Touchgrind BMX 2 Reviews

Touchgrind BMX 2 Reviews

Published by on 2024-02-29

About: TOUCHGRIND BMX 2 is finally here! We took the core from TOUCHGRIND BMX, chosen
by Apple as one of the TOP THREE best iPhone games of 2011, and pretty much made
EVERYTHING excessively better. Faster, hotter, bolder, brighter, more creative,
more dynamic, more appealing and unquestionably more EXTREME! The result – the
most elaborate BMX mobile sports game on the App Store.

About Touchgrind BMX 2

Drop off fifty meter rooftops surrounded by skyscrapers in Vertigo, launch off mini ramps and rush downhill on the shady slopes of Montaña Alta, shred the trails on Grizzly Trail or take your chances descending Viper Valley’s narrow ledges literally flying over lethal gaps.

Learn how to master barspins, tailwhips, bikeflips, backflips, 360’s and many other tricks, pump your adrenaline levels to the max and kill impossible trick combos that will rocket your scores sky high.

Decide on real time or slow-mo speed, choose between replay- or bike cameras and generate amazing videos in 720p to impress your friends on any platform you see fit.

CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS or any other Touchgrind BMX 2 loving user and compete man-to-man in DUELS or go all in by joining TOURNAMENTS available in-game frequently.

COMPLETE CHALLENGES and RANK UP, earn shiny trophies for exceptional performance and compare your best scores with other players around the globe or in your own country.

Faster, hotter, bolder, brighter, more creative, more dynamic, more appealing and unquestionably more EXTREME! The result – the most elaborate BMX mobile sports game on the App Store.

TOUCHGRIND BMX 2 is finally here! We took the core from TOUCHGRIND BMX, chosen by Apple as one of the TOP THREE best iPhone games of 2011, and pretty much made EVERYTHING excessively better.

Choose between different frames, handle bars, wheels and seats and spray paint it for that final personal touch.

Crack open crates to unlock additional bike parts, SPECIAL bikes and much much more.

SHARE YOUR SKILLS with the world and let them enjoy your extreme runs for real.

EXPERIENCE INCREDIBLE ENVIRONMENTS riding through dazzling locations around the globe.

** This game is free to play but offers in-app-purchases.

DESIGN and ASSEMBLE your fully customizable BMX.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 127,777 combined software reviews.

600 Touchgrind BMX 2 Reviews

4.7 out of 5


Pay to play

You can unlock maps by gaining adrenaline which is a good Mechanic but you can unlock three levels then for the rest you have to pay irl money I don’t wanna spend money to have fun TouchgrindBMX2 is free and almost everything you have to pay for I completed all the first three map challenges and now the game is boring I can’t do anything because most of the game you have to pay for I have to say the first map was a pain most of the challenges sounded near impossible and were almost impossible it took me days to complete the first map and only that the controls aren’t that bad but sometimes I crash into nothing and lose my multiplier and If I want the high score I have to restart I know it’s how you make your money but at least make some of the map free I don’t wanna spend my money on a game that I don’t play anymore just make more maps free and I’ll be and so will some other people I’m mad because I don’t wanna waste my money and in a game and lose it I wanna save it for something important and can you make some of the challenges easier and les harder idk how to can do it but just find a way in writing this review for my opinion please fix your game it’s a good game no hate but it’s something that I wouldn’t wanna download if I knew that most of the maps you have to pay for fix these problems please.


The game is great with one issue for me. Still 5 stars

I completed the game and did all the challenges. I also got all the diamond trophies for savage and legendary scores on the track. The issue I have is the robotic ranking in the world stats. I watched videos of scores that are like 40 million on stages and they get points without doing flips or doing half tailwhips and getting scores for full ones. I did all my tricks organically, got every trophy possible, and have over 1000 people ranked ahead of me that are probably computerized. I think these fake ranks should be deleted for organic world competition. Again, I love the game. I hope you add more tracks. I don’t like the scooter game as much as this. Feels fake compared to a bike. I don’t care about paying for maps. I’d rather pay for that than have 1 million ads. PLEASE JUST REMOVE THE FAKE SCORES ILLUSION!!!

You only responded to one review, which is probably somebody part of the team, but hopefully, you consider what I have.


