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Farmers io Overview

Enter the field, harvest as much as you can, and steal resources from others farmers in this unique snake farming game.

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Product Details and Description of

Enter the field, harvest as much as you can, and steal resources from others farmers in this unique snake farming game. Collect and unlock new resources and levels to become the best Farmer in town!

Top Reviews

By fiishstiicks

Played this games far too long..

I’ve had this game for a month maybe? And I just finished the game to it’s last level. It is buggy and if you make one mistake your done! But me being ocd I had to finish the game no matter what. I enjoyed seeing what’s next and I’d even get so excited I’d rant about it to my boyfriend. May sound weird but it kept my mind off dumb stuff, even if it made me mad sometimes that’s just part of being a game and trying to work with it in my opinion. Something good if you have nothing to do, turn on airplane mode if you want no ads :3 helped me get through some boring doctors appointments and shopping trips

By crazylego67

Good game

Hi I’m just a little concerned about it it glitching and a bug? Also how is just like when you run into your tail by accident it’s not it’s not funny but like when you run into your tail OK so I don’t like how you run into your tail because when you run is your tail you’re not doing it on purpose and also you should be able to go through your tail not others and sometimes people will run enemy or run to their tail but it won’t but they won’t get killed so I don’t get why I get killed and this game is awesome my brother and me love it so this is why I wrote this.

By Zombieman2011

Fun, however, buggy to max at 100%

This app is very fun, as all the I.O’s by VooDoo usually are. However with this one, if you aim to get 100% on every level you may be disappointed at times. Approximately 3/5 times you gather all the crops, and crops from all other players or bots in one farm you’ll be stuck at 99.3 or 99.5 or 99. Some % even when there’s nothing left to gather and all the players only have the tractor and no crop bales. If y’all could fix this it’d be much easier to 100% instead of getting stuck on 99.5% every level.

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