Like A Dino! Reviews

Like A Dino! Reviews

Published by on 2023-11-23

About: Simple, fun and clean! Like Dino! ※ Please note, the game information and
data could be deleted and not be restored if you delete the application. ※
Game information and data cannot be transferred to other devices.

About Like A Dino

※ Please note, the game information and data could be deleted and not be restored if you delete the application.

※ Game information and data cannot be transferred to other devices.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 178,197 combined software reviews.

380 Like A Dino Reviews

4.9 out of 5


This is literally the best game ever!

I really truly love this game. It’s helped me be calmer and happier and the music is so so cute! I recommend this game to anyone and everyone. My boyfriend had it and told me to get it, so I did, and here I am obsessed with it. We’ve been competing with each other to see who can get a better score on some of the songs, or who can unlock them all first, and it’s so much fun. I’ve read some of the more bad reviews, saying that they miss the giraffe, but I didn’t have it when it was that, so I don’t know about it. What I do know is that instead of getting all pissy and mad, people should have been more kind about it. Like “hey, I miss the other skins. I think you should add them back or have a wardrobe option so you can switch to them.” Something like that, or just, get over it. Things change and you can’t do anything about it. The developers obviously spent a lot of time to make the game the way the wanted it to be, and frankly, it seems to have gotten more popular with the dinos and the cute little love story. I can’t wait to see what the “coming soon” option is, as part of me secretly hopes it’s a baby dino or something. I really really truly adore this cute game. 5 stars all the way. It’s so cute!!


I think we all need more

This game originally caught my eye whilst browsing through LikeADino Store. I wanted to find a game for traveling 6 hours from one state to another, and nothing seemed appealing. The beautiful app icon excited me and looked like an aesthetic game. The download was quick and I was playing in only a couple minutes. When I opened LikeADino , everything looked so welcoming and sweet. The dinosaur was so adorable and the font was perfect for the game. When I started, the music was so calming and happy. I really love the music, and often find myself humming the tunes of the song. I decided to introduce it to my mom because I thought she would like it, but boy, I didn’t expect her to get so addicted! She’s obsessed and really good. We both play it and compare scores. Within a couple weeks, my mom had unlocked all the songs and was pretty great. When the new update came, we were ecstatic! It’s wholesome and you don’t have to worry about your children getting ahold of profanity or inappropriate content. It’s great for the entire family and really cute. My entire family would love to see more and see it flourish. I really love you, super_toki! Keep being amazing, and keep creating!!


Very Cute

This was recommended to me a couple months ago but I didn't look into it since it didn't look like my type of game. Skip to a couple months later, I was bored and scrolling through LikeADino Store for some cute lil apps to check out when I stumbled upon LikeADino again. I decided to download and check it since I had nothing better to do to waste my time and I did not regret it. This game is a very cute game, although the music is the type I don't normally listen to, I surprisingly really enjoyed it and it fits really well with the gameplay. Every time you unlock a costume, it unlocks a dialogue of Dino's love story which I love and the coins needed to purchase the songs and costumes are fairly easy to get, you just need to play the game. The gameplay itself wasn't that difficult and I was quickly able to get the hang of it and even if you aren't good at it, you get three lives per round. Overall, this game is a simplistic but very cute and fun game. (Honestly, I kind of enjoy the simplicity of the game since some games seem to give too many tasks and tend to overcomplicate things. This was a nice change of pace.)


Love It❤️

I had literally bought this game today and instantly fell in love with it. The game is very well designed and user friendly. Along with the fact it doesn’t need WiFi and does not have ads popping up everywhere. The game is absolutely fantastic. It deserves every 5/5 stars I’m giving it. Highly recommend. Fantastic app. 🤩 But I do have one concern not about the game but the people playing it. So before I got the game of course I read the reviews and they were mostly great except the ones mentioning a giraffe. Now I didn’t get the game til’ after the update but it seems everyone who had wrote a bad review is over dramatic about the update. Yes I can understand that it would be a little upsetting for that to happen but why be soo upset about a game. Have any of the bad reviewers considered that fact that maybe the creator had to change it for a reason. Or maybe something came up that would cause him to change it. I’m just saying that it’s not worth getting all worked up about. But that’s my only complaint. So please everyone understand. Thank you for reading all of this even though it’s long. 🙂


