Call of Dragons Reviews

Call of Dragons Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-13

About: Call of Dragons is an MMO fantasy conquest game from the creators of Rise of
Kingdoms, offering an incredible strategic combat experience: 1) All-New
Behemoth Combat System: Fight alongside your allies to defeat powerful
Behemoths, then summon them in PvP battles as your secret weapon! 2) Freedom To
Fight: Take advantage of truly 3D terrain to create your strategy, command
flying legions to traverse mountains and rivers, and.

About Call of Dragons

The land of Tamaris is filled with many fantastic races: noble Elves, mighty Orcs, wily Satyrs, wise Treants, majestic Forest Eagles and otherworldly Celestials.

3) An Immersive Fantasy World: Recruit Elven maidens, mighty Orcs, powerful frost mages, and countless other magical heroes.

Journey to the mystical Firefly Tree, the daunting Frozen Spires, and other fantastic wonders, and enjoy a vast fantasy world like nothing you've ever seen before.

The land of Tamaris is infested with Behemoths—giant ancient beasts like Hydras, Thunder Rocs, and mighty and terrifying Dragons.

Wage war, challenge other players, and fight to your heart's content! Enjoy the thrill of the battlefield without worrying about your stockpiles.

Take advantage of rich and varied 3D terrain to carry out rapid assaults, defend your position, and unleash air raids to crush the enemy with strategy.

Stand shoulder to shoulder with your allies to bring them to heel, then train them to become your secret weapon.

If you encounter any issues during the game, you can send us feedback via the in-game Customer Service Center.

Wounded units can be healed automatically without consuming any resources.

Each of these races can join your forces and lead them to victory.

The prosperity of the kingdom is in your hands.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 28,163 combined software reviews.

800 Call of Dragons Reviews

4.8 out of 5


This game is worth every moment.

The sheer and utter detail in each facet of this game, the landscape, the map, the way the map is alive with the enemies and alliances and the grandeur of it all, all the story bits, the wonders to explore and things to see, the literate beauty of the writing in each description and story and lore piece in the game and interactions with the characters, it makes me feel as if this is the PERFECT mobile game ever. Nothing has kept my interest this long that was a free game, and all other games disappoint me now because of this. Call of Dragons literally is like a paid game, barely shows you any microtransactions, doesnt require ads, it is literally a paid game in free form with freedom to enjoy it. And I enjoy it, so much. Don’t listen to those who say against this game. I disliked rise of kingdoms, but they took that style of game and ran with it and made a TRIPLE AAA LEVEL APP. And I mean good triple aaa, not some nonsense. I love this game.


Great game! Needs tweaks

I have been playing the game for about a week now. And I have been addicted since. It’s interactive, customizable, and you never run out of things to do. Over all a great game and have recommended it to my friends.

However, there are a lot of flaws that the developers are trying to fix but taking the wrong approach.

They just sent out a “memo” in the game telling people about the server reset coming soon. And I think that is a good idea, resetting the server is a good way to hinder super alliances with over 100 people in them. (personal city growth won’t be affected, but hero lvl, artifact lvl, alliance, etc… will be reset/wiped) But the problem is they will just join the same alliance as soon as the wipe happens. Making the small alliances have to start over with their maybe 20-23 people while the super alliances have a 50ish member head start when it comes to donations, fighting, etc. A tweak that I think NEEDS to happen is drastically drop the max number of people able to be in an alliance. (40-50, just an example) This will do 2 things. It will force super alliances to select people they want to keep. And 2, the more important one. It will force there to be more alliances in the region and force more battles. Which is half of the game. The super alliances are sucking the fun out of half the game, bullying little alliances into doing what they want.


Would be fun except for pay-for-players determined to ruin it

I have been playing for a while now and during the first “Season,” it was mostly enjoyable—a few annoying people and lack of helpful documentation held me back at first, but by and large it was fun. Now there’s a new “Season” and the game is nothing but frustration. EVERYTHING is much harder to accomplish, and having all of the heroes reset to peons was frustrating. But none of that compares to the unending onslaught of “whale” players who seem to find their pleasure in repeatedly annihilating everything, everywhere, all at once. Even being in a big alliance makes no difference, as the malcontents simply mount wave after wave of attacks with seemingly infinite resources and astronomically-high (like 8 times higher levels) heroes. Having to waste the limited hospital healing power every day because the “whales” attack my city (which I thought wasn’t supposed to be possible if you’re in an alliance and its territory?) is off-putting to say the least. I can’t build up heroes that are forever stuck in hospital, and alliance members can’t help because they, too, are constantly getting wiped out. I don’t have the ability to move away from the aggressively hostile players, so I’m considering just quitting since the game is not fun any more.


