Use our app to search jobs, manage your profile and resume, connect with employers and get hired – so you can get back to building your skills and a life that works.
For over 25 years, CareerBuilder has put America to work, helping millions of people find jobs and hundreds of thousands of employers find the talent they need to succeed.
Not in a metro area? No problem, use our mapping technology to search an area by desired job title, salary, or skills.
Use the CareerBuilder Job Search app to discover jobs within a mile of your present location, in many metro areas.
Need a mobile-first resume? Use our award-winning AI technology to build a resume or CV.
CareerBuilder’s Job Search app is the easiest way to manage a career search from anywhere at any time.
Or, upload an already-made resume from iCloud, Dropbox, or Google Drive.
Whether you are looking for your next job, or your job was impacted by the current economy, we're here to help rebuild the American workforce.