- Reading list and book organizer to add all the books you've discovered and create custom reading lists for print books, ebooks, and audiobooks.
- Reading tracker to track all your print books, Kindle ebooks, and Audible audiobooks in one place, use the Reading Timer to track how much time you spend on each reading session, and mark the number of read pages when ending a reading session.
- Book stats to get personalized book stats, analytics, and tips on your reading behavior such as completed reading sessions, total read pages, average read pages per hour, estimated completion date for a book based on your reading speed, longest reading session, reading streaks, and daily graph of time spent reading.
- Goal tracker to build a reading habit by setting up a daily reading goal and start your own reading challenge to stimulate yourself to read more.
- Reading journal and book scanner in your pocket to plan a reading habit, turn your phone into an intelligent portable book scanner allowing you to digitize your books and keep all highlights and book notes in one place, scan and read later, voice to text, and design inspirational quotes.
- Two PRO subscriptions to level up your reading: $8.99 billed monthly and $59.99 billed annually.