Everyday Puzzles: Mini Games Reviews

Everyday Puzzles: Mini Games Reviews

Published by on 2024-07-04

About: Many Games and Lots of Fun! All in just one app. Minimalistic variety puzzles
and Word games.

About Everyday Puzzles

Unscramble letters and find the words in this letter connect and word finder game.

Dive into a world of brain-teasing games, including Anygram, Hashtag, Crossword, Password, Word Search, Tangle, Cladder and Sudoku.

Daily challenges bring themed puzzles, while the unlimited mode serves up random word hunt boards.

Start Cladder with a clue and change one letter at a time to nail that word.

Untangle the words in this brain-twisting word puzzle challenge.

Slide and spell your way to victory! With 12 moves, put the letters in place to guess the spelling and solve the #hashtag mystery.

Got a way with words? Try this 5-letter word game! You've got six attempts to guess the right word.

Unleash your anagram skills in this word puzzle.

Time to flex those spelling muscles with Cladder! You've got 60 seconds to guess the correct spelling.

Change one letter at a time until you solve the puzzle.

Connect the letters to discover as many words as you can and complete the board.

To light it up, play the Daily Challenges or Unlimited Mode.

Test your smarts with this classic word-guessing puzzle.

Give your brain a workout with this numerical puzzle.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 5,294 combined software reviews.

680 Everyday Puzzles Reviews

4.8 out of 5


This is currently helping me with mental illness

I suffer from something that I have yet to put a name to, and what’s name is not important to my review, but it is wonderful having the unlimited puzzles to take my mind off of it. I especially like the crossword puzzles because they make me feel smart and accomplished whenever I complete them. I know this will get mixed in with everybody else’s reviews but I hope that if somebody out there is reading this and dealing with something similar to me, they can know that they are safe and that the world is beautiful, and that the things in your mind only exist in your mind. Everything is going to be ok, and this isn’t going to be how life is forever. Keep on truckin, champ!


New sound effects slow down the game

I love that I am no longer bombarded by ads being premium, but the latest update introduced new sound effects which seem to slow down the game and sound buggy sometimes. For example in Crossword puzzle, when using the navigation arrows to quickly move forward or backward multiple words, it is now laggy and does not register every tap, which makes it feel less responsive overall. Please bring back the old quickness and it will be back to 5 stars! (I am on iPhone 15 Pro, so it is not a hardware issue)

Another example is in Cladder, when typing a letter you hear two sound effects play at the same time which is somewhat distracting.

Please revert back to the old sound effects as they were quite sufficient and satisfying. The new ones just don’t really fit.



I love this game. If I could I’d give it 4.9 stars. There are only a few things, for me, that keep it from attaining that coveted 5th star.

I would love if each puzzle
category had its own option
for difficulty level. It would
allow players to challenge

I’m super focused on the streaks
aspect of your game but, when
playing games from previous
dates (thank you for keeping
those open BTW), it doesn’t add
to my daily goals/stars. If I’m
completing a puzzle for the first
time I believe that should qualify.

Just this morning I find I’ve lost
the option to double my stars or
coins by watching an ad. I paid, I
consider, a reasonable price to
go ad free and am not bothered
by ‘paying’ you for this bonus. The
game doesn’t force you to make
this choice so any complaints
about these ads, I believe,
are unfounded.

Again, I really enjoy this game. It is my cup of coffee before my cup of coffee every morning. Thanks for all the hard work in creating it and thanks for your dedication toward perfecting it. I’ve downloaded tons of game apps and most don’t change or grow. I tip my hat to you.


My favorite daily puzzle game

I almost never write reviews, but I’ve been playing this game everyday for about two months and I don’t really have anything bad to say about it. I love how if you don’t have enough coins for something you have the option to watch an ad to unlock it instead, whereas in many games you just have to save up coins.
The puzzles are all challenging enough without being frustrating.
The only problem I have is the ads after every game and being unable to play without internet, but those are both very small problems that aren’t worth losing a star over.
If I could give half stars it’d be four and a half.


Glad the ads were removed

I downloaded this probably a week ago, before the newest update. I was excited to finally find an “everyday puzzle game” that didnt make me watch an ad to do other days! Was disappointed when the newest updated made me have to watch ads to play previous days. Was almost about to delete! But i am happy to see that switched back to normal! This is such a fun daily puzzle game!


