Company Name: Foundation Software, Inc.
About: Foundation Software clients can download the FOUNDATION mobile® Field Log app
for iOS devices and log in with an iOS-enabled FOUNDATION mobile® account. To
enable your account for iOS, please have your account administrator contact
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Developer: Foundation Software, Inc.
by Spinxter
There’s no reason why it shouldn’t support grid timecards on iPads. Silly that I can’t remove clock in/clock out feature (unions don’t allow paying time down to the minute, only 15 min increments). Outrageous that you can’t upload a Job File photo until all the previous ones are downloaded and displayed as thumbnails. On a cellular connection this can take up to 5 minutes!
Employees are constantly thinking they submitted their time, only to find out later it never went. Expenses module just plain doesn’t work, and on the rare occasions an expense does get through there’s no way to assign a piece of equipment to it.
This app is worthless (website isn’t much better). Please start over.
by Kel Guapo
From the spinning wheel for the time and date, to the constant log outs, drop time submittals, inability to see submitted time once it’s uploaded, and just the general clunkiness of the whole interface, this app was not made with the final user in mind..
punching in and out of a simple time clock shouldn’t take 5 minutes. Why do I have to wait for my shift/job to complete before putting in my time? Should be one button to start your time, one to stop.
Simple. This thing is over engineered and underperforming and wholly frustrating.
by Kdntoencitb
Should not have been released. Time submitted disappears from one day to the next. Jobs disappear from one day to the next. Employees can’t see what time they’ve submitted for the day. We have to dedicate a full time employee to making sure submitted time is what was actually work, and then making sure it is actually paid for. Worse than terrible.