Where to begin with this game :))))))

I don’t have more than maybe 2 games on any of my devices because of storage but this is by far one of the games I need to find space for. I don’t even find it as a game because it calms me down a lot more than anything else. My youngest sister always love just getting coins to finish the marriage. One time I asked her to come on a walk with me but instead she decided to yell, “but what about Dina and Dino? I need to know if she says yes!!” at me. My friends, my brother and I have a little competition going seeing who could get the highest score and right now my brother is in the lead. He had almost over 2k which is really impressive seeing as my family barely wins anything. I know not everyone likes it but I love it and I think everyone should try it. The Dinos are adorable and I love the animation style. I especially like how it’s for all ages because it such an easy game. It’s one of the weirdest things I’ve been obsessed with because it is literally a little game where you move a dinosaur by it’s neck. I could spend hours and hours on this game. I highly recommend :)


This game is basically perfect

This game is such a great time passer. It is so hard to find a mobile game with no ads. Everything you try to do you have to watch an ad! But like a Dino is the complete opposite! It’s literally the perfect game! Cute characters, cute storyline, cute songs, no invading obnoxious ads, and it only takes up a very small amount of storage! If you are having doubts about downloading, check the 1 star reviews. It’s literally just little kids mad because they died on the game. Which is not the games fault. Some reviews are about how the game had giraffes but they updated the game and took them away. But in my opinion, the Dino’s are just as cute, maybe cuter! Those people are the only reason why LikeADino doesn’t have 5 stars. It’s at 4.9 and you can make it go up to 5! I really recommend this game and I hope you enjoy playing!

I just realized that I sound like an ad bot or sum but I’m not I’m just a kid leaving this review for more indecisive kids like me who will get a game a delete it a week after. You won’t regret or delete this one, I can almost promise that! Have a nice day!!


Download or the teddy gets it 🧸🔫👿

This game is…. Absolutely amazing! I don’t even know what to say. First off this game has amazing cute little music! The music is really nice! And the little love story is just mwah! Chefs kiss! I love the love story and how with the love story you unlock little characters for money! The girl Dino and boy Dino are both soooo cuteeeeeeee!!! But I do have a suggestion for the girl Dino! They could put little hearts on the neck and face like for the face on the nose and for the neck on the sides like this 💕 💕 but the second heart was lower! I think this is a good idea because it would continue the pattern all the way up giving you that little feeling of delight. For the boy Dino I also highly suggest that you do the same thing but with the ones on the face you put them on his forehead! Again I think this would be really cute and continue the pattern giving you that nice fuzzy feeling. If you don’t like it I understand because it can get very fast pace. This is getting long so I’ll wrap it up here. It’s amazing and you should download! Have a good day! 😀 Download or the teddy gets it! 🧸🤚🔫👿



This game has got to be one of the cutest games I’ve ever played in a while I love it so much if you look cute with a game especially if you love music or games it’s a song that I can never get out of my head is like a Dino the first oneI to I love that one so much just because it’s like the first thing and stuff I love like a dino just because of the love story like it’s more than just a Music game it’s a game where there’s more to it there’s love stories there’s babies and it’s just so cute I can’t wait to unlock all the characters in it because I am so excited!My parents don’t understand why I got it in the first place and now they see me sing in the song every time and they’re like what happened to you what is that game due to you and I’m just like it’s such a good game and I guess like a Dino it’s just stuck in my head because I’m thinking in my head now thank you so much for creating this but I feel like we need to just a pinch more things other than that this is so great so good and if you love this game then you should tell me somehow someway because I love it to!🥺🥰👍