Lots of ads and nonsensical stats

Was locked out of EverydayPuzzles for 2 days for “maintenance” then this morning it tells me I need to update in order to open it. With this update, you now have to watch an ad in order to play any of the previous days puzzles - including previous days you had already started the puzzles on. After the ad to unlock the puzzles, you also will have to sit through another ad after completing it so 7 ads for 6 puzzles. Every puzzle also now has a pop up displaying “world” stats of completion which blocks the screen. I went into the settings to see if I could turn it off and found my own stats which made no sense. For example it says I played 6 word searches with a 30% win rate….I looked back and I have only ever played the word search game 6x total and I’ve completed every one I started so I’m not sure how it gets 30% from that.



I really enjoy all of the Everyday Puzzles. However, I feel like Hashtag is next to impossible to get in 12 moves. If you keep all at 12, then at least allow us who are less successful keep going to see it to the end. It doesn’t have to count as a “win”, but I for one like to finish my puzzles. That also goes for Password.



Slathered in ads. You have to watch and interact with a minute and a half long ad after every single game, which leaves you watching ads longer than you are actually interacting with the game itself. They easily make enough money to just throw one or two in a day seeing as though this is a daily play game, but the greedy losers seem to want every scrap of a penny they can get their sticky paws on. Uninstalled after 4 games because I had spent 10% battery life and 15 minutes watching nothing but ads for games just as bad as this one.

Avoid this like the plague


Love this

Great app. Use it everyday to stay sharp and keep my mind active. I love the types of puzzles they have and how they designed them. Hope for more types of puzzles in the future because the devs make them well. Has a great reward and tracking system too. Love the badges and having something to work towards.


Mind-Blowing Fun for Every Day!

If you're on the hunt for a game that seamlessly blends entertainment and brain exercise, look no further than Everyday Puzzles! EverydayPuzzles has become my daily ritual, and I can't resist sharing my enthusiasm.


From Great to Okay

This game was great! The puzzles are fun, there’s not an obnoxious amount of ads, and when you do get an ad it’s pretty short. But now they’ve made a change… before the update, if you missed a day you could watch an ad to unlock it and play it. Unfortunately, you now have to use coins. And guess how you get coins. Real money. Sad to see that they’ve made this change.


Requires strong wifi/cellular connection.

I installed EverydayPuzzles and then uninstalled very shortly after because you can't play without having a decent connection. Typically apps do this so people cant avoid apps by using airplane mode. This in it of itself is terrible cause you cant play while traveling. Where I live, there is terrible service so its common to not have good connections. Would love to see a version that can be played offline.


I’ve played forever and now I cant stand it

This has been my favorite game for forever but now there are SO MANY ADS. That was my favorite thing ab the game, that there were no ads and I could just play. But now you cant even get through just one game without an annoying pop up. To make it worse, I tried to purchase the 30 day ad remover and it charged me but didn’t remove the ads. Please consider removing all the nonsensical ads, I’m so sad that my favorite game goes untouched on my phone.


Decent Games

Decent amount of free games everyday. Lots of annoying ads that you can skip fairly quickly. 15 bucks to get rid of them is way over priced for EverydayPuzzles . If it were around 5 dollars I would be more willing to consider buying it. But definitely not for 15 dollars.


Good game overall

Puzzles are challenging without being too difficult. You know how sometimes they try to make more money by making you need helpers. They don’t do that. There is an ad between most of the puzzles. Which is a little too many. But that’s just me.


Like the game

I wouldn’t say I love the game for a couple reasons.
One-the ads like everyone else’s complaint so I won’t say anything else.

Two-cladder isn’t showing the letter to be changed quick enough. This seemed to be an issue after the last update. Please fix.


Word puzzle

Please make cross word and mini easier to guess because those words are some of the most random categories on earth and I even had to look them up on google for half of the puzzle is ridiculous. Otherwise, fun game if you like word games


Too many ads

My opion on ads are 100 percent negative, i say there should be ads per every 3-4 games you play not every game. Also, i would like to know the word on Password if i fail without having to watch an ad.


