Ive been a zynga poker player ever since facebook was the new thing, before smartphones were even relevant. and over the years ive switched to the mobile version and its been really good! however a month or so ago i redownloaded ZyngaPokerTexasHoldem only to discover how escalated the amount of ads are. i mean i understand, free apps need ads for revenue and its only fair but it becomes an issue when an ad plays when you exit a table then again when you play the lottery game. im sorry zynga, but im sure ZyngaPokerTexasHoldem you have is not that reliant on ads for its continued production. whats more annoying is that after the ad is done, my music doesnt play again. I need to manually exit ZyngaPokerTexasHoldem and open my music app to be able to play again. another issue is the “challenges” tab when youre in-game. sometimes, when you complete a few challenges without exiting to the lobby, it lags and stops opening, meaning i can no longer work on the newer challenges. I need to manually exit the table, get baited by an ad, open the challenges tab, collect my rewards and sit at another table. its really annoying, especially when you dont want to leave the table youre playing on.
this is my first app review, ive never written a review before. I did today because these issues are so frustrating. id expect these pesky little bugs from so many new and upcoming apps nowadays, but not from an A-level app that you expect the best from.