Little cute Dino

OK can we just talk about this game this is so cute so I was doing a challenge that I had to keep one game on my phone that was my friends favorite game One of my friends favorite game was this Dino game and now I’m obsessed I’ve been playing this game for 10 minutes and let’s just say I’m obsessed my high score right now is 450 and I’m really looking to get to 750 my friend is at 750 so I’m trying to beat that this is literally such a cute game and I was reading some of the bad comments and they were saying that they were missing like the giraffe and stuff but I personally didn’t know this game when they had the giraffes I guess they had different skins but personally I think that this game is amazing and I think it became more popular with the Dino because the dinos are so cute Diana and the Dino are so cute like I literally love them I’m also really excited for the coming up in the love story the coming soon personally I hope it’s a little baby Dino that’s why I titled this cute little cute Dino because it’s so cute but I definitely gave this a five star bc it’s so cute


like a giraffe

not only is this game super fun it is also very relaxing!!!!!! i love how the giraffe is very cute and fun and the music is so upbeat and will get you in a good mood. there are so many different animals too! i love this game so much and the music is very fun and calming to listen to, i really enjoy playing it. sometimes i don’t like games because they get really hard, but this game is sometimes easy which adds to the enjoyment and makes it more relaxing! another thing i love about this game is how when you mess up, it saves your points and lets you try a few more times. I really like this feature because sometimes i get so annoyed when you mess up once and it makes you redo it (on other apps). one more feature i love is how there are barely any ads!!!! i really like this because it’s less enjoyable when apps have ads, and i will most likely delete apps with adds because again, i just don’t enjoy it. but this game, i can play for hours without being bored and i love it so much!!! if you are thinking about getting it i would reccomend 100%!!!!!!!


This game relives my therapy!!! 💗💗

So I first found this game when me and my brother and sister where trying to find games that don’t require internet to use if you know what I mean because we where going on a plane from Mississippi to Pennsylvania so yea we where gonna be bored and let me tell y’all as soon as I hit the return button this was the first thing that popped up and I have to say I am really impressed that I was able to find such an amazing game like there arnt a lot so basically the whole point of this review is just to say that y’all will never find a more perfect game than this like when I am stressed I like to play this game there is just sum thing about if that just makes it so amazing!!! So if have a lot of stress and you need to relive it I would definitely recommend this game !!!! And so now basically my whole family plays this so yea thanks to the creator of this game you really have done it hope you are going well and just keep up the good work!!! You deserve it!!! 💞💖💕💜 Soo funn omgggg I just can’t stop saying it!!! AHHHH!!!!❤️✨💘🌶💓🥵🥎


Like a Dino is literally my therapy

It’s so calming I love the music and the love story is the best thing since sliced bread i made a review account just to review this game I love how low stress it is and how whenever you mess up it tells you that it’s ok and how no ones perfect It’s gust a game where a Dino's neck grows and it’s a serotonin rush to see how happy the Dino is with his new neck when your games over I just started playing this game yesterday but I’ve already played for 10 hours (I have a problem) it’s so incredibly calming and whenever I play I get a huge serotonin rush I can’t even put it into words the correct way I love how it tells you that the tempo is speeding up so your never left in the dark about anything and as a control freak I appreciate that very greatly I love how it doesn’t use any weird technique to get coins from I love how it’s just how many points you get is how many coins you get instead of it being like other games where you get 20 coins for getting 200 points thank you so so much for making this game and basically making my therapy ♥️🦕



So I think this game is really good and it helps me relieve my stress so I recommend this game the music is is VERY catchy so beware you’ll be do do do do do do do dooooing for days hah I wanna push myself to get to a high score of maybe even 1000 my score right now is around 570 and that was only like my fifth round and it’s not even one of those matching the things games so also beware Of the fake game this one is the real thing and this game used to be called like a giraffe but it had other really cute characters but now it’s called like a Dino and I just Love the love story in between when you buy the characters and yes some of them r expensive but trust me you get 1,000 coins just for watching a video or an add but yes I highly recommend this game and I mostly look at the reviews before I download something only if I know what it is I’ve known about this game for a while but I just got it on my iPad so if you look at these reviews I bet you would see a buck of great stuff about this game ok well I hope you have a good day or night God bless bye