Fun game

This game is so much fun! It gives you a chance to think harder and learn new words. It’s great if you want to race your friends, see who can solve the word first.


Fine but has issues

EverydayPuzzles is fine but definitely has issues. There are sudoku puzzles that have more than one solution for example and if you don’t have a paid version, the ads are ridiculous


Fun way to pass time

Love this game! I discovered this game through ads on Facebook. A few of the games are unique and fun to play before bed or when I need a focus boost. However I’m rating 4 stars because I wish there were more games. I did buy the VIP iap so I get more tokens but before I didn’t earn very many tokens and the cost to continue the game “hashtag” is 400 tokens which is way too pricey, especially for someone who can’t afford to buy iap. You only have a limited number of moves and it forces you to have to give up. Token rewards should be more or the token price for continuation should be lower. Also, ads are a bit ridiculous. VIP removes ads completely from the game but an ad pops up after every game and that is too excessive. Players shouldn’t have to spend money to not be bombarded by ads. I don’t mind watching ads but having too many will make me delete an app very quick. You’re lucky the game is so fun and I have some funds to spare to take these ads away, most players do not. Other than that the game is fun and worth checking out if you can handle borderline relentless ads or can spare $15 to remove them.


My thoughts

I personally appreciate what was done, but there are a lot of things that I wish be fixed. First off, do not show me an ad every single time I leave from a puzzle, I find that can be very annoying and can make the game less fun, besides, some may not choose to buy no ads. Second, I do not appreciate the feature in which when scrolling down or up on the home menu, I will go to a previous day of puzzles which can be very annoying because I get a pop up saying to unlock puzzles, sometimes it can be done accidentally when playing for the first time. Now, there are a lot of things I do appreciate, but what I am saying is, these are things I wish could be changed, thank you.


Too many animated collect screens

I love puzzles, and had no problem paying extra to get past the ads on this one. I love that there is unlimited play for any game.

I absolutely hate collecting coins and badges etc. Every time you finish a mission, if you collect a badge you have several screens to click through.
—example collect after completing daily mission—
1. Collect badge
2. Collect xp
3. Collect coins
4. Collect coins

That’s just one example. And if you’re like me and you finish all the puzzles then collect your badges. You’re stuck clicking collect and tap to continue for a while.

On top of that, the tap to continue has a lag time by like 5 seconds. You can share right away, or wait to move on. I get you’re trying to get more people to download this, but I paid for it, make it faster please.

TLDR- could have a batch/bulk collect for badges and rewards.


Fun, But Too Many Ads

I love to play all of the different word games each day as it’s a good challenge to test my VERY limited brain power, however I hate that there are advertisements every time I complete one of the games. What’s the point of those “Double your points by watching an ad” button if you’re just gonna give me an advertisement right after anyways? Other than that little frustration, it’s a good time passer.


Slow rewards

The rewards are so frustratingly slow. Like 3-5 seconds for each award to pop up, accept, and play a silly animation. Half of them are tap anywhere to get rid of them, the rest have to click a specific spot, which isn’t the same every time. It’s annoying.

I’ve never been so annoyed to get achievements before.


Fun but glitchy

I’m a big fan of many of the puzzles but it’s frustrating that EverydayPuzzles often freezes on the screen where you have the option to double your XP on completed missions. When you restart EverydayPuzzles , you no longer have that option. It’s irritating to have to restart EverydayPuzzles so often.


Great mental exercise - collecting missions is a hassle

I love doing the daily puzzles right before bed each night! It’s a really great way to unwind while watching something. The Anygram is probably my favorite even though I can get really frustrated with it sometimes. I always leave that one for last.

The sudokus are pretty easy. I would like to be able to choose a difficulty for those but as they are dailies it doesn’t matter much either way.

My biggest pet peeve are the missions. Not doing them, no doing the missions and getting all the fun little badges is great! But the process to collecting each one is SO drawn out and tedious. The fade in and out screen time for collecting the badge, getting the exp, and getting the coins takes forever, and they’re three different screens. Not even all one! And I can’t mass collect them either. It’s largely fine now since I usually only get 1-2 badges a day, but at the beginning it was a SLOG to get through collecting all of them.


