Im a avid gamer if you will, I have put thousands of hours intro triple A studio games such as half life and the COD franchise, thats just to let me a little credibility, now this game in and of itself is rigged. First two games I play I do awesome, every game after that!? Rigger,blatantly. Taking lower ranked areas of the game on is pointless, every time i score big, a opponent will next to always outplay me, wether my score be 1,500 or 15,000, it doesn't seem designed to be fair and balanced, and I noticed the devs regards to these types of reviews, they try and shut you up and reduce your credibility with whistle blower statements and bland arguments, like a big corporation today if you will. Heres a little statistic, on average the “people” will score higher than you 90% of the time, around 80% of the time you earn nothing, , only 20% of your matches will be wins, since “everyone is served the same hand” how come the scores vary so little? They should statistically be dramatically from brain death to elite player, as every game in the planet is. It just smoke and mirrors, no such thing as free money. I will get some automated or personal response from the devs within a few days shooting me down though