- Essential words and phrases of the French language with native speaker audio
- Speech Studio to help users master their accent by recording themselves and hearing their voice next to the teacher's
- All audio is downloaded to the device and accessible even in airplane mode or without expensive international roaming fees
- Personalized for each user, tracking their progress across every single word and phrase
- Fully customizable to practice French the way users will use it
- Review mode to study what was practiced earlier in the day to boost memory retention
- Quiz to test mastery of the vocabulary
- Introduces words progressively to develop familiarity and reviews them at the right moment so they enter long-term memory
- Upgrade to the complete version to target the most basic and high frequency words of the language, as well as learn words useful for travel, shopping, and building sentences
- Helps users make friends, impress old friends, bring smiles to children, get out of jams, experience new things, speak confidently, and make their travel and cultural experience more rich and fulfilling.