Color Flow 3D Reviews

Color Flow 3D Reviews

Published by on 2023-12-14

About: What you see is what you get. Extremely easy to play yet not that easy to give

About Color Flow 3D

Extremely easy to play yet not that easy to give up.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 32,830 combined software reviews.

20 Color Flow 3D Reviews

4.4 out of 5


Another unoriginal, ad-filled “game”

This is one of those games that seems like it could be interesting and fun at surface view, and then you download it and find that there are maybe 10 different level layouts at most just get recycled every other level. After you play the first 10 levels, you’ve pretty much seen all there is to see. I also noticed that ColorFlow3D is extremely battery heavy, as it drained the life out of my phone extremely fast with no other apps running in the background. Because of the use of battery, it also makes your device really hot, so be careful when playing. If you really enjoy this for some reason, I’d recommend playing while on a charger. And if you were unsure about the amount of ads, just read everyone else’s reviews, cause it’s true. After pretty much every single level there’s an ad, so again, if you really want to play this “game,” and you don’t want to deal with all the ads, play on airplane mode. I played one level on WiFi, got a 30 second ad, and immediately switched to airplane mode and boom, not a single ad in sight. There is one level that I had to turn WiFi back on so that I could skip it though because it was literally impossible. The map layout was *just* edited enough for the colors to not move at all and you couldn’t actually beat the level no matter how hard you tried.

TLDR; not fun, 10 level layouts at most, coveted in ads, eats your battery


Only Exists for Ads

ColorFlow3D exists solely to show you ads. I mean that genuinely. The levels are uninteresting and uninspired, and could successfully be completed by a lobotomized monkey. The game draws you in with it’s ads that show a complex, decently designed level, but that’s not what you get with the actual game. It’s about as fun as watching paint dry; the answer to each level is clear to you in under a second or so, and then you just have to painfully wait for the paint to get to the bottom. Each level takes me maybe 30, a minute at best. I went through 35 levels and only one required any amount of thought from me. There were multiple levels that were exact copies of earlier levels, that I ended completing 3 or 4 times each, just with a different colored fluid each time. Then, after every level or 2, they make you watch an ad. I’m seeing 2-3 ads every 5 minutes, if not more. It’s painful, and there are absolutely no redeeming qualities for this game. It simply exists to force you to watch as many ads as fast possible before you can’t take it anymore and delete ColorFlow3D .


Easy, dull and boring

I have seen a lot of ads for this game and I finally downloaded it. In the ads it shows hard, complicated levels where you actually have to work to complete them. That is wrong and misleading. It says 4+, but It would take a brainless 3 year old to be challenged by this game. Every level is just as easy as the last, sometimes I think that they are just reusing levels because the creators are so dull and un-creative that they can’t think of a new, challenging level. I gave ColorFlow3D until level 45, but then the over easy levels and constant ads (the ads are not the only issue, so turning off WiFi won’t make this game any better) became too much and I instantly deleted it. If your into easy dull games than ColorFlow3D is the game for you, otherwise - don’t waste your time.
P.s. looking through all the reviews for this ad, most of the reviews are negative - there is no way that the average is 4.4/5 stars. Something doesn’t add up


You knew

When you got this game you knew what you were getting into. One of THESE games, that are meant to be “satisfying” and “relaxing” but also “strategic.” They have buzzwords meant to come up in searches like “color” and “3D” in the name. You saw so many ads for it, you decided to get it, but the ads make the game look better than it is. These games (if they can be considered games when they don’t have challenge or reward) are mind numbingly easy, are packed with ads, and are an obvious cash grab from a huge developer making other cash grab games exactly like this with slightly different concepts. This game fits the mold perfectly. Get it if you just want something new to do on your device, but don’t get too stressed out over it (not that you will, the difficulty never leaves the tutorial level.) Enjoy it for the two days you have before you inevitably end up deleting it.


It needs a lot of polishing

Here’s a “pull-the-pin puzzle game that needs a lot of work, but has potencial to be good. I played until level 111, when I realized it was all repetitive and, to be honest, I played it on airplane mode, because I know how these apps get. It wasn’t a bad game, but the technical issues were bigger than the experience. When having too many color droplets acting together, my phone felt like it was going to blow up, plus, the frame-rate felt like in the single digits. At one point, ColorFlow3D crashed, because it was just too much for my phone. Sure, I have an iPhone x, but my wife has a 13 and in her phone, it did the same! The drag-bars/levers are really sluggish, in responding. There’s a clear lack of multi-touch; something that’s been second-nature for years, now. So, ho back to your studio, guys and polish this game, please!


