Indyx: Wardrobe & Outfit App Reviews

Indyx: Wardrobe & Outfit App Reviews

Published by on 2024-07-10

About: Indyx unlocks the potential of what you own. As the best FREE digital wardrobe
and styling app, you can catalog your closet, plan outfits, track cost-per-wear,
get personal styling, shop secondhand, and resell your stuff - all in one place.

About Indyx

As the best FREE digital wardrobe and styling app, you can catalog your closet, plan outfits, track cost-per-wear, get personal styling, shop secondhand, and resell your stuff - all in one place.

We believe that seeing what we own and tracking what we wear leads to more thoughtful consumption, outfit planning is the secret to looking your best without stress, and secondhand is a key part of wardrobe curation and fashion sustainability.

Need some help cataloging? We also offer wardrobe cataloging services starting at $295 that sends a professional Archivist to your home to digitize your wardrobe without you lifting a finger.

Or, take advantage of our personal styling services to get professional help re-styling your own wardrobe along with personalized shopping recommendations.

In the future, Indyx will make selling your clothes exponentially easier by listing items for sale from your digital wardrobe with just a few clicks.

Other wardrobe apps are "clueless" about how cataloging, styling, and resale can work together to give you a more curated, conscious, and circular wardrobe.

Indyx gives you the tools to create an oh-so-scrollable digital wardrobe.

Visualizing and planning outfits is easy with Indyx.

Plan outfits on your own with fully customizable drag-and-drop outfit boards.

No random “outfits” styled by robots, just real style solutions along with the tips and tricks that make all the difference.

Add your own photos (or, those from a retailer website) and we'll automatically remove the background and optimize image quality.

Indyx unlocks the potential of what you own.

We built Indyx to do just that.

After all, it is never just about what you wear, but also about how you wear it.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 211 combined software reviews.

240 Indyx Reviews

4.7 out of 5


So much fun

I love Indyx. I am a busy working mom and Indyx is a moment of my day for myself. I photograph and log items as I get dressed. It’s like the adult version of playing dress up with paper dolls. I can’t quite explain why it is so fun/satisfying. It helps with keeping track of outfits so I can get dressed faster in the morning and remember things that have worked in the past but without resorting to just the same few things. Really helps with developing a signature style in that way but without becoming boring/repetitive. The ability to add selfies is good so you can see how you actually looked in it. It makes me excited about my own wardrobe. I imagine it will be really helpful for packing once I get most of my closet logged on there, though haven’t tried this yet. I feel like Indyx has a lot of features and am honestly surprised it is free! Hope it makes it and can stick around for the long haul.

One minor thing, it can be a little glitchy. When I take a pic, it sometimes loses the pic while thinking and reverts back to an earlier screen.


Game-changer! Life-changer!

Wow! This is the first wardrobe app I’ve ever used, I went from ‘let me just try and see what I learn’ to eagerly enjoying making new outfits every morning, and feeling better than I ever have about my wardrobe! And I haven’t paid a cent!

I did the program where you think about your style, audit and reorganize your closet- (also read Allison Bornstein’s book on the side at the same time)- and what a transformation!

I especially love the new calendar feature where it’ll record when I’ve worn things and I can see the month at a glance- so helpful! I recently joined the slack community and it’s been interesting to hear what people say since I’m a complete newb to clothing. I haven’t paid anything yet like arranging to see a stylist, but I would consider that down the road- for now I’m just loving putting together outfits, trying things out, and learning as I go!


Just a few things would make this app amazing

I love the aesthetic of Indyx. Just a few things would make Indyx amazing:
• When logging outfits, I wish I could just select individual items instead of having to create an outfit first. I also wish there was an option to just make the items in an outfit a collage instead of having to make each item fit into the outfit (if that makes sense?). I like to log my outfit every day to keep track of how much wear I get out of each item, hit this is so time-consuming on Indyx compared to other wardrobe apps I’ve tried.
• On the “items” tab, it would be great if we had more options for the layout of items. Only 4 items fit on the screen at once, and it feels a bit random/disorganized. I know you can sort by the item type, but I wish there was a way to just make the item icons smaller and group them together by type maybe?
Other than that, great app, and I really appreciate that it doesn’t have ads.


Alienates Queer Users

Despite the account creation’s seemingly progressive inclusion of more than two gender options, Indyx itself does not do much more than just that. If you choose “non-binary” in the account creation, you are allowed to take the style quiz featuring incredibly feminine styles with the least amount of gender non-conformity possible. However, if you choose that you’re a “man” at the start, you are given a warning that the quiz is mainly designed for women, which is absent for non-binary users.
Upon seeing this, I immediately deleted Indyx because it is just one more apps that equates all non-binary individuals to women but still pretends to care about them to seem progressive. Even if one were to ignore the transphobic undertones, the lack of any kind of non-convential styling (not even just in regards to gender, but in the broader styles as well) in a quiz meant to help you find your style is truly baffling. The least the developers can do is give the same curtesy warning to non-binary users as male users before they attempt the quiz. If you do not plan to be inclusive, do not trick users into signing up before revealing that you never had any plans to be to begin with.


