First of all, THANK YOU ANNA FOR MAKING A GREAT APP! Well, at least I’m sure GrowwithAnna is great, but I’ll never 100% know. When I clicked on GrowwithAnna , saw it was free, and said “in app purchases”, I thought : “okay, that’s fine, of course how would an app collect money if there isn’t in app purchases?” Basically, I thought, like most apps, some of it would be free, and some of it you would have to pay for. (Like a premium version, or something like that). When I saw the story and logged in I thought that GrowwithAnna would be AMAZING! I’m sure it is, but I never got to see because the first thing that came up was to pay. For the whole app. DISCLAIMER: I do understand how hard Anna and her team has worked. I’ve been subscribed to her for a few months now and I love her channel. There is nothing wrong with GrowwithAnna having to be purchased, but I would love if you could list GrowwithAnna as a price instead of free so future customers aren’t upset when they see that GrowwithAnna isn’t free.
This is just a suggestion, and I hope GrowwithAnna goes a long way! Thank you!