Pretty much what i expected

Pretty, fun timewaster thats clearly designed to serve u as many ads as possible. Levels that make u think are few and far between. Most take all of two seconds and many are just slightly changed copies. Overheated my phone pretty fast, my battery was draining even plugged in. Got to level 63 (took about thirty minutes), too much liquid froze the game. Closed ColorFlow3D , and it got stuck at a black screen and never opened again. Not the worst way to spend half an hour but this seems more like a pitch for a much better game than a game itself.
Mostly stuck with it because the liquid physics and aesthetics are pretty.


An empty, ad-ridden experience

This game is totally littered with ads, and unfortunately there isn’t enough substance to the puzzles to make up for it. You will be given an ad at least every two levels, and the levels will never take you more than a few seconds to complete. Out of 15 levels, there was ONLY ONE that I didn’t know exactly how to solve within 1 second of looking at it—and that one exception only took two seconds to completely figure out. Several of the levels cannot even be considered puzzles because the entire solution is laid out for you and only waiting for you to push a button and watch as it solves itself. Overall the game feels very hollow, and the frequency of the ads added to that makes it almost unbearable to play.



I saw ColorFlow3D on Facebook, looked interesting enough to play just to pass time. But there is literally an ad after every level. There are even ads within the levels themselves. How do you expect players to maintain interest if you are showing them ads for other games and those ads last longer than the actual levels? I know people have much shorter attention spans these days, but the minute I see an ad after opening the game for 10 seconds, I don’t want to play anymore. Absolutely not worth it and I would not pay for the “no ad” version of this game because it is literally the simplest concept ever and not worth the money.


Don't waste your time (most 5 stars are fake)

Almost all of these 5 stars are payed or fake. Even for a time waster this game is terrible.

To put it simply, it's easy, has too many ads, and drains your phone.

I have played this for around 20 minutes. My phone was at 100% when I started and it was at around 70% when I finished. My phone is old but this is not normal in the slightest, even with that in mind. ALSO, YOU GET 3 ADS ACROSS 4 LEVELS. Sometimes I see games that give you ads every 5-6 levels, BUT AFTER ALMOST EVERY SINGLE LEVEL? Bit much.

Now, as for the gameplay: unoriginal. Extremely simple levels. Almost all levels are exact duplicates. I have found one level that puzzled me for about two seconds before I noticed I didn't see part of it. it's not even a good time waster because you spend half your time looking at ads. The little time you play on the game just makes you question your life decisions and you wonder why you downloaded this when you were drunk 3 nights ago.

If youre looking for a time waster, there are countless other games out there. Just dont get this one.


A mindless cash-grab

This is one of the infinite apps out there that has an intriguing premise but is ultimately an ad machine. The levels rarely require more than an iota of brain power (or self-respect) to complete, so you finish a level in about 5 seconds to watch an ad longer than 30 seconds (and ads play between almost every level). The game definitely isn’t optimized in any way either, my phone started heating up and freezing a bit after maybe 20 minutes (iPhone X). So if you don’t mind constant ads and want something to kind of visually distract you for a bit, go for it. Personally not sure where the 5 star reviews are coming from.


Advertisement Hell

This game is ridden with ads. You get an ad after pretty much every level, you can't even pay for no ads if you wanted to. I would consider keeping it if each level was challenging and took more than 5 seconds to solve. If the "puzzles" needed a minute or so to solve I could probably put up with the ads.... ColorFlow3D is cancerous to children who we be bombarded with ads and links. I know that a lot of quick game apps are put together solely to make money on ads, but the devs on this put zero thought into actual game design. Sure, I downloaded it....but am deleting after playing for 5 minutes. WASTE OF TIME AND SPACE THIS IS!!!

TLDR: Avoid ColorFlow3D, the game is boring and you get way too many ads.



Looked cool at first, love the physics and aesthetic of the game, sadly no matter how far you progress the levels don’t get harder, more complex, or introduce more aspects to the game. It seems the developers started with a great idea but never took it to its full potential. They just did a lot of copy paste work and changed the color combinations to add more levels.

