Got Questions? Reviews

Got Questions Reviews

Published by on 2024-09-04

🏷️ About: Got Questions? The Bible has answers. We'll help you find them! This application has over 7,200 of our most frequently asked questions about the Bible organized by topic, with a built-in search function, the ability to bookmark articles for easier future access, automatic downloading of new/updated articles, and the option to ask us a question if the answer to your question is not already available in the app.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

🤬 Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 643 combined software reviews.

Read 22 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.4 out of 5



A lot of the things they say are backed up by the Bible but you have to be careful because a lot of the things they say are also not said in the Bible but from them. For example, the section where they talk about the mark of the beast they say that that it is not the microchip implant but do not provide evidence on why. In fact, they contradict themselves. I have plenty of evidence on why the mark of the beast is a microchip implant and my evidence is based both on science and biblical evidence! Don’t get me wrong I am open to hearing new ideas on what people think it might not be but saying that it’s not the chip and not explaining why is Very bias and also False proficiency. Please don’t use GotQuestions but rather read the Bible and find your answers there!

hear me out...


i wanted to get GotQuestions to get some answers and to see why it’s about. i cried. i actually cried. i got to the Catholic section and my heart shattered. the first thing i see is “is Catholicism a false religion?” i clicked on it just to see and i found the entire page talking about how terrible the branch of Christianity is. an excerpt from the passage states “If a person believes what the Catholic Church officially teaches, he/she will not be saved.” i can provide evidence. the author goes on with many different pages spreading completely opinionated lies about what Catholics believe in. the way the author uses their sources is like this: definition from the Catechism etc. then “based on this” and shares a biased answer. In all 129 pages there are multiple incorrect statements that a practicing Catholic can defend. Easily. The author has a little spot where they say they got their Catholic responses from only former Catholics. Also, i am going to use my prob/stat and scientific method knowledge to say this: These statics are biased and there is no way around that. i would be seriously more than happy to help and provide correct, unbiased statements.

Good content, but the app is maddening to use


GotQuestions has lots of good, thoughtful, content. Typically, articles are well-written and are a good resource when asking questions.

But GotQuestions itself is a mess.

I like the random questions option, but GotQuestions doesn’t remember what articles I read using that option, so it’s hard to go back to re-read something.

And the bookmark button at the bottom of the screen is confusing. Don’t know how many times I’ve clicked it to mark an article, but then I go back and look at my bookmarks and it’s not there. And is the bookmark marked when the icon is filled in, or hollow? No indication of which is correct is given by GotQuestions . It appears to be when it’s filled in, but it’s filled in when you open an article, so has the article already been bookmarked or not?

And the overall app design just seems outdated and could use a major refresh.

But even with my issues with GotQuestions , the content is good and is a resource I use often.

Fixes that should be made


GotQuestions is great but I think their are some fixes that should be made. When the Bible scripture is linked and colored in blue, it is sometimes not the whole scripture said and takes you to a website and away from GotQuestions . I think you should put the whole scripture in the side note in GotQuestions instead of taking you away from GotQuestions to a website online. Also If you get off GotQuestions , and get back on, you lose your place in the question you are looking at and it takes you to the top and beginning of the article. I think you guys should keep the place of the reader so they don’t have a hard time finding where they left off reading at.

Like it!


Not even sure how I found this website now, as I've been down a rabbit hole looking up different questions for about an hour now! Finally decided to download GotQuestions . I like that there are scriptures to back everything up. Will definitely read more.

Repeated difficulty with searches


Frankly, I stand a better chance of finding my answer via Got Questions website with an online search. I’ve tried several times (different needs), with GotQuestions , and it said there were no results. But the minute I use the exact same search string online, I almost without exception find it on the Got Questions website. And yes, I understand about extraneous words in my search strings.

You’re a great tool, and provide good information, but I’m only using it for narrowly defined searches, not a random or general search. Blessings to your staff and your efforts

Back online


No longer crashes but I will say like all resources you should not completely rely on this as the end all be all authority on the Bible (which I don’t believe they make that claim but it clearly implies it). This is at least one of the better apps that answer or tries to answer biblical questions, however, one should always study Gods word earnestly, prayerfully rightly dividing truth. Once saved the Holy Spirit will help and guide you to all of our heavenly Fathers truths.

