Rest in Pieces Reviews

Rest in Pieces Reviews

Published by on 2024-03-06

About: Please save all the poor souls that have been trapped in the dream demons
porcelain nightmares. Awake little Georgina from her evil clown dream, weaved
of her worst fears.

About Rest in Pieces

Please save all the poor souls that have been trapped in the dream demons porcelain nightmares.

The objective is to swing fragile porcelain figurines through horrid nightmares without smashing into anything.

Rest in Pieces includes many souls to save, and several frightening nightmares to wake up from.

Awake little Georgina from her evil clown dream, weaved of her worst fears.

Help the drunken pirate Jack Parrot to vanquish the horrible sea monster Kraken.

Save Father Lugosi from Count Draculas bloodthirsty fangs.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 1,907 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Rest in Pieces

- Can be played offline

- Offers different levels to prevent boredom

- Has multiple characters to play with

- Realistic and creepy designs

- Uses physics to create a game about balance

- Has a creepy soundtrack and visuals

- Offers little descriptions when waking up a character

- Offers unique gameplay

- Has many cool characters

20 Rest in Pieces Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Good but a rage game in the later levels

This game is great. I love all the porcelain dolls and the detail given to them, and I love the simple concept of swinging to avoid obstacles. Although, a few issues I’ve found. In the killer clown and kraken levels, this game is fun, challenging, but casual. However, once you get to the Medusa and Dracula levels, it starts to get worse. The obstacles just get way too close, and it gets to the point where it’s almost impossible to get past a level without dying. In these sections, the game becomes more frustrating than fun, and it makes me want to play something else. Anyway, maybe tone down the difficulty a bit in the later levels, and maybe add more story or a story mode, because so far there isn’t much of one, which is too bad, because the story is very interesting. It seems to revolve around Mara in some way? Anyway, I’d also like if you added more levels to the game more frequently. Thanks itatake! This game is amazing.


Great game! I have a few suggestions though

First of all it would be great if you could watch more ads at a time to get more lives. If I ever went into the mountains or something and wanted to play this game, I could only play five times because I can’t get more lives without watching an ad, and I can’t watch an ad without internet. To get around this I’d recommend giving us the ability to choose to watch several ads to get several times the amount of lives. For instance I would voluntarily watch a second and third ad, which would give me 15 lives.

Unrelated to the paragraph above, I’ve been having an issue were it just won’t let me watch an ad. It just goes black for a few seconds and sends me back to the game.

Lastly, I really love this game and some of your guys’s other games, specifically Gumslinger. I can’t wait to see what you guys do in the future!


iOS gaming is still alive...

This game seemingly came out of nowhere. I’m glad I stumbled upon it - almost missed it amongst the heaping piles of garbage that RestinPieces Store has become. It’s a disgrace Apple hasn’t featured this game more instead of the freemium crap they’re normally pushing onto iOS gamers. Word of advice - spend the money for the infinite lives IAP. It truly does turn this into a premium title and gives the dev some much deserved support.

Dear developer(s?) - thank you for this inspired piece of gaming. The artwork is simply sublime, the sound design is excellent, and the overall concept is original and wonderfully creepy. Thank you as well for the recent boosters update - they’re a great and welcome addition to the gameplay. Looking forward to the new levels - I’m sure they’ll be exceptional. 😁👍


R.I.P. deserves to be a popular game! It’s really fun!

This game is pretty fun! And I can name a few things other than fun that are amazing about the game.

1. Can play offline (So you don’t need wifi to just open and play the game, like most games nowadays)

2. You can play in different levels, so you don’t get bored of the game(after unlocking them, but that’s not an issue)

3. 3 figures per level so you aren’t playing with same character in the levels

4. How the game works is very creative(Sleeping souls stuck in porcelain body’s in a forever nightmare and you must open their eyes 3x to save them is a REALLY creative idea)

5. It give players a challenge that won’t be easy, but also not too hard to the point players give up and delete the game

(Also if there can be something in R.I.P. to get more lives without buying the infinite lives thing would be really cool)

I also show this game to my mom and brother, and my brother plans to download the game.(My mom said the game is really cool, btw!)

I’ll be keeping this game for a long while and have lots of fun playing. Can’t wait to see future updates!

Also have a wonderful day!