The best game ever.👏🤩👏😎🏆🏆

Ok to start let’s talk about the adds there are NONE LIKE AT ALL I think that cool about a game because most of the time I get games and the adds just ruin it I have been playing for like an hour and I have hit no adds at all.
Next is the music I love the upbeat happy music! I think it’s very nice for if your having a bad day play this game and that music will fix your day for sure! Ok next is the quality this is such a good quality game and I’m not even kidding I downloaded it and I played once and lost but then I realized oh your supposed to do this instead it’s very easy to understand with one or two tries. Next is the CUTENESS OF THIS GAME!! This has gotta be the cutest game I have ever played like it’s so cute the little Dino in it is the cutest I have ever seen! Also the colors I love how simple it is white like one color but different shades. Altogether this game has earned a good 5 stars⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ the creator of this game is awesome and very creative make sure to check out like a dog to it’s just as cute lol well that is my review bye!


Favorite Mobile Game

I’ve played a lot of mobile games, but this one is perfect is every way, especially if you’re looking for something to do in a waiting room or on a road trip. It’s such an adorable and wholesome game, with every song titled encouraging messages. The songs are cute and make me happier just hearing them. I haven’t been playing long, but I doubt it would be possible to rage quit, as the in-game atmosphere is just so sweet. Even the words that pop up on the screen as you almost miss a note are encouraging!! As I’m learning the game, I’ve hit the notes multiple times in ways that would pop up “Bad” or “Okay”, but this game says “Super Duper” or “Brilliant” or “Wonderful”. It’s crazy how such a small change makes me love this game so much more and how much the words we tell ourselves or even a game tells us affect our moods. Everything about this simple game is amazing. It’s better than a lot of rhythm games in LikeADino Store, and is currently my personal favorite because of its simplicity and cute theme.


Good game

It’s an awesome game but there’s supposed to be music in it and I can’t hear it when I play so that’s what makes it a four-star for me but if I could hear the music it would definitely be a five star there’s a bunch of different dinosaur skins it gives you three lives the skins are not expensive it’s fun to get different high scores beat your high score you get three free skins so I think that’s really nice and then it’s like a game that you can play when you’re traveling I love that I played it on a 3 Hour Drive and I also played it everyday this weekend. I think it’s an awesome game and it’s really easy I love that it has speed ups when you made it to Like I guess a high score. I love beating my high score I think I already said that but whatever it’s relaxing it doesn’t really make people rage which is great and ever since I downloaded LikeADino I have been playing it nonstop most of the skins are 1000 coins or 2000 coins and that’s actually not that hard to earn so. I think it’s great if your parents get LikeADino for your kids if you’re kid get LikeADino for yourself



This game made my heart grow by ten inches I bet it is so cute love it and always will! In this game there is no adds witch is amazing but to get a thousand dollars you have to watch an add or you can keep playing the game till you get a thousand but I don’t care about that. This game just made me feel super good inside the create must be super creative because I would of never thought of a game like this with some much fun and catchy music. It’s so a,axing I can’t explain it! Though other people may think this game isn’t that great I say it is. I don’t know if there are adds like I said there weren’t any but I’m a beginner. One of the reasons I told you I was a beginner was to tell you I haven’t played super long yet but that doesn’t mean I know that much less. I went to look at the reviews on LikeADino and saw all 5 stars so I got it and I say carry on with the 5 stars this is a great app I cant explain how much I love it. So if your trying to decide to get LikeADino I say you should but again this is only my opinion.



Ok reasons why u should play this game
Reason 1:CUTE appp also has a BEAUTIFUL love story
Reason2:pretty easy to defeat the fist level and also the design is really cute I love there animation with the little Dino:)
Third:it like a story where it’s like :0 I need to find my love so the green Dino keeps building up so he can find its love
Idk the ending sooooo but if they don’t have that ending I think they should because it would probably be really cute I hope they could also had some texts when u keep getting a new score like it was be probably really awesome for most people like keep going u got this! Never give up u will beat this score soon! Like it’s like hyping u up so u can play this game a lot more often I think it would be a awesome game for ascetic people or little children that likes dinosaurs that are cute I also love the love story agiain beacuseee I barley see people having love story’s on there games and yeah I hope I can see u people again who are reading this luv it<3!


