I have now bought and returned the boombox 3 WiFi thinking it was a defect, but now with my second unit, the problem still persists. I will play music via airplay, and the music will randomly stop being received at the boombox. No music, just silence, but when I go to my phone, or iPad (second device I tried during my troubleshooting) the music still says it’s playing, and the progress bar of the song is still moving as if it’s still playing. Still says it’s connected to the boombox 3 via airplay and WiFi, yet the transmission seemingly just stops randomly with no rhyme or reason. I have tried multiple devices, as well as multiple WiFi networks with the same result. It is infuriating. Unit, devices, and even a new wireless router have been replaced. Updates on router, devices, app, and boombox 3 WiFi are up to date. Any manufacturer fix or advice would be greatly appreciated.