Knots 3D Reviews

Knots 3D Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-27

🏷️ About: Knots 3D is an app that teaches users how to tie various knots. It is used by arborists, fishermen, firefighters, climbers, military personnel, and boy and girl scouts. The app has received accolades from various publications and is available in 21 different languages. It features over 160 unique knots, which are arranged by category and type. Users can browse or search for knots, watch them tie themselves, and interact with them on screen. The app is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch and does not require an internet connection.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

🤬 Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 8,359 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- The application is great for learning about different knots and how to tie them.

- The ability to slow down and speed up the actual building of the knot makes it easy to follow along.

- The app has examples of knots that are practical and useful for sailors and those who need to tie down stuff in a trailer.

- The interactive 3-D graphic animation is impressive and makes it easy to understand the knots.

- The app provides history, practical uses, alternate names, related knots, and safety precautions for each knot.

Read 21 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.9 out of 5
Not Good…

I went immediately to payment after seeing the positive reviews, the number of knots covered, and the very cool-looking graphics.

Unfortunately, there are ZERO instructions for actually tying a knot - not a single one - so those cool-looking graphics are ALL there… Good luck following the animations in hopes of actually LEARNING any of them - with no text, no tips, no photos of anyone actually tying the knot, no indication of where or how to grasp and hold the lines, etc. If you are good at following the animations, and are willing to do so dozens of times, you could possibly learn some of these - except that many of the animations show both ends of the rope or line moving AT THE SAME TIME. Seriously, it’s a nightmare - clever graphics, but of absolutely no use…

Favorites keep disappearing

Great app but favorites keep disappearing. Really frustrating to spend so much time creating a favorites list of the knots I would actually need to then open it up in the field to find it empty. It has happened at least 6 times now over the course of the last 2 years or so. That makes Knots3D pretty unreliable for any professional who wants to use Knots3D as a quick reference in the field. It’s not a quick process to go through and find the right knot so the favorites is a really important part of Knots3D that seems to lack any real reliability.

I Can-Knot tell a lie, This is the best App for Knot-heads!

I really love this application. I've owned this since 2012 and they have done nothing but made it better. It really is the best application to learn about different knots and how to tie them. Because of the ability to slow down and speed up the actual building of the knot, even if you're not very fast at tying knots you can keep up with the example. It also has examples of knots that you really can use and you want to use. Sailors need to know this information and this is the best place to get it, also it you have ever tied down stuff in a trailer, you need it too! I have built almost every knot listed but there are a couple that I still can't tie but it's no fault of Knots3D . 😊 When I first got this it had about forty knots, now there are over one-hundred and twenty. But don't take it from me, just take a look at the reviews for this application. I don't remember ever seeing a program with reviews like this, I mean this baby really rocks!

Very practical, useful app

I can’t overstate how handy it is to have over 120 different knots at my disposal, anytime. I’m always hauling crap that needs tying down, or working on some project where just the right knot makes everything easier. Knots3D is far superior to any book, because you can zoom in, rotate, and see the knot actually being tied. I love it it’s worth more than they are charging. 95% of Knots3D Store apps are actually useless for the real world. This is part of that 5% that is awesome.

You should own this app

I struggled for years with the shame and inadequacy of not knowing how to tie proper knots. I found myself avoiding situations in which my sub par knotsmanship would be seen by others, and spent lots of money on bungie cords and ratchet tie downs to compensate. I never could learn from pictures and guides on the internet. Knots3D has been a Godsend. I have been able to tie any knot I want with this and it even works with no service on your phone. The 3d models are awesome since you can see the knot at all stages from any angle.

THE Best Knotting App

I'm a macramè artist, and while I'm proficient with all the knots I "need" for this purpose, I'm also fascinated by all the practical and safety uses of knots. Despite being staunch that "I-will-not-pay-for-apps", the solid reviews and impressive preview images prompted me to take a chance and fork out the $1.99 for this one. After purchasing, I am far more impressed than I thought possible. The history, practical uses, alternate names, and especially the incredible interactive 3-D graphic animation make it totally worth every penny. I especially love that I can control the speed of the animation. Highly recommend, even to those with only a casual interest in knot tying (but is an incredible resource for the more serious ones as well.) Five thumbs up. 👍👍👍👍👍

Worth It

Knots3D is severely undervalued - don’t tell them I said this, but I would’ve paid at least $5.00 for this. They couldn’t have done a better job building Knots3D - it’s perfect.

Keep in mind that there are hundreds of knots out there that aren’t included in Knots3D ( Knots3D has about 126 knots at the time of this writing) but in their defense, it’d take years to build an app that included every knot in existence.

