Waves !

Waves ! Software

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Go fast, fly high and flip your boat !

Top Reviews

By MiChaEl Hyun

For goodness sake! This is not voodoo!

This game is an eye opening experience for those who need some time off from work and stress. Cortisol level is considered to be heavily correlated to certain bodily distinctions such as sore in the mouth etc. This game shows lucidly and vividly what a simple game on a simple everyday device can achieve - a good design by good creators I must assume. Thank you so much for this opportunity to write a review - as a co-creator of art, I cannot thank Voodoo more because I suffer from great anxiety myself, but Voodoo games let me relax a bit and take time to write kind reviews. I am a student of psychology and music, and I hope one day I become a great person who can thrive not on business but good intentions - of which I see in your games. Thanks team effort!

By Floofy Unicorn

Has potential

This game is pretty good, but I do have some suggestions. First I suggest that you should be able to customize your boat! You should be able to make it have different designs, patterns, and colors! Also, I feel like it gets kinda repetitive and boring to keep upgrading the same upgrades on your vehicle over and over. I wish you could add more upgrades. I see a lot of pontential in this game and know there can be a lot of cool ideas added into it, such as more biomes and weather options, or different game modes. One last suggestion I have is to cut down on the ads. I know the main source of this company’s income is from all the ads it puts in its many games. But it’s to a point where almost every time you die you have to watch one. And it’s not just pop ups, they have even snuck an ad of other games they’ve created in the home screen! How sneaky of them! I know that it’s how they make money since the game is free, but I hope they can just cut down a little on the ads because sometimes it makes me frustrated and not want to play the game. Overall the game is amazing and I see a lot of potential in it. It’s great to play when you’re bored and have no WiFi. I also would like to praise how good the graphics are! Just one small suggestion, you should shade the river a little more, the little stuff counts! Other than that, LOVE IT! Good work!

By PlzEnterNicknameLessThan30Long

Great Game, Just Some Minor Things

Ok so I’d like to start off by saying that this is an amazing game company and I love every one of its games I’ve played (definitely go check out Dunes!). This one is a good game too, and I love the concept of it, but there are some small things that I’d like to see fixed. First of all, about once in every five times I begin a run, my boat will get stuck in the first wave and I either have to reload the app or run the boat until my fuel runs out (this also happens further along in a run every now and then as well). The second thing I’ve noticed is that there are small little seams in between the this app that cause the boat to flip at an unexpected time. This is major, considering that any time you go over one of the many seams at a considerable speed the boat unexpectedly jumps (and since the control to flip is the same as the one to gain speed, I end up flipping the boat over and dying ninety percent of the time). Overall, though, I think this game is great but I would love to see these improvements made! Thanks for making all the awesome games you make!🌊🌊

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