I love this game! I’ve been playing it everyday since I downloaded it, some time last year. I’ve been playing this classic card game since I were a child, so when I saw it in UNO Store, I jumped on it. However, I do have two issues for me.
1) I think the coin ratio needs to be fixed. It’s already bad enough that it seems like you lose more games than you win, but when you lose games, it seems like you lose A LOT more coins than when you win a game. For example, today, I was playing 2-on-2 in Wild Weekend(x2), I lost my first six games before I finally won about three. In each lost game, I lost no less than 500 coins, and I, nor my teammate, had a bunch of power cards, but in the games I won, I’d only win about 200 coins, and the other team would have an abundance of cards. It’s very hard to continue playing, if you’re constantly losing coins faster than you’re keeping them.
2) I feel like there should be a better way to communicate with your teammates and people on your friends list, other than the little programmed phrases. What’s the point of having teammates and friends, if you can’t communicate with them. I think that would make the gaming experience better.