It’s amazing and you should definitely download it!

This game is so simply fun. It not to to hard but it’s also not to simple and I love that about it! Whenever I’m sad or feeling down I go to this game, because all of the adorable characters and peppy upbeat music just puts a smile on my face! I don’t know how anyone could ever be sad playing this. I love how their are multiple characters and different songs so that you could change it up every once and a while and won’t get bored with it. The game works very smoothly and I’ve never had any technical problems with it. I also was very satisfied by the fact that there weren’t ads every 5 seconds. It made it much more enjoyable. You did and extraordinary job on this game toki. I really hope you keep up the good work and keep getting better and better at doing what you love. Thanks a bunch for making this game because it’s really helped me. And to whoever’s else reading this I hope you enjoy the game!


Very good!

I absolutely love how cute and simple this game is!!!! All the characters are very happy and adorable, and the music is peppy and lively! I absolutely recommend this game! Also considering that you really don’t have to learn how to play it, as it pretty much explains itself. The game is not complex, and me and my cousin play it all the time! I definitely love this game and recommend it for anyone who is interested! :>

Two Weeks later:

Hi Like a Giraffe I wrote that review a while ago. Now that like a Dino has taken over I don’t play as often, I’m considering deleting LikeADino , and many of my friends and other reviewers can agree with me. I don’t want to be rude, I really don’t, but the Giraffe better come back. Like a Dino was a good idea, but there is something about the Giraffe that the Dino does not have. Like magic. Woah I sound really fake sorry hehe, but anyway, I love the Giraffe, and recommend you add a Giraffe as a character or change it back. I give the update 2 stars.


Cute and addictive!

I’ll be honest with you folks, I’m nearly 49 years old and pretty picky about what games I have on my phone. I don’t have any music games at all - except for this one. The icon caught my attention first…nothing fancy, not complicated, just a picture of Dino. Very cute!

Then, I read the reviews. Like others, I wasn’t here for the giraffe, so I don’t know why those reviews were bad when they took that out. I’m glad I missed the giraffe, or I too might have been angry lol! But on the whole, the reviews were VERY positive from people of all ages, but mostly kids. Then their parents got hooked, so I knew it wasn’t JUST a kids game.

Finally, I saw that it took up very little space. So I downloaded it and gave it a try. I’m not sorry I did! I could easily end up playing for hours with that dang tune in my head all day! When a game is that addicting, it’s definitely a plus for me! Over all, I think this game is adorable and I highly recommend it! It’s not JUST for the kids! 🤣😍


This game is amazing!🤩

My friend Namia has this game, and I made a bet with my brother, and he actually got me the game, and when I played it for the first time, I was amazed! The game was great, and now my babysister has a new fun game, and it’s okay if she does anything, the game is fun, the graphics’ are adorable😍, and lastly I love the game, it’s just so entertains, and I literally got addicted to it right away when I saw my friend have this game, I asked her what the game was, and so U asked her if I could play it, she said yes, and I started playing it and got addicted to it, and now I have a new favorite game! Lets’ just hope my Asian mom doesn’t find out that
I have an addiction/ distraction!🤫. But the game is great! We need more games’ that include these dinos’, like maybe a game where they travel to find more Dino friends’, but still yeah the game is great, and to the game creator, this is a shout out, no matter how old this game is🥹, people still love it man/gurl, so this game is awsome! I love it so much, that I can’t stop typing, but now is the end, goodbye to whoever is reading this.

Is Like A Dino Safe?

Yes. Like A Dino! is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 178,197 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.9/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Like A Dino Is 75.5/100.

Is Like A Dino Legit?

Yes. Like A Dino! is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 178,197 Like A Dino! User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Like A Dino Is 100/100..

Is Like A Dino! not working?

Like A Dino! works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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