Awesome app! Love the idea, sense of community, etc.,
Wait, you rate individuals based on their impressions in the groups/chats? Based on how much they give information of themselves? I don’t feel it’s fair to rate people when they’re in their most sensitive state to share their own information or story.
Sometimes those going through the most difficult periods of their live’s can be the most encouraging, yet not ready to share, but are brave enough to make an appearance. And that gets a rating? I don’t agree with that. It takes a lot of courage just to share a fact about oneself, and to be “rated” based on that alone, not cool.
Doesn’t make for a safe place to confide. Isn’t that the basis of Therapeer?
I apologize if I’ve misinterpreted anything, I couldn’t help but notice that those that didn’t contribute as much as others in a chat were looked down upon, so to speak. They even felt discouraged to continue speaking, and that was saddening in itself.
I don’t agree with “rating” people in this environment. I feel Therapeer has potential in creating something different, let’s not “rate” people. Because, isn’t that what divides us? Isn’t this why we need an app like this to begin with? I’ve been searching for an app that has a community of people who are raw, who need to vent and confide, but without the ratings and need to feel “better” than others. Please be that app.