Server money cap

Been playing since the game opened. Aside from all the unbearable dialog, I play games for fun not to read books or I’d read a book, the graphics, gameplay are great. Issues: game at first makes you think you are fighting a great threat, threat has nothing to do with the mobs in game, they are static unless triggered by attack, you can walk right through them, unless you are raiding then there is an aggro zone. The threat are players, specifically whales. Like every game in existence you get those 10%ers who have loads of cash to spend, what do they do, they flex and not on their own counterparts because that’s just nutty, fighting your own strength or level, why? When you can ruin the game for casual players isn’t that better, I mean I wake up everyday and look to pick on the less fortunate, don’t we all?! So why oh why haven’t developers designed money caps on servers to keep the game fresh and fair for everyone? Make a server for whales, you spend over “x” amount of money you get planted on a server for the rich and lonely. Keep the game clean and fair, people will be willing to spend more when they are having fun; or the rich will try to out spend their counterparts for power, win win.


Balance Servers

I am all for having a dominate group, but my personal experience is terrible. The top 10 alliances in my server are all one clan. There is no excitement and has just become a farming simulator because nothing can be done. I would like the option to switch kingdoms or kingdoms should combine when the map becomes too stagnant. It really just kills the whole exciting aspect.
I know that this game is compared to Rise of Kingdoms and in many ways it is similar, but it does not have to be a copy paste. A lot of the regions are not balanced that you start in, northern part of the map has low resources and bottom has high. It would be nice to see a universal pass be opened up maybe a week after the alliances claim their pass so that smaller groups may travel through. This could also bring more to the story mode aspect and give us more to do.
The dragon trail is a fun addition but I would like to see solo boss fights similar to the behemoths that the alliances face together. All levels are based on power and not as much on strategy. This could also help players practice their behemoth fights before doing a mass clan size battle.
I hope this review is taken seriously. The game is very boring at the moment in kingdom 51. Nobody likes a farming simulator.


Good game but horrid update

Love the game and story it has but there is now a huge problem… since the merge of some servers, people are being forced into leaving their alliances to join the alliances that have higher power because of pay to win players. Starting everything out from zero against these pay to win players are so stressful! When we were finally able to get on the game again not even an hour later, multiple alliances who are most likely have at most half pay to win players had taken up most of the territory, going after the ones that are free to play and so on. I love certain things about this update but it’s absolutely horrid with the rest, I love my alliance and don’t want to leave but we are being forced into a corner and most likely are going to have to join the main alliance against us.

Edit: changed 2 star to 1, it’s getting to the point of this game is no longer fun, it stressful and sad, whoever thought merging pay to win with free to play servers didn’t think that idea through at all! if you thought that doing that was going to make others pay y’all money to survive, y’all are sorely mistaken. It’s going to make you loose people playing the game and go to something else


Real Review, Real Person.

I enjoyed the concept and set up of this game, the graphics are great, even the story line for the heroes was great. However, the Devs will not let you switch servers, at all. And after you reach level 12, you cannot even switch to another region within your server. They claim this is to prevent players from selling accounts or giving people access to their accounts - however, jokes on you Devs, players are finding other ways to sell accounts and give access to accounts that players gave up on. I had several people approach me offering to give me access to higher level player accounts, what comes with them, and even how to access them. I never accepted, but selling accounts and giving access to other peoples accounts is still happening, even though you claim preventing region hopping and server hopping stop this - clearly it hasn’t. Bully clans - typical in any war game - there’s war and enjoying the game, which is different from an entire clan harassing and bullying you for no reason - being bullied you should be allowed to switch regions or servers. Otherwise I would’ve given a 5 star review.


