Company Name: Readdle Inc.
About: Readdle is a developer of iOS productivity apps such as Spark, Documents, Scanner Pro, PDF Expert
and Calendars 5.
Headquarters: Folsom, California, United States.
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Get Pricing Info for Readdleby JB102112
I use this app everyday for PDF annotation with my apple pencil. Previously you could have 4 different pens saved with different colors, opacities, and thicknesses. Now you only get one and you have to manually change the settings every time you want to use a different color. The only way around this I can find is if you pay $50 a year to save different writing utensils in the favorites. I am extremely disappointed as I don't have the time to manually change the color and thickness every 30 seconds while I am switching back and forth for work. Also, before with the apple pencil, I could use the pencil once with one of the mark up tools and after that my finger would only scroll. Now each time I switch writing utensils, when I attempt to scroll with my finger, it writes instead of scrolling. Even when selecting the utensil with the pencil, it often requires me to select it several times before it will write. When switching between different lined pdf documents, the lines will often disappear and I will have to quit the app and restart it for the lines to come back. Used to be 5 stars, now down to 1 until they fix these issues. I am really disappointed, this was the most useful app and I loved everything about it, but this update has made me want to find a new app to replace this one.
by Ellis Jaiye
I have used the Documents app for some time now, but just recently became aware of the fact that I cannot permanently delete data I have removed from the app via the in app deletion tools. I have done the initial deletion, and then the secondary “permanent” deletion, but the data itself still remains somewhere in the iPad.
Here is an example of what I mean. Recently I needed more space on my iPad. I checked how much storage the Documents app was taking up, noting the total being used was 6.98 gigs. After deleting several hundred megs worth of files (using the two step deletion process), I checked the storage situation again. The total storage being used by the app had increased to 7.05 gigs. (I also previously removed the Documents folder from the iOS Files app.)
In short, I am being robbed of storage by the app. I don’t appreciate being robbed.
Of course I could try and fully delete the app and see if that would solve my woes, but why should I have to? Why does the two step delete function not actually delete the files I want to delete? Uninstalling and reinstalling would mean I would have to move all my information back over and reorganize it as well. Why should I have to do that instead of simply being able to delete my files permanently?
by Kitten Lover Cat Lover
I am a long time explorer of documents (this app) I do a lot of changing like mov to mp4 but over time I realized I wanted to use mod for Minecraft (I’m 12) so I used documents changed it to Mc pack and..... bingo it worked. But a update came along and I decided to update the app. I load in because I need to do pdf editing and boom. It hit me. 50 dollars a year just for a simple pdf and .file editor wow. This app has just baited and switched us they wanted to make us pay money to use a small editor. Kids have small Standards but this is unreasonable people have things to pay for I can just use google docs for free. And on top of that I clicked the x on the top left and it said starting subscription... done! Like why? It billed 50$ then I clicked cancel and it taxed another 50$ and said after the next payment it would cancel but oh guess what it never canceled! So I contacted apple and they said it was canceled. So they have been taxing us! So my mom cancel her credit card. And the app said unable to pay. And the costumer service hung up. So DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT IS A SCAM!!!