Please read

Your game is great right yes but not exactly now you might say why? Because you cant ride backwards like lets say you did a 360 and your bike is facing the opposite way well if you watch those you tubers that do that they ride backwards then lift their front wheel up and to a 180 and this game is all pay to win which there are 3 STAGES that are FREE now your like i cant wait till the next one because soon i will be able to get to a BOUL skatepark BUT it costs money and yet this game is no worthy of spending about up to 20 dollars no this is not a PS4 XBOX PC game and whats bad about those free maps is that they are BMX tracks so you wont be able to ride around and please make it so you can grind because pegs are ugly so why have them on if they’re useless this game is really boring at this time of the game where they want your money for everything yes you want to get better profit but you cant atleast make it so if you want to get a stage quikly thats one way and make them cost like 2 dollars so since this game is boring in these stages of the game i will keep playing ROBLOX skatepark. Thank you illusion labs for reading i hope these ideas will really make this game change.


About this game

Honestly I love this game because you can do what every you want all of the tricks are amazing and fun and there are so many more maps that you actually have to work for this game is extremely in my opinion underrated because it is everything a kid loves destruction flips bikes fun I appreciate all of the time and effort the game creator has put fourth into this game and I hope that he knows this game is awesome and that it is probably the best game i have ever played and the maps and graphics and especially the sound are amazing like that chalky doing when you are going through the ridge on the dirt and sand sounds amazing and you get so much time to do so many more tricks because the further the level the longer the map and I love how you can customize your bike thank you for creating this game and please keep it up and going thanks


Pay to Play

First off I wanna say the controls are great. All the “gestures” to control the bike work perfectly and always do what they are meant to do. The problem is that you need to level up to get new maps and crates and to level up you need to get adrenaline which requires doing tricks in maps. The tricks seem near impossible including 4 tail whips in one jump which is in the ridge. I’ve tried all of the jumps at least 4 times and the closest I’ve got to 4 tail whips is 3 and a quarter. The other trick is a 720 air then a 1080 front flip on the biggest jump which is in the map highlands. (Very first map) The game doesn’t tell you how to “air” and it sounds like a pretty simple move but every time I try to do a side flip or and type of flip all I get is either side flip, backflip, front flip, or nothing at all. This makes it almost impossible to progress through the game to unlock new maps and bike parts. Maybe a slight movement speed increase could help with some tricks. Anyway, that’s all I have left to say so please fix this Incase other people are experiencing the same problem.


Minor fixes

It’s great game but there needs to be more levels you get three of them for free one the third one takes a tooooon if work to get to I don’t have it and I be been playing almost a year. I’ve seen the other levels that cost money and they are sickkkkk they’re so cool but you have to pay a lot of money for them. I know your company needs to make money but not like that you can buy crates and cool bikes. You’re probably thinking the levels are so cool people are just going to pay money but no not really if anything it just angers me the you only get three of them for free and these awesome ,crazy, sweet levels take money and plus if you make them free people will thank you and might buy more of your products. I really want to try these awesome levels without paying so if you could possibly make these levels free everyone would really enjoy this game, but other than that this is a really really good game.


Love the game but pay to play

I love this game!!! I love the idea of it, the whole two fingers being the seat and the handle bars of the bike mmm, chefs kiss. This game give people, at least for me, a challenge and I love the gameplay. Two things I would change about this game though, number one, it was easier to unlock customization for your bike, number two, I wish there was either more free levels or a way to unlock the levels that you have to pay for for free, if that makes sense. Overall great game! Developers did great with it. Edit: just tried out the new 2.0 update! Everything I wanted and more came out, it is SOOOO much easier to get stuff for your bikes and now you can watch adds to play a level that normally you would have to pay for.


Controls and in app $

The Controls are crap they will not work to save the world. Either they don’t register the longest and simplest swipe or they feel a small touch of my pinky and I do a quad opposite tailwhip. Pls fix the consistency of the controls. Given they are cool and hurt my hand a bunch. Also the game is quite empty. Once you have beaten the base game and completed most of the challenges your done or you spend more money for a multiplayer and more levels. It just isn’t rewarding to try and beat the same record. To top it all off you get spammed every second by in app purchases that are still pretty hollow. I have played the game for 4 hours and pretty much beaten it. Not excited about that. The game has a lot of potential but it needs a rework or a completely new game.

Here’s what to change in TG3:
Nicer controls
Customizable paint jobs
Specific challenges to get paint jobs
EX: Call of duty MW
More levels
Level customizer
Training park
Mega ramp
Community made Levels

The in app purchases could be for legendary skins and for cool looking pieces of equipment in the level customizer maybe a few legendary levels that look cool

Don’t deprive people of a good time in your game with bad controls and in app purchases. If the player gets to build there own level the game would be well worth it.