I’m in love with this game 💌

Let me start off by saying that this game is one of the best mobile horror games I’ve played ❤️ As much as I’m a big scaredy-cat, I’m drawn to playing this game. Don’t listen to the people who complain about the ads; they need to understand that y’all need to make money somehow, lol. As I was reading the reviews, I kind of got mad at how people were complaining about how they needed lives to play. Like, they need to be grateful that they’re playing this magnificent game for free and if they have a problem with it, they can just pay a few dollars for unlimited lives 😤 Anyways, I can’t wait for more updates on this game! I can tell it’s going to make it big 🥰❤️



Rest in pieces made me restart the whole thing now do not have anymore of the things that I got so yeah have fun when you plug in your phone that’s what happened it made
me make me restart and I was sooooooooooooooooo mad 🤬 And I don’t have any of the characters that I got and I also do not have anything that I have I don’t have the The little things that tell you where you’re at like say Georgina that’s beginning and it made me restart again so just give her at the top by name and said you’re not said like 2/3
you’re like whatever so I had that one and oh my goodness so upset so I may as well delete it I mean I’m not hating on the creator but it is just so upsetting because I worked hard on this and oh my goodness gracious took me forever to get two of the three not trying to get and then I plugged in my phone and I want to play


A few suggestions

I like the game. It’s fun, challenging, and unique. But I do have a few suggestions that could be added to the game.

1. Maybe add a checkpoint system? So like, whenever you open an eye, and you break during that section, it brings you back to that point where you opened the eye? It’s honestly super annoying having to restart the level over and over again and having no money to revive or defend yourself.

2. I feel like the level designs could contribute more to the characters. Example: for Alana’s level, the ground should instead be a ocean, with sounds that make it seem like there’s a creature in the water with her. When you open an eye and the kraken starts summoning all those sharks, it should instead be tentacles popping out of the water. Another example could be with Brandy. Instead of snowmen, the “henchmen” could be the silhouettes of wolves or other predators. Snow should coat the entire ground, with mountains and blizzards all around the level.

This is just a few suggestions I have for the game, I really enjoy the game, I just hope you take my suggestions into account. ❤️


Needs just the tiniest touchups but still amazing

I love this game. If you love iPhone skill games, horror, no adds and all of that FREE then you need this game.
The game has almost no tutorial and for good reason because R.I.P. is the definition of easy to learn hard to master. This game also has INCREDIBLE graphics for a phone game and has a simple yet interesting story that makes you really want to complete the entirety of the game. Now with all the bets parts of the game aside there are a few things that did bug me.
First of all, hit boxes can be off. So many times was I very close to finishing and I suddenly would die without even touching anything. For a game where to die in ONE HIT that is very bad.
Second of all, a very basic thing in most phone games where you run out of lives is a timer saying when you get more lives. I don’t know if I just couldn’t find it but I couldn’t find anything in the game about how long till you get more lives.
I might just be nitpicking but those are my problems with the game but a simple update could fix those. Otherwise I LOVE this game and will recommend this to everyone I know.

Thanks for listening :)


Good but could be better

Honestly, this concept is great, and the game is beautiful. However there are some things that i need to mention.

Whats the deal with lives? I feel like they should not be there OR there should be more ways to get them. Its just a drag watching an ad every 5 times you die. That doesnt sound bad but you die A LOT. Also, nightmares kinda feel the same. For example the first 3 souls just feel the exact same. Sure they are harder, but they feel no different. I feel like a new obstacle or two for each level could be fun. Overall different nightmares feel unique.

In the end, i recommend you check the game out. It is an actually GOOD mobile game



Great game but the in-app purchases don’t work (never thought I’d be complaining about that 😂) I LOVE how the ornaments look and the gameplay is challenging enough to keep you coming back for more. I’ll change it to 5 stars when I can buy them unlimited lives. Thanks for an awesome game!

Yes...when after “Double Click to Pay” it says “connecting to store” and then “verification required” (I verify everything) and then I still can’t purchase the infinite lives. I tried another in app purchase on another app and it worked fine. (I’m gonna bump my review to 5 stars cuz I’ve been playing it all day. Really fun game...thanks again!)


Extremely Frustrating

The start of the game was fun, but as you venture further into the game, you get to a point where the game just stops being fun and challenging with the obstacles and careful maneuvering to annoying and extremely frustrating because specifically when you get to the fly it have an annoying amount of excessive, unnecessarily unfair amount of obstacles that you can’t get around half the time, with how fragile the characters are even when you do much as graze an obstacle, you should be giving people two times to use the special ability button.

The game is fun and challenging and requires careful timing and a little bit of planning, but there is a limit with that before it just starts getting completely annoying again.


Best mobile horror game I have ever played!