Walmart ROK

I wanted to be one of the first to review this game if you’ve played rise of kingdoms don’t even download this. Here’s my reason why, ranged commanders like the magic type you pretty much have access to hitting any target that’s not targeting you and killing before they have a chance to react and on top of that trying to use infantry will ultimately get you swarmed and killed by ranged attacks. This seems like a boo hoo skill issue but I tell you it’s to OP there’s no way to fight someone evenly matched in power and commanders as you if they hit you well in advance. My other complaint is building on the outside of buildings to be picked off one by one, I don’t want to build territory so vulnerable if I send troops to build and go offline I could easily log back on dead and our building stopped even without a rival alliance touching our tower seems a little one sided of battles. Take my advice please playing this game will cost you tons of money in healing down the road or upgrading just to keep up with big spenders even worse than ROk I can at least play that game as a low spender


Great game

The best game I’ve played so far. But it comes with problem for people that work, this game needs full attention for hours at a time specially when trying to defeat a behemoths or open the pass. Only if they would too change it where you just sent out your troop kind of like building. Also there over 50 alliance but don’t mater every big spender join in one alliance so need for pushing power or grind they will win at the end of the season so we just go back to farming. I wish there more fighting involve but every alliance wants to team up so we farm ones again and when is time to open the pass no one fights we all just join the bigger alliance so we go back to farming. Also if your one of the top 5 alliance that made it it’s going to take about 2 hours just to prepare and get everyone set up to attack a behemoth at a specific time or get kicked out of the clan for not participating at their specific time. (How to fix sent troops to attack behemoths like building and don’t allow all big spenders join together it kills the game from the start. ) if they can fix
This issue this game is a 5 start. And best game that has ever came out on phone by far.


Fun game, toxic community

Was having a ton of fun in this game until I joined an alliance. I joined a small alliance that was just starting out and growing. When we finally saved enough resource to build our fortress multiple higher level alliances began attacking our builders even though we built our alliance far from them. Once we managed to get a fortress built the built their territory all the way to us and attacked our fortress in like a day. The alliance was over 50 mil stronger than us and wouldn’t even let us go gather resources without being attacked. If we left our towns to gather stuff or fight darklings they would attack us. Preventing us from completely playing the game at all. None of our members were able to take on even their weakest member.
This game has a lot of fun aspects but unless you are in a top tier alliance be prepared to get bullied. Our alliance leader was demanded to join the attacking alliance and had a list of demands including changing our clan tag and not getting any of their resources.
Unless the game studio addresses these issues I do not see a bright future for Call of Dragons.


Must play game!

I’ve been enjoying this game for about a month now and within that experience I’ve had a great time with the game.

Call of Dragons really shines in the combat, it’s fun and interactive. The way you can go to war with 100 legions at a time, fighting for a pass or behemoth is really fun and the gameplay is surprisingly smooth. There also isn’t a set time your alliance can be at war, which is really cool. Technically you could be at war for the whole season which is just so much fun.

My only complaint is the hero preset log is a little wonky. If you have a hero out in the field it won’t save that one to the file. Also, it should save the artifacts for the specific preset. If there’s already a hero in the field that interrupts that preset it should just notify you so you can adjust accordingly.


Great game but….

Ok so there is a TON to do in this game…lots of things you can do without spending a dime on. Great story, great generals. Now the but….TOO MANY LITTLE RED NOTIFICATION NUMBeRs! It’s like they sent out a survey and people said they liked the feeling of having to clear out hundreds of notifications. Seriously…you log in and at a minimum I have 75+ notifications to clear out….then as I’m clearing them out, I get more that pop up in three different menu locations….it’s ridiculous. And of course you have to hunt them all down because 50% of them have a trivial amount of resources attached.

So in conclusion…if you can get over the HUGE waste of time clearing out these notifications are…it’s a pretty good game.

If the devs do actually read this please god make a universal button to collect/delete all notifications and people will spend more time playing the game and not getting bored clearing out notifications


Potential dulled by greed

I am currently playing and do enjoy the game, mostly. Game balance falls apart when P2W is the goal. An alliance of all tier 4 troops is stymied by one tier 5 march. It is a P2W account. We had between 10-1 and 15-1 odds and failed to severely damage him. We had to use a behemoth and still lost most of our troops. In all honesty, I quit spending extra money because the amount I would have to spend is out of reach of the average player. Until they fix the imbalance any non-P2W and some P2W who do not spend excessively will get frustrated and possibly rage quit. When the Tier 5 P2W shows up, I turn off the game and walk away. I could switch to a P2W club but i don’t believe in supporting greed. I’ll keep playing because I am in a fun alliance. I could have suggested the game whole heartedly except for the imbalance. If you want to be successful be ready to spend LOTS of money or suffer defeat and moments of ire at the game imbalance. Or, be like me, quit spending and simply port your city to safety and walk away from an imperfect game when tier 5 troops are involved.


