Company Name: DIRECTV, Inc.
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Get Pricing Info for DIRECTVI am not getting Sunday Ticket's Vikings vs Cards game even though I paid for it.
Confused about broadcast location GIANTS VS CLEVELAND
I cannot look at shows on YouTube TV due to NFL Sunday Tickets add. I do not look at sports so do not want to try it for free or see plans & pricing. How do I get around the add? How long will the add run.
Sunday Ticket worked OK for the 1st few games. Now when I try to cast to my TV it starts to do it then a message pops up saying to go to on my phone and when I do that I get a plank web page with a blue tear drop icon. It is a dead page, nothing happens, nothing to click on. Looks like Youtube Sunday Ticket is a scam. Paid $400+ for nothing. No support numbers or any other way to contact Youtube.
Sunday ticket tells me it no longer exists...i paid big bucks for this and now do not have a program to watch the games....i need
I bought Sunday ticket probably about 6 weeks ago, I watched 1 game on it and it was very spotty connection. Ever since I have not been able to log in and I’ve tried for weeks to call customer service. One Sunday I was on hold and talking to so many different people and it never got resolved. There is a loop hole where you get screwed if you have Sunday ticket but not DIRECT TV. Direct tv staff is useless if you don’t have direct tv and they send you back and forth with these customer service agents, I’ve. Now paid for part of a season without watching a single game. I want my money back because I cannot log in and no one will reset the password. TOTAL SCAM AND TOTAL BS
First game I have tried to watch using Sunday Ticket. Paid this big expense, have several friends over for the game, we get half way through the 2nd quarter, then it just starts rendering, then get the message "Sorry about the interruption. We're addressing the problem ASAP. Has been over 20 minutes now and NOTHING? Wow, how embarassing. Is this what I can expect the entire season? How can I get a refund?
First experience using Sunday Ticket was a disappointment! The game I chose to watch displayed no clear picture and sound. Interestingly, all other games worked fine. Then half the games scheduled for week one was blacked out. It seems this will be the norm for upcoming weeks. Will give it another week to give it the benefit of the doubt. If Sunday Ticket/NFL continues to have flaws and blacks out games then this will be my first and last time subscribing to Sunday Ticket, and will encourage others to beware of this scam.
NFL Sunday Ticket is still tryna bill me even though it's canceled, I want a refund.
NFL Sunday Ticket is still tryna bill me even though it's canceled, I want a refund.
Unable to access app states user id not found with is my email address please connect asap or call me 954-806-2009 WHY AM I PAYING FOR THIS !!!!
Unable to access app states userid not found with is my email address please connect asap or call me 215.303.6397 missing game while traveling the whole point of me subscribing
This is a horrible app just based on the fact that I cannot cancel it. I changed my mind about spending the $74 per month and it is a nightmare to try and cancel! I have been trying for over a week and cannot even get a hold of anyone to cancel it! My free trial period is over and it has charged my card now. This is not right…
I have an NFLSundayTicket.TV To Go account but cannot get a hold of whoever is billing me to get my login info. Keep getting runaround from ATT & DirecTV. Anybody have a phone number?
Sunday ticket advertises that you are able to see all the games. When NFL games are on Saturday like the past Saturday, Dec 26 I was unable to find the game between San Francisco and Arizona. the early and late games were on free TV but this was the middle game and not shown. I purchase the NFL package so that I am able to watch all the games. It happens that Arizona is my favorite team and became very frustrated that this game was not available. I would like a refund of my monies paid for the NFL package. This is false advertising. I realize it says Sunday ticket, but in light of covid circumstances this should be adjusted and expanded. I am extremely frustrated with my supplier Telus and with the NFL Sunday ticket package.
I live in Alabama and I'm from Pittsburgh so I spent $300 and got to watch 3 games and when I decided I'd watch one of my teams division rivals games since my team was blacked out they were blacked out also. Almost all the games seem to be blacked out if I'm being honest! I've got to see more of my teams games on my CBS all access app.