Love app now that problem with update RESOLVED


Just did update and entire site is in what appears to be Chinese. So far unable to switch language back to English. Otherwise this is a great app filled with Biblically sound information.

Update on update: was able to navigate to change language! GotQuestions is very helpful in clarifying questions and issues on Christian faith. Enjoy using it.

So Many Questions Already Asked, your Sure To Find What Your Curious About!


Well organized, so many questions and answers people have already asked, you'll find yourself wanting to check out more and more topics of things you've thought about in the past, forgot, but seeing all the different questions others have already asked, you'll easily find answers that spark your curiosity to check out more! The answers are put together by a team of people that have done, and continue to research and find information and their references to share with people who are curious and want answers in an easy to understand way. Do they say they know it all ? No, but this team of people are really trying to do their best and I feel they are seeking guidance from God for wisdom in how they come up with answers. After All they are accountable before God to not lead anyone astray. They are doing a great job and if you have something they don't know, that's ok, pray about it and ask God to give you wisdom and seek God above all anyway, this is a good basic beginning place to get some basic questions and answers.

Plz. Work on this


Hi. I love your app. But can you PLEASE put a back option! I'll be in a certain section,.. then I want to go back to what I typed in and there is no way to do it because there is no go "back" option. & also make GotQuestions . Able to recognize typing better. Ex. If i wrote predestination nothing shows up! I would have to write pre destination (spaced out)for something to show up. So it's not recognizing our typing. Thank you!

A Rightly Divided App❗️


GotQuestions is based on the literal, contextual, and historical interpretation method. Most every time I look for a topic, it’s already there.

I regularly testify to others about going to the this app website or App. The brand has helped me to understand the Bible , and most importantly has brought me closer to the Father and his Son - Jesus Christ

The contributors behind the scenes know how to answer questions based on the rightly divided Word. They know the subject matter.

Angel Numbers


I was confused about why I kept seeing repeated numbers everywhere throughout the day and what they meant.. I Yahoo’d “Are Angel Numbers from God?” and the website for GotQuestions came up with the answer well explained.... Thank God I ran into that page to steer away from the curiosity of the New Age “angel numbers/numerology” for it is demonic and not from God. Finally downloaded GotQuestions and works great! Hope some of you get to see this as you might be dealing with the same thing as well. Take care and God Bless❤️ :)

Great App


I greatly appreciate and respect GotQuestions. I have consistently used the website for about half a year, and on-and-off for an estimated year or more. I just found out that GotQuestions exists, and its convenience makes me more excited to study the Word of God! Of course this is no substitute for reading the Word, but it helps understand the Word better. I graciously thank my brethren and sistren who have made GotQuestions possible!

Love Your App


GotQuestions/Got Questions is Excellent. I have been using this Website through Google, Not knowing you had an App.

The Pastor at First Baptist Church Of Indian Rocks, Largo Fla, Several years ago told the Congregation they had searched long & hard for such an App like this and found it to be the best and I Agree 100% It is an Awesome.

You have always answered my questions the many times I have used your website. I now have GotQuestions downloaded on my IPad and am thrilled.



As a Christian Minister I've got to say, this is a great app, very well put together & a very big help to those who really want a quick search for positive answers backed by true scripture. GotQuestions is such a big help with very fast search results to help people possibly witness to someone with fast & to the point answers. As it has helped me give very quick help to others also. Thank you for putting this all together in such a way as to be so easily accessible to anyone who searches for the truth in a very fast manner. 5 stars for sure, if I could give more I would.

Great Resource for Your Pocket!


I've been using GotQuestions for years and I have yet to bump into an answer to a question that didn't seem legit. Overall, it's awesome, I only have two pieces of feedback...

1) it doesn't seem to update it's answers or acknowledge the wealth of scientific and historical information out there. The generation growing up nowadays have access to all types of information via the internet, GotQuestions and it's writers can benefit from acknowledging some of those truths. Maybe pray and ask God for wisdom on how some of those truths connect with biblical ones.

