IM+ Instant Messenger Reviews

IM+ Instant Messenger Reviews

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About: IM+ is an all-in-one app for messaging and social networking. IM+ unites all
your favorite social channels in one app.

About IM Instant Messenger

And if you have to manage multiple Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook accounts, no problem! IM+ supports multiple accounts per service in a simple interface.

* Any unused portion of a free trial period will be forfeited when you purchase a subscription.

Chat on Telegram and Messenger while checking your Twitter feeds and Reddit.

* IM+ offers auto-renewing monthly and yearly subscription options.

IM+ is an all-in-one app for messaging and social networking.

IM+ unites all your favorite social channels in one app.

IM+ will save you a lot of time and space on your iPhone and iPad.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 2 combined software reviews.

200 IM Instant Messenger Reviews

1.5 out of 5


It works!!!

This is actually good, no need to sign up on some websites. I'm using Y! and MSN and they're doing good. IMInstantMessenger doesn't offer much of the features unlike the rest but it's simplicity made it somewhat flawless with bugs (I hope) I haven't encountered any problems at all. It shows offline contacts, edit your status and also once you log out, then someone sends you an offline message, if you log back in you'll receive that offline message (since push is still not released by Apple). It has a simple user interface but so far it's working properly - and that's what I need. Hopefully they will update IMInstantMessenger to add more features, but hey it's free and working so go get it!

UPDATE: 8/28
I found a bug, somehow it doesn't accept emoticons, if you try to send one to your contact, you'll get signed off (and an error message shows up). You have to go back to your status and click Online again to sign back online. When your contact sends you an emoticon, it just displays plain text. So hopefully they'll fix this...


I would give it100millon*

This is my favorite app for my iPhone! I notice when I'm at work(hairdresser) that IMInstantMessenger is open all day! It's great I don't have to be logged into myspace on a laptop to chat! The facebook was great after I figured it out there was a probelem my friends told me it did the same thing to them but it told me to log in on my desktop so I did nd it had this weird thing hard to explain somthing about restoring my account, it gives u a location and what they r doing. Turns out I was about to get hacked for giving IMInstantMessenger my info I'm from the USA and someone was trying to log in from Germany, I immediatly got on my iphone and reset my app, logged in on the desktop and thank god! It sent it right in time! Now my app works great and I can chat all day! Overall this is a great app ad I would reccomend it! If you are one of those ppl with 90millon network accounts like me this is a great app to manage them all on! And it's free! It also has a web browser on it!!!



A bit buggy, but we've all come to expect that of IMInstantMessenger store, what with the challenges developers face trying to beta test apps as well as they can on more traditional platforms. However, it's free (which is a huge plus), doesn't require a new account sign up (like certain other IM apps on the store), and did I mention it's free (unlike certain other IM apps on the store).

The interface is nicely minimalistic, uses all the standard idioms that we've come to expect: sideways-swipe to delete, edit button in the toolbar to add. IMInstantMessenger does a great job of managing contacts across the multiple accounts you may have. Frankly, I don't care which account a particular contact is from, I just want to see them all aggregated in the same place, which is exactly how the developers of IMInstantMessenger decided to go about things.

All in all, a very impressive first effort, and if (when!) IMInstantMessenger gets a bit more polish and a few important bug fixes (the crashing is just no bueno), I'll be back to give it five stars, no doubt.


lol--absolutely *everyone* hates spamming their friends. everyone.

so i decided to try this out, tho i'm perfectly happy with textplus (real texting, for free, no spam) and ebuddy (ditto, works great). i'm very visual, and i use twitter a lot and IMInstantMessenger adds a twitter client and has lovely wallpaper plus you can add your own plus you can get email notifies, which i like because i'm often in my email.

so overall, i like it. mine said it sends out *one* spam a day, the first msg you send. i sent one, yep, spam. i sent a second, yep, no spam. so i'm gonna stick with im+ for what it does and how it looks (assuming it keeps working smoothly, sometimes a problem with apps i've gotten).

but i notice that THE IM SPAM IS WILDLY UNPOPULAR and NOW PPL GIVE IMInstantMessenger 1 STAR. i cap that in case the shap ppl skim the reviews quickly, to catch their eye. wonder if they'll drop the spam on the next update?

but i gave 4 stars (-1 for the spam) because it was just one spam and everything works, inclu (for me at least) the browser.


Unless you want to be a billboard, don't bother with this app

Sending me ads is fine. Sending ads to my friends and colleagues is a big no-no. I know SHAPE is using IMInstantMessenger to entice people to move to the paid one, but if this is how they treat their customers, why would anyone want to give them money?

