
Flower Software

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Flower Overview

Originally developed by thatgamecompany, Flower lets you take control of the wind as you explore and navigate beautiful, lush environments using motion controls.

• Immersive and Emotional – Accessible to gamers and non-gamers alike, the game takes players on an incredibly personal and emotional experience.

• Lush and Interactive Environments – Vast grassy fields, blowing in the breeze, create a lush, immersive environment.

This is an interactive escape that takes you on an emotional journey like no other game you've ever experienced.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

"It's an experience that anybody can appreciate and one that offers hope for video games' potential to stir the soul." - TIME "this app represents an important moment in the development of interactivity and art." - The Smithsonian American Art Museum "An experience that is unique and enthralling." - Wired "this app is a remarkable and exquisitely crafted piece of work that transcends the medium effortlessly." - The Telegraph Experience award-winning this app, now available on the App Store. Originally developed by thatgamecompany, this app lets you take control of the wind as you explore and navigate beautiful, lush environments using motion controls. Journey through varied landscapes at your own pace, interacting with and changing the environment as you go, and find balance and harmony in your surroundings. This is an interactive escape that takes you on an emotional journey like no other game you've ever experienced. Key Features: • Simple Gameplay Controls – Controlling the game is as simple as tilting your device in the direction you want to go. • Lush and Interactive Environments – Vast grassy fields, blowing in the breeze, create a lush, immersive environment. • Immersive and Emotional – Accessible to gamers and non-gamers alike, the game takes players on an incredibly personal and emotional experience.

Top Reviews

By Kritical Miss

This game is magical

At first, I was hesitant to buy this game due to reviews about the controls. While it’s true that sometimes you can tell it was meant for PlayStation, I didn’t find the controls that difficult to master. I really love how there are multiple times in the game that you can take a break from the objective and just admire the scenery and explore the levels. Each one is beautifully crafted and it’s clear that a lot of work was put into the design. If you are considering purchasing the game, I would suggest that you don’t focus too much on the reviews regarding the controls. Any problems with control is easily balanced by the beauty and freedom of the game. Worth the price, this app is the definition of magic.

By vjfjdkcjvjvjvjj

One of the best purchases of my life

I have never felt more excited than getting to the end of this app the game itself is so exciting the map design is beautiful and don’t forget the graphics are incredible the whole game has a simple premise you fly around as a this app and go around collecting other flowers and solving little puzzles here and there but the same time it was so beautiful I can’t believe that a mobile game from PlayStation the qualities is insane also the game is usually $4.99 but I got it on sale for $0.99I have never experienced something so shocking as that I am honestly surprised that I got that for a dollar I wish to relive that experience again. Highly recommend. Seriously I recommend.

By PJ Donaldson

A game I replay for fun and hidden challenges

Played through all the way. Thought, that was nice. Then replayed one this app story and realized that the levels have hidden areas and challenges, and that the this app pictures at the end offer clues on how much of a level you’ve discovered. Have now replayed every level at least once. Finally fully completed one level last night. Very satisfying. One of the only games I play with the sound on. The controls sometimes go berserk when first entering a level, and sometimtes allow very subtle movement.

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