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Common Noovie Arcade Problems & Solutions. Troubleshooting Guide


  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at National Cinemedia, LLC, developers of Noovie Arcade.

About this app

Noovie Arcade turns your phone into a portal for augmented reality gaming like no other! - Go on a high-octane race through the Hollywood Hills. - Get spooked by horrific characters lurking in the dark.  Play Noovie Arcade on the big screen before the previews at your local movie theater.  Then, keep your eyes on the theater screen because Noovie will tell you when the game is about to begin.  Point your phone at the big screen to start playing.  Download the game before you go and open NoovieArcade when you sit down.  Play at Regal, Cinemark, most AMC theaters, and many other theaters.