Bible · Reviews

Bible Reviews

Published by on 2024-10-23

🏷️ About: The app is a comprehensive Bible app available on mobile devices. It offers access to over 1200 Bibles in all languages. The app includes features such as a daily Bible reading plan, audio Bible, night reading mode, and the ability to customize the reading screen. Users can also keep track of their Bible reading progress, take notes, and highlight chapters.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

🤬 Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 237,769 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- The app sends daily verses that can be helpful for daily inspiration.

- The app is easy to read and understand, making it accessible for those who struggle with older vocabulary.

- The app can help users stay connected with God.

Read 27 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.8 out of 5
Not fully detailed read Genesis in actual bible you’ll see

There is a lot missing within the book of Genesis. God created the world in seven days and all days were listed in the kjv. This one seems limited to the amount it has written within it. It’s accurate to a point. It never shows God creating man or woman. Out the dust is all it explains. Woman was created from man and Eve was created from one of Adams ribs. It never explains this. It’s very important to read the correct word from God and also the full story of everything he has done for all of us. His creation of the world and the heavens. Man and beast and every crawling thing. Light and darkness. It is extremely important to find God and to put him first, but it has to be the correct source. God does not hold back any knowledge of himself and his promises that we are all standing on. You shouldn’t allow someone to shorten your knowledge of God either. God is great, God is good. God is patient and God is kind. God is love and God is understanding. God is all powerful and almighty, God is also forgiving. God wants you to seek him, he wants good things for you, he wants you to succeed. But you have to invite him in and devote your life completely. You have to give him a chance. You have to play your part. Love one another as God has loved you. Seek God my fiends and the whole truth, never settle for less. Bless you all

App deceptive practices avoid

Bible claims to be free and contain easy access to the this app and scripture and then proceeds to ask for a subscription service upfront, when you get past that there are ads and videos every other click.

Every page you look at has an ad on it as well blocking something. There is a clear assumption that if you are trying to monotize your product please make it clear in your description so that the consumer knows what they are in for.

Bait and switch for a program in this category is at the most shameless and sad in itself. I can go to the Christan store downtown and get a this app for free anytime. As it is been since the dark ages of humanity.

The word is the word. Free and true. Please keep it that way and update your app accordingly. If you feel the real need to make some money, especially from a app about our Lord and savior, I suggest in the future to make a donation button at the bottom and a note saying about this button availability when you first start up Bible and after then leave it to us the consumer.

Honestly I understand your need to get paid. We all need it to survive. But in this case as always I am asking you to put it in God's hands and leave it to him to fill your plate with what you need. And he will.


I had the older version it was great! I read daily it had large print so it was easy for a 71 year old to see! It also read the text to me so I could follow along. In the past 4 years I read it thru, cover to cover if that makes sense to you. It was also free, now I don’t mind the 7.99 a month, but this isn’t worth paying for. I understand you are trying to provide Bibles in every language in the world. A great cause, I give to numerous missionaries, but this this app does not meet my needs. I want what I had back. I can’t even read what I am writing here without great difficulty. You or someone using the same icon helped me greatly. Good luck in your future works! What this product is worthless to me! I will contact Bible Store tomorrow to cancel Bible and the subscription!


I had just opened Bible and was in a good mood, feeling generous. No contents or menu had been displayed. There was only a window asking, “Do you like Bible?” There were two choices , thumbs up or thumbs down, with no way of closing the window or of proceeding without answering the question.

I, feeling a glow about me, thought, well, I don’t know yet, but I’ll keep an open mind about how easy it is to navigate, etc.—sure. So I clicked on the thumbs up icon. Then I felt wrong. I thought about it again. I realized that it was wrong to demand a review before Bible had been experienced, before even allowing Bible to be tried.

So I’d like to revise my response. For me, it’s a “thumbs down” until that initial gateway window is removed.

Technical Issue

Bible has many technical issues. Every chapter in this this app app is incomplete. The chapters will either have a few missing verses or an entire missing passage that sometimes shows up in another chapter. Then, the highlighting tools never function properly. My highlights are either completely gone the next day or all of my multi-color highlights have changed to yellow. The best function on Bible for me is the nighttime reading mode. It really helps me read the scriptures without developing eye strains. Bible has great tool overall, they just need to be fixed.

Poor navigation

The good: I had Bible for over 2 years now. It is not my favorite this app app, but I keep it because I have the option to listen to my daily reading plan easily. This is the only reason I have it. Some other good things about it are the ease of choosing and downloading this app versions, and for those who like making memes of this app verses to share, Bible lets you do that.

The bad; Navigation is very, very poor and all over the place. I have countless of times accidentally pressed on the wrong things, exited Bible trying to get to another part of Bible , etc. It is very frustrating.
The this app reading plan I listen to has an error. When August hits, the 4th scripture reading (there are 4 in one day) is wrong and does. It match the actual reading plan. I have contacted support who basically said there’s nothing they can do about it which seems ridiculous to me.