Thank you for listening and please fix these issues.

PS love the game for the biking aspect just can’t stand not being able to land the sick combos while doing a challenge!



This is a good game, love to play. Show my friends and we compete. It’s really fun, but let me get things straight, (THIS GAME IS BROKEN) if you hit anything you go flying 5 feet in the air flipping around and crash. Sometimes it makes you crash from nothing. This game is based on luck you can do the same thing multiple times and end up with completely different results. Flipping is a pain. The stupid bike sometimes doesn’t even flip when you want it too. On vertigo I fell straight threw the floor. Sometimes I regret every penny I spent on this game. Maps are fun challenges are decent and make me go crazy and flip out out of no where. Ive been Trying to complete a simple challenge and I could have completed it a hour ago but now when I play the controls don’t work. This game needs a major update. Please fix all bugs like hitting a tiny stick and getting launched 10 feet in the air. Overall the game gets a three star rating.


Back again

So I don’t actually have TouchgrindBMX2 right now, but it is downloading. So if you’re wondering why I’m writing a review when I don’t even have TouchgrindBMX2 downloaded, I’ll explain. So I started playing this game when my cousin introduced me to it. I honestly didn’t think it would be that fun because all of these cool games that he has are really weird most of the time. But whenever I started playing this one, I really couldn’t stop. I started recording and getting better times all the time. When my iPad broke, I kind of forgot about the game. Now I have a new one, and when I was thinking of the game that I forgot to download, I instantly thought of this game. Honestly, my cousin finally chose a good game to show me. I can’t wait to play it again.


Pretty good game one problem tho

This game is really good and really enjoyable. And it’s not one of those games where you play it for a couple games and delete it. No, you will be playing this game for a while and is honestly pretty addicting (in a good way). In my opinion there is a high skill ceiling but others may think otherwise. I have played this game for a while now and still continue to get better. The only problem is that there are 3 unlockable maps for free, and the rest you have to pay for. It’s only about $3 but still I wish there were more available maps for free. Don’t take this problem seriously though because I really only play on 1 or 2 of the maps and I haven’t been bored yet. Great game


Please add a free play

This game is very fun to play when I’m bored and the combos are nice and fun tricks but can you add more of an online free play and offline free play that all I want because it is very hard for me
And my friends to do some challenges with the reverse bar spin and I want to learn how so can you created many make a free play being able to do any map on free play and still being able to do challenges being able to level up longer and just playing with your friends on a private free play where you and your friends vote on what map to play this game is a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️out of five but can you please add some little features to please and if you do thank you so much


Controls don’t work

I got this game recently, and I went through the tutorial, thinking “ I like this game”. Then, I tried do do a mission that seems so out of place on the first map, the ridge. I needed to do 4 reverse barspins in 30 seconds. There are a couple reasons why I didn’t like this.
1. I don’t even know what it is ( good thing the how to exists)
2. It was WAY to hard.
I kid you not, this was near IMPOSSIBLE. Any time I tried to do the 180 sideflip, I ended up doing a normal barspin. I tried this for half an hour and didn’t clear a single mission. This was map 1. I didn’t get to map 2 or 3 because you need adrenaline to get them, and that means clearing missions. But as we now know, on the FIRST MAP the missions are way too hard. Also, I realized it was pay-to-play. To unlock the next to maps you have to pay $2.99 each to unlock maps with MORE infuriating missions. I would rate this 2/10, would not play again.


Love the game but a few ideas

Hi I love the game so far it is realistic and has a lot of maps but it could be a bit better 1.You should add a freeplay map so you could explore you know and it would be awesome for the game 2.Can you make all of the maps free? i mean there are kids out there playing the game and most of the maps are not free which is a bummer and lastly 3.can you make it so you could make your own tricks and maps its would be a really great update for the game and if you see this please make these changes it would mean a lot for me and all of us

By: Someone


Really good...... but

So I’ve transferred from touchgrind skate to touchgrind bmx and I’ve almost finished all devils leap challenges. But the one devils leap challenge that say you have to get at least 50, 000 points on each jump without crashing is almost impossible. On the ninth jump which is one of the big jumps, it lands on a box and that box is as small as a curb. I can barely do a barspin off that box because I can’t get air and it is tilted down forcing me to the ground. I don’t know why you guys would count that tiny box that you can’t do anything on as a ramp, making it impossible for me to complete the 50,000p each jump challenge because that jump is impossible to, well......... jump. I hope you can change that challenge so that the tiny box is not included.


