Ok, I love the game! 5 of 5 stars, but, its missing ONE, one thing it needs. It needs a retirement home! You can put dragons lvl 10 or A+ dragons in one and it would cost you 100 gems! Just like the kindergarten! It’s also missing, A BETTER HEROIC DRAGON PEOPLE SYSTEM! I mean, seriously, I might not even get to lap five on this one. Like I did with any other one. All because of THESE OTHER GUYS! So, ya. Otherwise, great! Kidding, I could go all day with stuff to add! Like, The leagues need a new filter as well. You might be like “but why?” I have no heroic dragon and most of the people I fight have a heroic dragon so, CHANGE that. And here’s my biggest problem. The dragon roost. I was fine with the temples, in fact. I still have 3! It’s new description is “a relic of the past” that’s not like anything on the game! And there’s a glitch (idk if it’s just me) but when I look at my friends, it said Zeus until I look at like someone’s profile. So fix that and if you have this glitch too, let me know. One that I don’t care though, but still think should be added, is the piggy bank dragon! It could be asleep at baby, then when young, FAT, and then at 7, like a fat pig that has some chubby cheeks! Like, you could get one with a card pack, or limited time, Or, buy it with the piggy bank! That’s all. A lot could be added, but, I just don’t know what else.