Very rewarding f2p game that you can spend

Maybe pay to win but definitely not pay to play you can have fun for free the story is awesome.. only thing I ask is that we can get legendary scouts.. sometimes when we click on upgrades it just zooms out the map… very minor and happens little … I have so much fun on this game it’s very live and guild is fun to be apart of I love how champions have different abilities I think you guys missed the mark because we should be able to also select which ability we want them to use in PVP or a mode where we can put all of the champions powers to use as a separate game mode maybe add it to the call of dragons game mode… very fun download now I play all day lol I keep checking on town and want it to grow I’m at 14 power currently


Game good, lying bad

I enjoy the game, but I play many a fremuim game. Other games frequently run ads for call of dragons, and these ads are the most bogus fake gameplay nonsense I’ve ever seen, how’d you get 60 million power? I have the elf girl legendary, shhhhhhadddddup. Insulting to anyone who played the game for 5 minutes. Talking about her abilities out of context so they sound lit with the fakest of tower defense gameplay. The game has something cool going for it, when alliances fight there can be like 60 squads on the feild at once and it’s fun and rivals Eve online or other games like that. But the developers clearly don’t play the game, don’t like the game and think they need to lie. I think it’s a game w no passion, dead mojo, the company dosent know why it’s good, I’ve never seen one positive feature advertised. Only lies 😔. Despite having ground about 1.5 million power, no small feat lvl 3 units all around yada yada, I cannot in good conscience continue. Goodbye call of dragons. RIP dawn of titans. Long live nothing.


Good game

I been playing this game for a few months now it’s a very good game I love it they did a lot better then rise of kingdoms yes the game is new and still has bugs like a lot of us noticing lags in the game and when our troops March they get stuck behind citys for hours until you notice it. Whales are a bit issue in the game new server is made within 1 hour in the new server there a whale with 10mil power just picking on weak alliances and players like put them in a whale server if they gonna spend over 300 bucks on the game. Another issue is the alliances they got over 100 members with “whales” and there alliance power already 500mil within a month that isn’t fair to the entire server at all. Yes it a good game I will continue playing it just between the lag and those bugs and issue I think all players can vouch they need fixed.


Boring Waste of Time & Money

Played for a couple of months. Season 1. Really wanted to like this game. Compelling story line but because that is only a very small part of the game it won’t hold anyone’s interest for long.
This appears to be a game for either the very young or the unemployed. I’m in the east coast US & the 3 alliances I’ve been in all schedule alliance events or attacks during my business hours roughly 90% of the time then complain that not enough players are joining the events. I’d like to try another server to see if it would be a better fit but you can’t leave. Quitting the game is then the only option.
I’ve never seen a war game give less rewards or less items for purchased packages. Devs really lost me on this one. I don’t mind spending money on a game but devs need to reward me for that. I’ve played other war games. I know what other devs have done. Epic fail here.
After I get off work there’s not much to do other than farm. Don’t mind the grind to initially build my city but when farming is the only thing to do, I’m out.
The server I was in was dominated by 1 large alliance which also makes it extremely boring. Never understood why the whales like to be in the same alliance. If I had endless amounts of time to become a whale, I’d want to fight other whales. Not pick off farms or new players. Weak move.
If you want to spend a lot of money for absolutely no return or reason, this is your game.


It’s more enjoyable than clash of clans but one thing

I enjoy this game a lot more than clash of clans. A lot more action and such including a game that also tries to equalize the powers between P2W and F2P but there’s one change I don’t understand that technically makes it harder on F2P

Before you could sandwich your gathering hero with a hero you used for battles to gather resources. With earth’s grace I was able to give both hero’s XP whenever I wasn’t online and this helped me tremendously with getting my hero’s to level up and overall time efficiency

What I don’t understand was it was later removed so only the main gathering hero gets the XP. It makes it harder as a F2P especially knowing that hero levels and so on reset every season. I personally believe it would help F2P more having that feature still and have balance over P2W.