I got the game when it first came out. Best choice. The graphics are amazing first of all. The design and genre gave me the shivers. I love all the different nightmares and characters. It is easy to collect gems so you can revive. Its fun and addicting. I love scary things and this really made me love this game. Love the idea of having to dodge things as they appear. RIP is an amazing game! Can’t wait to see future levels.

(P.s maybe for a new level you can have a giant worm with that big toothy mouth. Like the ones you see in movies are shows sometimes. Just an idea 😉)


Good game but tiny bug

I love your game, the designs are so realistic, love that, the sounds they’re creepy… AND I LOVEEE IT! But the yeti freezes my screen sometimes and unfreezes when the soul breaks but if you look away from that the game is a cakewalk! But a tiny little request? I kinda want a cutscene of them like, waking up at least? Thank you.
And a idea to make the game more popular, have some designs on the chains to match their personalities. Like for example Georgina, she’s coming out from the rain it looks like so for example her chain could be like uh, raindrops? Bye have a great day!



When I saw this I knew it was going to be good. I was wrong, it wasn’t good... it was great!!! Thank you I ta take for making this game! It can get difficult but never to the point that I’ll start raging. Again thank you so much for making this. I am looking forward to further updates and ONCE again THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Edit: I saw your Easter update and I have to say it looks amazing! I appreciate your hard work on this Easter update. The only thing that is disappointing is the fact that there are only two available characters with the duck design but otherwise I think it is awesome!


A fun spooky game

There aren’t many horror styled mobile games out there, so it’s refreshing to see something like this. It had a feeling of dread through the game with not only its fearful atmosphere and creepy aesthetics, but the backstory of souls being trapped in nightmares, with give a sense of agency. On top of that, the game uses the physics of the weight, shape and size to create a game about balance how far left and right you can go across all of the obstacles, and the generated fields are made to fit around particular characters to make it more fair. It’s an unbelievably fun creepy game that I would suggest to any kind of horror fan.


A Great Game!

Honestly I don’t buy any games for my iPhone at all, I just felt the urge to play something horror-themed.

This game does not disappoint at all! The premise is very very simple, but it requires skill! The design really makes it all worth it! From the creepy soundtrack, visuals, little descriptions you get when you wake up a character, etc. You can tell a lot of thought and care went into this game.

Great job! Can’t wait for more levels and characters to wake and more monsters to face! Keep them coming!



this game is legit awesome, when the porcelain spins I get so much anxiety, this game is also very unique. I stumbled upon it from Tik Tok, I love horror games and movies so much. This ones the one. It has so many cool characters! Although the game might look simple, but I swear, level one is already hard to beat! I love this game so much.

Dear developers,
Wow. Amazing job on this game. I really want to tell you, keep pushing forward! Scary games are the best games out there, it’s something we want to play but we get scared. It makes us concur outlet fears. I hope you would make more horror games!!!


Great yet challenging game! But... lives

Wow! I first saw people playing RestinPieces on sites like Instagram and though, “this seems fun”. I downloaded it and boy it is! The gameplay is addicting and every time you die, you know it was your mistake, unlike a lot of games where you can die and unfair death. My only problem with this game are lives, playing a great game only to get an “out of lives” messages really annoys a person since it hampers their play time. Still though, an amazing game! It deserves more downloads!

Also, going through the reviews, the developers seem to be very kind and social people. Good job!


Best game I’ve ever played so far

I’d like to list off the best things about this game. takes common horror tropes/characters(clowns kraken Dracula ect.)and puts them all in 1 game for a kinda horror fest 2.the souls that need to be saved spin or stay facing forward due to who they are(I.E the drunken pirate spins around and the sailor stays forward). 3.the graphics are amazing!!!!!! Now 1 question:what inspired you to make the game and/or the levels? Great game!


AMAZING AND LOVE IT but one thing

So when you first start the game you swing around with the first skin, after you collected all the 3 eyes and enough gems to buy another skin. But I’m so confused. Why do you have to buy lives for them? And whenever you try to exit the buying lives thing and you give up and just watch an ad, your screen turns blurry (for me) I absolutely love this game, but I don’t like how you have to buy lives. :(

Is Rest in Pieces Safe?

Yes. Rest in Pieces is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,907 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Rest in Pieces Is 63.9/100.

Is Rest in Pieces Legit?

Yes. Rest in Pieces is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,907 Rest in Pieces User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Rest in Pieces Is 79.5/100..

Is Rest in Pieces not working?

Rest in Pieces works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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