Cashinator is the perfect app to share money with friends, sharing costs in the group and recording all you your travel and home expenses: enter each expense in any currency at lightning speed and see immediately how the distribution of money in your group changes, who owes whom how much money and how expensive the trip is for each person in the end.
If you have always despaired of dusty Excel sheets to calculate the correct distribution of money during your holiday when calculating travel expenses with different currencies, this is now over! The only thing you have to do with boring splitting calculations is already done.
Easily split your holiday expenses between your friends and travelers, share and use Cashinator together on all devices without having to log in, register or share phone books anywhere.
* No annoying Excel spreadsheets: Carry all holiday costs from the flight over the hotel to the tasty ice on the beach and keep track of your money and expenses at all times.
* Daily currency converter: Enter your vacation expenses of your journey in US dollar, Swedish krona, Euro or in one of over 160 different currencies.