Why this game is so fun

Hi this game deserves five stars because it’s all about strategy just like Strike Force but this is a lot funner now trying to get into the reason why I gave a five star because I just need a break from summer sometimes and school and I download this game when I was five but it wasn’t so fun but now I download it when I was 10 and now it is awesome why I think this game is so fun now this game is so fun because it’s because you have like strength and people judge you by your strength in so many ads I don’t love of this game because the ads are fun to watch and they’re good fast enough and they are cool with no lag and I can’t play with my mom because you’ll get better than me five star review thank you for making this game goodbye.🫶⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💯💯💯


Great Game!

Idc what any of the critics say this game is absolutely fire! There is literally so much u can do and so many ways to get power and upgrade ur commanders! I’ve only had it for a couple hours and already hitting 100k! If u love strategy and a game to keep u busy this is one of them! Not a single thing bad about this game yet and I just absolutely love it. I love that there is a story mode to keep u busy when ur waiting for things to upgrade and ur troops to train. I came from rise of kingdoms and saw they helped with another game and needed to try it and in my opinion it’s way better and there’s way more to do!!! I’m not bored of the game and I can keep playing for hours at a time! Thanks for ur time just wanted to say great game overall


Love this game!

I’ve been playing this game nonstop for almost 4 days now and I’m already getting at 500k power. The progression is really good and overall game has a great feel. A awesome feature is that at the beginning of the game you have three options to choose from. Orks, humans, and elves. It’s not overwhelming, just choose what you like. Lots of purchases you can make but it’s not vital. I’ve played completely for free so far and am already decently powerful. It’s basically rise of kingdoms except fantasy. You can see that they are modeling the game off of rise of kingdoms, but I honestly don’t care as I think this game is better because of the fantasy setting. This game is great and definitely would recommend! (Ork is best😉)


Fun game but bugs lose things you buy

Fun game but the engineers do not have good reporting on items / things you buy and gain in the game. After updates sometimes items and other things you have bought or accumulated will disappear. The VIP support for spending players will ask for screenshots of the items before you lost them. Even with these screenshots; you will wait half a season to get things back by then the damage is already done. Like losing troops during a war from an update; or losing buffs etc. Fun game that I invested a large amount of money and time into; but definitely make sure you take a screenshot of all your stuff every night. 10-15 screenshots a day gets tiring…

Edit: As you can see by developer response to this post; they will ask for screenshots of items that their bugs deleted. That’s right; screenshots of items that are gone at this point. Genius! You pay money; they lose your items during botched updates; and now you are responsible for going into a Time Machine and taking pictures of things that no longer exist… no thanks. I’ll spend my money else where.


Don’t waste your time or money.

For starters the graphics are well designed and the start of the gameplay is great to pull you in. However, once the game actually starts things take literal hours of your day to make. It’s not a huge issue until guilds come into play. There will always be terrible players that exploit where they can. Guilds will recruit members then begin building up technologies and buildings and raiding. All these actions require resources and troops from all members, as they should. The issue then arises when the guild leaders get what they want from those they recruited and kickem all to the curb. There is no safety net for those that spent countless hours and/or money on resources and troops. The game devoloper has no interest in removing these sort of exploits. Not to mention the amount of guilds recruiting doing this. Along with the amount of cash grabs the game throws at a player. This issue has appened twice to me since I’ve started the game. I’m the span of 4 days. It’s just not a game worth diving hours into especially with all these Toxic players.


The End of My Time Paying Call of Dragons

I have played this game for just about a year now. During my year of experience, I started three different accounts. On all three of my accounts, iv made it to season two. I thought maybe if I grinded my heart out, with the experience gained in the two prior accounts, I’d be able to keep up and half way compete. I even invested $75+ (very wisely I might add). After playing hours every day, and spending a ton of money on the video game, season two has NOTHING I can do. Meaning, I don’t have enough power to get into any decent alliance. Even after spending a ton of money, I don’t even get to participate in any behemoths in season two. The cold reality is the developers value the money they make off people trying to keep up with the crowd more than their player base. They have great storytelling and game dynamics, but there’s no way a 9 year old is going to be able to have the money to even dream of being competitive, especially in season 2. Season 1 is fun, but season two is full of people with big pockets and no consideration. So unless pointlessly building a city is fun to you, just save your time and money.

Is Call of Dragons Safe?

Yes. Call of Dragons is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 28,163 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Call of Dragons Is 62.2/100.

Is Call of Dragons Legit?

Yes. Call of Dragons is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 28,163 Call of Dragons User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Call of Dragons Is 100/100..

Is Call of Dragons not working?

Call of Dragons works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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