Express scripts is in my opinion...a scam. What a place to be in when you have worked 33years, retire,and now a pharmacy program pays for absolutely NOTHING! I just reviewed my monthly drug summary, and now I see they pay for ZERO percent. Oh but wait they will start paying after I pay for remaining out of pocket and that’s over $3600.00. Yes that’s right $3600.00!!! I will then move to the next tier. Isn’t that great. Oh and now they aren’t even paying for my pain meds because they need a prior authorization from my md. But I’ve only been on for over ten years and in such debilitating pain that I can’t even get out of bed. I just have metal cages holding my spine together, neuropathy down my lt leg and feelings of hot nails being hammered into my foot. There is no getting better for me and since having a cerebral brain aneurysm and then a heart attack, congestive heart fail, high blood pressure, seizures, chronic anemia,GERD, and oh do I need medications...obviously so. What a social injustice this is. You don’t have to have a home invasion or a car jacking just wait for express scripts to rob you people...because they will. Quietly and right under your nose and no guns consent to this because they are going to help you in your old age. Just wait because before you know it they will rob you and when you come to terms with this, you’ve lost your fight. You’re old and tired and they are counting on this. I was also diagnosed with takotsubo syndrome aka “broken heart syndrome “. As the md asks have you had a breakup or a severe loss, yes I have doc. You have no idea and as he leaves and I’m wearing a life vest...I think I have all my insurance in order, worked all my life, and to what avail...NONE. And then you remember you have Express scripts to help you get your medicine . And I have no help from them...but wait...only $3600.00 more out of pocket and then they will help. Whew...and I thought I would grow old gracefully. But no... I’m left with such a social injustice, so sick and hurting,and I can do absolutely nothing about it! I wish I had my fight,my righting of wrongs ....but all I have is a few words that I doubt will help no one, that will mean nothing...because I’m retired, sick,and absolutely no one cares. So thanks express scripts for Not being there when I needed the help I pay for , never missing a payment, and no one cares...NO ONE...AND THAT IS WHAT THEY COUNT ON. Because I’m just an old,babbling fool that is invisible to the rest of the world. And ain’t retirement great and grand!