Great App!

The only thing I would change about it is that you can’t highlight/take a note on the commentary that is between the verses, you can only do that for the real verses. Another thing, is you can’t bookmark where you are if you want to read the whole this app, be cause it automatically bookmarks the spot you where last. So if you just started read and you are still in the first chapter, and you want to look at a verse in Mathew then next time you go to read, you are in Mathew, instead of the first chapter. But otherwise, I really do love Bible.


The only reason this this app app isnt a 5 star is simply two reasons . The first reason is because Bible ’s audio dont work right for when u want it read to u , it jus randomly picks up an speaks random passages an u cant make it read where u want it to read . The second reason which is the main reason , is because it repeats the same daily this app verses which is dissapointing since there are many many verses to choose from in the this app . 4 star for now , but if these changes are made or atleast the daily this app verse then it would be 5 stars for me .

Cool App

I love the functionality of having an app dedicated to a single book. Which gives that open and close feeling that digital copies never seem to provide. The book itself could definitely be a little better though and doesn’t live up to my typical standard for fantastical works of fiction. Perhaps an app copy of the Odyssey could be next?

Believe in god

Best app I’m now trying to get right with god and help others to and if anyone see this what ever is going on in your life that is bad such as divorce Hatred or wanting to commit suicide please don’t because we love you and we don’t want you give up just believe in god with your heart don’t just say it believe that Jesus is lord and he was crucified for your sins its ok just don’t give up or believe in the devil believe in god and Jesus

Great app. I love ❤️ it.

So far that app to me is very nice 👍 I like how it’s organized and stuff but sometimes when I’m reading it there ads popping up, I think it gets annoying. I’m not trying to be mean or anything. But anyways so far I downloaded Bible today and I love ❤️ it I will have to start reading 📖 this everyday in the night because in the morning I don’t have a lot time at all. I want to become closer with God and his son Jesus.

Review on the Bible app

I love it so much Bc I’m a kid and I’m very satisfied with Bible I love Bible so much you should totally get it :) and if you don’t read the this app u totally should start reading it and it’s a good time spent of my day I’m starting this one thing where I’m going to start reading the this app everyday for 30 minutes to 60 minutes and I hope who ever is thinking ab getting Bible ends up getting it I love Bible so much even tho I haven’t even had it for 60 minutes lol😂 but its okay I hope u get it :)

This Amazing App

Thank you for whoever made Bible because it’s really help me getting God better and also other people . If you reading my comments right now . Please download This Amazing App because it will help you Bible is amazing because it has free Audiobooks . And it’s good for Kids around 3 years old .and it can help you know God better . it help I’m sure it can help you too.

Missing verses

Many verses are left out of chapters, or the ability to scroll down and finish reading the verses in the chapter is missing. Trying to send review seems impossible wants nickname to be entered keeps saying that it has already been used and requires me to put in another one! Considering some I have put in I believe Bible just doesn’t want any negative feedback to go through!!! So I gave it one star going to see what happens when I give it 2 stars. Try giving it 3 stars. 4 stars,??

This App Is So Helpful!

The reason why I downloaded Bible is because, I don’t really have a this app for myself to study. I realized that I actually wanted a relationship with both, Jesus and God. God is my the Father and Jesus is the Lord. I’ve let the devil get the best of me, and that is what he wants. So, I decided to get my life together, and start reading the this app, listening to what God is telling me. I try to pray every night and morning but sometimes forget. But I have to keep in mind that both, God and Jesus is by my side and will never leave.

The message

I want to thank you for the daily inspirations app. I catch them on the fly as it pops up on my phone, I do appreciate Bible and share it! Thank you to God in all people believing in the Mission. We’re in this life to create jobs and sustainability . We need all the prayers and efforts we can get as well. I will continue to share Bible and tell people about it as I’ve been connected to it for probably 10 years. Thank you Jason Kill and yes you can share my name publicly. Because the guard faith to achieve the money to create community.

Too bad I can only write in French, but let me try .

Wonder why I celebrate Christmas? When you think about it, our great parent Adam has sinned and God said the wage of sin is death, in order to get forgiven man most pay for his sin, the law of God demands sacrifices as it was the duty of the sovereign sacrificator to offer animals without any default as their yearly offrands, Christ comes in the world as the perfect sacrifice satisfying God’s demand for the forgiveness of sin, it is written, as by one man sin enter the world, likewise by the one man ( The Lord Jesus Christ) salvation and life. About seven years earlier it was said about him (He shall be called Emmanuel, Prince of peace, eternal God.)

Great app!

I just downloaded Bible today because I needed a different version of the this app to read because the other version of the this app was the first app that i had downloaded and then i couldn’t quite break down the words in the other one because it was written in King James type, so.. i thought why not and get a new this app app, see how it works and hopefully i take interest into reading it everyday and yeah! I do recommend getting Bible version if you can’t comprehend the older vocabulary that they used from back then but this is an easy-to-read this app. I hope to stay more connected with god this way! (:

Thank You God For Bringing This App Into My Life...

