive. I wanted the dogs but they cost 300 to get! 2: every time you adopt an animal you get ONE coin. Which is a problem because if you want something expensive you have to save up a lot of coins. 3: It would be nice to have daily rewards like the first day you play you get 5 coins and on your 365th day you could get a new animal or something to boost your coins and get more animals faster I love this game and I am hoping you could make some changes to the game. And I would totally recommend this game for younger ( and older) kids ( and adults ). Ps. Please please please make these changes for me that would make me happy! 🤗

Is Pet World Safe?

Yes. Pet World - My Animal Shelter is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,987 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 3.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Pet World Is 67.5/100.

Is Pet World Legit?

Yes. Pet World - My Animal Shelter is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,987 Pet World - My Animal Shelter User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Pet World Is 91.9/100..

Is Pet World - My Animal Shelter not working?

Pet World - My Animal Shelter works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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