Also, as a STRONG warning, their free app description hints that Skype with push notification is available on their paid app. It is NOT. It logs you out within fifteen minutes of closing IMInstantMessenger . They have not fixed that problem, so be wary.

And, finally, allowing push notifications for just an hour is a very crappy time limit. Ads to us, ads to our friends and we have to keep logging back into IMInstantMessenger every hour. It's ridiculous.

Find alternatives. IM+ Lite and IM+ paid are both apps that do not work the way that you want them to. Until they get rid of the ads to our friends and extend the push notifications to two or three hours, don't bother with the free on. And, if you're a Skype person who wants skype push notifications, don't bother with the paid IM+.

SHAPE, please fix this nonsense.


There is a reason why I use IM

I use it because it could send files or pics by using msn, aim and yahoo. It's a shame they don't have Skype, in which it's on the paid version but that's ok, I got an app for that. What they don't have is a video chat. THAT's why I kept the Skype app.

But all in all, it's a must for anyone that, not only you can chat but to send files and pics. It even has a built in wifi if your friends send you the link but you can't google anything, which stinks though.

One thing that I'm giving three stars is that it few times it alert me on whoever chats. But when I'm waiting for another chat of the same person while I'm online, nothing happen. The reason I said that because when I went back to IM, it shows the rest of the chat about three to seven minutes ago. And my friend from the other side was saying, " Hey, are you there? Hello? " and I was disappointed that I apologize my friend on IMInstantMessenger. Please update it. It still isn't fixed yet on that problem.


Quite good but can't turn off sound

This application is quite well down. The support for protocols is great, the interface is intuitive, and you even get to have it stay online for you for a specified period of time so you can then read the messages people left afterwards. Apart from the fairly noticeable ad at the top which especially becomes a bother in "portrait" mode, the application doesn't feel slimmed down in any way otherwise.

The only real drawback, and perhaps only on my phone, is the fact that I can't seem to turn the sound off! I set the switch to off in the settings, go back, then into the settings again, and the switch sets itself back to on right before my eyes. I've adapted to it a bit now but turning the ringer sound up and down can be quite a bother when trying to juggle calling, typing SMS, and riding on an overfilled subway car.


get a different app

I've tried IMInstantMessenger and aim for im and while there are some advantages to this one, there are more disadvantages. really the one thing I like better about this one is the landscape keyboard and that's about it. you can't determine is contacts are online or mobile and it's important for me cause I don't want to go texting someone if I don't need to. also it doesn't so pictures or buddy icons. this is really annoying if you're using IMInstantMessenger for myspace I'm because my friends change their name a lot and w/o pictures I can't tell who is who. and finally the most annoying thing in my opinion is that on the keyboard, the done needs to be changes to send. it's so annoying when everytime I go to send a message all that happens is that the keyboard just goes away. and then they go and change it
from a full version to a lite version. so if I were you I'd go with a different im app. I'm sticking with aim until beehive lowers their price or another cheap apps comes out with myspace im and aim.


Pretty cool APP. It needs some work though.

I've been waiting for a really good Adium type APP for awhile. This one seemed to fit the bill pretty well. It's got a nice interface, but there is a bug that makes it almost not worth kepping. If I'm signed on to AIM on my laptop and then sign on to this I get the system message saying I'm signed on in two places, which is normal. The bug happens when I go to delete this message out of the inbox and go back to my contacts list. Whenever I do this, IMInstantMessenger crashes and deletes all my info. I constantly am having to re-enter my info.

I would really like so see buddy icon support as well. I have some friends that I have on both contacts lists. I would at least like to see something that separates the different IM clients. Like, the little yellow man for AIM users and the guy that MSN uses. Other then those few things I have seen, it seems to be a fairly awesome APP. Once those things get added and fixed it would easily be a 5-star APP for me.


Very nice

For the most part, I'm lovin' IMInstantMessenger. Everything works very smoothly, and it provides a condensed app to connect with my yahoo, gtalk and facebook chat environments. The only qualm I have with IMInstantMessenger (and the reason it got four stars) is - when I'm in another app browsing the web or checking email, and I receive a message, I switch over to IMInstantMessenger with my handy little multitasking bar...and I have to wait a good 10-20 seconds for the message to show up. It says some message down at the bottom about "connecting" for a considerable amount of time, while i sit and wait for my message to pop up. While not a problem for mild chatting, it becomes more of an issue when holding a drawn out conversation and browsing the web at the same time. So if they improve the multitasking a bit - this is easily a five-star app.


better than beejive so far

When I got my iPhone last year I did research n tried all the lite versions n chose beejive. What made me choose it was the ability to archive chats by emailing them to urself or others. It crashes quite often but i like the features so I was ok with that. Since Jan 8 10 it won't even open so I need a replacement untill it is fixed. I tried ebuddy lite, it's good, has push but u can't send pics. When purchasing it was between beejive n IM+ but this didnt mention archiving. So I'm logged on yahoo on IM+ now n I get a push that I have new email from so n so. Beejive didn't do that n now I'm considering buying this full version bc of that. Once beejive is fixed both have strong points so I reccomend looking at both but this seems to be better for me. Does this allow archiving n can I text to a cell phone like beejive?