To Whomever reads this,

I hope this this app app blesses you with the grace, love, wisdom and compassion it has helped me to find daily. I truly love the way Bible sends me just the right verse to help me get through each day. It has been a blessing in what has been a very tough last two years. May the Lord Bless you and keep you in his hands, may he show you the things he loves about you, may he teach you in gentle yet firm ways those which you need to change, and me he always be at your side to love you in both the good times and the difficult ones...


Bible is amazing!!! It’s has the this app itself not just verses you can pick the language of the this app and what this app you want! Other things you can do is highlight stuff in the this app which will save to your highlighted list and you can change the font size! You can also bookmark we’re your at so you don’t get lost! Another cool thing is they send a verse to you everyday in Bible and you can listen to podcasts on that app about god! I definitely recommend Bible!!!

Missing Verses

The Word of God has been painstakingly translated from manuscripts and retranslated into every major language on Earth. How come Bible can’t even get all the verses into its version? They only have to copy from the work others have done, they aren’t reinventing the wheel here folks! Bible is useless to me if I have to literally go to another source to fill in the blanks they have left. Where is Matthew 4:10-4:25? It’s totally missing!!!! God have mercy on those who own this garbage!!!! Wake up people and stop giving Bible good reviews! God’s Word is exalted above all else and Bible is lazily and inaccurately put together!

Missing bible verses!

I just downloaded Bible to see if it was a more modern version of KJV meaning it was still very much like the KJV but only words were a bit easier to understand, re: the thee’s, thou’s, shalt’s, etc... but what I found in Bible is that whole passages are missing. Is this an app error or deliberate?

John 3:16 for instance as missing. Also in 2 Corinthians (those were the only chapters I checked). I mean, whole passages just don’t exist in Bible. Some people may not realize there are verses missing but I did and wanted to make sure you all out there know it too. Get the KJ Holy this app app (where the this app says Holy this app on it) not this one.


Thank you for Bible! This will change a lot of souls! I love Bible but not much as the Holy this app(book). Because the word of God was not made in the technology! He put it in a paper and his most holiest words in the this app. That what make the this app so HOLY!!! I am not saying this is a very bad app! I LOVE Bible because I sometimes lost this app because I am so clumsy! So I downloaded Bible so I could read my Heavenly Fathers word. Thank you for Bible! God bless what you doing! Also nice quality!

Life saver

Great app and easy to access also has a lower rate monthly payment compared to others. If you would love to read the this app with old literature or you’re about to learn old literature, long side of reading your daily convenient this app you could have access to every definition that may is hard to understand with one tab on the word through the application by itself.
Great experience.


Bible is easy to use, makes it simple to follow the this app, the first of its kind where you can use modern technology to write your thoughts and notes directly on the scripture as you go in a digital manner. I highly recommend Bible for everyone! Taking it to church or a group is also great to keep up with notes in a paperless way and so much more!

Bible App Review

I really love the this app. And I live learning about it. Bible gives me the ability to read the this app at anytime anywhere. Bible also will read what ever you want to you. And there are many podcasts and radio stations about the this app to listen to you. The only trouble with Bible are the ads. The ads are really annoying. I really love Bible. It is really great. 👍🏻


This is amazing I am a Christian. My name is Olivia one thing is they need to be longer for 1 it needs to be the whole thing instead of a little and also I was trying to look up something and it was like psalms 119:89 and I can’t go that far. Please feed back.

Thank you,

Is Bible Safe? 🙏

Yes. Bible · is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 237,769 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Bible Is 77.7/100.

Safety Analysis

89.5% of users say app is Safe 👍

8.7% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

1.8% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Bible Legit? 💯

Yes. Bible · is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 237,769 Bible · User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Bible Is 100/100..

🔏 Privacy & Data Safety

Bible collected the following data from you:

  • Data Used to Track You:
    • Identifiers
  • Data Not Linked to You:
    • Purchases
    • Identifiers
    • Usage Data
    • Diagnostics

Payments 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Pricing Plans Amount (USD)
Premium 1 month $7.99
Bible Premium Features $12.99
Premium 1 week $4.99
Premium weekly $1.99
Premium year $29.99
Premium monthly $9.99
Premium 3 months $14.99
Premium 1 month $9.99
Bible Premium Features $39.99
Premium 1 month $14.99

How was your experience with Bible ·? Post a Review


- Access to over 1200 Bibles in all languages

- Daily Bible reading plan

- Audio Bible

- Read the entire Bible

- Keep track of Bible reading progress

- Take notes and highlight chapters

- Night reading mode

- Customize the reading screen

- Subscription for premium account with unlimited Bibles and no ads

- Subscription is $29.99 USD yearly*

- Subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off

- Payment charged to iTunes Account at confirmation of purchase

- Subscriptions can be managed by the user

- Links to Terms of Service and Privacy Policy provided.

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