Controls and more

Ok this game is great but the controls are really hard for me and the way that you do tricks in the how to play are hard to understand so it’s just hard to control and it is really hard I am on one level and you have to redo everything over and over to unlock the next area because you need a lot of xp to get to level 2. It’s just a little boring to keep on doing the same level over again I also did not get a tutorial. So I just had to figure it out by myself. But you do get a check list of things you can do like do a 360 backflip on a ramp. But the good things are it’s pretty fun, easy to customize your bike, and do all the tricks once you figure out how to do them. But this is just what I think so you may like it so I say try it if you don’t like it delete it.


Broken game, read below

I have been playing this game for a couple of years now, and have come to the conclusion that the game is utterly broken. It is simply impossible to do any complex tricks. Every time that I try, theres about a 10% chance it will work, and a 90% chance it won’t. I know exactly how to do the extremely complex tricks from muscle memory, but almost every time that i try, either the bike gets stuck in one position and no matter what i do it won’t move, or my fingers are simply too fast for the game to accurately display what I am trying to do. I see on the world record holders what they do, and 99% of their tricks are luck. some of it is skill, but the rest is simply just luck, because 90% of the time, my fingers are too fast for the game to know what I am trying to do, so therefore the world record holders had about a 0.021% chance of the game accurately displaying what they were doing.


I wish they had or added...

I wish they added map creates instead of having to buy all of them and to level up you half to complete quests maybe instead of that being the only way you can level up you could make it where like if you get a score over 500,000 you get 5 points or something like that. Or if oh get 100,000 or more you get 1 point. My point is instead of making t where you can only level up buy buying things or completing quests there are more ways you can level up and a crate for getting maps. I also don’t know if there is a racing part where you can race poeple and race your friends cause if there is I still can’t find it????


Fun but glitchy

This game is a great foundation to build on, it has the basics and the ideas. However it has many bugs and oddities that can make it frustrating. Now I understand it’s difficult to make complex controls for mobile games and it shows here. The game is inconsistent while tricking, you may do the same trick and get a different result. It’s super easy to crash and loose control. I’ve fallen through floors or just gotten stuck in objects randomly. There’s some more smaller issues I’ve had but their not game breaking, just annoying small things that keep happening. If these bugs get fixed and maybe the tricks made a bit more forgiving and assisted in some aspects, I’d definitely give this game another shot, for now it just has some issues.


Fun Game but major issues

I have played since the start of the first bmx game and absolutely loved it. When I decided to get the next I was very glad it was free and still had content. However when I loaded into the game, I realized everything had a price tag on it. I would preferred to pay a small fee at the start than all of this. Another bigger issue is missions. Either some of the missions are worded wrong or they just don’t register when you do them. If I do a quad tail whip it says I did one and therefore don’t complete the mission. Another smaller thing that bugs me is when you are landing and still bottom up it will switch you 180 causing you to crash. Lot of issues but great graphics and most the flips seem very smooth.


I love the game

I love the game the first time it came out and still love it not, because even if I don’t won’t to play it and can’t find anything else to play than I with play it and as soon as I open the game I’m already in the mood for it and I’ll play it for hours. I hate the computers for the world rank because people grind and grind but don’t even get close to 1000, if you can fix that everyone would love it so much more, I would also like to bring up the pay to play part of the game I’m maxed out on all three maps and diamond on all and grinding ranked on all maps but the same maps over and over get boring sometimes and I don’t want to watch a ad to play it one time when there is so many objectives to reach and get better and better with every death but I’m only a kid with no money and even if I have the money to spend on the game I would personally just suffer till it becomes available with a ad again than spend the money Thank you for listening in

Is Touchgrind BMX 2 Safe?

Yes. Touchgrind BMX 2 is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 127,777 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Touchgrind BMX 2 Is 40.9/100.

Is Touchgrind BMX 2 Legit?

Yes. Touchgrind BMX 2 is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 127,777 Touchgrind BMX 2 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Touchgrind BMX 2 Is 56.6/100..

Is Touchgrind BMX 2 not working?

Touchgrind BMX 2 works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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