Don't bother to get this app ...

IMInstantMessenger keeps dying! Just when I think I'm getting an IM from someone I look and it says it's timed out!!' It even uses the same message alert you chose for messages, to tell you, "Sorry, your app has timed out. You will need to restart it." Seriously?

There's no option to have it stay alive continuously, which is what just about everybody who's using IMInstantMessenger will want! And it's useless if anyone tries to reach you when it's "timed out" because now you're "offline"!!

Who steps away from their smartphone? It's "always" on, and it's always ready ... except for the IM+ app IMInstantMessenger keeps dying! Just when I think I'm getting an IM from someone I look and it says it's timed out!!' Seriously?

There's no option to ha e it stay alive continuously, which is what just about everybody who's using IMInstantMessenger will want. And it's useless if anyone tries to reach you when it's "timed out" because now you're "offline"!!

Who steps away from their smartphone? It's "always" on and ready ... except for the IM+ app, which dies after a few hours and goes useless mode (offline).

If you're wanting something to be able to stay online and chat, THIS IS NOT IMInstantMessenger YOU WANT! It dies, after only a few hours and you are then unreachable.

If you're wanting something to be able to stay online and chat, I suggest you look for an app designed by someone who actually uses these apps and knows what you're looking for in a communications IM app.


Do not use with a Bluetooth keyboard

A lot of apps don't play nice with external Bluetooth keyboards on the iPad, but this one is the worst I've seen. If your Bluetooth connection happens to drop (which happens depressingly often in iOS), IM+ will confiscate your text entry box entirely. The only fix I've found is to completely close and relaunch IMInstantMessenger by double-pressing the "home" button to bring up the system tray, hold down on the IM+ icon until the icons for it and your other open apps sprout close-boxes and start to shake, and close IM+ that way. Then reopen IM+.

I want to like IMInstantMessenger, and originally gave it three stars in spite of this issue, but it's been months now. It doesn't matter that this is still the best free chat app I've seen when the others are completely unusable. This would be an excellent app if you would just clean up the entry box behavior.

And for GOD's sake, make the box bigger or, better yet, adjustable. Not everybody who uses chat apps communicates in monosyllabic grunts. Some of us actually conduct business over these things.



So far this is the best IM app I've come across on IMInstantMessenger store. Customizable as well, you can change the background which I was really thrilled about. I've been using IM+ for over a year and just recently it started having issues sending pictures. They will just "send" forever. I can't cancel them either, even though I tap the X button. I hope this gets fixed, as what I really like about IM+ is when you send pictures to people, it provides a clickable link for them which makes it easy for me to get pictures onto my computer (instead of emailing them to myself, downloading the picture, etc.) I've uninstalled IMInstantMessenger and intend to reinstall it when I am done with this review, I hope this will fix the picture transfer issue. Otherwise, great app, and I would highly recommend to others!


Check plus

Honestly, all I want was a form of AIM on my iPad, and this does exactly that. I don't really care about specific statuses and such because this isn't a main computer, it is a mobile/travel device. It allows you to talk with your friends on/through AIM, and, if you want to, you can even connect your Twitter, Facebook, yahoo, etc. etc. accounts. Despite what other people have said, you actually CAN log out of it if you want to - you simply select the profile icon in the top right corner, and turn off the account when you don't want it used. Whenever you get a new message, there is a convenient orange notification bubble at the top of the screen. For a version of AIM meant for a mobile device, this is a really efficient and great app, and I definitely suggest downloading it!



I purchased the IM + pro a little while back, and when I tried to re-download recently discovered it was no longer possible, the little cloud icon next to it was greyed out, so I assumed it was no longer being offered, though strange, since they were still offering this one free-to-download version. Come to find out, they’ve come up with a new $5 version, where nowhere I could find, there’s any mention or note as to what the previous clients of their app could go, be assisted in any way, etc. Well this is to warn you that if you purchase their services, they can, at any time, do the same to you, and possibly come out with another pay-to-download, premium version of their services. It’s really not the few bucks, but the fact that there’s no way, without incurring into a time consuming process that doesn’t guarantee any satisfaction, to protest behavior like this. Something should be brought to apple’s attention for sure.