Great game

Love the game but I have 2 suggestions I’ve had while playing. 80% of my wins in hashtag are 4+ while I know many of those are 5 remaining turns. So my suggestion is to just add another bar for 5. My 2cd suggestion is a setting to auto claim missions. I mostly play on drives or while on break and the internet is spotty at best so I get stuck with the rewards just loading and taking minutes to sometimes not get them, so I think a setting that makes it go into the background would be nice. Thank you!


Sounds fun... if I could play it.

No matter what I do - I've tried different wifi networks, strong mobile data, everything - it gives me the same error when I open the game, saying I need to check my connection and try again, then freezes and I can't do anything except close EverydayPuzzles . I know for certain that it isn't my connection, because I have a very strong, fast connection that works just fine for everything else, and there aren't any internet settings that could be blocking EverydayPuzzles , so I don't know why it keeps giving me that error. Would love to be able to get past that screen and try it out, or even see the title screen!


Lots of fun

This game is a lot of fun and definitely worth the $ to get rid of ads. While it’s a 5 star game I would really like it if I didn’t have to click so many times when I complete a mission. I want to click “Claim All” and get my exp, coins, etc. with out having to watch and click through the multiple animations.


Great Games

I’m really enjoying playing. Some games are still impossible for me but I’m working at them. Others I’m getting the hang of! They’re simple yet challenging. They get your brain moving!


Really fun game

Except for the hashtag. The hashtag is actually my favorite gamemode because it’s the most challenging, but only 12 moves is just straight up unfair. I felt like there were some rounds that were just unbeatable, so I tried completing the puzzle outside of EverydayPuzzles then completing it in EverydayPuzzles to see how many moves it would take if every move was correct. With one round, there were 2 greens and the rest were grey on the start, and I had only one incorrect move. But from there, it was literally impossible to complete the puzzle with the remaining 11 moves, even if each move was the most optimal I could do. I would love to see this mode get updated so either you’re guaranteed at least a couple greens and a few yellows, or keep it the same and up the moves from 12 to 14.

Other than that, maybe making some of the puzzles harder, like larger word search and fewer numbers in sudoku, or even a difficulty selector would be amazing. :)


Everyday puzzles

I enjoy this game every morning. I would give five stars if it had more games than just the one day options and it stopped freezing up. It always freezes up on a candy crush add. No way to exit it even waiting it out. I have to completely exit the entire game and restart it. The add gives no sound and only shows the first page of the add. Get rid of that add. I don’t mind the other adds between games because you can exit them pretty quick. But candy crush add needs to be removed!!!!


Error message

For the past 2 days, I’ve gotten an error message saying I don’t have a stable internet connection. I’m about 3 feet from my router. I’ve deleted and reinstalled EverydayPuzzles . I still get the error message. Suggestions?


New game is too hard

This is the first review I have ever written for any game. I love Everyday Puzzles. I have been playing every game every day for nearly a year. I like the variety of puzzles. I really wanted to like the new game Connected. BUT, it is too hard and the connections are too obscure. Sometimes I can get one or two of the connections pretty quickly. But eventually I just end up guessing and watching A LOT of videos to keep going and not have to give up. I end up using hints to help me and still have to use a lot of turns to just guess every combination I can think of. It is not fun at that point. The idea of the game is great and after the very first puzzle, I was excited about it. But every day after that has just been impossible to solve in the four tries you are given. Like every other game in EverydayPuzzles, the puzzle should be logically solvable within the given number of tries. But it just turns into a guessing game. Not fun. Please consider easing up on the difficulty a little bit and not making the connections so obscure.


New Connections is Awful

Honestly would’ve given a 5 star review. This game allows you to endlessly play most games you’d find in the New York Times, but for free and not one a day. Everything was great until they tried to copy connections. Firstly, it shows you the percent of people who are successfully completing it, and every time roughly 40% of people can succeed. The connections are loose and don’t make sense. If less than half of the people can complete it, then clearly it’s the developers who are doing something wrong. They also don’t tell you how close you are if you get 3 out of 4 right. Brought the ratings all the way down for me.