All you military cats out there probably know how to tie a healthy portion of the knots they have in here, but if nothing else, this is a good refresher.

If you’re a beginner with tying knots, Knots3D will be the greatest teaching tool you’ll ever need. I’ve always been ridiculously lousy at tying I’ve had a couple people show me over and over how to tie certain knots, and I just couldn’t wrap my head around some of the techniques. With the 3D 360° views on each knot diagram, this will make you an expert in a matter of hours.

Know Your Knots

Been using this one for years. It’s free and the animations are good. There’s about 150 knots and they are arranged into categories of use. It’s a good app that gets updated with new knots from time to time. They give a brief history of each knot and how it is commonly used. There are no ads and I wonder how they do this all for free. Anyway I thank the developers for an imminently useful knot primer. My only nit is that the iPhone version doesn’t update, so once a year I off load Knots3D and reinstall. This gives me all the new knots.


Knots3D has to be a he best out there. I was a boyscout 35 years ago. Some of these knots I had forgotten. I’ve refreshed and learned so many I’d never even heard of that are useful in everyday life applications. I carry rope in my truck. I choose rope and my knot capabilities now are superior and tough for whatever the application may be. Highly suggest getting Knots3D even if it’s to just pass the time and learn some new rope tricks. I just can’t say enough good about this application. Wish I had this available 35 years ago. Thank you so much.

Mike Reese

Excellent Utility!

Fire Dep’t instructor; Kayaking; two activities where right knots may be life saving & prevent injuries. Knowledge is critical!
Knots3D keeps my skills sharp, renewing & improving on the go! Presentation is key, Knots 3D has been a great resource I open often to review, learn, practice!!
From newbies (probies) to experts Knots3D is perfect!
Fast program, great graphics - there’s no other apps approach Knots 3D. I have books, other apps but this one is on front page of my phone for ready and frequent access.
And it has versions of popular knots no one else bothers to show but are often better applications.

Excellent. Add random practice of the day.

Excellent. Please allow feature for random knot of the day to practice. Keep track of when last tried, to avoid repeating early – never give 2 different knots on same day, no matter how many times tried for the day. Have user judge as easy or hard. Keep stats of progress, time spent on each knot, and allow export in Excel format via email. Help users get better by focusing training on their weaknesses. Offer encouragement.

Best way to pass the time

I have started using Knots3D to help phase out the compulsive social media need from my life. It’s such a great way to pass that same time, but instead learning every new knot you can possibly think of. I will now often sit for long stretches at a time with my section of paracord practicing, and it’s therapeutic like any craft would be. The UI is easy to navigate and the 3D diagrams make it completely painless to learn. A must for anyone interested in camping, boating, hunting, or just about anything that vaguely involves a cord or rope. If that matches you in any way don’t go without Knots3D!

I love this app as much as I love camping 🏕🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

So, I’m a scout, and I’m struggling on knots and I’m trying to learn them easier, and my mom downloaded Knots3D to help me on my knots. You can take rope with you on the go, and Knots3D can help you teach them. One of my personal favorites is the Sheet Bend knot. Knots are very easy on Knots3D because you can make the instructions faster or slower, you can make the knot upside down, and you can get a 360 degree view. I fell in love with Knots3D so much I checked it out with my mom. If it wasn’t for Knots3D, my life would be depressing, and miserable.

A knot for every purpose

I was a Boy Scout way back in the olden days, before the earth’s crust had fully cooled, like the early sixties. My patrol would always win the monkey bridge competition at the Camp-o-Ree and I thought I knew just about every knot that a boy (scout) could ever need. Maybe so, but there are a ton of knots here that I didn’t know. And Knots3D not only shows how to tie them in simple steps, it tells what the knots are good for and why one might be better than another for a particular purpose. So this comes personally endorsed by the former patrol leader of the Pioneer patrol, Troop 542, Quivera Council, Boy Scouts of America.

Awesome for reminding me at camp!!

Knots3D is awesome! It doesn’t use phone data so knot info is always available on your phone, even out in the forest where there’s no signal.

Knots are easy to find even if you don’t know the name.

Knots3D has never bothered me in any way...sometimes a good app can have a bothersome flaw.

Knots3D is awesome in every way!!!
I do wish that there was a game feature to it. So if you have a group of people on a rainy day at camp, or even all alone, you can:

Select a category of knots, all knots, or favorite knots;

Each person has a piece of rope, a suitable object to tie around, a ring or carabiner, and a stick(toggle);

Someone presses the ‘Start Game’ Button and a random knot from the selected list of knots appears on the screen - maybe there could be an option to include or exclude a picture of the finished knot;

Everyone attempts to tie the random knot;

Keep score however you want (I don’t expect a scoring system to be determined by Knots3D designer);

Have fun and learn knots!!!