Love it!

I never leave reviews but wanted to support Indyx! It’s been great so far to help organize my closet and actually see what I’m wearing so I can get rid of the stuff I don’t!

Some of the great free features I love:

-automatically removes the background of the clothes so it’s a white background. Makes everything look so much cleaner
-outfit creation and collection creation is great because you can save while outfits to a specific group and then it also tracks the items you used in that collection. So far I have made a collection for work outfits, everyday day outfits, and around the house cozy outfits. I can’t wait to use this when I have to pack for vacation which will make the planning so much easier!
-the outfit calendar is great so I can track what and when I wear it which will help me in the future get rid of the things I don’t wear.

I haven’t used any of the paid features as I’m still logging my enormous closet, but super excited to experiment once I get my footing. There are different level of stylist programs you can pay for as well at different levels for everyone! This however is not required to use all the other amazing free features Indyx has to offer.

Love everything about Indyx so far!



I saw a friend post that she spent the weekend indyxing her closet and I immediately knew I needed to try this. I’ve been considering a personal stylist but have been holding off until I had time to organize my clothes. I spent 2 days going through everything and realized if I didn’t want to photograph it, I shouldn’t keep it - so I curated all the things I liked and would wear. I also realized how much I have that doesn’t get utilized!!! There are things I love but I just haven’t worn because I haven’t known what to wear them with. This is where I am excited to start taking advantage of the Feed offering. I also found the ability to plan and pack for trips or events so helpful. I’m looking forward to seeing how Indyx evolves, but can say that after just one week - I’m obsessed.


You need this app!

I rarely download apps and have never left a review of an app. I discovered this app through Laurel Pantin’s Substack and have used it every day. I absolutely love seeing my items on Indyx and it really helps me curate my future purchases. I subscribe to the feed and look forward to seeing the outfits my stylist puts together each Friday. Adding items to your closet is easy and I ended up saving most of the photos from the retailers website. Aimee did an amazing job of putting together outfits with pieces I already own. Trust me you will love Indyx! If you are a visual person this is a game changer. I am guilty of constantly shopping for items but what we really should be doing is styling outfits! I can’t wait to see this app grow.


Great app

Great app that seems maybe in growth mode? Like:
Easy to use and upload. Love the sorting around cost per wear, times worn, added to app. Easy to create outfits (and plan!). Love that you can section off a capsule for packing, etc. so far I use this every day and really like it. May use the styling feed service soon once I have wardrobe sorted out.
To fix:
They just added calendar feature which is great and keeps them on par with other apps. However the dates are buggy and my outfits often shift days (did the calendar get messed up with leap year?) This means that I plan out M-Fri and then they eventually shift to show up as Sun-Thurs which is annoying. Please fix photo upload tool so it keeps colors accurate and build in filtering by sub item type (eg instead of only allowing filter by ‘top’ allow it by sweater, tank top, etc)


Would Benefit from Better Tracking/Calendar

I’m loving Indyx so far and the way it has helped me improve my style and revive many old wardrobe items. It seems Indyx could (easily) be improved upon with better tracking/calendaring feature. Unless I’m mistaken, the only way to track that you’ve worn at item is clicking the +1 for each individual item which is extremely time consuming. First, there should be a way to do this for an outfit, so that if you +1 an outfit it will automatically add a +1 to every item within the outfit. Second, I’m surprised there is no calendar feature, which is common with most other closet/style apps. We should be able to pull up a calendar tab and assign outfits in advance, as well as track the entire outfit with a +1 once the day has passed and the outfit is worn.


Excellent Closet App with Awesome Styling Services

I love Indyx and the clean and simple aesthetic. All the closet features are free so it only costs money if you want human styling services. I have paid for three Lookbooks from three different stylists and absolutely loved two of them; the third was OK. I’ll be paying for more Lookbooks as I revamp my wardrobe this year.

I suspect other closet apps have more features but this app is working for me. I hope they can add a few more features such as more statistics. A random outfit generator would be fun. I can’t figure out how to copy my Lookbook outfits to my saved ones. But overall I’m still loving Indyx and the philosophy behind it of appreciating and wearing what you have and making more considered wardrobe additions.


Highly recommend this app!!