Great game . . . Until now

Adding “Connected” was a terrible move. The game asks you to find the connections among 4 words, and there are 4 mystery categories (you can pay for a hint to reveal a single category, or reveal 2 connected words). The game clearly uses AI to connect the word groups and is designed for failure to eat up coins and increase ad revenue through multiple attempts to make connections from things not obviously connected.

When reading the following examples, remember that you hid not like any categories beforehand - you must determine the 4 words that are connected, and the category is revealed once you hit “submit” and are correct. (Yes, you can spend coins to reveal one category at a time, but I think you will see that even knowing the category is no help).

Example 1: the category is “Food and Drink”. The four correct word choices were “avocado, vanilla, dairy farm, tweezers.”

Example 2: in the category “cozy fireplace” are the 4 correct words “barbecue, heater, boots, sun.”

Example 3: in the category “getting married” is “ride horses, flash mob, masquerade, tattoo.”

RUINED the game for me. Ruined it. Thanks for designing a flawed game that will eat up all my coins and force me to watch 15 videos before I can succeed.


Love this app but…

I love going through the daily puzzles! My bf and i do them and it adds some joy in our day to day. I do however hate the addition of the Connected puzzle. NYT Connections is hard enough and I don’t need a knock-off version of it on here. There are also way too many ads. It’s infuriating at times when I’m constantly bombarded with ads and My final criticism is that the system for collecting coins and XP is very annoying. Just create a button where I can collect both at once for all completed quests and I’ll be happy as a clam. Axe Connected, decrease amount of ads, and improve prize collection system please! I still love EverydayPuzzles tho 🫶


Enjoying this app a lot except 1 caveat

So as the title says I really am enjoying EverydayPuzzles. The ads arent as intrusive as many others if the same type and the rank up system is pretty fair in time played vs ads watched. My only gripe is there are a few ads that pop up (mainly peacock) that turn off any music I’m listening to even with silent mode enabled. I like to play this before I fall asleep and having to restart my music over and over gets annoying.


Connections Game ruined it

I love love love EverydayPuzzles. It was a 5 star until the new puzzle was added. It is the perfect array of games to ads. The games are fun. I love games that are similar to the new “connections” puzzle. The connections however in these puzzles rarely make sense. They are either too obscure, or make no sense at all. I like the concept of the game, but they really need to work on it more. I even put all the words into a program built to find the connections and it couldn’t find them either.


Fun, but ads are straight up malicious.

I’m a sucker for achievements and cheesing my way through games by watching ads. My issue isn’t that there are ads, but that many of them are blatant scams that shouldn’t be illegal. The kind of ads that redirect you to a fake looking page pretending to run a virus scan. The scam ads have aggressive redirects and make loud beeps even when your volume is down. It’s crazy to me that these types of ads are legal to run. The games are fun though. Like the dollar store version of New York Times games, but you can go really far back and play all the games from months earlier so there’s tons of game play available to you. This is the best value for daily puzzle apps that I’ve found, but seriously those scam ads have made me stop playing any time I get a good run going.


Mostly good… mostly.

A near flawless app I play every day. However, as more games get added, it becomes a drag trying to achieve the daily star, now having to do ten puzzles to get it. I would propose you need to do 7/8 out of the 10 to achieve the star for the day. In addition, the most recent game, categories, is one of the worst puzzle games I have played. Unlike the NYT version, there are no stipulations just spellings and things like that (a few days ago one of the categories was, “words that have double O’s). The hints and retries on that puzzle are also wildly overpriced for how often they need used to combat the increased difficulty from the NYT one, since 4 mistakes, same as on NYT, is all you get. Overall I do still play every day, and I enjoy, but being forced to do ALL of them, especially the one I loathe, to earn the daily star is too much.


The game is okay, but…

I deleted it because it kept showing me offensive ads. You can spend money to get rid of the ads, but they ask too much money for the quality of the game, IMO. I don’t mind watching ads, but they need to be innocuous. That’s not an impossible ask - I’ve been playing Puzzle Pages every day for over five years now, and most days I watch the maximum number of ads to earn tokens to keep playing: 19 ads for 95 tokens. None of the ads I’ve ever seen in Puzzle Pages have ever offended me, but I’ve been seeing the same disgusting ad 3-4 times per day in Everyday Puzzles. I’ve repeatedly rated the ad “Bad,” but I still keep seeing it, and it’s so awful it makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Well, I need my eyes. I don’t need this game, so I deleted it. Shame, really, because it was kinda fun. Not enough fun to get me to pay $14 for it, but not bad.