2) there are a lot of punctuation errors. This doesn't really matter because you can figure it out, but I can also see how it can damage the credibility of some of the answers. If writers can't figure out how to properly use a comma or semi-colon, I imagine it's hard for skeptics to buy into those the legitimacy of those answers to deeper things.

Again, overall, a must have resource for all those people who are eager to get answers for some tough question or at least have a launch pad for your own study time.

The Bible is the living word of God.


I am a simple old man and love to read the word of God. If you just read it with an open heart and apply it’s principles to your life, you will discover God’s blessings poured out upon you. Just like it says in James that doers of God’s word are blessed, those that hear it and do it. The word of God gives wisdom and understanding to anyone desiring it. It just takes discipline and commitment to Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Often, as I have read the articles you present with scripture to back it up, I am encouraged and inspired in my faith and walk with My Lord, Jesus Christ. Your articles do bless and inspire me. To sum it all up, all a believer needs is the word of God. It is the best commentary on the Bible itself. God bless you all in serving and strengthening the body of Christ.

Highly Recommend


I LOVE GotQuestions! I have had GotQuestions for years & whenever I or someone I know has a tough question about Christianity, it never fails to answer the question biblically. I highly recommend researching the people who write the articles & such because once you do, I think that you'll find that they're legit.
However, if you are looking for answers that are going to fit you & your needs instead of answers that are biblical & true, then GotQuestions is not for you. Some answers are hard to hear, hard to understand, & hard to accept. But personally, that's okay with me, because if I understood everything about God, would he truly be God?
I hope that you will give GotQuestions a chance & let it act as a guide for you as you go on your journey!

A Treasure Trove Of Biblical Knowledge


I've been using GotQuestions for many many years now as a resource tool. There are so many great issues and topics that are covered in GotQuestions. Due to GotQuestions I have a more profound knowledge of many different topical issues that are too many to list. It has helped me a lot in my walk with Christ. Ultimately, GotQuestions is a resource and should only be used as a resource. It should never replace reading the bible or attending a church. GotQuestions has been nothing short of a blessing for me and my prayer is that it would do the same for you.

My only issue with GotQuestions is that because of the recent update, I have to start over from the main menu instead of being able to remain on the topic menu where I found my question. Fixing this would be lovely. Thank you, this app Ministry.

In alignment with the Bible


I haven’t found an answer yet that is in contradiction to the Word of God. Sure, some people may disagree with some answers based on opinion (like which Bible version is the best) but I haven’t found an answer yet that disagrees with actual scripture & there is an abundance of scripture in every answer. A really excellent resource.
GotQuestions needs improvement. I can’t see the whole question as I type it. I can only see the initial few words in the search box. Makes using GotQuestions clunky. Easier to use their website through Safari.

A mixture of hogwash theology and truth

In the garden, Satan tempted Eve by mixing truth with lies. Satan uses the same tactic today to mask counterfeit theology. Fox example, for the doctrine of the trinity, they claim it can be traced all the way to the early church. They left out that this doctrine didn’t exist (today’s post-Nicene definition) before it was implemented and subsequently refined at the First Council of Nicaea (325).

The argument that the Hebrew word “Elohim” used for God is plural is like saying that a pair of paints (English plural word in form) is always plural even if the context implies one pair of pants. No wonder the Jewish people and Muslims go after the falsehood of the Trinity when the Bible doesn’t state in one verse that God is triune.


I have turned to this app often when I am feeling confused, I usually get upset when I can't understand something in the bible. I always finish reading answers from this app feeling better and less anxious, because I see that I am not the only one with these questions and I can find a clear understandable answer.

Is Got Questions Safe? 🙏

Yes. Got Questions? is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 643 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Got Questions Is 70.8/100.

Is Got Questions Legit? 💯

Yes. Got Questions? is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 643 Got Questions? User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Got Questions Is 100/100..

Is Got Questions? not working? 🚨

Got Questions? works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Plans 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Duration Amount (USD)
Monthly Subscription $100.00

How was your experience with Got Questions?? Post a Review


This application has over 7,200 of our most frequently asked questions about the Bible organized by topic, with a built-in search function, the ability to bookmark articles for easier future access, automatic downloading of new/updated articles, and the option to ask us a question if the answer to your question is not already available in the app.

Got Questions? The Bible has answers.

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Got Questions Ministries