I love Indyx and the company’s mission!
TLDR: Indyx has a strong user experience, has really improved how I interact with my own closet, and has made me a more thoughtful shopper.

Being able to see my closet was just the start. I love how I can interact with items I already own to make sure I’m using my clothes well. It also ensures that when I add new things, they are truly filling gaps in my wardrobe.

The styling has been a game changer. I love how they come up with ideas that I wouldn’t. Even some of the simpler combinations have made my day-to-day easier. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been able to exclusively decide on work outfits based on recommendations from my stylist which makes getting ready faster and easier.

The virtual wardrobe and styling have also helped me assess why I don’t wear certain items. Then I can decide what to give away and avoid making the same mistake in the future.

I have now had Indyx for 6 months and still interact with it multiple times a week. The usage has only grown over time for me as new updates are made with great tools.


Amazing way to organize my closet!

The this app app has been a game changer for me, helping me refocus on the clothes I already have instead of shopping for things I absolutely do not need. With this app, I’m able to catalog my closet and seamlessly create outfits. This is particularly useful when I am going on a trip because Indyx helps you create a packing list out of your outfits! As a New Yorker faced with limited closet space who stores my off-season clothes under the bed, it’s been an amazing way to be able to visualize everything I own, understand where I have gaps and stem the tide of overconsumption in my life. Don’t hesitate, download it now and start having fun re-envisioning your wardrobe!


Outdated, clunky, disappointing

Found Indyx from a YT video. Disappointed. The UX and engineering just isn’t there. Feels like a high school senior computer science project. Very little customizability. Clunky, everything takes more clicks and multi-page navigating than it should. Indyx seems to be designed around all of the purchase options you can make, e.g. get stylist advice, rather than it’s core functionality of being a closet. They need to get the basics down before upselling. There are other digital closet apps that have 10x as many features and customization. (There are lots of signs in Indyx of very poor engineering. For example, it let me sign up without a last name despite it being listed as required on the profile page. No experienced software developer would let this happen and is indicative on why Indyx is so clunky.) Look elsewhere.


The wardrobe app I’ve been waiting for!

I had been looking/hoping for an app like this for several years. this app make it so much easier to add your wardrobe compared to other closet/wardrobe apps I’ve tried! It’s really fantastic. I subscribed to “The Feed” service and get two outfits styled by one of their stylists sent to me every Friday. I love this service and it is really helping me get more use out of the items I own. I’m so happy with it and can’t wait to see what they do in the future. There are already so many great features! I hope people try it because I think they’ll love it! I never write reviews but Indyx deserves one. Thank you this app!


A game changer and I can’t wait for updates!

Seriously love love love love love Indyx. I feel like I have Cher’s computer closet in Clueless. My childhood dream come to life! I’m working to shop less and more intentionally when I do, and this is helping me know my closet and hone my personal style, especially a time when I’m between pregnancies and my sizes are changing, making a wardrobe overhaul impractical.

Can’t wait to see updates like being able to share more comments with your stylist or photos of when you wear a recommended outfit, tracking wears, and sharing your closet with friends.

Love this and keep up the great work! Thanks for such a valuable and fun tool!!


Perfect! Best clothing app

Magnificent app!! I’ve tried many clothing apps and this is by far the best— you can simply take a photo of any piece of clothing or find the item online and Indyx uses tech that will crop and cut out the clothing from any background for you! I love all the organizing potential here. You have the huge repository of all clothes but can organize according to color, type of clothing, season, and then can also make collections. I have separate categories for things like work clothes, my vintage collection, stuff I’ve bought on trips, a particular brand… the “collections” can be endless and so useful to check out what all I have!


Transforming My Wardrobe with Indyx

I’ve finally found a wardrobe app that works for me! this app has allowed me to catalog my entire wardrobe efficiently, rekindling my love for my clothes and maximizing their use. The style lessons have been a game-changer, helping me refine my fashion sense with intention.

One of the standout features for me is the ability to snap a photo of potential purchases to see how they fit with my existing wardrobe. This has not only saved me money but also helped me differentiate between what I want and what I truly need. this app has been an invaluable tool in streamlining my style and making more conscious clothing choices. Highly recommend!


The best!

I was skeptical when I downloaded Indyx that I would get much use for it, but it is fantastic. I make packing lists from my wardrobe; that saves me SO much time. The feature I find most valuable financially is adding a wish list item to my wardrobe before I buy it. I can see if it works with what I have or determine if it will fill a gap. And the biggest question: Will I actually wear it? this app helps me make better choices when I shop.

The other part of Indyx I love is the education. I went through the eight-week style class, and now I know exactly how I want to look and how to find it.


