Company Name: GhostWording
About: Web app which associates to help you find the right words.
Headquarters: London, England, United Kingdom.
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Developer: Emoji Guide
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Get Pricing Info for Comment vous dire ?by Ash242424
The few that are listed are cutely described, but only the very most popular artworks are included. I already knew about most of those :-(
by MicheleJahn
I love the way the information is presented! With a quick moving text, it's sure to interest many age groups from boomers to x-ers to millennials. Beautiful graphics. And I especially love that I can save these incredible and beautiful works of art as pictures to my phone to enjoy later!
by Tibor04
engaging and at times funny. perfect for my impatient 13 year old and 10 year old boys and engrossing for me too! highly recommend this.