Great game, but…no buts!

UPDATE!! Not buts about it, this is a great game! The fixed the one problem I had with it. I didn’t get the 1,000 coins the developer mentioned, but it’s ok because I figured out the game.

Hashtag help! Each letter is moved with one other letter. So each puzzle can be won with plenty of moves remaining. if you see two yellow letters in a word, switch those two. Nine times out of 10 that is a correct move. If you see only one yellow letter in a word, try to find that letter in a different word to switch with. If you make a wrong move, it might be easier to switch them back so you can keep them straight. If you switch a letter correctly, both letters turned green with the switch. Definitely my new favorite game!

Love this game! I love that some of the puzzles are a little bit different. The hashtag and tangle are my favorite. They are more challenging, but still fun. The hashtag drives me crazy though. If you get too many moves wrong, you can’t win the game without using coins. I don’t care so much about “winning” as I do finishing. Either make the add more moves cheaper, allow ads to be used, include a reset button like the tangle game, or take points away, but let us finish the game!


Needs some tweaks

While I enjoy and sometimes get frustrated by the variety of puzzles. There are some things in games that I think would make them more enjoyable.
For example: In Connection, if it would let you know that you are one away, as the NYT game does, instead of having to spend a coin every time for a hint. It gives one a sense of at least being on the right track.

In Sudoku, I wish there were more errors allowed. My sister just taught me how to play it, and the number of times that I have it the wrong number by accident, due to angle of my tablet while playing or trying to remember which numbers that I am playing in that line or grid. I struggle with numbers due to a health condition that is starting to worsen, and while Sudoko is gray therapy, I have to constantly recheck the numeric order because my brain doesn’t want to retain it

And finally, in the Anygram, it would be great to see a word list that one created that weren’t in the puzzle, but got points for. A small thing , but I love word games and that is a small thing I like to review.

Otherwise I love the games and get great enjoyment from playing them, both alone or as couple time with my husband. They are quick, sometimes very challenging almost to point of frustration, and sometimes just quick and rewarding.

( I do have the premium version, but I bought that by accident and my husband hasn’t let me forget it).


For an older audience, probably.

This game is without a doubt geared towards an older audience. On clatter alone today, topics ranged from "grace jone's role in Conan the barbarian", "budd the barefoot runner", and "singer Nat king". For anyone interested, Conan is from the 80s, budd was a runner also from the 80s, and Nat King died in the 60s. Needless to say, I didn't finish it.
The most current question I've seen is from legally blonde and guardians of the galaxy, and I don't know anyone younger than me who even slightly cares about either of those. I'm 26, and I haven't been able to enjoy any of the word puzzles simply because all of the references are for people my parent's age and older. It actually makes those sections rather unplayable. I suppose if you enjoy retro media, this game is still for you. But if you're like me and you don't, it probably won't be very enjoyable. I know it must be hard to try and cater to such a wide audience, but perhaps simply having different levels for different age ranges, or even stating the target audience would be nice.


Challenging Fun for Brain Health

I love the variety of puzzles to play! Been playing for about 2 weeks. I play several different puzzles daily. EverydayPuzzles does not disappoint! I have my favorites and I like to play both regular and hard modes. Idon’t mind the ads as the developers must pay for this free (to us)game in some way. I love the badges, leveling up & challenges to be met. The only game I’m not fond of is Sudoku so I just skip that one altogether. To each his own. My favorites are Anygram, Both Crosswords, Cladder & Word Search. But I like the others, as well. Thank you for developing an app that is much appreciated for health reasons and just plain FUN!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Is Everyday Puzzles Safe?

Yes. Everyday Puzzles: Mini Games is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 5,294 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Everyday Puzzles Is 39.7/100.

Is Everyday Puzzles Legit?

Yes. Everyday Puzzles: Mini Games is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 5,294 Everyday Puzzles: Mini Games User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Everyday Puzzles Is 59.2/100..

Is Everyday Puzzles: Mini Games not working?

Everyday Puzzles: Mini Games works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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