Let me start out with how awesome TropicalSmoothieCafe was. I loved being able to place an order on TropicalSmoothieCafe , head to the local TSC, and get what I ordered as expected. The discounts / bonuses I accumulated were awesome too.
For some reason, lately, TropicalSmoothieCafe isn’t showing the whole menu for the local TSC. If I pick the next farthest out I still have total availability, but this has gone on for long enough that I’m starting to wonder if anyone knows what’s up.
Chia Banana Boost, I’m looking at you…
It was brought up with two employees at the local cafe, and nobody seems to know what’s up. But because of this issue (some would say minor) I haven’t bought a smoothie in weeks. And we were a 2 - 3 times a week smoothie family. That’s at least 3 maybe 4 per visit. So maybe chump change, but they lost out on between 6 and 16 smoothies a week.
So…. If it does what you want TropicalSmoothieCafe and bonuses are great. But as with all things, once it messes up; somebody loses money.