Great app

I have books on tying knots but find this application to be better than any of them. The ability to rotate the view, so it’s more easily understood for us left-handers, plus speeding or slowing down the visuals, is fantastic. The ability to mark your favorites so you can come back to them it’s very nice.. I did not grow up learning to tie knots ( we didn’t learn that in my Brownie troop, LOL) so I really like the explanations for uses and other info for each knot. I have recently had the need to tie some knots for specific purposes, and Knots3D showed me how. The price for such a terrific app is amazing.

Easiest knot app

Just download Knots3D and go! Unlike other knot apps, this one is ready to use when you open it. Other app, you have individually download each knot which can be a pain (especially if your say, out in the woods and have no internet).
All the knots are free, so you you don’t have to “upgrade to the pro version” to get the knot you need (I personally believe that all app that that do that should be obligated to call themselves the lite version).
The animation is smooth and you can control the speed.

Does it have as many knots as other apps? No. But it’s beautifully designed, works offline, easy to use and free.

The Holy Grail of Knot-Tying References

Throughout my 40-year career as a full-time outdoor writer/photojournalist I have written, photographed and illustrated dozens of "how-to" magazine stories, feature sidebars and columns relevant to the tying and application of the great many specialized knots essential to fishing, boating, camping and more.
My peers and I have wistfully imagined an app like this for decades. Now that it's a reality, it's all that we hoped it to be and more.
The variable-speed animated illustrations portray a formerly challenging process with a clarity that is far above and beyond anything I and my friends in the outdoor press could ever have visualized.
Five stars and an appreciative tip of the old fishing cap to those who conceptualized and created this innovative, easy-to-use game-changer of an app.


As a former Boy Scout, sailor and someone who has spent a lot of time thinking about how to teach people how to tie knots, this is a truly great tool for learning and teaching knots. You can see the knot from every angle. The animations are clear and the speed can be controlled. The color choices make the illustrations very clear. You can also view static images of the animations by moving your finger left and right across the image. I especially appreciate the accompanying history, uses, related knots and safety precautions. They are clear and concise. It’s a lot easier to learn to tie knots using Knots3D than it is using Ashley’s Book of Knots. I have recommended it to my friends, family and anyone who expresses an interest in knot-tying.

A must have app for knot enthusiasts and beginners alike

Firstly, I’d like to give credit to the developer, Dave. I emailed Dave with suggestions and a few questions that I had. His response was prompt, thorough, and informative.
Now on to Knots3D itself:
The animations are superior to other apps.
The allowance of viewing the knot tying process from fully invertible, 360 degree, full range-variable speed rotations including the ability to forward and reverse at will is top-notch! Great UI.
The relative ease at which the end user is able to accomplish the above mentioned features are just a few reasons why I'm glad that I purchased Knots3D.

Efficient and effective

The animation runs at adjustable speeds, so fast-forwarding through the “easy” parts and then slowing it back down, and having the option to pause, really make it user-friendly. Every knot profile links to other knots that have similar uses and has expanded my knowledge base. The additional feature of being able to add favorites makes it easy to find what I’m working on come practice time. Definitely worth money spent!

Is Knots 3D Safe? 🙏

Yes. Knots 3D is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 8,359 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Knots 3D Is 83.9/100.

Safety Analysis

92.8% of users say app is Safe 👍

6.5% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

0.7% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Knots 3D Legit? 💯

Yes. Knots 3D is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 8,359 Knots 3D User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Knots 3D Is 100/100..

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Pricing Information 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

There are no subscriptions offered by Knots 3D. The app is available for a one-time purchase of $5.99 with no additional fees or in-app purchases.

How was your experience with Knots 3D? Post a Review


- Over 160 unique knots with new ones added frequently

- Browse by category or search by name, common synonym, or ABOK #

- Landscape and portrait modes as well as fullscreen

- Watch knots tie themselves and pause or adjust the speed of the animation

- Rotate knots in 360 degree, 3D views to study them from any angle

- Interact with the knot on screen by "scrubbing" over the knot to advance or rewind the animation

- High res graphics with photo-realistic rope textures

- Dark mode / Light Mode

- Completely self-contained -- No internet required

- Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch (Universal App)

- Fully localized in 21 different languages

- No advertisements, in-app purchases, or subscriptions

- Detailed reference information for each knot, including tying pointers, strength and reliability, structural info, and Ashley reference numbers (ABoK)

- Knots arranged by category and type

- Favorites list for quick reference.

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