Glitchy at times but the best multi IM client nonetheless

For some reason it's really difficult to develop a multi IM client that integrates Facebook chat seamlessly. Despite all of the high tech apps which exist, there still remain glitches galore, like buddies not showing up when they are really online, or messages being delivered to Facebook rather than the IM+ window, or when twitter randomly spams your phone even though you have the notifications turned off Also, even when I mute the phone it still plays the sound notification. Not cool. Especially when you're in meetings.

Having said that, IM+ is probably the better multi IM client which exists for iOS. Meebo is another cool app but is not nearly as integrative or customizable.

I would like to see better Facebook integration (finally and for once), more attractive notification sounds, more stable twitter integration, and fixing the mute/sound problem.


Almost there... Just need a few more things

Currently I'm using BeeJiveIM and I think I'll keep using it until the Push notification updates arrive to IM+ and then maybe I'll re-visit it. I don't like that I can't set a custom Avatar for my Msn/Live messenger. I also have several buddies that are blocked on my desktop msn and IM+ does not show which buddies are blocked or not. linking buddies to my iPhone contacts list is also missing. All of which I can do in BeJive. IM+ Would be a solid application once the iPhoneOS 3.0 Push Notification is added and if I could see which buddies of mine where blocked. It would be an additional bonus if I could block/unblock buddies within IM+ as well besides just seeing blocked ones. If those features where added I'd pay for the software without hesitation and rate it a solid 5, however for now I'll have to just give it a 3. Great for free, but lacking several features that other IM's have.


The only Instant Messaging that actually works...

Mobile Chat is a complete bust (waisted my money, lesson learned)! AIM, stopped being able to connect (its free, so no big loss there). I use Instant Messaging to check in with coworkers, and "IM+" is the only one that connects instantly without any issues, so far it has not let me down. It actually is a good IM, the only problem I see is the handling of multiple accounts on the buddylist (that can get frustrating if you have a lot of people and account online, because they will all be on one list. That aside, I give 5 stars for functioning, being dependable, and fast (I tested it with friends, and the messages go instantly no delays whatsoever, I was amazed). No I only wish it could somehow keep you logged in when you leave IMInstantMessenger .


A few complaints

First off IMInstantMessenger is good.. It could be great though. It works way better than the AIM app. One major complaint I have is the time it stays connected. In the description it says stays connected 72 hours. I have to agree with some people and say that's bull. It may stay connected for maybe a few hours before it sends me a push notification that my session is going to expire in 10 minutes and I need to reopen IMInstantMessenger to renew. That gets annoying really quick. Especially if your not someone who cosntantly checks IMs or people logged in. With the major complaint out of the way, secondly sometimes when I first open it and go to an IM the Add takes up the whole screen so I can't see what I'm typing. I have to go back to the list then reclick the person. Other than that I love IMInstantMessenger. If these problems were fixed I'd happily give it 5 stars.


Absolute scam

I got IMInstantMessenger because another app (SMiles) was advertising them. They looked similar so I assumed they were just another project of the same team. I linked every place that it would let me, & the only thing you earn is by logging in for the rewards wheel. Despite the fact that both apps will rig the wheel to pay out 0 (Literally there is only one option that doesn’t pay, when you hit it every single day for a month you can for sure say it is rigged) I kept using it. Eventually they sorted it out. They advertise that you have to get 500 sats, which can’t even be worth that much, in order to cash out. One day I log in and poof. It is all gone. I write them. No reply. I keep waiting and nothing has changed. There isn’t a referral. There is literally nothing to cheat. Instead I have just compromised my credentials for every single one of the social media platforms I’ve Linked, I’ve handed them personal data for a few months, & they can move onto the next scam. If you’ve had the same happen then comment on here. I’m about to sue these false advertising scambags into the dirt.


Good starting point, but needs more polish.

This application is a good solid foundation. It connects directly to the servers, so you don't need to sign up with an account with the application's developers servers. I prefer that model. The downside is that you're at the mercy of the particular IM's systems to deliver offline messages. Because as soon as you hit the home button, you are signed off.

The current version has autocorrect disabled in the typing field. This I find to be highly annoying and will hopefully be fixed in the next release.

There are a few crashes here and there, and the occasional connection failure, but overall it seems pretty stable. IMInstantMessenger has gotten better since the first release, which is appreciated. The visual polish isn't really there, but the interface is servicable.

It's a solid foundation, but for me not yet the perfect IM client.

Is IM Instant Messenger Safe?

Yes. IM+ Instant Messenger is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 1.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for IM Instant Messenger Is 54.3/100.

Is IM Instant Messenger Legit?

Yes. IM+ Instant Messenger is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2 IM+ Instant Messenger User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for IM Instant Messenger Is 94.3/100..

Is IM+ Instant Messenger not working?

IM+ Instant Messenger works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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