Not to be dramatic, but it changed my life

Indyx is everything to me! It has fully changed the way I think about style, and has replaced my desire to shop with a newfound passion for creating outfits from my own closet. I’ve even cancelled my clothing subscription services because I’m so excited to wear my own clothes for what feels like the first time in forever!

I also absolutely love Indyx for planning my weekly outfits, and I’m now using it to create a packing list from the outfits I will wear on my upcoming trip. Everything is so easy to use and is an unbelievably smooth and sleek application!

Final bonus shoutout for the styling services they offer. I subscribe to the monthly option which is only $10 a month and I get 2 new outfits from my stylist every Friday. My stylist is INCREDIBLE and has helped me to starting seeing new ways to wear my clothes that are my style but feel different and exciting!

I truly love everything about Indyx and will never shut up about it.


Life changing

It sounds overwhelming to catalog your closet, but it’s a one-time job (that requires updates when you add something new, but updates are quicker than the whole first process) and it’s so rewarding. But not only that, it makes my life so much easier, it helps me to have a real vision of what I own, it helps me to plan my outfits, my suitcase when I travel… when I plan my outfits, I feel like I’m shopping my own closet. It makes me more aware of what I own and I think twice before just buying something new. Love it!


The Clueless Closet App We All Wanted

This is the only digital closet app that I’ve actually committed to while others I’ve uploaded only part of my closet because they didn’t have the features I wanted and this app definitely does:

- The process to upload is easy and streamlined
- Background removal is clean
- Add as little or as much detail to each item
- App has a chic/clean look
- Super organized with categories
- Sorting features to build outfits quickly
- Pre-arranges items for you to build outfits
- No limit to how many items you upload
- Free! You can pay for styling and having someone help you upload your closet
- Creators are open to public improvement suggestions and are quick to respond

There are so many other features but this review would be too long. Basically, building outfits became my favorite go-to activity on my spare time. I follow Indyx on Instagram to see upcoming updates; the team is small and has a love for what they do so everything gets done right!


Please Add Friend Features!

I love Indyx. I use it almost every day. My best friend told me about it, and i have slowly been building my closet up. I would love to see if additional community features could be built. For example, sharing your closet with friends. It would be great for an additional tag/category option for clothing to be “visible” or “invisible” to friends. I would love to be able to create outfits in my friends closets, or let my friends suggest outfit ideas for me! Even being able to pull clothes from friend’s closets to combine with the clothes logged in my digital closet! Just some ideas :)


Looking forward to more features

Loving Indyx so far. The weekly ‘onboarding’ series for the first month helped me make this a sustainable part of my day that also helps with my decision fatigue. There’s no getting around it though - cataloging your entire wardrobe is a PAIN. So worth the day or so it’ll take you though.

One feature I’d like to see is a way to ‘archive’ items. I ran a pair of shoes into the ground, so they’re not a part of my wardrobe anymore. I don’t want to lose the data of the outfits, CPW, etc, but I don’t want to ‘clutter’ my digital closet, so to speak, with things I can’t actually wear anymore.

Keeping it archived, however, would allow me to reference old outfits once I get a new shoe that fits the same vibe. It also allows me to understand my previous use of that shoe to gauge the investment I should place in its replacement.


Get it!

I love Indyx! I definitely caught myself developing an online shopping addiction and this ended up being a really fun solution. Cataloguing your clothes is really easy. You just take a picture and it removes the background for you and put some basic info in. You can scroll through like it’s an online shop, but it’s literally your own clothes. I always forget what I already have and this has helped me rediscover some awesome pieces. You can also plan your outfits and even put them into a calendar. I love that you can also look at other people’s clothes and the outfits they’ve created for inspiration. It’s so fun! :)


I use it every day!

Truly my favorite app. I’ve been tracking my wardrobe for 1.5 years. When I got into this habit, I actually started with this app and while I loved the concept, at the time the technology was not there. I moved to Stylebook which isn’t feature rich but got the job done. However, especially over the last year, this app has made huge investments in their technology and features. I migrated over to this app a few months ago and I haven’t regretted it. Indyx has changed my life and my relationship to my clothes. There isn’t another product like this in the closet tracking marketplace, and the developers Yidi & Devon are extremely responsive and making updates at a fast pace for such a small team.

If you love fashion, want to reduce your consumption, or just wish to change your relationship to getting dressed, Indyx is it and more!

Is Indyx Safe?

Yes. Indyx: Wardrobe & Outfit App is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 211 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Indyx Is 49.5/100.

Is Indyx Legit?

Yes. Indyx: Wardrobe & Outfit App is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 211 Indyx: Wardrobe & Outfit App User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Indyx Is 64.7/100..

Is Indyx: Wardrobe & Outfit App not working?

Indyx: Wardrobe & Outfit App works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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