Like many other reviews say it drains battery like crazy and is a bit oppressive with the advertisements. You might be able to accept these negatives if the game got better and kept you interested but it feels like you are in an endless tutorial for a cool game that never starts.


Please read

If you read the description, it says “extremely easy to play”. They weren’t lying. It doesn’t help that ads pop up every two seconds! If you’re going to pester the players like that, make the game itself worth playing. The concept is awesome, but it’s easy to solve the puzzle.

And to those people who say “come on turn off wifi” or “you're jealous”? Please. Come on! Instead of assuming just say your opinion? Turning off WiFi doesn’t always work, btw.

I absolutely love the experience, but just please please please add more levels that are difficult, and tone it down on the ads?


I LOVE IT....But

So I LOVE LOVE LOVE this game it’s super awesome and fun be like very two levels an add pops up and I’m like ugh and it’s the same add over and over and over again☹️
I hate to write negative reviews about games it’s just not ok to have a add like every 10 seconds also I have a suggestion I feel like you should have to mix the colors to put in the cup thing😄
I was hoping you would keep it in mid please 😉

P.S I really love the game so much I will scream😆



First Of all this game is super addicting and I have been playing it for a while. But it drains your battery super fast so I would recommend playing this game while plugged in to a charger. It also has a lot of ads so I would recommend playing this game on airplane mode. Next, after this first like 10 levels you have pretty much seen it all. It has very few formats and most of it is pretty easy. But I do play it a lot as I said it is very addictive and I play it everyday. But these changes need to be made.


Only good for infants but the predatory ads

This game claims to be hard but it only takes the brain power of trained platypus to beat these the levels start by themselves the physics of this physics based game just barely work and the only thing on this planet that could struggle with its puzzles would be a 3 year old but then there are the ads unstoppable 30 second ads designed to attract children into buying more half made games and after playing 30 ad filled levels you get a reward that you can’t see ever again that you have to watch another 30 second ad to get

TLDR; the game itself is trash and predatory to children


Advertising delivery system

Not much of a game at all honestly. Simply plays upon the desire we’ve all had to play the game we’ve seen advertised so many times for other games that are nothing like said game. Homescapes comes to mind. Though this delivers the same sort of game play, there’s little to no challenge, it’s as if they didn’t even try to make it challenging, they just give you one level to play and then feed you an advertisement. Over and over, some of the levels are so ridiculously simple they can be “solved” in seconds with virtually no effort. Don’t waste your time. Unless you love watching ads.


Boring 😴 and TOO easy

When i was on Instagram i saw this game. it looked pretty fun so i downloaded it. the first few times i played it was easy. so i decided to keep playing until i get to the hard levels. little did i know every single how round that takes me like 1 second to solve gets and ad. there was no use. it was not hard AT ALL and it was boring too. if they could improve the game i think it would be fun. but it says they haven’t updated in two weeks, so i doubt there will be any fixes anytime soon. no use for this game to waste up my space so it is gonna be deleted for now.


Love the game but....NOT

I love the game and the premise of it, but an ad every level? Nope I am not going to support it. No WAY!
App developers take note Ads in your games do two things, first if I see an interesting ad and I go get the game do you think I am going to keep playing YOUR game? Nope I will play the new one.
Second, if you are going to put ads in your games I am going to delete ColorFlow3D . I would rather pay 99 cents or even $1.99. Just think how many thousands of dollars you’re losing by using ads. I am going to start a revolt against developers that use ads. Let’s unite people, and put our foot down against these ridiculous ads!


Great Game!

I have had NO bugs with this game. There are not to many ads, and it is okay that there are some. I know people have to market. I enjoy this game because it has levels then prizes. Good game for many ages as long as they’re old enough to do the puzzles. I would rather have the levels harder, only beat I am a little older. Thank you for this game!!

Is Color Flow 3D Safe?

Yes. Color Flow 3D is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 32,830 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Color Flow 3D Is 84.2/100.

Is Color Flow 3D Legit?

Yes. Color Flow 3D is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 32,830 Color Flow 3D User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Color Flow 3D Is 100/100..

Is Color Flow 3D not working?

Color Flow 3D works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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