Could you have your marketing team consider offering team packages of the Sunday Ticket? I'm not willing to spend $400 to watch all games, but I would definitely consider a lesser price to just see the game for my favorite team each week on my laptop.
This service is absolutely terrible. It doesn’t even load half the time and most games are blacked out. What a SCAM!!!!
I can't get sound on my TV app with Sunday Ticket
It says the Green Bay/Phil Eagle game is blacked out because of local TV. There's no local TV broadcasting that game. I want credit for a game I should have been able to watch.
All the games I was watching are all the sudden telling me "We are having trouble playing this video. Please try again later". Not okay!!!
6 weeks in a row my team is blacked. WTF? The whole reason I got this is to I could watch my team. Yeah, yeah. Sometimes they're blacked out. But 6 games!? In a row! I just wish there was a channel that I could watch my team play. I would even be willing to pay $100 for the season. If only the NFL could make a channel like that. Maybe they could call it the real nfl ticket. You could even get the Monday night games! It's a gamble. I expected too much
your billing my credit card twice a month for one service of NFL streaming accoubt ending in 1060. 603-513-8018
by Mycket
I purchased it 10 weeks ago and have yet to be able to logon because someone in St. Louis (DIRECTV said, as I have called for hours every week) has been logged onto my account. This is fraud. I have changed the password no less than 10 times, I have changed the email address on the account with a new one I just created for this service and a password NO ONE knows. All of this and and I still can’t log on because DirectTV is allowing this St. Louis person to use old credentials to access my account. That is beyond piss-poor security. They can’t even kick someone off my account. I have spent hours on the phone with DIRECTV for weeks, trying to get them to help me and they won’t. The last person I spoke to, Theresa, accused me of giving my password to this St. Louis person and I should ask them to log off. Why would I have been trying for 9 weeks to kick them off if it’s as simple as that. I don’t know who this person is. But they do. They can see the IP address. So why can’t they kick it off? Or why isn’t changing the password 10 times and creating a brand new email address kicking them off? I am tired of DIRECTV stealing my money and letting someone else use my account for NFL Sunday Ticket. They won’t refund my money or close the account. I’m going report the purchase as fraud to my credit card company.
by Darbsdarbs
We have a wireless connection to our living room smart TV. The app on our brand new TV constantly crashes. The local games that are on cable are blacked out, so if we want to switch back and forth we have to toggle between cable and the app. 75% of the time when we toggle back to the app it doesn’t load properly. We have had to delete the app, redone load it, log in again, and even then only sometimes it will work. Downloading the app every Sunday is really annoying. The blacked out games is also really inconvenient. If they are going to block our games then the app should work so when you have to toggle back and forth it doesn’t just crap out with a black screen. This is the second year we have had the app and there have been some improvements from last year (last year the entire app crashed multiple times without even loading in the first place, across multiple customers, it was all over Twitter), but there’s still a LOT of improvement needed to warrant keeping the membership. Almost better to just watch Red Zone through cable.
by Apple_Guy44
This app is the worst. A total waste of time. Incredibly frustrating. Can’t switch games due to erroneous blackout error messages, when those games are not locally broadcast (so not subject to blackout rules). This happens every week with out of market games. It’s getting so bad that when I can finally get my team’s game to load, I don’t switch off of it to watch other games on commercial breaks, fully expecting that my game won’t load when I come back to it. Last week, I couldn’t even get to the games as it was stuck on the menu and I couldn’t select ANY of the games. This is an embarrassment for the NFL and for fans. This is a waste of an expensive subscription too. The league has to do something about this terrible app, if DirecTV won’t. The sad thing is that when it does work properly, it’s easy to use and intuitive (I’m using it on an Apple TV 4K). DirecTV used to be the best for watching NFL games, but now it’s proving that it’s the worst.