Why I rate you low, is due to your system of sending me emails to subscribe, when I already HAVE a valid subscription running. That confused my 84-year-old brain. I wondered why you had triggered your emails. I found, when I went to your website, that you sell a number of products and I could not locate what more McAfee could provide me. I believe I left a message there.
I received more emails. Today I used Safari to access the site. There I was to put in email and password. From memory I tried various ones from my past years. The last ones worked. Yes, I have a subscription. Yes I can add a second device. (Kinda odd it was not listed, for I had its icon on my device, already. I wonder if my internet company had caused me to turn off the VPN … didn’t I get locked out from a few links I’d tried to access?)
Anyway, now you see problems we BOTH are creating. Yours: too many emails, and insufficient cross-referencing of email addresses, payment names, or live contracts ignored, etc. Mine: not remembering what email address I used, not remembering just what trade-mark name I purchased when your emails “switch/bait” or morph, and being too old to recall months after purchase that probably turned off the VPN and was not prompted by software to consider turning it back on.